Due to the difference between the passage of time in the rift and the outside world, Chen Feng only went back a little.

When he saw that his sister had decided on a room and was ready to rest, he turned around and came to the throne hall.

Anyway, due to the outbreak of the dimensional rift, Tianqin Academy is still on vacation.

It will be two or three months before school starts.

Soon, five days had passed in the rift.

After Chen Feng's army simply cleared the passage of the fourth layer, it was already waiting at the spatial coordinates.

In the past few days, Chen Feng summoned many more soldiers.

In terms of scale alone, it has reached a level similar to the number of troops in the Void Dragon King's intelligence.

Even faintly beyond.

During this period, the children of the family who were trapped on the first to second floors had already either died or were captured alive by Chen Feng's subordinates.

Anyway, now the Ministry of Magic doesn't care if they live or die.

But how to deal with these guys will depend on the follow-up situation.

At this time, Xiao Ai called up the flat map on the side.

She was given ten percent of the authority to the core of the maze by Chen Feng, and she could also carry out this special operation.

"Master, then I'll repeat the battle plan again..."

Next, Xiao Ai briefly reviewed the deployment.

After listening carefully, Chen Feng couldn't help but nod.

"Okay, that's it, now it's time to give the battle order."


Under his orders, Xiao Ai gave instructions to the warriors as the chief of the Raven Labyrinth.

But now that the soldiers are being sent, who should the generals choose to suppress the formation?

At present, Gong Tu is still performing a decoy mission in the depths of the fourth layer.

Xiao Ai has to coordinate the overall situation beside him.

Do you want to send Phyllis over?

At this time, Chen Feng couldn't help but glance at the elf in the shadows behind him, and a bad thought rose in his mind.

"Hehe, Phyllis, didn't you keep saying that you would be completely loyal to me? Good! I'll give you a chance now, and I'll let you come to the frontline commander of the battle against the Void Dragon Emperor this time. "


Phyllis was shocked when she heard this.

Chen Feng's move is to completely cut off her back road!

If you agree, you will meet your old club on the battlefield at that time, and I'm afraid you will be considered a traitor if you don't even have a chance to explain.

Phyllis wasn't afraid of death, she was thinking of something else.

He immediately fell to his knees and pleaded

, "No, master, king! It's a great honor to have Phyllis in command of the battle, and to trust me so much, but I still have my clan living in the Void Dragon Emperor Rift.

"If they meet on the battlefield, then they will definitely be more than lucky!"

Chen Feng heard this, but he did not relent.

Phyllis is entirely to blame for the consequences he is today.

And not worthy of sympathy.

Now that he has ignored his past suspicions, he is already very merciful.

And this guy still has to bargain with himself, and he simply doesn't recognize the reality.

"If I say it, I won't say it a second time!"

"As for your people, when the Void Air Regiment is destroyed, I will naturally go to their side to help you rescue you, don't test my patience again!"

When Phyllis heard this, her heart was completely cold.

He understands that the current outcome cannot be changed.

Now, we can only hope that Chen Feng can win this war.

Only then can his people have the last glimmer of hope.

With a bitter expression on her face, Phyllis finally swallowed the bitter fruit of her own brewing.

"Yes, Great Shadow King, Phyllis obeys your orders..."

The spatial coordinates of Phyllis's first report.

At this moment, in the center of this long-abandoned temple, a violent spatial aura was raging everywhere.

In the next second, a pitch-black crack shattered and extended.

Countless pairs of scarlet eyes appeared in it!

The mighty army began to walk out of the stable Void Gate one by one.

This army of monsters is a mixed bag.

Minotaurs, boar men, goblins, and even humans....

But no one will doubt their combat effectiveness.

Because, this is the Rift Overlord, the legion under the command of the Void Dragon Emperor.

These guys are all elites who crawled out of the pile of dead people and survived to the end after layers of screening.

At this moment, the originally silent temple was filled with smoke and dust.

The last to emerge were tall skeletal figures and masked terror puppeteers.

"When I arrived, I didn't expect this place to have a somewhat familiar taste."

Shaking the huge white bone skull, the soul fire of the bone demon zar seemed to brighten a little.

"It is indeed the breath of the undead, it seems that there are still many of your kindred here, but I don't know if the Lord of the Ravens has recovered them and used them as an army."

The puppet master's words made many people around him secretly troublesome in their hearts.

It's not because the undead are powerful.

If that's what it says, it's almost endless enough for them to drink a pot.

Generally speaking, the strongest among the undead are except for the Black Knight, the Bone Giant, etc., which are extremely warlike in life.

will not easily appear in front of people.

The tactic of using a huge sea of bones to wear down the opponent is an extremely disgusting and helpless method for the enemy.

After all, low-cost skeleton zombies really cost as much as they wanted.

"I hope it's not like you say."

Zal's eye sockets flickered, as an undead clan, he naturally knew very well the way of fighting of his kind.

Courage, fear, mercy... The basic qualities of these normal creatures are not reflected in the undead.

The low-level undead will only mechanically follow the commands.

Kill every living person he sees!


At this moment, someone heard what seemed to be a small sound not far away.

A goblin looked curiously into the darkness of the temple.


But the next moment, a rusty arrow with a broken feather came at it.

However, despite being a battle-hardened warrior, the goblin raised his hand at the last minute to pick up his weapon to block the attack.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The

goblin roared loudly.

The surrounding Void Corps soldiers hurriedly formed a formation and waited for it.

Soon, the worst they had expected happened.

In the boundless darkness that surrounds the temple.

The sound of joint collision accompanied by a 'click' sound.

Countless hollow eye sockets with soul flames began to emerge from them.

Originally, this place was located at the depths of the fourth floor, but it was only because it was once a high-level temple that allowed Phyllis to find the best spatial coordinate point.

But she was so focused on completing her mission that she ignored the almost endless skeletons of the undead around this place!

"Damn! I didn't expect the Lord of the Ravens to really lead the undead army! There is definitely a great lich under him!

Xiu's mouth couldn't help but burst into obscenity.

He knew very well that once he fought the undead army, it would be endless.

Now we have to find a way to break through from here.

It is best to be able to smash the Yellow Dragon and find the location of the Lord of the Ravens in one fell swoop in order to change the status quo.

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