Age of Adepts

Chapter 1319 Fried's decision

The more Greem thought about it, the angrier he became.

But he never bowed his head and thought about it. If he hadn't forced him so hard, how could Fried have shown all his trump card trump cards.

Fried himself was no more than a fourth-level intermediate, and as his lifespan approached, his strength declined instead of rising, showing signs of weakening. Moreover, the forced integration of Keslinburg is not without cost, and the cost is so great that Fried has to think twice.

After Keslinburg is activated, its power source is provided by a magic source somewhere underground, and it cannot leave the range of five miles from this leyline node. Moreover, every time Fried forcibly merges with Kirslinburg, he has to pay the price of a hundred years of life.

To be honest, Fried really couldn't afford such a price!

Now he is seven or eight hundred years old, and the remaining life is less than two hundred years. If it takes another hundred years, it means that he will soon usher in the end of his life.

It is precisely because of so many worries that even though Fried has researched this method to push his strength to the peak level of Tier 4, he has never dared to really try it.

Even if the Crimson Fleet reached the place where the Entom family originated this time, Fried still hoped that he would be able to repel the opponent with the activation of the castle, instead of forcing himself to merge with Kirslinburg. Until the last moment of last resort, he really didn't want to make such a decisive move.

As if seeing Fried's embarrassment, Greem's hands glowed red, his lips moved slightly, and he silently spread a few words.

Soon, the moving magic puppet dragon clang clanging below the Crimson Fleet sped up its speed, surpassed the magic weapon group, and strode towards Keslinburg who had been activated into a giant life form.

And it wasn't the only Tier 4 creature that played.

Above the sky, a loud and clear dragon chant resounded.

On the edge of a huge floating ship, the smooth and perfect body of the 4th-level Thunder Lord Amus appeared. It opened its mouth and let out a dragon roar, spreading Peiran's dragon might all over the world, and then it slapped the dragon's wings suddenly, and swooped down from the giant ship at high speed.

Tier 4 war magic equipment plus a Tier 4 dragon lord...

In the towering Keslinburg, the old-faced, hunched Fried was sitting on a tall stone chair, rubbing his hands against the strange crystals inlaid on the left and right armrests, so as to control this huge Giant life form.

Seeing a formidable opponent rumbling from the ground and diving down from a high altitude at high speed, the blood on Fried's face slowly faded, he looked down at a rune crystal hanging on his chest, and gritted his teeth for a long time I didn't make up my mind either.

In the end, he gave up the urge to fit together, grabbed the two central control crystals, and started to fight back violently.

At this time, Keslinburg was like a gigantic monster. With a roar, his two extremely thick stone legs stopped suddenly, and rows of thick stone pillars rose up on the route of the magic puppet dragon's charge. blocked the opponent.

And it took advantage of this time to wholeheartedly guard against the Tier 4 dragon that was diving at high speed.

The activated Keslinburg has a size of a kilometer, and the 4th-level Thunder Lord Amos is only 35 meters long when fully unfolded head to tail. But Fried was fully alert, as if he was facing a big enemy.

There is no other reason, only strength!

Although the activated Keslinburg is huge in size, his strength is astonishingly high. Such a behemoth is naturally unstoppable and devastating against middle and low-level creatures like a god. But once facing a powerful opponent of the same level, he will find a gap to enter because of his inability to move.

Keslinburg is powerful, but it's useless if he can't hit the enemy!

Under Fried's control, Keslinburg stood up like a ferocious monster, and his two thick legs swept across like an upside-down mountain. Although its movements are slow and sluggish, its huge size and violent power make its every move carry an irresistible wild hurricane.

Ordinary magical creatures would be crushed instantly even if they were swept by the edge of the violent hurricane, let alone being hit by a giant leg.

And at this time, the terrifying power of a top predator like a Tier 4 dragon will be revealed!

The 4th-level thunder lord Amos was like a blue lightning dodging between the two giant peaks, and the violent thunder scattered around him turned into electric dancing silver snakes, jumping and flashing between the giant peaks.

Every burst of power can split tons of gravel from the rock pillar.

Throughout the upper body of the ferocious giant beast, the clattering rain of rocks almost never stopped.

A ferocious monster with a size of one thousand meters and a giant blue dragon with a body length of thirty-five meters, the size of the two sides are very different, looking from a distance, it looks like a mastiff dog is constantly chasing and biting a dragonfly. It was obvious that the ferocious behemoth had the absolute advantage in all aspects, but after a fight, it was Keslinburg who suffered losses and injuries.

Level 4 Thunder Lord Amos also intentionally or unintentionally concentrated his attack on Keslinburg where the head of the ferocious monster was located. Unfortunately, the opponent was very guarded, and his two thick forelimbs kept chasing after him. In many cases, it would rather use its giant claws to block the attack of the Thunder Dragon than a speck of lightning to fall on Keslinburg.

The two sides fought fiercely like this.

The giant dragon's breath was swift and concentrated, and its power was mid-to-high even among most fourth-level magical creatures.

The 4th-order brontosaurus flew around the body surface, bathed it with the terrifying lightning dragon breath, and even the steel rock condensed by Keslinburg turned red and heated under the bombardment of the ultimate force, and then Softened into flowing liquid lava, it was stripped from Keslinburg's huge body.

With just one long and violent dragon's breath, Keslinburg was successfully slimmed down by the opponent. Although it was almost unnoticeable that the body was nearly a thousand meters thinner, it was still so painful for Fried who was in control of Keslinburg.

As a result, the ferocious behemoth became even more ferocious and tyrannical in its bite!

However, at this moment, the magical puppet dragon, which was walking all the way, had smashed through dozens of stone pillars blocking the way, and rushed to the edge of the battlefield. The two terrifying magic cannons on its back opened fire in a row, and the hot red fireballs bombarded the body of the ferocious giant beast, exploding into large groups of fireworks.

Tons of rubble and rocks poured down like mudslides, and the horrific scene was heart-stirring.

Encountering the opponent's upper and lower pincer attacks, the ferocious giant turned around, gave up on the giant dragon, and suddenly rushed towards the magic puppet dragon. And the magical puppet dragon, which was still going forward before, was also surprising. It even retreated without a fight.

The huge and ferocious beast stopped after only a short distance, and then rushed back again, as if it didn't dare to stay away from the huge pit it crawled out of.

Seeing this scene, the wizards of the Crimson Family naturally guessed that there must be secrets hidden in the giant pit that the other party did not want to know. So a number of floating giant ships began to move forward slowly, joining the ranks of besieging Keslinburg with mana cannons.

A series of powerful light beams imbued with terrifying energy, one after another screaming magic energy missiles, pieces of swift and violent witchcraft that are as bright as fireworks... almost instantly submerged the huge stone body of the ferocious giant beast .

Inside the raised head of the ferocious giant beast, the wizards of the Entom family hiding in Fort Keslin fought back bravely with their witchcraft, gnashing their teeth.

Brilliant and ferocious sorcery intertwined in mid-air, exchanging terrible injuries with each other.

In such a terrifying battlefield, those low-level wizard troops couldn't intervene at all, and could only be squeezed out and strangled with the magic weapon battle group dozens of miles away. Only those with strong protective shields or high-level strength are eligible to step into the main battlefield and join the ranks of besieging dogs in the water.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield was full of flames, roaring again and again, and the terrifying shock waves formed after the explosion of elemental witchcraft were everywhere.

After struggling and fighting for half an hour, he was played around by many enemies, and he didn't even get a single worthy trophy. Fried, who was controlling Keslinburg, was furious. Looking at the vicious enemies one by one, his heart was ruthless, and he finally made a decision.

He suddenly inserted his left hand into his chest, screaming and opened a big mouth, but strangely, no blood gushed out from the wound.

Fried gritted his teeth, grabbed the rune crystal and slammed it into his heart.

"Forbidden art, the combination of life..."

As Fried screamed and roared out this witchcraft spell, the magic runes and lines on the rune crystal inserted into the heart lit up one after another, outlining an extremely complex and mysterious mysterious witch formation.

And when the witch array was completely lit up, Fried shuddered suddenly, and his whole body and appearance became much older at a speed visible to the naked eye. The exposed skin was instantly covered with wrinkles and huge mildew spots, and it was as dry as a winter branch.

However, under the communication of the strange rune crystal, there is no obstruction between him and the huge Keslinburg. The consciousness and breath of the two blend together, and there is no distinction between you and me.

Kirslinberg froze suddenly.

The ferocious monster protected Keslinburg under its arms, and silently endured the torrential rain of the swift dragon's breath, the magic cannon and the continuous artillery.

Tons and tons of broken rocks peeled off and crumbled, and piled up under the body of the ferocious giant beast to form an ever-rising hill.

However, Keslinburg seemed to be revived again, unexpectedly slowly sinking into the stone body of the ferocious giant beast, and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, the ferocious behemoth revived violently!

It suddenly stood upright, and turned into an indomitable human form.

The rocks on its body are constantly breaking and wriggling, and then condensed together, gradually outlining a humanoid head, body and limbs. And as these rock blocks are constantly waving and twisting, their movements are jerky and clumsy at first, and then become more and more skillful and swift.

And the aura of powerful power rising from his body is even more violent, thick, and heavy, making it difficult to arouse the desire to rival him in battle.

Tier 4 peak!

At this moment, the activated Keslinburg finally possessed the super strength of the 4th peak!

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