Tang Li suppressed the emotions in his heart: "It's just... I'm a little hungry, and I'm a little happy to think of having a late night snack."

Hearing this, Song Boyan, who was driving, showed a smile.

There are many types of men's smiles, some are for politeness, and some are for seducing women. Such smiles are more contrived and hypocritical. Even if Song Boyan's smile is often fleeting, it is less exaggerated, like a vintage wine. The mellow charm of the year later made her irresistible.

Tang Li was responsible for picking the place for the supper.

She didn't choose a restaurant, and pointed to a food stall on the side of the road.

Later, she looked back at Song Boyan because she remembered his identity: "It's a bit dirty here, we'd better find a better restaurant."

"It's okay." Song Boyan dragged the plastic stool and took the lead to sit down at the table: "Having a late-night snack, it's not that particular."

The corners of Tang Li's lips curved slightly. Just as he took a seat beside him, the boss brought a menu: "Call me when you choose."

After speaking, go to greet the guests at the other table immediately.

Tang Li handed the menu to Song Boyan: "Agree, I'll invite you, you order first."

"Did you bring change tonight?"


Thinking of the time he bought the medicine, Tang Li's cheeks were hot, and he nodded: "I have brought more than two hundred, it must be enough."

In the end, they ordered two bowls of Southern Yunnan's Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles.

It cost a total of 30 bucks.

After paying the money, the boss starts to cook the rice noodles.

Tang Li suddenly got up: "I'll go buy something first, and I'll be back soon."

Song Boyan was sitting in the food stall, in such a busy city, he didn't feel impetuous. There were a bunch of light bulbs on the street. The most people coming and going were tourists from other places. He took the bottle of vinegar on the table and poured some on a white porcelain plate. inside.

A few minutes later, Tang Li came back with two small paper bags.

Inside the paper bag are fried glutinous rice cakes.

A plastic bag dangling from her wrist was two glasses of sugarcane water.

At this time, the boss also brought over the bridge rice noodles.

Tang Li sat back on the stool. As for the glutinous rice cake and sugarcane water, each person had one portion: "I asked the boss for honey. The glutinous rice cake is filled with bean paste, which is very sweet."

Song Boyan asked, "Aren't you tired of eating so many sweets?"

"Don't you like it?" Tang Li said while opening the plastic bag and took out the sugar cane water. Suddenly she realized something. She looked up at Song Boyan: "...You don't like sweets?"

Glancing at the sugarcane water, she said again, "Last time I met Song Jingtian and we had dinner together. He said you like sweets very much."

Having said that, she suspects that she may have been deceived again.

Tang Li remembered eating Ajisen ramen that night, Song Jingtian drank a large glass of chocolate milkshake, burped, took the menu and ordered a sundae herb. After she stopped him, he raised his apple face and said, "No The way, our family likes to eat sweets is hereditary, my elder brother is just addicted to sweets."

Song Jingtian carried Song Boyan out, probably just using Song Boyan as a cover, so that he would not stop him from ordering ice cream sundaes.

——Look, my elder brother eats sweets, what reason do you have to stop me?

Tang Li thought about it this way, and immediately took back the glutinous rice cake, along with the glass of sugarcane water: "If you don't like it, I'll just eat it. I quite like sweets."

Song Boyan, however, stretched out his hand to keep the sugarcane water: "I don't like it, but I don't hate it. It's not impossible to change the taste occasionally." After speaking, he cast his gentle gaze over: "Jing Tian has come to be early wisdom, and his heart will not be better than yours. No, usually he can only be trusted with five points."

"..." She was just concerned and confused.

Tang Li lowered his head and bit the straw, drinking several mouthfuls of sugarcane water.

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