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Chapter 101

In "Modern Flowers as a Match" directed by Du Kang, the role of the hero Wang Junqing is played by Tao Mu, and the role of the heroine Zhang Wuke is played by Jiang Cheng, a classmate who is recognized as a class flower in the class - that is, when the military training is released. Yan said, in the future, he will be a leader in the circle and will take care of Tao Mu's classmate Yujie. As for the male protagonist's cousin Jia Junying, after some selections, he was snatched by Chu Suian, a big-eyed Shanghai guy. The second female lead, Li Yue'e, was won by another girl named Yuan Di in the class. Du Kang himself played Li Yuee's father Li Maolin. A rather funny character.

And because Wen Bao once physically tortured Du Kang, who is also a director and screenwriter. In order to retaliate against Wen Bao, Director Du strongly asked Wen Bao to play the role of Mother Ruan. He also personally designed the character shape of Liu Hulan's head with a floral cloth skirt and hairpin for Aunt Ruan. Except for Wen Bao himself, the whole class applauded and unanimously passed.

In the modern version of "Flowers as a Match", the background of the story and the relationship between the characters have changed slightly due to the times. Tao Mu's hero Wang Junqing is a rich second-generation who returned from studying abroad. After returning to China, he attended the 60th birthday of his father's friend, and fell in love at first sight with his childhood sweetheart Li Yuee at the birthday banquet. The two wanted to get married after each other, but the Li family did not agree with the marriage. Because the Li family was a scholarly family, Li Yue'e's father hated the businessman Tongxi the most.

The Li family did not agree to the marriage, and naturally the Wang family would not rush. At the same time, the Zhang family, who is also a rich man in the city with the Wang family, wants to form a business marriage with the Wang family, and asks someone to match their daughter Zhang Wuke with Wang Junqing, the son of the Wang family, to arrange a blind date. The matchmaker was Aunt Ruan, who served as the women's director of the neighborhood committee when she was young.

Wang Junqing, an elite returnee who returned from studying abroad, of course did not agree with the arrangement of blind dates. Besides, he likes Xiao Qingmei wholeheartedly, and it is even more impossible for him to agree to a business marriage with Miss Zhang Jia, who has never met before. However, Wang Junqing's parents exerted strong pressure. Wang Junqing had no choice but to ask Jia Junying to go on a blind date for him. It is best to find a way to stir up blind date. Zhang Wuke didn't like him, so he took the initiative to ask Zhang's parents not to marry him.

As a result, Zhang Wuke and Jia Junying fell in love at first sight when they met on a blind date, and they had a good impression of each other. However, Jia Junying's family background was ordinary, and he did not have the courage to tell Zhang Wuke his true identity. I can only try my best to belittle "Wang Junqing" and tell Zhang Wuke that he is not worthy of her. Think Zhang Wu deserves better.

As a result, the more Jia Junying belittled himself, the more Zhang Wuke admired him for being humble and talented. So after returning home, Zhang Wuke told her parents that she was particularly satisfied with the son of the Wang family and did not object to marriage.

On the other hand, Jia Junying returned home and heard his mother tell him that his mentor called home in the morning and wanted to arrange a blind date for him and the mentor's daughter. It turns out that Jia Junying's mentor is Li Maolin. Li Maolin has always wanted a gentle and polite son-in-law, and it happens that Jia Junying is his favorite student. So this blind date was arranged.

Jia Junying lost his father as a teenager and was pulled up by his mother. When he was in college, he was favored by his mentor again, and he had no way of rejecting the kindness of the two old people. I can only go on a blind date with Li Yue'e. Li Yue'e didn't like Jia Junying either, but she was a gentle and obedient girl since she was a child, and she didn't dare to rebel against her parents. I can only complain to senior brother Jia Junying. Jia Junying learned that Li Yue'e, a junior sister, liked her own hair, so she agreed to explain it to her tutor. Dispel the idea of ​​the teacher wanting to say kiss to him.

On the other side, Wang Junqing learned that Zhang Wuke actually agreed to a blind date, which was a bolt from the blue. However, the Zhang family and the Wang family are both wealthy in the city. Since the news has been released, the marriage is imperative.

Knowing that Wang Junqing was going to get married, Li Yue'e also fell ill. So Li Yue'e's best friend gave her a trick and asked her to go to the wedding. Wearing a wedding dress at the wedding to force Wang Junqing to like her or not?

Li Yue'e has followed the rules since childhood, and has never done anything out of the ordinary. Now, in order to protect his love, he has also sacrificed himself. On the wedding day, she really wore her wedding dress to press Wang Junqing. At this time, Zhang Wuke also knew that the person she really liked was not the groom Wang Junqing, but the best man Jia Junying. I'm arguing that I don't want to get married.

It just so happened that Li Yue'e also came to the wedding wearing a wedding dress. When the two brides met at the wedding, they cherished each other and had a good impression of each other. So Zhang Wuke made a bold decision to let Li Yuee marry Wang Junqing and Jia Junying himself. Happy with the best of both worlds.

Because the entire script is adapted from the drama commentary comedy "Flowers as the Matchmaker", the tone of the script has some absurd comedy in it. During the adaptation, Du Kang captured the essence of the opera and adapted the modern version of "Flowers as a Match" into a stage play with a touch of musicality.

Tao Mu, the male lead, danced tango with Li Yuee when they fell in love at first sight, and danced hip-hop and jazz when they were monologues. As for the lines they sang when they sang and danced, they were adapted from popular music. skewers.

The acting styles of the other characters are similar. The highlight is a dance between Wang Junqing and Li Yuee, a dance between Jia Junying and Zhang Wuke when they are on a blind date, and a peacock-like dance when Zhang Wuke and Li Yuee meet at the wedding. It's all about singing and dancing. Especially the last wedding scene was too lively.

When Tao Mu was performing, he was really swaying his hormones, and every time he appeared on the stage, the little girl below was so excited that he screamed. However, after the whole scene was filmed, the most outstanding role was actually Wen Bao, who played the aunt of the neighborhood committee.

Ya was wearing a wide and swaying broken flower bragi, a fake headgear with Liu Hulan's head, and a pink hel

lo Kitty's butterfly hairpin, and the crescent eyes that laugh when they appear, can hold the atmosphere of the audience as soon as they appear on the stage.

Especially in the last big wedding scene, Wen Bao wore a bright red dress and twisted a Northeast Yangko on the stage - the background music was the kind of explosive DJ electronic music. Wen Bao, the madman who stepped on the stage, turned around on the stage, and unexpectedly attracted all the actors to dance yangko with him.

That scene, simply. It's so magical that after reading it once, it will keep wandering and repeating in my mind, 3D looping playback.

Anyway, after the whole scene, everyone laughed like crazy. Even Tao Mu, who was full of worries, was having a great time. He really felt that it was a pleasure to film with an actor like Wen Bao.


After the end of the term drama, the students of the first class of Jingying 08 were dragged by Wen Bao to Wen Juxiang to eat mutton.

As one of the important members of the class, Tao Mu certainly couldn't disappoint. Originally, I wanted to bring Mr. Song and the others to dinner to celebrate after the end-of-term performance. Now also have to temporarily change the plan.

Liu Yaomengqi understood it very well, and drove Mr. Song and Dean Tao back to Houhai. Before leaving, he also let Tao Mu have a good time: "If you don't have enough fun after dinner, you can come and dance in the night. At least you don't have to worry about safety."

Tao Mu smiled and agreed. After watching his father leave with his family in a car. He apologized to Li Xiaozheng: "...I wanted to invite you to dinner. I don't have time today."

"Don't apologize to me." Li Xiaozhen smiled slightly: "I am very happy today. I feel that I saw a different you on the stage."

"It's very different from the me you usually come into contact with, right?" Tao Mu hooked his lips: "Actually, our business is quite complicated. In the future, for filming, there may be scandals and character creation. You will see more I have many faces. You may be disappointed then."

"If what I like is the Tao Mu in my impression, then the changes you mentioned may disappoint me. But if what I like is the real you. The more faces you show, the more I'm getting happier and happier. Because I know a more complete Tao Mu." Li Xiaozheng smiled warmly: "Complete does not necessarily mean truth. If I like you, I will like your real side, and your fake side will also feel very good. Interest. People's lives are very long, and we have to get along for the next few decades. Wouldn't it be terrible if everything was the same?"

Tao Mu looked at Li Xiaozheng speechlessly: "Do you study debate in college?"

"What I study is finance." Li Xiaoxiang looked at Tao Mu with warm eyebrows: "So I know that no stock in this world is static. It won't go up forever, and it won't go down forever. It's the same with people."

"It's getting late. Your classmates are still waiting for you." Li Xiaoxiang urged softly: "It's cold outside, go in."

Tao Mu looked at Li Xiaozheng helplessly: "President Li studied finance. Then you should know that even if the two companies merge successfully, they may face various crises in the future. For example, operational crises, such as internal management struggles. Some Contradictions cannot be solved by adjusting the structure or business strategy. In the end, it is very likely that both parties will lose because of infighting within the company.”

"Perhaps." Li Xiaozheng smiled: "But the M\u0026A projects led by me have never been in the situation you mentioned. I think that in the process of corporate M\u0026A, if there will be a failure to run-in, it must be done in advance. I didn’t do it well. I didn’t communicate the interests and needs of Party A and Party B. If we compare the relationship between us to mergers and acquisitions, then my needs are you. So Xiao Mu, what are your needs and interests?”

Tao Mu: "My needs and interests are to operate independently."

Li Xiaoxiang lowered his head and chuckled: "Xiao Mu, I'm very curious, whether you say this, or the reason why you insist on operating independently, is it because you have no confidence in me or in yourself?"

Tao Mu said, "I have no confidence in time."

"Time?" Li Xiaozheng frowned slightly, then chuckled: "This is really a problem."

Just as Tao Mu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Li Xiaoxiang continue: "But I will find a way."

"It's too cold, you go first. Your classmates may be anxious." Li Xiaozheng looked at his sweetheart two steps away. The night was cold, and the orange street lamps made his eyebrows more delicate and handsome. This could not help but remind Li Xiaoxiang of the first time he saw Tao Mu.

If at that time Tao Mu was just a stranger who matched his aesthetic from hair to toes. So now, Tao Mu is the person he Li Xiaochuan really wants to take home and spend the rest of his life with.

They have a lifetime to spend together. So Li Xiaozhen was not in a hurry, nor did he want to force Tao Mu too tightly.

When Tao Mu returned to the box, Du Kang was holding a glass of wine and complaining again and again: "...Student Wen Bao, did you do this on purpose? When we were rehearsing, we made it clear that we were going to dance that kind of high-level dance, a song and dance drama. .As a result, you danced Yangko at full speed as soon as you came up, and made everyone crooked. Did you do it on purpose? You deliberately made our classmates have no image, and you can't find someone in the future?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Wen Bao smiled and bent his crescent eyes: "I'll act seriously. Are you willing to choose your own preferences?"

"What! You did it on purpose!" The female classmate who played Zhang Wuke waved the beer bottle in her hand at Wen Bao: "Do you know how long it took my sister to practice the last dance? It was so hard for me to rehearse. I survived. As a result, you made me crooked when I reported the performance. You compensate me."

"Don't you pay for the mutton soup!" Wen Bao, still smiling, pointed at Tao Mu and said, "You don't need to feel wronged.

. Look at Mr. Tao, the most burdened idol in our class, and he didn't say anything. right? "

"What can he say? Apart from you in this scene today, Ala Mumu has the most fun on the stage. Dancing Yangko is more fun than dancing tango in front of you?" Chu Suian was excited, and when he spoke, he brought With a little hometown dialect: "Are you really going to lose your idol burden?"

Tao Mu smiled very happily.

Du Kang said with emotion that Tao Mu was the happiest when he was acting: "Thanks to me for this. If my two scripts hadn't freed our nature, he would still be shrunk in that idol's bag. How boring, right?"

"Yes." Tao Mu and Du Kang had a cup of tea. He smiled lightly, his brows lined, and he even teased with a smile in his voice: "How do you want me to thank you?"

"Promise yourself with your body!" Du Kang is also a mouthless person. As soon as these words came out, the whole class immediately clapped their hands and cheered.

Sister Yu, who was already drunk, stood up unconvinced: "Why do you agree with your body? Sister is still waiting to become famous in the future to take care of our family Twilight. You are so tall! go!"

"Yo hoo!!" A large group of classmates continued to slap and coax: "Grab a kiss!"

"Grab a kiss! Grab a kiss!"

This meal of mutton was eaten for more than two hours. After dinner, a large group of people are still going to sing K.

After the report performance of the final drama is over, it is the winter vacation. The classmates who live in Yanjing are better, but those who live in other places have to pack their bags and go home for the New Year. This is another month and a half.

A group of eighteen- and nineteen-year-old boys and girls traveled from far and wide cities to Beijing to go to university. The first time they left their parents' side, they had the closest relationship with their classmates. Now that we are about to part, there is still a little bit of reluctance to part.

However, these feelings will gradually dilute as they gradually grow and encounter more and more gatherings, separations and reunions. When they go to various places after graduation, to various crews, their minds will also be slowly occupied by fame, fortune or other things. In the end, it became more and more numb to soak in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry. The once passionate and righteous words and ideals may gradually forget their original intentions on the road to success, and may gradually fade under the pressure of life, leaving only the embarrassment of supporting the family.

A piece of white paper may be dyed colorful and dazzling, or it may eventually become completely black because of the complex and changeable colors.

Tao Mu didn't know how long this process would take. But at this moment, he still cherishes these simple and lovely classmates' friendship. If possible, he wanted to do his part to make life as easy as possible for these kids.

After all, there are not many good memories that he can hold in his two lifetimes.

There are so many things in this world that go bad. As a rich man, Tao Mu couldn't do much, just hoped that he could protect them as long as possible before the things he owned went bad.

Because after those things deteriorated, even if Tao Mu was regretful and reluctant, he had to abandon them.

This is not a pleasant feeling. Even though Tao Mu was used to this choice in his past and present life, when this regret appeared again, he would still feel uncomfortable.


Crab crab little angel Magpie threw a mine (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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