AI algorithm: I figured out the immortal cultivation technique

Chapter 49 I’ll give you another treatment

"The martial arts conference is held every three years. The competitions are divided into junior groups and backbone groups, which are the first to third levels of cultivation, and the fourth to sixth level of cultivation. The martial artist who wins the first place in each group can get rewards from the organizer, and also They are famous. In addition, Bureau No. 9 will also give the top three in each group some precious medicinal materials to assist in their cultivation."

". Generally speaking, it is a gathering for the Chinese martial arts community to sort out the development of existing martial artists."

After hearing the senior's question, Wang Daqi explained the situation of the martial arts conference in detail.

"Well, I'll go take a look when I have time."

Nodding, Wang Ren said briefly, stood up and left.

It is also possible to go to a martial arts conference, meet some martial arts celebrities, expand your network, and increase the sales channels for Qi training pills.

The latter is the key point.

Of course, if the cooperation with Wang Daqi is pleasant, Wang Ren would not mind continuing it, lest the so-called things in the martial arts affect his practice.

"Senior, I wonder if you have any extra heart-protecting pills? I would like to purchase a batch."

Wang Ren was still worried about money before. As soon as he returned home, he received a call from Director Xiao.

"How much do you want to buy?"

Naturally, Wang Ren would not refuse this kind of business that came to his door.

It would be too tiring and a waste of time to go out to make money. It is good to practice alchemy at home.


"Okay, I'll pick it up tomorrow."

"Thank you, senior."

He started four pressure cookers to refine elixirs and spent two hours refining 24 elixirs. Wang Ren continued to practice the ancient method of Baduanjin.

Today, the proficiency level of the ancient Baduanjin method is 84,404, and there is less than 16,000 left, which will allow him to achieve the benchmark for practicing Taoism.

Wang Ren, who has been waiting for so long, is not as proficient as the ancient Eight-Duan Jingan, and still maintains the previous rhythm.

There is no need to rush into cultivating an immortal!

In contrast, Bureau No. 9 is very efficient.

Based on the clues given by Jin Tian'er, personnel from the Beijing Branch of Bureau No. 9 soon discovered traces of an 'evil cultivator' using Gu insects in a villa on the outskirts of the city.


"The Special Administration Bureau handles cases and any unrelated persons who interfere with it will be treated as accessories."

Facing a team of uniformed staff, the ordinary bodyguards of the villa did not dare to interfere and could only let the other party in.

And a certain rich second generation who had just hired a private doctor to treat the 'master' was also caught by the officers of Bureau No. 9. The evidence was conclusive.

As for the 'evil cultivator', he had already received a very severe backlash, and it was normal for him to accidentally suffer.

"Our bureau has always punished this kind of thing severely. The other party's father wanted to find someone to smooth the relationship, and he was warned by the relevant personnel. That's what happened. I don't know what you think, senior?"

Regarding the senior's instructions, Liu Wen, the head of the Jiang Province Branch of Bureau No. 9, contacted the other party immediately after receiving feedback from the Beijing Branch.

In order to get closer to the other party, he didn't let Xiao Lishi convey it.

"Sorry, Bureau Liu."

Hearing that the other party was so efficient, Wang Ren thanked him.

"Senior, you are too polite. If you have anything to do in the future, just give me your instructions."


After hanging up the phone, Wang Ren also took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his girlfriend explaining the situation.

He also has Da Tiantian’s WeChat account on his phone, which was added yesterday.

But for this kind of thing, you definitely can't communicate directly with the other party. As an author of street fighting for many years, Wang Ren still has a lot of theoretical experience.

By the way, Wang Ren talked about the way to completely cure the heart poison in Game 9.

It couldn't be possible. When Jin Meizi went for a check-up three days later, she found that there was no heart poison in her body, and she couldn't explain it at all.

Sometimes, white lies are for a better future.

"Really, I'm in Hengcheng now. I'll send a message to Tiantian right now."

Looking at his girlfriend's reply, Wang Ren asked casually: "Aren't you going back to Hangzhou today?"

"I won't reply. It will take two days. I'll trouble you about the sweet thing."

Because of his explosive popularity recently, Bai Mengyan took on three scripts in one go and rarely had a long vacation.

As a female artist, if you have a good script, you must shoot it first, and you can't waste time to avoid being caught up by others at any time.

Only those female artists who have become capital are qualified to travel leisurely.

"No problem, I miss you."

"I miss you as well."

After finishing the WeChat chat, Wang Ren thought of the skyrocketing balance in his bank card and prepared to speed up the progress of his cultivation.

And accelerating cultivation naturally requires the reconciliation of yin and yang.

If my girlfriend is not here, I can only do the next best thing and ask Jin Mei for help.

"How is the environment here?"

At eight o'clock in the evening, in a certain Mingyue Jiayuan villa area by the West Lake, Jin Tianer smiled and led her best friend's boyfriend to visit her villa.

"not bad."

Regarding this point, Wang Ren agreed.

Both the decoration and the price of this villa are very good.

Although the real estate market has been declining in recent years, the villa area near the West Lake is a scarce property, and prices generally do not drop, and there is no shortage of buyers.

By the way, he saw the negative news about Jin Meizi some time ago. She was defrauded of tens of millions by a scumbag. It can be said that she lost both her life and money. Unexpectedly, she also had a lot of private property.

"It's for you, do you want it?"

Holding each other's neck with both hands, Jin Tianer said with a smile.

"Need not."

Wang Ren calmly refused this kind of gift.

Just kidding, if he accepts this villa, it won't matter. What's more, if Miss Bai finds out, she can't explain it.

People who are cultivating immortals cannot start chaos and give up at will. That is against their conscience.

Furthermore, it’s not like he’s buying now. It’s not like he can’t make enough money to buy a villa.

"All right."

Hearing this expected rejection, Jin Tianer felt happy instead of angry.

She was deceived last time, and now she is a little sensitive to this matter.

Looking back, considering the other party's mysterious martial arts, he wouldn't care about worldly possessions at all.

The way it is now, it's pretty good.

Thinking of what her best friend had told her before, Jin Tian'er smiled mischievously: "Yanyan told me that you found a way to cure the heart poison. Is it surprising that it wasn't cured last night?"

"It's getting late, I'll give you another treatment."

Putting his arms around Jin Meizi's slender waist, Wang Ren lifted her fleshy chin and leaned in domineeringly.

Nearly half an hour later, Wang Ren, who had finished getting dressed, put a small box on the bedside table: "This is a heart-protecting pill. Take one pill every seven days to beautify your skin. However, if you take too much, the yang energy will accumulate too much, and the yin and yang will be lost." The effect is better after blending.”

The latter sentence was specially added by Wang Ren, and it also set the tone for the relationship between the two.

"Balance of yin and yang? Doesn't that require your constant help?"

Lazily supporting his head with his hands, Jin Tian'er looked at the handsome guy who refused to stay here for the night with nostalgia in his eyes.

This is an experience she has never had before in her life!

"Remember not to let Yanyan know about it. Also, if you have other relationships in the future, then we will be in the clear."

Wang Ren, who didn't want to share a gentle hometown with outsiders, said something specifically.

The relationship between the two is limited to this.

"Don't worry, as long as you always harmonize your yin and yang with me, I will definitely not find anyone else."

Regarding this domineering declaration, Jin Tianer was not angry at all and replied obediently.


Listening to such meaningless words of love, Wang Ren left without saying anything.

Anyone who believes in women in the entertainment industry is a fool!

"Humph, man."

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Jin Tianer, who was overjoyed, picked up the wooden box, looked at the six crystal clear white pills inside, and picked one up with some curiosity in her eyes.

A slightly sweet feeling spreads from the mouth, as if there is some kind of heat flowing in the body.

Is this why my bestie’s skin has gotten better recently? ! ! !

"Really no more?"

Two days later, Bai Mengyan, who rushed back to Hangzhou from Hengcheng, accompanied his best friend to Sun's Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic for a review, and got some good news.

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