Age of Adepts

Chapter 0922 Silver Dragon visit

This is a massacre of red alder fruits!

Originally, the number of dragonmen hiding in the Dead Moon Canyon and the perfect terrain here were enough to resist the siege of thousands of ordinary creatures.

It's a pity that what they encountered were not ordinary creatures, but wizard troops from across the plane.

The strength of the two sides is not above the same level at all!

So the whole fight was like a romp, a fun hunt. The mighty Dragonoid Legion, which originally had the ruling power in the Lance plane, lost its armor and armor under the overwhelming bombardment of goblin artillery, and the entire army was wiped out. And the result they paid such a heavy price was only the damage of 7 archer magic weapons.

Once the battle was over, the dead and alive dragonmen were transported to the cruiser mothership, and became the basic material for wizards to concoct flesh puppets or powerful witch beasts. And the 7 damaged magic tools were also sent back to the goblin factory for disassembly and assembly. After a quarter of an hour, the 7 brand new shooter-type magic tools went off the assembly line smoothly.

In this way, the ambush arranged by the Tier 2 giant dragon sent all its subordinates not only did not bring any losses to the Wizarding Expeditionary Army, but also presented a large number of high-quality, high-value flesh and blood corpses.

As for the energy loss caused by the wild bombardment of the goblin chariots, they were replenished after they returned to the convoy. Whether it is the cruising mothership above the sky, or the big magical puppet dragon behind the convoy, the powerful magic furnace array not only meets the needs of its own operation, but also has a large amount of surplus energy that can be used to recharge the magic weapon legion.

Therefore, it is impossible for this small-scale, low-intensity war to cause any loss to the Wizard Expeditionary Force!

And this situation is obviously impossible for the natives of the Lance plane to know, and it is difficult to understand.

In their view, as long as a lone army goes deep into the enemy army, as long as it cuts off its retreat and is supplemented by the continuous harassment of the indigenous tribes, its ending without a fight is obvious.

It's a pity that with their thinking and brains, it is obviously difficult to understand this wizard army whose knowledge and ability far crush them.

Although the enemies in Dead Moon Canyon were eliminated, it was impossible for the boring passage in the canyon to accommodate the huge metal body of the magic puppet dragon. Therefore, the metal convoy slowly stopped and gathered near the entrance of the canyon, silently waiting for the order from above.

And inside the huge metal body of the magical puppet dragon nearly 40 meters above the ground, the old goblin Gongga was jumping up and down screaming.

"Forward...Forward...Let those guys who underestimate us see the true power of this big baby...Destruction Ray is ready, widen this canyon for me..."

Amidst the old goblin's howling like ghosts and wolves, the huge magic puppet dragon did not stop. Its four thick and solid giant legs made deep footprints step by step, and continued to march towards the canyon with great strides.

The goblin convoy gathered at the entrance of the canyon hurriedly avoided to both sides of the road, so as not to be trampled into a discus by the terrifying metal joints of the magical puppet dragon.

While advancing, the dragon head at the front of the magic weapon puppet dragon's body flexibly twisted and rotated, and the depths of the two huge eye sockets with a diameter of one meter suddenly lit up with scorching red lights. Immediately, two terrifying red lights with a thickness of half a meter shot out, cutting off the cliffs on both sides of the canyon from near to far.

There seemed to be no movement at the last moment, but three fingers later, with a burst of continuous explosions, huge smoke and dust suddenly rose from the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and then collapsed under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone.

Ten meters on one side...

The cliff walls on both sides of the canyon were cut down by the two terrifying red lights to a thickness of nearly ten meters, and then collapsed under the extrusion and expansion of the terrifying high temperature inside.

The canyon passage was originally 30 to 40 meters long, but now it has been widened by 20 meters, and it is barely easy for the magic puppet dragon to pass through it. Therefore, the magic puppet dragon didn't stop for a moment. It stepped on the rubble and ruins all the way, while opening the road while moving forward, it unexpectedly stumbled and squeezed through the 3-mile-long canyon passage.

The many wizards of the Crimson family perched on top of the parade mothership couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, once again shocked by this Tier 4 super magic weapon.

Tier 4... Is this the strength of Tier 4?

Sure enough, as expected, it was devastating and shocking.

Although the battle just now was fierce, it was nothing more than a low-intensity small war. If it was replaced by this Tier 4 magic puppet dragon, it wouldn't take too much effort at all, just sweeping the red light from the eyes in the canyon passage, I am afraid that those enemies would disappear in an instant.

No matter how brave the 2nd-tier dragonman is, can he withstand being stepped on by the 4th-tier magic puppet dragon?

As for the 'destruction ray' just now, the name sounds quite domineering and brutal, but in fact it is still just a scorching ray. It's just that compared with the ordinary scorching rays, the magical puppet dragon's use of the super magic furnace is sharper and more powerful.

The same witchcraft, with the different magical energy poured into it, its witchcraft characteristics also have earth-shaking changes.

The high-temperature bunched rays of about 100 degrees are called scorching rays, and those reaching more than 200 degrees can be called sun rays. And like the magic puppet dragon, the high-temperature beam beam with an energy level as high as eight to nine hundred degrees already possesses the characteristics of destruction, and has a taste of annihilation energy.

It is impossible for most of the magic shields in the world to withstand such a high-intensity beam of rays, not to mention that the opponent's attack is so concentrated and fast. Even Greem, if it was hit by the two destruction rays just now, it would fall apart like a cliff.

With such strength, it is useless to support more magic shields!

Therefore, like watching a thrilling magical drama, a giant metal dragon roared forward in the towering canyon, and opened up a spacious and flat thoroughfare between the two mountains.

But at the moment, the thoroughfare was overturned by the collapsed cliff, and with the brutal and savage metal dragon rushing past, it became more and more difficult to pass because it was filled with raining rock fragments.

This is embarrassing!

The magic puppet dragon broke through with brute force, but the road after it passed was covered by tens of thousands of cliff fragments. And the goblin chariot that fell behind didn't have the ability to cross such a gravel canyon like the magic puppet dragon.

Therefore, under the command of the cruising mothership, goblin airships floated down one after another, and the goblin chariots were suspended with alloy steel wires, and it took half a day to transport them one by one.

With such a lesson learned from the past, the dragon lords behind have also learned from it.

They will no longer form an army to confront this wizard team head-on, but have other ideas.

If the bright ones don’t work, then come the dark ones!

Those Dragon Worshipers took off their black robes, broke them into pieces, mixed with ordinary native creatures, and launched sneak attacks while the goblin convoy was resting. Or act as a death squad and launch a death charge on the convoy; or lurk near the water source of the camp to poison; or dig the road ahead of the convoy to delay the opponent's action...

Some of these operations were successful, killing some of the goblins accompanying the party, but most of them ended in failure.

After all, under the detection and scanning of nearly a hundred eyeball fighters in the sky, any living body that wants to get close to the convoy needs to pay the price of life.

Of course, not all dragon lords are so 'wise'!

The fourth giant dragon territory that the wizard team passed was the site of a Tier 1 dragon, and this bloody Fanggang Tier 1 dragon was obviously unwilling to succumb to the majesty of the wizards. Therefore, it took the risk of its own body, trying to sneak up on the wizard with its extremely fast flight and super dragon breath.

So, it came and stayed, and successfully became the first valuable spoils of the Wizarding Expeditionary Army!

This Tier 1 little dragon was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and then was firmly fixed on the flight deck of the cruise mothership by the wizards with dozens of tons of steel torture tools. It wailed day and night, but could not receive any help.

Finally, the arrogance of the Wizarding Expeditionary Army attracted the first powerful enemy!


Under the leadership and guidance of Fennao Gru, the Wizarding Expeditionary Army almost avoided most of the swamps, hills, and desert areas, and traveled through grasslands or wastelands.

On this day, when the metal convoy came to camp by a prairie lake to rest, on the distant horizon, bursts of loud and clear dragon chant sounded.

The goblins who ran to the lake to fetch water and wash their clothes quickly put on their clothes and hurried back into the goblin chariot. The magic puppet dragon also slowly adjusted its posture, aiming its high dragon head at the distant sky That one black spot that got bigger and bigger.

A moment later, the howling gale swept across the entire camp, and a silver dragon with a silver body, a proud and elegant figure, hovered over the magic weapon puppet dragon.

It can be seen that it has an abnormal fear of the magic weapon puppet dragon, and it will not move forward when it is a full mile away from the opponent.

Flapping its slender and stretched wings, the silver dragon hovered in mid-air with an arrogant and elegant attitude, silently bending over to look at this huge metal dragon. After looking at it for a long time, Yinlong raised his head again, glanced at the parade mothership hidden above the high clouds, and finally broke the deadlock with a thunderous dragon chant.

"Outsiders, what exactly do you want to do? Why do you want to invade the plane of our dragon clan? Torture our race?"

Greem, who was in the cruising mothership, smiled faintly.

This is a Tier 3 male silver dragon!

That is to say, the strength of the Wizard Expeditionary Army exceeded the limit of the dragon lords' response, which attracted them to come out to question their intentions. If it were some weak guys, the giant dragons would not be so interested, they would just kill them with a breath of dragon breath, and the ghosts would be interested in going to such a remote place to stop the road for questioning.

With a roar of flames, the tall figure of a human wizard emerged above the raised head of the magical puppet dragon.

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