"Yeah, the union is special."

"Isn't this show just singing? What's so special about it?"

Qiao Shasha and several colleagues from the trade union also came to watch the program list, and they were immediately unhappy when they saw the workers talking about their program.

She cleared her throat and said, "This song is not something ordinary people can sing! I sing a foreign language song, you know? It's a foreign language song! Who can sing it?"

In the ears of the workers, this sentence is nothing but naked show-off.

Originally, the treatment of workers in this factory was different from that of cadres. Cadres refer to those graduates who are literate, technical secondary school or university graduates, who have the status of cadres as soon as they start work, and their wages are high.

The wages of the workers who work hard for a long time are not as high as those of the cadres.

After listening to Qiao Shasha's words, some people couldn't help sneering: "What's so great about being able to speak a bird's voice?"

"That's right. I'm not good at speaking Chinese, so I'm going to learn the language of birds."

Qiao Shasha raised her head proudly and sneered: "Che, what do you know? You have little knowledge, and you are only fit to work in the workshop. Now the country attaches so much importance to diplomas, and foreign language is a very popular professional course in universities."

"You're amazing and you didn't even see you get into college? What are you talking about?"

"That's right. Look how awesome she is."

"We'll wait and see tonight to see what you can sing."

The workers also scolded Qiao Sasha mercilessly and dispersed, and they all wanted Qiao Sasha to be embarrassed and to kill her arrogance.

Su Hanyan and Zhu Lin watched from a distance, and they smiled at each other.

"How's it going? Are the procedures for tonight all ready?" Zhu Lin asked Su Hanyan, only then did she know that one of the hosts of this New Year's Day party was actually Su Hanyan.

"It's done, it's not a problem, don't worry." Su Hanyan is confident, these are small scenes to her, which can be handled completely, "I'm going to the rehearsal in the afternoon to walk around the venue, and see you in the auditorium in the evening. !"

"Okay, see you in the auditorium."

The two were about to leave when Qiao Sasha came over.

She blocked Su Hanyan's way and said proudly with her head held high: "Su Hanyan, keep your eyes open and watch my performance tonight! I'll let you know that my performance is better than anyone else's! "

Su Hanyan folded her arms and shrugged indifferently: "Wait and see!"

After a brief rehearsal in the afternoon, I walked through the scene.

Section Chief Niu and Vice Chairman Qiao of the labor union watched the show together. After the rehearsal was over, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky began to slowly darken.

The workers lined up to go to the cafeteria to eat. Section Chief Niu and Su Hanyan waited for a long time to get their meals. The two of them sat at a table to eat.

"Hanyan, the factory leaders of this New Year's Day party attach great importance to it. You, the host, have to host well, and show your face to our publicity department!" Niu Hongxia urged, "Don't be nervous, so as not to make mistakes!"

"Okay." Su Hanyan nodded in response, "Don't worry, it will definitely satisfy you."

"Well, in previous years, it was the trade union that hosted the show. This year, Lin Qingyu was originally fighting for this spot, but she... Forget it, don't mention it! You should take advantage of this opportunity."

"Mmmm. Thank you, Section Chief, I will not disappoint you!"

"Hurry up and do makeup after dinner!"

"it is good."

After the meal, Su Hanyan returned to the dormitory. She doesn't have many clothes, and many of them are out of hand. Although the original owner has been working for a long time, she has been exploited by Wei Guiqin, and she has no money on her body. Usually, except for work clothes, they are old clothes. .

The clothes on stage this time were lent to her by Zhu Lin, a jujube red woolen coat.

It was bought by Zhu Lin who was frugal and gritted her teeth. She didn't want to wear it a few times, so she lent it to Su Hanyan.

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