
Where to hide is the question!

Between the light and flint, Li Cancan suddenly exerted his strength.

The 300% speed bonus is really not covered. Bai Lixin saw a light flashing in front of him, and all the bonfires lit around were extinguished.

She didn't forget to close the door of the ancestral hall carefully, and then she grabbed Bai Lixin's wrist and dragged him into the Lingtai table quickly.

Finally, Li Cancan glanced at Bailishin with red eyes, and blew out the candlestick in Bailishin's hand.

While crying, I just ah sister, a little fierce.

In the darkness, Bai Lixin glanced at the girl who was shaking all over.

The hand holding the wrist tightly trembled uncontrollably, the girl beside her was obviously afraid to die, but she still clenched her teeth and didn't make a sound.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Suddenly, Li Cancan shook Bailishin's wrist and said nervously, "The copper lock, the copper lock is not on!"

The water was entangled on the other wrist, and Bai Lixin felt the water that had been entangled in the wrist move.

The water split a small waterline, and reluctantly flogged the inside of Bailishin's wrist twice.

A little numb, but not painful.

Immediately afterwards, the stream of water flew out silently, gently hooking up the copper lock hanging on the door and slowly closing it.

After doing this, the water flow returned to the wrist and tightened forcefully, as if declaring sovereignty and venting emotions.

In my ears, a deeper voice than usual sounded: "In the end, I still need to clean up the mess for you. No matter how you look at it, I'm more useful."

Bai Lixin: ""

Why did this suddenly roll up inside?

Bai Lixin was grabbed by one of the two wrists and waited for the long-arrived village chief.

The door squeaked open, and the torches on the wall were lit one by one.

Guangming returned to the sight of the two of them, and Bai Lixin looked out from the gap of the table.

The village chief's footsteps were heavy, and his legs were like stiff bamboo poles, which seemed unable to bend. He could only move his legs slowly by the strength of his crotch. His posture looked strange and twisted.

The village chief held a transparent bag with clean melons and fruits in his hand, moved slowly to the desk, put the bag on top, and picked up the whip on the desk.

The next moment, the sound of the whip falling on the stones and cloth resounded throughout the ancestral hall.

Li Cancan shuddered suddenly.

While beating, the village chief kept cursing.

"Kill you to death, you poor village chief, Bao'er is a good girl, she belongs to her own, why did you give her to that dog for the sake of the village! Even sacrificing He Yi in the name, bah, you A beast!"

"Kill you a profiteer! With a few broken money and a few bags of grain, can you do whatever you want?! It's all because of you, everything starts because of you, and you are the most damnable!"

"Kill you dead old woman who was blinded by lard. If you hadn't persuaded Bao'er, how could she have gone so obediently! She could have escaped!"

"Kill you! Kill you! You all deserve to die!"

The sound of the curse mixed with the sound of whipping constantly echoed in the cramped and dark ancestral hall.

Finally, the village chief was tired, and slowly put away the whip and put it back on the desk.

"Bo'er." The village chief's hoarse voice echoed in the room.

Even though he had beaten so many whips and scolded him for so long, the village chief's voice was still as steady as ever, with his characteristic gloomy hoarseness, and Bailishin couldn't even hear the other party's breathing.

"I've come to see you, you see, I brought you your favorite apple."

As soon as the gloomy voice finished speaking, something fell to the ground, Diligulu rolled around, and rolled in front of Li Cancan.

is an apple.

The village chief froze, "I'm old and useless. I can't even hold an apple. Let me find it. Where did the apple fall?"

Through the gap, Li Cancan watched in horror as the opposite body slowly bent, as if he wanted to bend over to pick up the apple.

She covered her mouth so hard that she didn't dare to let out any air.

Seeing that the body on the other side was getting more and more curved, a foot suddenly sprang out from his side and gently kicked the apple out.

The apple rolled twice on the ground and stopped at the village chief's feet.

Li Cancan: ""

Apple get out on its own, will that work?

Bai Lixin slowly retracted his feet and silently smiled at Li Cancan.

Don't be afraid, we're not afraid to fight.

Li Cancan didn't know Bailishin's fighting power, and a heart had already been raised in his throat.

The village chief scratched his head in confusion, bent down to pick up the apple, and didn't care why the apple ran out of the stand by himself.

Li Cancan: ""

It really works!

The village chief wiped the apple and placed it on the desk again.

Light incense and bow down.

Although faltered, the victory is skillful.

The village chief knelt on the futon: "Bao'er, tomorrow is the 30th year of your death, can't you quell your anger? It's all my fault, it's because I didn't protect you back then. Bao'er, my Bao'er "

The village chief's voice began to tremble, and Li Cancan peered through the gap.

He should have wanted to cry, but he couldn't shed tears for some reason. Finally, he twisted a face that was separated from flesh and blood, made a terrifying expression, and pulled his hoarse voice to dry.


Half an hour later, the village chief picked up the melons and fruits he had replaced, and dragged his stiff body out of the door.

The door closed with a creak.

It was locked again with a "click".

When the footsteps gradually disappeared to the end, Li Cancan breathed a long sigh of relief, but turned his head and looked at Bai Lixin with despair: "What should I do, the village chief seems to have locked the door."

It was pitch-dark all around, Bai Lixin climbed out in the dark, walked to the door and pushed it gently, the door was as solid as a rock.

In his ear, Di Jia sneered: "Ha."

"", Bai Lixin lowered his voice and said in a mosquito volume that only the two of them could hear: "Stop it, help quickly."

Di Jia was stunned: "I can help you, but why should I help you?"

Bai Lixin: "Well, because I am your most precious collection, if you don't let me out today, I may die tomorrow. Are you willing to die like this once in a thousand years? I'm not helping me. I am helping you. You open the door, I can leave, and you can also protect your collection, mutual benefit, killing two birds with one stone, isn't it? "

Diga hesitated.

Bai Lixin was not in a hurry, turned back to the case desk and rummaged through the dark.

Li Cancan: "What are you looking for?"

Bai Lixin: "Come here, get some souvenirs."

A few seconds later, Di Jia's voice came in his ears.

"That's right, but your ultimate goal is to get out. In the end, I helped you, and I'll charge interest."

A small stream of water emerged from the wrist, and there was a slight sound of the lock turning from outside the door.

Li Cancan just came to the door in the dark.

"What should I do, do you want to send a private message to Liang Xi and the others to come and save us?" She put her hands on the door and said anxiously as she pushed, "We won't starve to death here."

The door creaked and opened.

Li Cancan looked confused, "That, Bai Lixin, the door is open."

Bai Lixin has already taken something and walked over, "Oh, you are so lucky, thanks to you today, I must have got your light."

Li Cancan blushed embarrassedly: "Ah! Yes, is that so? Thank you, thank you for the compliment."

Dijia: "Huh."

Bai Lixin: ""

In order to hide just now, the candles of Bai Lixin and Li Cancan were extinguished, and now the two of them can only walk in the dark on the stone path.

It was pitch black all around, and the feet were uneven.

Because Li Cancan was afraid of the room behind him, Bai Lixin asked Li Cancan to walk in front.

Li Cancan supported the wall and moved forward slowly, Bailishin's gentle breathing and footsteps kept ringing not far or near behind him.

After walking for about three or four minutes, they passed the fork.

After walking for another two minutes, Li Cancan stumbled under his feet.

A force grabbed her collar and pulled her up.

Li Cancan took a breath while leaning against the wall, and thanked behind him: "Thank you, Bailishin."

The force did not disappear, but moved to Li Cancan's shoulder.

Through the clothes, Li Cancan felt that the thing was hard and sharp, like a candlestick.

Li Cancan was a little embarrassed: "Thank you for supporting me, I have been holding you back since I woke up, sorry."

In the darkness, there was only the sound of heavy breathing.

Li Cancan took two more steps, but Bai Lixin still didn't intend to take down the candlestick.

Li Cancan: "Bailixin, you really don't need to take care of me like this, don't help me, I can do it myself"

"Li Cancan, don't look back!"

Bai Lixin's somewhat cold voice came from a little far behind.

It's a little further away, not not far away.

Li Cancan's body suddenly tensed, but he did not look back obediently, and moved his body forward stiffly.

If this voice is Bai Lixin, what is behind it?

The sound of breathing behind him was even heavier, so close that it seemed to be close to his ears.

The pressure on his shoulders gradually tightened, and Li Cancan froze and felt it, as if it was something like a claws.

Bai Lixin's voice came again, "When I count to 3, you squat down immediately! Do you hear it?"

Li Cancan's voice trembled, "Okay."

Bai Lixin: "1,2,3!"

The moment he counted to three, Li Cancan quickly squatted down without any hesitation.

She heard a loud bang coming from behind her, and she hunched over to look back. When her eyes gradually got used to the darkness, she could vaguely see what was in front of her, her heart almost popped out of her throat.

Four scarlet eyes twinkled eerily in the darkness.

It's the monster red spider!

Li Cancan immediately took two steps back and leaned against the cold wall behind him.

She couldn't see the scene in front of her very clearly, she could only vaguely see a general black shadow and the sound of fighting with heavy punches.

——“Your speed has increased to 300%. Once you are in danger, leave the red spider immediately and cannot catch up with you.”

In his mind, what Bai Lixin said before suddenly appeared.

Li Cancan turned her head and glanced at the exit. She even saw the small light spot at the exit. As long as she ran with all her strength for more than ten seconds, she could leave this dangerous place.


She is safe if she runs away.

Li Cancan shook his head vigorously.


Can't run!

Maybe she can't help anything, maybe she's the most useless, but she can't be a deserter, can't leave Bailishin and run away!

If she had to run, at least she had to leave with Bailishin!

Li Cancan resisted his instinct to run away, and shouted with a trembling voice, "Monster, come here! I'm better than him!"

In the darkness, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Bai Lixin's voice came lazily: "Hey, it's a pity. It's daytime, and it will melt as soon as the sun shines, or you can take this one back."

Li Cancan: ""

At this moment, why did she suddenly feel that among the three present, the monsters were the ones who should escape the most?

In the room, five people sat face to face.

Except for Bai Lixin, the faces of the other four were not very good-looking.

The monster that was bound by Bailishin yesterday was tied to the corner of the wall.

Although it is daytime now, the sun is shining in through the window, and it will not tan the monster, but it will make the monster very weak and can only lie on the ground powerlessly, trying to maintain a state of being alive.

But even if this monster was about to die, it still looked like it was going to eat people, especially when its four blood-red eyes looked over.

Liang Xi took a deep breath and resisted the urge to run away: "I didn't get any clues today."

Zhou Guang and Xia Chi looked at each other and said with difficulty, "So do we."

Xia Chi: "Today's NPCs are surprisingly quiet. They let us work as soon as they came up, and didn't say anything in the middle."

Liang Xi: "The duration of compulsory work has also changed. I checked the task bar, yesterday we worked 4 hours, but today we have 6 hours. If it goes on like this, we will probably be forced to work 8 hours tomorrow! "

Zhou Guang: "The atmosphere between NPCs has also changed. Although it is still the same dead face, I can see that they are also very nervous."

Bai Lixin: "These NPCs are set up as villagers. Tomorrow will be the last day of the river god's curse. It's normal to be nervous. I got a clue today. The village chief should be the mysterious lover of Sang Baoer."

"All the clues are related to Sang Baoer, and the key people are Granny Sang and the village chief."

"Time is a little tight now." He paused and looked at the other three. "There are only 30 hours left."

Zhou Guang: "So we split up?"

Bai Lixin: "So I called them both together."

Everyone: "???"

As soon as he finished speaking, two unkind quarrels rang out.

"Why are you here, stinky man?!"

"That's right for me to ask you, dead old woman!"

Bai Lixin opened the door, shook the things in his hand, and gave them a kind smile, "Come in?"

The two NPCs looked at the things in Bailishin's hands, and their pale skin shrank to one piece.

The village chief: "How dare you move Bao'er's tablet!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was still intense.

Come here, just put the tablets in order, Niubi, I would like to call him Xin Shen. NPCs are stupid.

Hahaha, this is the first time I watched an escape game so cool. Playing monsters and NPCs all over the place is really worthy of Xin Shen.

Why did the door to the secret room just open by itself? NPC forgot to lock the door? Forget to lock the door, forget the padlock?

Good luck.

f-, you call this luck?

Black to the extreme is Ou, maybe with good luck, it will be all used up today? Besides, wasn't there always Li Cancan just now? I remember that this player had a luck of b, which should be about the same.

Come on, it's the luck of Li Cancan who fell ill as soon as he arrived.

Well, that is, negative or negative?

The village chief and Granny Sang sat down across the distance.

Bai Lixin made a long story short and cut to the chase: "I can return the spiritual position to you, but you have to answer a few questions for me."

The village chief looked at Bailishin with his dull black eyes, and he could hear a bit of forbearance in his gloomy voice: "Okay!"

"Li Chong, Sang Baoer and Huang Youcheng, what happened 30 years ago?"

The village chief's face was tangled for a moment, but he still opened his mouth.

"Thirty years ago, our village encountered a natural disaster."

"For two whole years, there was no rain, and the river dried up. There was no harvest in the fields, and the villagers couldn't live any longer. Praying for rain, praying to God, and worshipping Buddha, we used all the methods we could."

"Just when everyone was at a loss, a wealthy businessman named Huang Youcheng came to the village."

"Bao'er is a famous girl from ten miles and eight villages here. If it were put into ancient times, it would be comparable to Simei. That wealthy businessman was greedy for beauty, and when he heard the rumors about Bao'er, he had a crooked mind."

"Bao'er would rather die, so the wealthy businessman found Li Chong, who was the village chief at the time, that is, my father's place."

"Huang Youcheng promised to provide a large amount of food and money to our village to help us through the difficulties, but on one condition, that is to give Bao'er to him."

"My father saw Qian's eyes widen, and finally agreed to Huang Youcheng's request. But at that time, Bo'er and I were already in love. I hid outside and overheard their conversation. Later, I knelt down in front of my father and begged him to fulfill me and Bo'er."

"But my father knocked me out and locked me up."

"But Bao'er is a girl from a good family after all, and Bao'er is not stupid and won't agree. My father listened to Huang Youcheng.

Then, he made up a lie to sacrifice to the river god. "

"My father lied that he had invited the Heavenly Master to talk to the River God. The River God fell in love with Bao'er, but when Bao'er refused to marry the River God, the village would be punished by the sky, and it had not rained for two years. Baoer is dedicated to the river god, and the river god will forgive us and send rain and food."

"Bao'er was quickly pushed to the forefront, and it didn't take long for the whole village to carry it to the entrance of the village and hand it over to the Celestial Master."

"But that celestial master is a fake. Their people made Bao'er wear a wedding dress, tied it in a sedan chair, and carried it up the mountain step by step, and then carried it to the home of wealthy businessman Huang Youcheng."

"By the time I was released, Bao'er had become Huang Youcheng's concubine."

"And the villagers also ate food."

"Everyone had long-lost smiles on their faces. They thanked the River God for the gift and the curtain of God, but they alone forgot the Baoer who was sent as a bargaining chip by them."

"A month later, Heshen Village finally had its first rain in two years. The rain stopped for three days and three nights, and the river that had been dry was filled with water. The wealthy businessman Huang Youcheng took a boat to Heshen Village."

"On that boat, Bo'er poisoned/died Huang Youcheng, then committed suicide and died with hatred."

"That is, from that day, the curse of the river god appeared."

"It's Bo'er, her resentment turned into a curse and cursed all of us. She hates us for sending her out as a sacrifice for ourselves! Hates our greed and ignorance of gratitude! This is Bo'er's punishment for us. It's also the pain we have to endure! Our Heshen Village should be buried with Baoer. Only when we all die can Baoer's soul be freed."

Ding! Congratulations to the player, unlocking the truth of the Curse of the River God is 30%, and the current progress is 70%/100%.

Joy flashed across the faces of several other people in the room.


It went up so much! With only 30% left, they are getting closer and closer to victory!

Zhou Guang: "There is another Huang Youcheng. Should we go to Huang Youcheng's house to see? Hey village chief, does Huang Youcheng have a place to live here?"

The village chief rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut.

Bai Lixin: "Is it the old house in the east of the village?"

The village chief's stiff expression showed a bit of unwillingness: "How do you know?"

Bai Lixin: "I remember that there is a 'Huang family' written on the horizontal plaque of the house. Generally, large families only use the horizontal plaque. Looking at the time that the house was abandoned, it must be at least 20 or 30 years."

The village chief glared at Bai Lixin, and then began to stare at the tablet in his hand: "Yes, you are right, it is there. There is a broken house in the east of the village, and "Huangjia" is written on the door plaque. When he worked so hard for Boa, he lived there for a short time, and for a few days when they revisited the old place."


in the live room.

This is too awesome, is there such a coercive operation to blackmail NPCs?

In order to get this clue from the village chief, we did a lot of tasks for him at that time. After a whole day of busywork, he told us this story line on the last day. Immediately afterwards, it was time for the sacrifice, and we didn't have time to see Huang Youcheng's home. If we did the same at the time, was the female player?

Don't think too much about the past, not everyone is Bai Lixin, it is not easy for you to survive.

I got it. Obeying the rules will only become a passive puppet, breaking the rules will win!


The village chief kept his eyes on the tablet, "I've told you everything I should tell you, can you return Bo'er to me now?"

Bai Lixin brought the tablet to the village chief with two hands: "I'm sorry."

After taking the tablet, the village chief immediately held it in his arms like a baby, "My baby, you are suffering. Don't be afraid, I will send you back now, and we will go home together."

Before leaving, the village chief stood in front of the door with a blank face, his two dark eyes stared straight at Bai Lixin, "Don't waste your efforts, you can't escape, you can't escape, neither will you. There is no escape."

Leaving the last sentence, the village chief finally left.

In the room, there was still the NPC, Granny Sang.

Granny Sang was sometimes stupid and sometimes sober.

She was normal when she came to Bailishin, but after listening to the village chief's words, she went crazy again.

"No no no, Bo'er is so kind, she is so kind, she won't curse others."

"Damn, bastard! Beast! Go to hell!"

Granny Sang sat there frantically for a while, just when everyone didn't know what to do with her, Granny Sang suddenly twitched a few times, and then her head drooped and she didn't move.

Liang Xi was startled.

Just when he thought that Granny Sang fainted and was about to save the NPC, Granny Sang suddenly raised her head and scared Liang Xi to the ground on the spot.

Granny Sang's dark eyes were red with blood.

"I want Bo'er, my Bo'er!"

"It's not what he said. I didn't see Qianyan drive away Bao'er, give me Bao'er's body, and I'll tell you the truth that I know!"

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