Age of Adepts

Chapter 1082: The Way Forward

As the mission period approached, Greem gradually came into contact with more people and more information.

The fighting on the front lines is increasingly fierce.

Several factions fighting on their own started a series of bloody battles with the archarcanists in front of the Morian plane barrier.

It is said that the battle there covered the sky and the sun, the plane battlefield there was bloody, and the world there was on the verge of collapse...

And among all the invaders, the power of the wizard camp undoubtedly belonged to the lower one.

Therefore, when the disaster lords forcibly knocked down the arcane towers of the great arcanists with their incomparable strength, tearing a huge gap in the barrier of the plane, the tide of disaster creatures and stars Beasts poured into it, rushing frantically towards the huge floating city that was waiting for battle.

At the same time, a huge light shield that could cover the entire city rose above the floating city, blocking the calamity creatures and star beasts out. And the arcane towers and defense towers standing everywhere even shot out streaks of dazzling arcane brilliance, constantly washing away at the huge and hideous body of the enemy.

For a moment, corpses rained down the entire sky, blood flowed like waterfalls, and there were terrifying scenes of magical tidal shocks and shocks everywhere!

However, most of the people who died on the battlefield were low-level and middle-level calamity creatures forcibly catalyzed by the disaster lords. No matter how much they lost, the disaster lords would not feel the slightest regret. Instead, taking advantage of the time when the floating city was entangled by a large number of disaster creatures, the disaster lords attacked the arcane towers of the great arcanists more quickly.

With the huge bodies of these calamity lords who can easily travel thousands of meters, even without the obstruction of the great arcanists, it is difficult to squeeze into the Morian plane. Therefore, they tried their best to tear down the plane barriers of Morian's world, allowing more subordinates to rush into it to harvest life and souls.

And they crouched at the damaged part of the plane barrier, while trying their best to prevent the healing of the plane barrier, while doing their best to absorb the pale golden soul phantoms that floated in.

According to the basic plane rules, the souls of all creatures that died in the plane will reintegrate into the mother river of souls, and then repeat the cycle to give birth to new plane creatures.

However, the disaster lords at this moment are like parasites crouching on the Morian plane one after another, breaking the internal system balance of the plane, desperately absorbing the arcanists and warlords who died on the battlefield. Indigenous souls of the plane.

And the Morian plane, which has lost a large number of plane creatures, is also like an increasingly old machine, and it is becoming more and more dysfunctional without the lubrication of the soul.

Inside the Arcane Empire, there are two Arcane Emperors (level 8), seven Grand Arcanists (level 7), ninety-eight arcanists (level 5-6), and thousands of arcane scholars (level 1 —Level 4), they drove the arcane towers that could fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and drove the floating city flying high in the sky to the damaged place of the barrier of the plane.

And in the process, they fought consecutive battles with the disaster creatures and star beasts that rushed into the plane, almost turning the land of thousands of miles into a terrible battlefield where people were devastated.

It was precisely because of the reckless actions of the disaster lords that they restrained almost 70% of the huge defense force of the Arcane Empire. And the rest of the invading forces couldn't help speeding up the pace of attack, and even began to secretly organize a small group of elite combat forces to break into the Morian plane, and seize the resources, knowledge and treasures they have long coveted in advance.


This is on a high cliff on the west coast of the Morian plane.

Above the sky, a black hole with a radius of 100 meters is slowly healing, and below the hole, sixteen hazy and illusory figures are struggling, trying to get rid of the shackles of the space barrier as soon as possible.

"Go! According to the tasks assigned to you in advance, everyone should do their part well. I will give you the rewards you deserve when you return successfully!"

As an unusually loud and solemn voice echoed between the heaven and the earth, the sixteen wizards finally broke through the barriers of the planes, allowing their bodies to manifest little by little inside the Morian plane.

Greem was mixed among these sixteen wizards, resisting the severe dizziness in his mind and the overwhelming backlash from the planes, and finally stabilized his body.

When he stood up on a boulder with his hands on his forehead, five of the fifteen companions had returned to normal like him, and began to stand up and look at this completely strange plane world.

The few people who recovered first glanced at each other, and couldn't help but feel secretly startled by the strength of the other party. And when their eyes fell on those figures who were lying or sitting on the ground, a bit of disdain could not help but appear in the depths of their eyes.

In particular, when the two-headed wizard Manggus couldn't bear the huge backlash from the plane and spurted out a mouthful of blood, there was even a malicious chuckle in the crowd.

As soon as Greem stretched out his right hand, the Fire Coral Witch Staff jumped out of the elder's power ring and fell into his hand.

And when he paused with his witch staff, a halo of flames soaring into the sky enveloped the two-headed wizard with a somewhat tired expression.

Relying on the power of the flame to temporarily isolate the suppression of the consciousness of the plane, the two-headed wizard immediately got rid of the dizzy state, and quickly took out a bottle of potion from his arms and poured it into his mouth.

And with the help of potions, he finally resisted the difficult suppression of the plane.

"Thank you!" Manges breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded to Greem with difficulty speaking.

"We are partners, we should..." Greem chuckled.

There are a total of sixteen fourth-level wizards who traveled this time, and twelve of them are the main force of this mission. They are divided into one or two teams and undertake different tasks. Greem and the other four were the third team, responsible for creating large-scale killings to cover the two elite teams.

As for the mission objectives of the first and second teams, they have no idea at all!

Due to the different strengths and mission goals of the two sides, as soon as the crossing was successful, the leading wizards of the two teams got together, took out the map and began to discuss in whispers.

While Greem, the two-headed wizard, the wizard of Holly, and a dark dark witch with a cold face were successfully isolated, watching those elite wizards take out their magic wands, and the crystal began to detect the surrounding space environment, but they didn't know it. What should I wait for others to do.

One of the two leading wizards who was discussing with their heads down glanced at Greem and the other four, pointed at Greem and said, "Hey,'s you, come over and discuss your team's course of action!"

Although the other party's words were rude and his attitude was arrogant, his gestures carried a powerful aura that no one dared to question.

Greem frowned slightly, but did not protest, but walked over silently.

"According to the information detected so far, our current location is here..." The wizard who led the team reached out and tapped on the three-dimensional embossed map on the witchcraft scroll, leaving a small red dot.

Greem glanced over, his eyes flickering blue, and quickly etched the entire map of the plane into his mind.

On the whole, the Morian plane can be divided into six medium-sized plane continents, and the continents are filled with huge oceans. And where they are now is on the west coast of a continent called Kentos, backed by the Gem Sea, and in front of them is the huge territory of the Arcane Empire.

"You and your companions are performing a cover mission, so your route must be able to create a huge attack momentum. After you leave for a while, follow this route and attack the cities of the Arcane Empire and the Arcane Empire along the way." Shu Tower. Of course, if there is a chance, this floating city here will be handed over to you to deal with together!"

With the slight flick of the wizard's finger, a striking red line penetrated straight through the Kentos continent, and ended on the other side of the continent.

Greem hesitated for a moment, but still lowered his body and asked in a low voice: "My lord, I don't know where the calamity creatures that broke into the plane in the early stage are currently located?"

The wizard who led the team was a body-refining wizard with a rough face and a huge scar on his right cheek. He looked up at Greem, and finally grinned a ferocious smile.

"Because you are the strongest among them, let me tell you! Here..."

Greem looked at a huge circle randomly drawn by the opponent on the map, and his face changed slightly.

Although the attack route drawn by the other party did not coincide with the huge red circle, the closest distance was only 3000 kilometers. This distance may be a natural barrier for ordinary people, but for those unruly disaster creatures or star beasts, it only takes half a day to rush over.

This also means that their way forward is likely to encounter those ferocious competitors halfway.

Both sides rushed into the Morian plane for the treasured resources, treasures and arcane knowledge of the Arcane Empire. Of course, it's more likely that the other party just came here for the origin of the plane and the killing spree.

Under such circumstances, if the two sides bump into each other, it is almost a delusion to pass each other politely, and it is impossible to get away easily without going through some killings!

Greem's expression changed a few times, and he finally nodded silently.

Within the wizarding camp, rank 4 miscellaneous brands like them are the least valued.

If there is a dispute between the two parties, it will be their bad luck, not the other party.

Just when more than a dozen wizards had just finished discussing the way forward, there was a sudden roar of wild beasts not far away.

Led by a mad rhinoceros, hundreds of jungle monsters rushed out of the forest and rushed towards the location of the wizards. Greem looked up, and from a distance, he could see all of them with red eyes, foaming at the mouth, and a berserk and crazy appearance.

"Hmph, this is the last madness of the plane consciousness... It actually drives a group of monsters whose strength is only 1 or 2 levels to come to die. Come on, kill them all, and then we hurry on our way..."

The next moment, the overwhelming wave of witchcraft overturned this group of allied forces of Warcraft!

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