(Please ask for flowers, ask for votes, ask for customization, ask for everything!)

"The cowboy country player [Adam] won the second place in the strongest territory and will receive the following rewards: 500 billion basic resources, Tier 5 arms*1, Mythical equipment treasure chest*2..."

"Xia Guo player [Thunder Wanjun] ranked third in the strongest territory..."


"Xia Guo player [Yong Ye] won the first place in the strongest arms list, and will receive the following rewards: 100 million basic resources, random arms chest*3, epic equipment chest*5, leader refresh card*80, equipment Strengthening stone *500,000, skill stone *10,000..."

"Xia Guo player [Yong Ye] won the second place in the strongest arms list, and will receive the following rewards: 50 million basic resources, random arms treasure chest*2, epic equipment treasure chest..."

"Xia Guo player [Yong Ye] won third place on the list of the strongest arms and will win..."

The reward settlement of the rushing activity, the top ten players on the full server will be announced on the full server.

Two rushes, that is, 20 announcements.

Among these 20 times, 6 times belonged to Lin Chen alone.

The first place in the strongest territory and the first to fifth places in the strongest arms will burst.

If not for the strongest arm, a lord can only occupy a maximum of five places, otherwise Lin Chen can get more world announcements.

In addition, it is equally shocking that the strongest arms are ranked further behind.

The top twenty are all Lord Xia.

All units of rank 5 and above.

Twenty to one hundred, also Lord Xia.

All Tier 4 arms.

On the other hand, foreign lords, even those military representatives who gather the power of the whole country.

The highest ranking is also behind the one hundred.

This is not just about the amount of reward settlement.

It was even more cruel and inhumane, as well as the shame of Chi Guoguo.

And the one who made this feat was Lin Chen.

He alone, ying has changed the pattern of the entire game.

Let Xia Guo take off, far surpassing other countries.

It is conceivable that these foreign lords now resent Lin Chen.

The chat channels of the whole world are full of verbal criticisms of Lin Chen.

"The strongest territory is the first, the strongest units are the first to the fifth, Fak squid, hang on the wall forever, it is hateful."

"Axi, the top 100 are all Xia people, this is our shame!"

"Baga, I blame the bastard Yong Ye, he subverted the rules of the game, Damn it too much."

"If I can, I will twist off Yong Ye's dog head and press it into the toilet."

The appearance of these news left Lin Chen speechless.

f*ck, Laozi is just an exchange of some money to recharge the game.

Are you slandering me like this?

Believe it or not, when waiting for the national war, Laozi will rub you all on the ground?

With a long sigh, Lin Chen closed the world chat channel.

He doesn't have the idle time to talk nonsense with these people.

Because it makes no sense at all.

Their exports are dirty, they verbally criticize.

What does it only mean?

It means they are angry.

This is just their act of venting their incompetent anger.

You can't crush and insult others, so let's not scold them!

Anyway, cursing a few words will not be less meat, more serious.

However, Lin Chen would think so, but it didn't mean that other lords of Xia would think so.

After this month-long operation.

Lin Chen has successfully captured a large number of Xia Guo players as fans.

Now, these guys saw their idol Yong Ye boss being scolded, and suddenly became angry.

Forming cliques, one after another flooded into the world's chat channels.

Begin to scold the foreign lords.

"Who does the foreign dog say? It doesn't matter if you have bad breath, but it's your fault if someone else is sick."

"A group of lemon essence, you deserve to be crushed, what's the matter with our Yongye boss surpassing you, there is a kind of you to bite us!"

"My hometown, Zu'an, my parents are not there. I haven't lost in terms of scolding. Come on, foreign dogs, pretentious!"

Suddenly, the entire world chat channel became a battlefield of saliva.

The fight was very intense.

This left the cutting-edge lords of various countries extremely speechless.

At the same time, I felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards Lin Chen.

Why is this guy so influential?

Lin Chen has closed the world chat channel.

Out of sight out of mind.

Now that the resources are in place and the rewards are in place, it's time to digest the wave.

If you guessed it correctly, the second month of the event will start soon.

By then, there will be no time for the rioters to upgrade.

Let me talk about the rewards for the settlement of this rushing activity.

It is roughly as follows:

Basic resources: 340 million, food: 34 million

Tier 6 arms chest*1, random arms chest*9

Mythical equipment treasure chest*3, Epic equipment treasure chest*12

Leader refresh card *320, Forbidden Curse Scroll *320

Equipment strengthening stone*2.2 million, skill stone*64,000, hero advanced gem*3

Lord’s Soul*500, Racial Essence Chest*300

Earn blood!

So, the rushing activity is the fastest activity with resources, and it’s not wrong at all.

It's very Nice!

However, this is not the limit resource Lin Chen can get now.


Because the second month is approaching, the gift pack of the recharge system has also been refreshed.

New monthly card, new monthly package, and new growth fund.

These are things that can be purchased once a month.

The price is super high, how can I miss it.

As for the summer coins used for recharging.

The wave of equipment and arms sold last night gave Lin Chen a total of 210 million yuan.

It is completely enough to buy these gift packs.

Needless to say, taking advantage of the money and time now, I bought them all.

"You bought a monthly pass and cost 10 million Xia Yuan."

"You bought a monthly gift pack, costing 20 million Xia Yuan."

"You bought a growth fund and cost 100 million Xia Yuan."

"You bought the Skill Stone Fund and cost 30 million Xia Yuan."

"You purchased the Equipment Strengthening Stone Fund, which cost 30 million Xia Yuan."

Smashed 190 million yuan, harvested two gift packages, three funds, and it was cool.

Don't be too expensive, because all the gift packages and funds have been upgraded after the opening of the second month.

Become richer than before.

Absolute value for money.

Monthly card, get it!

"You received today’s monthly card, and you received 5 million basic resources, 500,000 food, random troop chests*1, epic equipment chests*1, equipment strengthening stones*10,000, skill stones*2000, and civilian refresh cards*5, Lord's Soul*20."

Then comes the monthly gift pack.

"You have opened the monthly gift pack and obtained 50 million basic resources, the seventh-tier arms treasure chest*1, the mythical equipment treasure chest*1, the leader refresh card*100, the race essence treasure chest*100, the Lord’s soul*100, and the equipment strengthening stone *500,000, skill gems *30,000, hero advancement gems*3."

Then there are three funds.

【Growth Fund】

Day 1: Basic resources 10 million, food 1 million, leader refresh card*10, curse scroll*10, race essence treasure chest*10, lord’s soul*10. "

Day 2: Basic resources 20 million, food 2 million, leader refresh card*20, curse scroll*20, race essence treasure chest*20, lord’s soul*20. "

Day 3: Basic resources 30 million, food 3 million, leader refresh card*30, curse scroll*30, race essence treasure chest*30, lord’s soul*30. "

Fourth day:...

【Equipment Strengthening Stone Fund】

Receivable on the first day: basic resources 3 million, equipment strengthening stones * 50,000

Available on the second day: basic resources 4 million, equipment strengthening stones *100,000

Receivable on the third day: basic resources 5 million, equipment strengthening stones *150,000

Fourth day:...

【Skill Stone Fund】

Can receive on the first day: 3 million basic resources, 1,000 skill stones.

The next day can be received: 4 million basic resources, 2,000 skill stones.

Can receive on the third day: 5 million basic resources, 3000 skill stones.

The fourth day...

Relatively speaking, all gift packages and funds after the update are much richer than the first month.

It's worthy of the price.

Now, Lin Chen has received all the rewards he can receive.

So next, it's time to turn these resources into strength.

First check the resource reserves of God's Domain Territory, as follows:

【Holy area】

Level: 20

Alliance: None

(Of money)

Subordinate territory: None

Population: 880,000/980,000

Daily output leader: 10000

Classes that can be transferred: Popular Archer, Griffin Rider, Raging Blood Orc, Dwarf Miner, Burst Earth Dragon, Soul Eater, Dragon Hunter, Shadow Stinger

Wood: 100 million

Quarry: 100 million

Iron ore: 1.41 billion

Gold coins: 550 million

Food: 65.322 million

Upgrade requirements: wood, stone ore, iron ore, 750 billion gold coins, Lord's Soul*100

The reserves of timber, quarry and iron ore are close to 1.5 billion.

There are more than 500 million gold coins.

So next, rioters?

No, no, the rioters are just the second step. The first step is to upgrade your territory.

Because of the level 20 territory, the population has almost reached the full quota.

If you want to continue the violence, you must upgrade your territory.

The upgrade of the territory after level 20 not only uses the four basic resources of wood, quarry, iron ore, and gold coins.

The soul of the lord is also needed.

And it is required at every level.

The output of the Lord's Soul can be obtained by opening treasure chests, rushing to the list, and killing the boss.

But even so, more than 99% of the lords, the soul of the lords will not be enough.

Therefore, after the territory reaches level 20, the upgrade speed will be greatly reduced.


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