Age of Adepts

Chapter 0797 apprentice duel

Although both belong to the Crimson family, the atmosphere between the two is not harmonious.

At least, there is no confrontation between this 'Vampire Fang' and the 'Light of Shadow'.

"Hey, isn't this Pontal who only collects junk? Why did he come back safely from the Black Forest..." As soon as he stepped into the tavern, a soft and sweet voice came from the counter. However, the content of the words made the faces of the members of the Shadow Light team change slightly.

"Who am I? It turns out to be Lord Lance, who claims to be the most handsome in the White Tower! Why do you have the time to come here today to drink wine?" Hehe sneered and countered.

Although the person who spoke was handsome and had a soft voice, he was an out-and-out middle-aged man. 'He' is wearing an exquisite noble robe, and there seems to be a noble coat of arms on his chest, but the content of the coat of arms is vaguely familiar.

Since these vampires all come from the plane of Faen, they are all blood elves, all of them are handsome and graceful, with two long pointed ears clearly visible in the long light green hair.

As noble blood elves, these outsiders still retain most of their pre-transformation dispositions, perfectly inheriting all the advantages and 'disadvantages' of the Faen forest elves. They are simply a group of "members of the Appearance Association" who pursue extremes, and they deeply hate all creatures with imperfect appearance.

Not to mention green-skinned goblins like Little Locke, even wizards in the White Tower who are not handsome enough are often despised and complained by them. If the backer behind them wasn't that Bloody Mary who protected them, I'm afraid such a group would have been expelled from the Wu Tower by the wizards long ago.

Fortunately, they also knew their own weight, and they didn't take the initiative to tease a powerful wizard like Bliss the Worm Witch. However, in their daily life and interactions, they still maintain an arrogant and arrogant attitude, and use all their strength to attack the "ugly people" around them.

Seriously speaking, at least three and a half out of the five members of the Shadow Light team were rated as 'unsightly' by them. Only the young and beautiful Ai Ke was evaluated as 'average', while the shadow quasi-Upontar was barely listed as 'not bad' based on his strength.

Especially for the green-skinned little goblin Locke, they are so disgusted that they think it is a shame to have such an ugly creature as their companion!

So, more or less, this group of blood elves have 'handled' with all the apprentice teams, and each time they ended up in a bad ending.

Faced with the humiliation from the apprentice's 'companions', Little Goblin Locke's face flushed red, and his teeth gritted. After all, in most material planes, goblins are synonymous with despicable and humble!

The short life, coupled with the lack of inheritance of knowledge system, led to all goblins being regarded as low-level and stupid monsters. Moreover, it is the weakest and timid monster among all monsters, and it is the most suitable lowly monster for beginners to test.

Before stepping out of the goblin plane, Little Locke was still proud of his green skin and his status as a goblin. It wasn't until it learned the systematic and comprehensive "Monster Tongjian" and found wizards' sarcastic comments on goblins in it, that it first learned about the status and evaluation of goblins in the eyes of many intelligent races.

It can be said that during this period of time, Little Locke's almost crazy study and trials were for the outburst of this kind of anger.

It wants to prove itself, it wants to prove that the goblins are not as unbearable as described in "Monster Tongjian". Goblins are also a race full of wisdom and knowledge, not a gift package for novices who are slaughtered!

Seriously speaking, the goblins do tend to be low-end in the biological chain of the plane, and the main reason is that they lack the sense of elemental witchcraft.

Take Little Locke as an example!

It is already a senior apprentice now, but the magic power in its body can only be compared with the junior apprentices in humans. As for the blood elves who are naturally element-friendly, it is even more incomparable.

It was precisely because the affinity of the elements was too low that the goblins were forced to give up becoming spellcasters, and turned to study the combination of magic energy and engineering machinery. Magic equipment is a way out for their own race!

The goblin's body is too fragile, so it can be made up for by the magical equipment of steel and iron...

The goblin's mana is too thin, so it needs to be supplemented by mana batteries...

Goblins lack the ability to sense and control elemental particles, so they rely on handy magic tools to make up for it...

It is precisely because the power of the whole family is devoted to the research of magic energy and the manipulation of magic equipment that many goblins have found a new way to become alternative magic equipment controllers.

Therefore, facing the ridicule of the blood elves today, the little goblin who is only 1 meter 1 jumped three feet high, waved his small fist and screamed: "Duel...duel...I demand a duel! I will not allow you to insult us goblins Clan, apologize to me quickly, otherwise I have the right to demand a fair duel!"

The beautiful blood elves who stayed by the counter were trembling with laughter, and the male blood elf Lance with a little white face was even more laughing.

"Haha... Pontar, I admire you so much. You actually brought a clown with you when you went out to do the mission... Hahahaha..."

Pontal's face became more ferocious. If it wasn't for Aike behind him holding his arm tightly, he would definitely punch Lance's "beautiful face" in the face.

Although the other party only has the strength of a senior apprentice, it is impossible for him to be an opponent of a quasi-sorcerer. However, the blood elves are naturally good at swimming and fighting, so they don't fear him three points in this narrow and low place.

"Why, do you still dare to doubt Little Locke's apprentice status?" Blanco, who has always been venomous in the team, said sinisterly: "This apprenticeship was personally announced by the Patriarch. You are doubting the Patriarch. ?"

Hearing this, the complexions of several blood elves changed.

They are also members of the Crimson family, so they naturally know the relationship between Lady Mary and the Patriarch. Facing the other party's blatant provocation, they couldn't help but stare angrily, each of them itching with hatred.

Perhaps in their hearts, they really thought that Lady Mary and the Patriarch were both Tier 2, and it was really hard to say who could defeat the other if they fought alone. Therefore, all the blood elves were somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that Lady Mary was subservient to that fire witch.

But this kind of thing can only be thought about, but cannot be announced, otherwise not only will they be severely punished by the high-level family, even Lady Mary will not protect them.

"Don't talk about it here, I just want to say that such inferior creatures are not worthy of being apprentices at all. They are only suitable for lying on the experimental table to be our dissecting objects..." Lance took a step forward and roared loudly.

"Then you will fight it!" Blanco curled his lips in contempt, "You won't even dare to accept a challenge from a little goblin, will you?"


"Okay, we accept the challenge!"

Just when Lance wanted to continue arguing, a cold female voice came in from behind.

Everyone heard the reputation and found that the person who spoke was the captain of the 'Vampire Fangs' team, the blood elf quasi-Wuselia. In the plane of Faen, Celia was once an elf archer with a level 1 strength. It's just that after being transformed into a blood elf, her own power attributes changed too drastically, which made her fall back to the quasi-witch level.

Once she completes the complete fusion of body and blood power, she still has a high chance of returning to level 1.

The power she once possessed made Celia have a different state of mind and vision from other apprentices, so she was not bound by the narrow and paranoid aesthetic taste. The red blood pupil quickly swept across the little goblin Locke, and the slender eyebrows couldn't bear it. He frowned lightly.

"Big Sister, is there a question?" The blood elves at the side came over and asked.

"It's nothing... Maggie, go and warn Lance, don't be careless. That... that green guy seems a bit weird... Don't let Lance embarrass us blood elves!"

"Understood, big sister!"

With the consent of the two quasi-witches, this duel is inevitable!

The duel field was chosen on the circular square in the center of the town, where thickened blue stones were paved, and huge torches were lit around it. The terrain was spacious and bright enough for apprentices to fight in it. and playful.

Anyway, with the strength of the apprentices, they can't inspire too powerful witchcraft, so this square covering an area of ​​two or three acres is enough for them to fully display. As for the buildings or roads damaged during the battle, it is naturally paid for by the defeated.

"The duel can't be done in vain. I'm willing to take out the fire lion crystal core this time as a bet!" After the two protagonists of the duel were in place, when the apprentices gathered around the square to watch the excitement crowded around the square, Pontal couldn't help it. Get excited loudly.

"Hmph, we won't fail! I will use a flying dragon magic crystal as a bet!" Celia responded loudly, ashamed.

The flying dragon magic crystal refers to the magic crystal in the body of the biped flying dragon.

Although it is only a level 1 monster, due to its rough skin and thick flesh, its claws are highly poisonous, and it is also good at flying, it is also a middle-to-high level monster among level 1 monsters. The value of magic crystals is even twice that of The fire lion does not stop.

Being able to get such a response from the other party, Pontar's face immediately showed a look of excitement.

These days, the little goblin Locke's combat power, as teammates, they naturally see it in their eyes and know it well. Facing a blood elf who is also a senior level, Little Locke's chances of winning are quite high!

Celia looked around the dark crowd, her face remained motionless, and she said coldly: "Since everyone has no objections, I will announce now that the duel will begin..."

As soon as the words fell, Lance standing in the corner of the square instantly turned into a palm-sized vampire bat, and quickly approached the dumb goblin Little Locke at the other end.

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