Age of Adepts

Chapter 1205 Golfers

In fact, the swampy environment is not suitable as a battlefield for flame creatures.

But with the existence of Greem, a fire master, any unfavorable situation can be reversed by him with terrifying strength.

Seeing that the battle had already broken out, Greem raised his hands high, and a large meteor fire shower was completed in just seven or eight fingers. Fire meteors wrapped in red magma penetrated the thick fog and appeared in the sight of everyone, dragging their long black smoke tails and falling from the sky.

And their landing point naturally overturned nearly half of the ogres' positions, forcing those low-level ogres to only raise their wooden shields to protect their heads. However, the bolides that landed rapidly smashed deep pits on the ground, and the violent flame shock wave knocked many ogres to the ground, and the scattered magma fire rain made them howl like ghosts and howls.

The entire ogre front line seemed to turn into a terrifying lava hell in an instant!

The Anglosh Ogre has a strong physique and terrifying strength, plus the number of thousands, it is also an extremely terrifying team. But such a team is still not enough in the eyes of a Tier 4 legendary fire witch.

If it wasn't for the 4th-rank ogre chieftain in the opponent's team, Greem might be able to wipe them all out by himself.

How terrifying is a legendary fire witch with full firepower?

On the battlefield, the fourth-level legendary fire witch is simply a demon-level existence. Every move, a small flame witchcraft can cause terrifying damage to the enemy.

With so many flaming cannon fodder in front, and Greem's wanton killing, the pressure on the twelve swamp giants was almost negligible. Most of them gathered around Greem, cleaning up the fish that slipped through the net and tried to destroy the Flame Gate.

And on the front line, these flame creatures summoned from the fire elemental world have merged into a torrent, and are inextricably fighting those ogre warriors.

Ordinary flame creatures that are too petite are simply cannon fodder. They are affected by the humid environment here, and their combat power has dropped significantly. As soon as these little guys approached the battlefield, they were smashed into fire dust by the stone hammers and stone sticks in the hands of the ogre warriors.

Although the shards of fire scattered when their flaming bodies shattered also brought a certain degree of burning to the ogre warriors, but with the ogres' usual rough skin and thick flesh, such damage would only stimulate them to become more crazy, but Without any loss of its combat power.

Only those mid-level flame creatures, relying on their nearly materialized flame bodies and their unstoppable flame abilities, could inflict terrible damage on the ogre warriors. Moreover, what came here through the gate of flames was not the bodies of the flame creatures, but only their power projections.

Therefore, they behaved more ferociously and fearlessly.

Once the power of the projected flames is about to be exhausted, they will explode themselves on the spot without hesitation, causing greater damage and more trouble to the enemy.

Therefore, at the front of the entire battlefield, there will be a burst of terrifying self-detonation that tears people's eardrums from time to time. Wherever one after another flame shock wave swept across, human-shaped dead bones that were blown into a pile of coke and human-shaped torches that were ignited can be seen everywhere.

Tragic... The war was extremely tragic!

But after all, this is the home ground of ogres, and the pond and marsh nearly half a mile in front of the camp has become the most hated battlefield for flame creatures. Most of their power has to fight against the damp water vapor here, and the remaining half can be vented on these hateful big guys.

And it was still the flame witchcraft inspired by Greem that caused the most damage to the ogres.

Whether it is a meteor fire shower, a doomsday volcano, or a molten world, the power is so terrifying, the range is so amazing, and the lethality is unprecedentedly huge!

Even these Anglosh ogres, known for their rough skin, thick flesh, and tenacious vitality, could only sadly accept their identity as a 'weak' when they met Greem.

Seeing the strong ogre warriors or barbarians fall in the sea of ​​flames, seeing the familiar figures being burned to charcoal in the terrible flames, the ogre chief Golfey hiding in the team Si yelled angrily, but to no avail.

With hordes of flame creatures standing in front of them, and the dozen or so swamp giants guarding them, there were only a handful of ogre warriors who could rush to the Flame Gate. However, the ogres who were blocked on the battlefield had to endure wave after wave of flame attacks, and the sound of painful wailing before dying was simply heartbreaking.

"Golfess, that human wizard is a helper invited by Moat. It is said that he is a legendary fire wizard of the 4th rank. He should not be underestimated. You try to delay him, and Kraqi and I will arrive soon. Arrive At that time, we will work together to capture him, and it is up to you to kill or cut him up!"

"Hurry up... hurry up... this damn bastard is slaughtering my people recklessly. Here, my people fall every moment, but you are still talking sarcastic words thousands of miles away... ...No, I must stop him!"

"No...Golfis, you can't set foot on the battlefield! In my opinion, that human wizard just wants to lure you out and kill you alone. You will die as soon as you get out!"

"I don't believe it! He's just a Tier 4, and I'm also a Tier 4, I have nothing to fear. You guys try to come here as soon as possible! Maybe by the time you arrive, I've already grabbed his head and drank his blood It's..."

Just as Golfers's mind was buzzing, Greem summoned another huge meteorite in the distance, and it fell from the sky with a frantic whistling.

The meteor fire shower before, a single size of only one meter in diameter can bring terrible damage to ogres within the range. But now this huge meteorite was twenty meters in diameter. When it pierced the sky and fell, the hot flame formed by friction with the air left a scorched mark behind it.

Wherever it passed, even the void of the plane was a little shaken.

Damn it, it's damnable... It's unimaginable for such a terrifying meteorite to fall into the ogre team, and the terrifying damage it can cause is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, the unbearable Golfis roared, pushed everyone away and rushed out of the team.

As soon as he stepped onto the battlefield, Golfers let out a roar, and the stone hammer held tightly in his right hand danced like the wind, and he swung it round and threw it with all his strength.

Two fireballs, one large and one small, quickly approached in the air...

With an earth-shattering bang, the falling meteorite was smashed to pieces by the stone hammer, rolled and turned into bolides and flew in all directions. And the tumbling and falling stone hammer disappeared in an instant under the empty grip of Golfers.

When it reappeared, it was already in Golfers' right hand.

During this process, Greem unexpectedly felt a wave of law fluctuations.

Hey, the laws of the plane mastered by this ogre chief are a bit weird, he can retrieve the thrown weapons back!

Thinking about it carefully, such power of law is simply a tasteless thing for wizards with a lot of long-range witchcraft. But for those melee fighters who lack long-range means, it is a good law ability.

At least with this method, even the stupid ogre chief can make a guest appearance as a heavy gunner!

A hammer shattered the meteorite, and Golfers stood in the battlefield with a pair of hammers in his hands, and his triangular mung bean eyes stared fiercely at Greem, with a strong hatred flashing inside.

Those low-level flame creatures without winks had just approached it, and before they could make a move, they were stomped down by Golfis. The entire battlefield instantly trembled violently as if it had experienced an earthquake.

The powerful ripples of power quickly spread to the surrounding area through the ups and downs of the ground, and all the flame creatures caught in the ripples of power instantly turned to ashes, leaving no chance of self-explosion.

Strength \u003e 42 points...

In only half a second, the chip quickly judged the basic strength of the ogre chief.

You know, Greem's basic strength at this moment is only 27 points. This is the level that can only be reached after consuming a lot of resources under the continuous supply of fire dragon feasts. And the opponent deserved to be a strength-based hand-to-hand professional, whose basic strength was more than 15 points higher than Greem's.

This also means that if Greem confronts him head-on, every blow will suffer a terrible force crushing effect!

But even so, Greem would not retreat hastily.

After all, this was a rare opportunity for him to solo kill a Tier 4 native creature.

If he missed this opportunity, it would be ten or a hundred times more difficult for him, an outsider, to kill any fourth-level person in the spirit world.

With a wave of Greem's hand, the flame creatures remaining on the battlefield retreated to the sides, and the dozen or so swamp giants also returned to the flame gate.

In this way, the central battlefield was left to two tier 4 powerhouses facing each other far away!

Golfis, the 4th-rank Anglosh ogre chieftain.

Looking from a distance, this is a big fat man with a bloated body.

It is more than seven meters tall, not the tallest among the ogres, but it must be the fattest one.

It stood there quietly like a mountain of meat, the fat fat on its body was layered on top of each other, like a layer of fleshy armor. The two stubby giant legs have a diameter of half a meter, and every time they step on the ground, they will leave a large or small deep pit in place.

Due to its large size, it only had a piece of animal skin wrapped around its waist, barely covering the bits and pieces under its crotch.

A necklace of skulls is hung around its neck, and a sharpened animal bone is inserted into its huge nose. It has a big mouth, two huge eyes like copper bells, and the big ears like cattail fans can almost hang down. to the shoulders.

The only weapons on it are the two huge stone hammers.

On the stone hammer, Greem could also vaguely sense some strange power fluctuations, which seemed to be no ordinary things!

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