Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 583 The Glamorgan Family

The Winter Army entered Naboo, taking a key step into the world of Star Wars.

From this moment on, the Kingdom of Winter officially joins the galaxy’s hegemony game.

Like most of the time, David, the Winter King, does not need to personally pay attention to this battlefield at all. He has many politicians in the Temple, the Galactic Empire, and the Galactic Republic, and the leaders of the resistance forces who have failed but failed. Anakin Skywalker, dissatisfied, firmly stood on the side of the Kingdom of Winter and became the spokesperson of the Kingdom of Winter in the Star Wars universe.

As the fiancé of Queen Padmé Amidala, he has the full support of the Naboo people.

As for the resistance from other members of the former Galactic Republic and the leaders of the resistance, he ignored them all.

A group of insects, he didn't pay attention to them at all.

I don’t know if it was the subsequent continuous battles that inspired his talent. Anakin soon showed his extraordinary quality and domineering, and gradually grew from the representative of Naboo and Winter City to the representative of the Winter Kingdom and Naboo. Commander-in-Chief of the United Armed Forces.

He led the increasingly powerful Winter Army, as well as the Naboo soldiers trained with the help of Winter City, and fought back and forth with the Imperial Army under Palpatine's rule.

Even after a period of development, it gradually gained the upper hand, and its power gradually expanded outward from the star field where Naboo was located.

At this time, the Winter Army no longer simply conducted combat training with the Imperial Army, but began to systematically occupy and rule the major life planets in the galaxy, requiring these planets to surrender allegiance to the Kingdom of Winter.

Many forces in the galaxy finally realized at this time that the so-called Winter Army led by Anakin Skywalker, a former Jedi Knight (who had been expelled from the Temple), was not simply resisting the rule of the Empire, but also wanted to The 'evil forces' that rule the galaxy.

"I didn't commit massacres and didn't persecute ordinary people, so how can I be evil?" David heard that the Star Wars world was developing very fast, and there was nothing going on recently. After feeding everyone until they were full, David came over. have a look.

He was surprised to find that although it was his first time visiting the Star Wars universe, his name was already resounding throughout the galaxy.

Although Anakin is the fiancé of the Queen of Naboo and the commander-in-chief of the combined forces of Winter and Naboo, he has not changed his title and status casually. The king of the Winter Kingdom has always been David Glamorgan. This cannot be changed.

I don’t know if it’s because they fought too many times with the Imperial Army, but the soldiers of the Winter Army have also been infected with some bad habits. From time to time they like to shout: “For His Majesty Glamorgan!”

Then they launched a charge without fear of death. Even if there was only one Winter Soldier left, they dared to charge against thousands of Imperial Stormtroopers and caused heavy casualties to the Imperial Army.

This kind of fighting style and strong combat power that is not afraid of death (people in the Star Wars world still don't know that the Winter Soldier really can't die) left a deep impression on many people.

Likewise, His Majesty Glamorgan's name spread throughout the galaxy.

When the remaining politicians and rulers of the former Republic, as well as the resistance forces they supported, discovered that the Winter Legion was not from the same group as them, they would naturally carry out some smear campaigns.

Rumors of brainwashing and control have also spread throughout the galaxy.

"In addition to those rubbish, Palpatine also contributed to the flames, so..." Anakin has seen through it now and doesn't think this is anything, especially the planet occupied and ruled by the Winter Kingdom. As time goes by, As time went by, these rumors were gradually exposed. Not only did the people living on these planets not suffer any oppression, the Winter Army was even helping them improve their lives.

It can be said that under the rule of the planet occupied by the Kingdom of Winter, living standards have skyrocketed. Not to mention the period of empire rule, even the period of republic rule, the people have not lived so easy.

Therefore, what the people want!

The resistance and the empire did send spies to infiltrate, sabotage and spread rumors. Unfortunately, their skills in this regard were not very good, and they were easily picked out by the Winter Intelligence agents.

"Now, the only problem that restricts the Winter Kingdom's continued expansion is not that we cannot defeat the opponent, but that we do not have enough manpower to support the occupation of such a huge star field."

Anakin felt very sorry. He thought he could completely destroy the Empire and the Republic within ten years, and clean up all those corrupt, useless politicians and villains who were not doing their jobs.

Please ask the Winter Kingdom to send people to govern and train more officials, so that the entire galaxy can enter an era of true peace and happiness.

However, the Milky Way is too big. With the current size of the Winter Kingdom, it is difficult to eat it in one bite.

"Then eat slowly. Anyway, you have enough time to transform the galaxy into what you dream of."

As the war progresses, Winter City and Naboo have become closer and closer, and Queen Amidala has decided to give up the throne and allow Naboo to be officially merged into the Kingdom of Winter.

At present, Naboo is not only an important commercial hub planet in the galaxy, but also the connection hub between Brunia and the world.

Because of its special geographical location, Naboo will become an important city in the Kingdom of Winter. It will have huge development prospects in the future, and the residents of the entire planet will benefit from it. Padmé feels that her decision is very correct.

As for the Winter Kingdom being a dictatorship?

The Galactic Empire, the Galactic Republic, and countless resistance armies, large and small, have proven with practical actions that it is not the system that determines everything, but the ruler himself.

After seeing the situation in the Winter Kingdom, as well as in Red Alert, The Matrix and other worlds, Padmé Amidala was very convinced of this.

Moreover, after joining the Winter Kingdom, I unexpectedly gained a half-sister, which was a really novel experience.

In fact, there have been more and more people who feel similar to Padmé Amidala over the years.

As Winter City develops and establishes connections with more and more worlds, situations such as twins and multiple births gradually become less unusual.

Fortunately, there are still various differences between these people. People who are familiar with them can still tell who is who, but there will be no confusion.

However, David still deliberately carried out some controls to minimize the occurrence of multiple births, or reasonably used the 'humanoid positioning' function to 'fuse' these parallel universe homotopes into one person.

Anyway, Winter City is now connected to enough worlds, and these worlds are enough for him to slowly conquer for a long time.

What's more, continuing to connect more worlds will synchronize the time flow of countless worlds with that of Winter City. He will miss many things. When he wants to go see the fun and cause trouble in the future, he will find that there is no fun to watch. Then How depressing?

So, keep some worlds in hand and connect them later when needed!

At the moment, apart from competing with Palpatine for galaxy supremacy in the Star Wars universe, the most interesting thing David finds is cultivating the little brat Azeroth.

Since he fully mastered Brennia's power and connected to many worlds, taking his power to another level, David has found that he can do more and more things.

This includes waking up Azeroth in advance.

This is a completely different way of awakening from the Titans in the world of Azeroth, and it is closer to my own situation - although at the beginning, it is similar to ordinary humans (or other races), it has great potential and progress. speed.

The most important thing is that Azeroth doesn't have to be like now, sleeping in a daze and being bullied by all kinds of weird things, but he can't do anything about it.

When David asked what Azeroth meant, Azeroth decisively agreed with David's suggestion: wake up directly!

Thus, the elf girl named Azeroth and nicknamed Xiao Ai, Ai Jiang, and Aisi was born.


As soon as Aisi was born successfully, her first words after opening her eyes gave David a critical blow!

The relationship between the two was locked up from the perspective of rules, and even his appearance was made to look like the product of David and Sylvanas.


David, who was inexplicably happy to be a father, took his precious eldest daughter and started his leveling routine from scratch, from Yongsong Forest to Elwynn Forest.

From Silvermoon City to Stormwind City, from Lordaeron to Ironforge.

From Azeroth to Yanela, and from Arendelle to Konoha Village.

These places have left the footprints of father and daughter, as well as all the mothers. When Ais gradually grew up and her strength gradually reached the standard of a Titan, David, the father, raised his arms and called Ais' mothers. Let's start cleaning up the remaining ancient gods, the strike Titan guardians and other messy 'outsiders' in the world of Azeroth.

During this joyful cleaning process, David found time to develop a new form of reinforcement.

Contrary to his own and Azeroth's 'birth method', combined with the Sarkan Empire's artificial protoss technology, he can transform those around him into titans with the same life form as him.

"In this way, we can all be together for a longer time."

Seeing no reaction from everyone, David continued to introduce the benefits of becoming a Titan: lifespan aside, youth will last forever!

At this time, everyone was a little tempted. After David introduced the benefits and explained the general method, they found that they only needed to find a suitable life planet to become a Titan, and it would not affect their current daily life. , all agreed.

For example, Eva, Helen, and Sansa have their own ready-made worlds (planets), so there is no need to spend extra time to find suitable planets.

Cheng Leer and Gwen were curious about another thing: after becoming a Titan, will they be on the same level as David in terms of physical fitness, and will they not be bullied by him in the future?

When the time comes, will the one who can't bear it become David?

David smiled and said nothing, and began to think in his heart whether he had made a wrong decision?

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