"Let's make a bold guess, the hallucinogen hidden in the charcoal was put by Feng Gu?"

The man's face has been completely pulled down, and he has long lost his arrogance and dashing.

A terrifying icy aura faintly burst out from the whole body, and a double image faintly appeared in the eyes of the shrewd fox.

The four little foxes in his arms were shivering because of the man's aura, and Bai Lixin could even feel a faint pain in his wrist.

Black hair began to appear on the edge of the man's handsome face, and the hair spread densely to the middle, and the whole face began to slowly become a beast.

Bai Lixin looked at the little fox in the man's arms and said, "Calm down, don't scare these four little guys, you don't want to kill."

As if in response to Bai Lixin, the four little foxes began to whimper one after another.

The helpless wailing pulled back a bit of the man's sense of reason. He took a deep breath, the pupils in his eyes slowly returned to normal, and the hair on his face quickly faded.

Reassuringly stroking the four little foxes, the man even lowered his head and gently rubbed the four little fellows with his cheeks.

"But I speculate that hallucinogens were not the real cause of their deaths."

During the confrontation between the two, the black mist above their heads continued to advance at their own pace.

"Feng Gu has been in the Li family for so many years, and there are thousands of opportunities to start. I think she did this because she just wanted to know the truth of the fire."

As if to verify Bailishin's words, overhead, the shadow's door opened, and a shadow walked in.

The shadow walked among the maidservants who had fallen into the illusion, walked to the bedside of the eldest lady, and stopped.

In reality, the eldest lady opened her eyes.

She got up in panic and leaned her back against the wall.

The trembling eyes stared at the bedside, as if there was someone standing there who scared her to the extreme.

At the same time, the shadow above his head also made the same action.

The eldest lady's eyes have long since been blurred by inhaling hallucinogens.

Bai Lixin heard the eldest lady speak tremblingly.

"It's you, are you the eldest lady?"

"I'm sorry, you saved us, but we hurt you."

"Li Langcai is fascinated. He's a little broken, but he really didn't have the guts to kill. That fire was an accident, it was really just an accident."

"We wanted to put out the fire, really, I wanted to wake everyone up, but everyone fell asleep. I poured water from the bucket and tried to put out the fire, but it was a drop in the bucket."

"I have been going to the temple every year to burn incense and worship you. I should have died to atone for your sins. But I am afraid, I am afraid that after I die, Li Lang will go crazy. I am not a good person, but at least if I am in , Li Lang will at least restrain himself a little and won't hurt others too much."

"You showed up, so are you here to take me away?"

The eldest lady looked at the bedside stupidly, "Live well? You let me live well?"

I don't know what the other party said, but the eldest lady suddenly became excited, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Alive atonement?"

"Don't worry, it's cold this year, I'll go to the street tomorrow to give alms."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"I will definitely use the rest of my life to atone for my sins."

While speaking, the stunned eldest lady lay back on the bed, still muttering to herself.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"I must go to hell when I die, right?"

"Over the years, I have never forgotten your kindness and our unkindness. Every time I think of Mr. Liu, I feel ashamed."

"Every year I go outside to give alms, but I know that I can't wash away my sins by doing these things."

The person beside the bed stayed for a long time before finally walking to the brazier, as if planning to move the brazier out.

At this moment, the shadow room door suddenly opened.

A dark shadow of a beast flew in from inside.

The man said lightly, "That's me."

"You're right, when Liu Changfeng was alive, his family liked to do good deeds, and he was a well-known good person. Even if Liu Changfeng's daughter had nothing left overnight, she would not be enveloped in hatred. Lose your conscience."

"The hallucinogen was created by her. Over the years, she has entered the Li family and has been secretly observing Mrs. Li and Rich Li."

"She sees Mrs. Li's self-blame and good deeds in her eyes. According to Feng Gu, Mrs. Li's good deeds over the years have saved the lives of many poor people."

"If she kills the eldest lady, her parents will not be happy in the spirit of heaven, and many victims who can survive this winter may also die because of it."

"So she's going to let her go."

"She can let it go," the man growled, "but I can't let it go!"

"Damn that hunter, and this woman too!"

"If it wasn't for her help, my child would never have appeared, and my wife wouldn't have died!"

"So I killed everyone in this room except Feng Gu."

When the man spoke, the pupils in his eyes changed again, the pupils overlapped, and two pupils appeared in each eye.

Just like the photos he saw in the Taoist temple at that time.

Bai Lixin asked, "Then why didn't you kill Rich Li?"


The white of the human eye has become completely black, and in the completely black eyeball, there are two golden pupils side by side.

The strange and evil pupil looked at Bai Lixin, the man chuckled, "I want to kill, but God doesn't give me a chance. The Taoist Qingtian has always been around Li Caizhu, and the Taoist Qingtian has given him a lot of magic weapons against me, and I have no way to start. ."

"But I got it later."

The man smiled strangely, "To deal with humans, you have to use human methods."

"You and Feng Gu joined forces."

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, "I think Feng Gu has seen so many people in Li's house die because of the rich man Li in the past three years, and finally decided to eliminate the harm for the people."

The man chuckled: "You are right, after three years, Feng Gu and I have joined forces."

"She fed Rich Master Li a hallucinogen, which caused him to hallucinate. It was I who killed him."

"I tore his skin and ate his heart, liver and lungs, so happy!"

"Haha, that Daoist Qingtian is not a good person. He actually wanted to catch me and then refine me to become successful and improve my cultivation." The corner of the man's mouth raised, "But he underestimated me. Then I killed it again. Daoist Qingtian, who helped Zhou and abused him, was trapped in the photo by him, and escaped into the portrait at a critical moment."

"I hid in the portrait and came here."

"That damned demigod still wants to kill me and act for the heavens, but he can't do it at all."

"They're a bunch of sanctimonious guys, and so is Feng Gu! The villain who killed her family can be forgiven. Do you think she's hypocritical?"

"The same is true of the demigod in that portrait, who has been persuading me to turn back to the shore."

"Don't persuade others to be kind! When my wife and children were killed, when my family was destroyed, why didn't anyone save them? Now that I want to avenge my wife and children, he ran out to persuade me."

"Who does he think he is? He still wants to seal me in the painting, who does he think he is?"

"I saw my children when I was killing Rich Li, but I couldn't get them out at that time. After entering the picture scroll, I kept jumping and finally entered the picture scroll that imprisoned my children. But I was late, I When I went there, the fire had already burned down this place into ruins."

"Do you know how desperate I was at that time? I jumped in here at the last moment when the picture scroll was burning." The man paused, with a rare gentle smile on his face, "I didn't expect that they were still alive."

"You saved my child, I won't kill you this time."

"Have you seen my eyes?" The man pointed to his pupils, "I'm an evil fairy now, as long as I find my wife again, I can resurrect my wife and children."

"So we can be together as a family again."

Bai Lixin listened to the man's speech quietly.

He began to think that the black and white fox was the black and white fox three years ago, but through the current dialogue, he turned out to be the black and white fox three years later.

Same as yourself.

He is also a life outside the picture scroll, but he just entered this picture scroll by mistake and re-watched the crime scene of that year.

Then the sentence "You are not the same" that the black and white fox said at the beginning did not mean that he came from outside the scroll, but that he realized that he was not from this plane?

This black and white fox just said a few short sentences, the amount of information is also huge.

First, Feng Gu was Liu Changfeng's young lady, but it was clear.

Second, Feng Gu's purpose was to let the eldest lady save people and atone for their sins, while the black and white fox just wanted to kill people for their lives, but he not only killed the eldest lady who had a grudge against him, but also killed four innocent maids.

And it was this murder that broke Feng Gu and the black and white fox completely, and they no longer contacted each other until three years later, when they wanted to end up with Li Caizhu, they formed an alliance again.

Third, it was this fox who killed Taoist Qingtian.

Fourth, there is also a character, a half-immortal. If you guessed correctly, it should be the Taoist man in white hanging in the portrait in Qinglian Temple.

That is what Xiangu said in the mouth of "cultivating madman".

He had heard this man from the mouths of two people, but he had never seen it.

Bai Lixin's eyes dimmed slightly. He could see the truth of the year in the first painting. Did this half-immortal let him see it?

They did not see the appearance of the mysterious demigod until the picture scroll was burned. Since they can pass through the "door" into the picture scroll of Xiangu, why can't that half-immortal?

When I saw what happened three years ago in the second painting, is it possible that the half-immortal let me see it?

If it was really him, what message did he want to send him by letting himself see so much?

Fifth, the double pupils that I saw in my Taoist memories at that time were the black and white foxes in front of me. Similar to what I guessed, the fox should have jumped into the picture scroll through the photo, jumped continuously in the picture scroll, and finally passed the picture.

Fifth, it is also your own task.

It seems that he has found the murderer of Li Caizhu and the reason for killing him.

The murderers are Black and White Fox and Feng Gu.

As for the reason, it is not only for revenge, but also for their extermination of violence.

Ding! Task 2 leads to 15%, and the total progress is 100%. Congratulations to the player, mission 2 is completed.

Bai Lixin opened the task bar, and there were still five hours before the closing of the "door" on the scroll.

The system did not continue to add quests after he completed quest 2, but another side quest "Little Fox Finds Mother" still displayed "in progress".

It seems like everything is over, but it doesn't seem like it's over yet.

It's like watching a hearty blockbuster, but when it comes to an end, it becomes a commonplace among parents.

Bai Lixin's sixth sense told him that there was a subtle sense of contradiction.

"This is my child, I'll take these four little guys." The man stood up from his seat, "I said, thank you for helping me protect my child, so I won't kill you this time."

"But it's only this time. If you are as busy as that Taoist Qingtian, I won't let you go."

"Wait, I still have a few questions." Bai Lixin stopped the black and white fox who was about to leave, "Did you set the fire in the Taoist temple?"

"Who made them want to kill me?" The black and white fox raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I just let out a shadow to frighten them, and they accidentally knocked over the flames by themselves. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would be killed. Burnt to ashes."

"What? Are you going to help the heavens?" The black and white fox regained his initial arrogance. He raised his head and looked down at Bai Lixin, who was sitting on the chair. "Are you sure you can beat me?"


This fox father is somewhat conceited. "Are you sure you can beat me?" Oh, if you bet one floor for points, Xin Shen can blow up his dog head, Abu, it's a fox head.

This is the joy of ignorance.

Xin Shen's mission 2 has reached 100%. According to the previous rhythm, shouldn't the hidden plot be triggered now, ready to chop the big boss?

Hey, this boss makes me a little sigh. How should I put it, it is also revenge, he and Feng Gu have chosen two different paths.

Fox father chose to kill, Feng Gu chose redemption.

Redemption? Really redeemed, Feng Gu won't wait until Li Caizhu killed so many concubines before doing it.

I thought she was a white lotus bitch. Her parents' hatred was so great that she could endure it. She was so poisonous. It's been three years, and the surrounding concubines are almost dead, and she only remembered to kill the people.

Oops, so contradictory.

In fact, considering her family background, it is understandable. Her parents are both great people, and she was nurtured in her bones to help others. But you can't choose to stop helping people just because there is only one bad person out of 100 people you have helped.

Moreover, her parents came and left cleanly when they died. Feng Gu is their most beloved daughter. When she sees her parents downstairs, she also wants to meet them cleanly, right? Killing, after all, will get her hands dirty.

But didn't she finally do it? So she is a white lotus bitch.

Alright, alright, don't talk about Feng Gu, just focus on watching the live broadcast, it's just an NPC, the plot just goes that way, there's no need to discuss it for so long.

The black and white fox uttered a cruel word, opened the door with the four little foxes and entered the snow.

Bai Lixin looked at the shadow above his head, and all the noise was over.

With the intervention of the black and white fox, the four maids and the eldest lady all fell to the ground.

The only Feng Gu and the black and white fox had a fierce quarrel, and then left angrily.

In the room, in the end, only the fox with the huge head was left.

Bai Lixin looked at the shadow of the animal head, which was basically the same as what he saw in NPC Xin Ge'er's memory.

Just as the shadow plot finished playing, the top of Bai Lixin's head changed.

The shadow disappeared, replaced by a female Taoist in a white Taoist robe.

She was suspended in the sky, her figure was ethereal, and a line of tears slowly left in her pitying eyes.


The female Taoist was condescending and opened her mouth slowly, her voice was like a Sanskrit sound, long and ethereal, like a series of heavy bells, hitting Bailishin's chest one after another.

"see this."

She waved her arm lightly, and a picture appeared in the thin layer of mist.

The mountains and rivers were ignited by flames, and all the creatures in the city were charred.

The huge black and white fox opened its fangs, and in the black eyeballs, two golden pupils gleamed and killed.

The ground is full of corpses, and what you see in your eyes is the appearance of extinction.

"I originally wanted to seal the Evil Immortal in my world," the Taoist woman said slowly, "but I didn't expect it to become an Evil Immortal through the Slaughter Dao. I'm not his opponent."

"If you don't stop him, the killing will make him lose his mind, and you can see everything will come true."

"I let you see its past, and also saw the process of its step-by-step into the abyss. I tried to save him when everything could be changed, but my kindness can't match the hatred and malice in its heart. "

"Child, I hope you can help me and kill this one together."

Ding! Trigger hidden missions to help kill black and white foxes.

Friendly reminder: This task is a hidden task, and there is no penalty after failure.


The mission is coming soon!

The legendary demigod really appeared.

What a shame, originally the black and white fox was the victim, but now it has made a wrong step and step, and has become the perpetrator.

It may even become a runaway. I don't like the plot of this world. It's so difficult.

But if you do something wrong, you will be punished.

Will there be a reversal? I can't completely believe the words of this half-immortal. What if there is a reversal?

Reverse what, reverse, hidden tasks are out.

Don't worry, there are more than two days left

time, let the bullets fly for a while.

Bai Lixin looked up at the sympathetic female Taoist priest for a while, and instead of pressing the OK button in a hurry, he asked, "Where are all the people who came with me?"

The Taoist woman kept a smile on her lips and pointed to the door, "They are all safe, as long as you go out through this door, you can see them."

Bai Lixin nodded and looked at the Taoist woman, "How can I help you kill him?"

"It's very simple. You have a contract imprint with his children on your wrist. You can call those children through the contract imprint and summon them."

"I used my lifelong cultivation to create a picture scroll, which is the beginning of all disasters. As long as you introduce him into that picture scroll, I will use all my strength to perish with him."

Bai Lixin: "To perish together? You mean you will die too?"

The female Taoist smiled bitterly: "I persuaded him several times, but he was stubborn. If I had killed him before he had reached this level of cultivation, there would not have been a series of disasters."

"In the end, I'm still too soft-hearted, and I've always had expectations, hoping that he can correct his evils, but in the end I was wrong."

"Only by killing him can the world be quiet and peaceful."

Bai Lixin didn't say anything more, just smiled back, "For the sake of the world, you are really heartbroken."

Daoist woman: "I guard this world, believers believe in me, this is what I should do."

Bai Lixin: "Then, where is that picture scroll? Where should I find it?"

Daoist woman: "It's in the hands of the only surviving little Daotong boy in Qinglianguan. That little Daotong boy has now come to Fengcheng. If you go to him, it is said that you are entrusted by me to find the picture scroll."

"Okay," Bai Lixin stood up, "there is still a small problem, we can't find the 'door' to go out after we stumbled into this place, be kind and compassionate"

Daoist woman: "My name is Qinglian monk."

Bai Lixin continued: "Cultivator Qinglian, who is merciful and merciful, can you point us to a clear path?"

Qinglian monk: "This is simple, where you come from, go out from where you are, and the door is hidden in the aquatic plants at the bottom of the water."

"Time is running out. In order to revive his wife and children, the black and white fox must practice again. The picture you just saw will soon become a reality. Act early, my child."

After cultivator Qinglian said this, his body slowly misted into a cloud of white mist, which finally disappeared above his head.

The room finally quieted down.

Blissin went to the bed.

The eldest lady on the bed was already broken, her eyes were open angrily, as if she had seen something terrifying, her face was pale green, and she seemed to be scared to death.

She was also covered with a thick hill quilt, but it was no longer needed.

Glancing at the top of his head, which had already returned to calm, Bai Lixin didn't look back, pushed the door and walked out of the room.

As soon as he stepped into the wind and snow, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

He also immediately fell into a warm embrace, Di Jia's face was full of sullenness, and he swept up and down Bai Lixin's body, making sure that the other party was not under any threat before secretly relieved, "I just came out to wake them up, open the door. After the door, I found that I couldn't go back."

"Yeah," a soldier said aggrieved, covering his red and swollen cheeks, "I was fine when I came, I can't go back."

Woohoo, Lord Admiral made his face hurt.

Bai Lixin turned around, the scene of the death just now had disappeared, and there was an empty room in front of him, with nothing.

Dijia: "Don't look at it, the time-space dislocation has disappeared."

"Go to the place where the stage was just now." Bai Lixin thought for a while, and told Di Jia in detail what happened inside.

"Even if it's me, I can't intervene in the world in the painting at will." Di Jia's brows have been squeezed into the word "Chuan".

"I also found out," Bai Lixin clenched his fists, "After entering the painting, my power disappeared a lot."

"Other people's domain rules give us a lot of restrictions."

Di Jia: "But this monk Qinglian asked you to introduce the fox into the picture. It seems that monk Qinglian has the strongest power in the picture."

"She can't kill the fox by herself?" Di Jia frowned and looked at Bai Lixin, "Just let you help?"

How do you feel that your baby is being treated as a tool person?

Bai Lixin smiled and said nothing more.

A few people walked while talking, but they came to the theater just now.

The backyard, which was bustling just now, is now empty.

The stage had long since disappeared, and in the empty yard, only four people were lying on the ground alone.

When the two soldiers saw it, they hurried over and took a quick breath.

"They're still alive! They're all angry, they're not dead!"

"I just didn't wake up. Don't worry, Admiral and Madam. You don't need to do anything. We'll wake them up now."

Without waiting for what Bailishin and Di Jiaduo said, a few slaps fell hard.

"Good brother, wake up!" "Clap!"

"Good buddy, the blessings and the hardships are the same." "Poppa."

We can't just be beaten, we must be beaten together.

We are dead brothers!

Bai Lixin: ""

It's too bad to be your brother.

The night was dark, and only a full moon was shining overhead.

huge yard

Inside, the hustle and bustle dissipated, leaving only loneliness.

There are several small courtyards not far away, but the courtyards are also pitch-dark, with no candles at all.

It should be the warm and elegant season of early summer, but there is a deadly quietness everywhere.

"Does Xian Gu live in such a place every day?" A soldier kept moving his hands and flapping his palms vigorously. "There are no lights on in so many rooms. Like a lonely grave, it is quite scary."

"Maybe it will be different when she comes in. Besides, Xian Gu is a ghost, so she shouldn't be afraid of this." Another soldier said, "Don't care about others, you should care about ourselves. I Everyone is scared and stupid, and they just want to get out of this ghost place quickly."

He said so with his mouth, but the movements of his hands were heavier than ever.

When the next slap fell, the four fainted soldiers suddenly hummed at the same time.

The two soldiers immediately stood up and ducked aside.

After a while, the four soldiers covered their faces and opened their eyes.

"My face hurts so much."

"Me too, my face seems to be swollen."

"What's the matter, is it the ghost of the white boss just now?"



deadly brotherhood

plastic brotherhood

we are the same

Good guy, the title of the book is considered to be understood by you guys.

Bai Lixin: "Are you awake? Tell me how you got in."

Seeing that the Admiral was in front of them, the four soldiers quickly stood up from the ground.

After hearing Bai Lixin's question, you looked at me, I looked at you, and both saw fear in the other's eyes.

One of the soldiers took a deep breath and said slowly, "After we came in, we were locked in a box. The surroundings were pitch black, and we couldn't move."

"Only sounds from outside can be heard."

"After a jolt, when the box was opened, we found ourselves unable to control our bodies and stood on the stage."

"There are people below, and from my point of view, there are dead faces below. It may be because of the light, especially Mr. Li and Mrs. Li at the front, who smiled so strangely, like paper The paper figurines in the store are like hell."

"I wasn't scared to pee at the time, it was good."

"Fortunately, I saw you later, otherwise we would have been scared to death here."

"After the performance just now, we were put in the box again, and then fell into a coma. When we wake up, it's now."

Bai Lixin: "Did you find anything else?"

A soldier said: "No."

"It seems a little bit," another soldier retorted. "I remember when we were locked in the box, it seemed that we heard conversations."

"One of the people's voice is a bit feminine and sharp, very similar to the voice of the eunuch, it is estimated that it is the rich man Li."

"The voice was quite flustered, saying 'how can it be so similar', 'why do you know this story', 'I'll give you whatever you want', but Boss Bai didn't speak much."

"Then I heard a burst of rapid footsteps, and the man seemed to leave."

"It didn't take long for another person to come."

"However, unlike Li Caizhu, this person speaks very little. He is a woman. I can hear it vaguely."

"But I can hear Boss Bai saying, 'It's you?' 'Although you don't admit it, you gave me the words, right?' 'I know your hand'."

"The female voice seemed a little unhappy, and Boss Bai said, 'Don't worry, I will never betray you', 'I won't step into Li's house from today, and you shouldn't come to the plum garden' and so on."

"Then there was no more, and we went to sleep."

Bailishin and Dijia looked at each other and said, "Let's go, get out of here first."

The female voice should be Feng Gu.

The soldier said in surprise: "Madam has found the exit?"

Bai Lixin: "I found it. Under the water, you can swim, right?"

The soldiers nodded, "Yes, yes."

Facing the cold and lonely moonlight, several people quickly came to the lake.

No matter how long they walked, there was loneliness all around, and everything seemed to stand still. There were no cicadas, no frogs, not even mosquitoes and breezes.

The sound of footsteps landing on the ground was particularly loud, and the soldiers even had to lift their feet slightly to ease the panic in their hearts.

Several people came to the pool, and soon one piece got into the water.

In the daytime, because the sun is shining, the bottom of the lake itself is glowing, so the door cannot be distinguished from the bottom of the lake.

It was late at night, and the surrounding area was pitch black, and the faint white light was particularly obvious.

A few people quickly swam to the door, behind the palace of Emperor Gabriel, until all the soldiers left here, and the two of them also entered the door.

Bai Lixin opened his eyes and saw a few seconds of daze on the messy bed.

Li Yuan had passed out, and Xiangu was wearing a thin veil, leaning lazily by the bed, "You guys are finally out, hurry up."

The six soldiers stood dumbfounded by the bed, their faces flushed red, all lowered their heads and looked at the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Bai Lixin pointed to the painting, "Do I need to take you with me?"

Xiangu looked at Li Yuan on the bed, and then at Bai Lixin, she thought for a moment, "Okay, you take me away. Say

To be honest, I've been here long enough, can you paint a picture for me, I want to go back to my former home. "

Bai Lixin: "Yes."

Xian Gu smiled and got into the painting, Bai Lixin was not soft, and while the soldiers were dumbfounded, they swept away all the rhino horn incense and left gracefully.


The action is very skilled.

What on earth did Mrs.

When several people came out of Li Yuan's room, it was already dusk above their heads.

It was dark all around, and tall lanterns were hung in the courtyard.

The servants in twos and threes passed by, the cicadas chirped, and the scent of flowers wafted in the air.

The soldiers were moved to tears.

"Ah, ah, we finally got out of those ghost places. It's great. I will never say that the place where I live is a ghost place again. I will never poop in the place where I eat again, woo woo woo."

"I feel like I've been in the painting for so long, but it's just dusk outside. Is it just two hours later? But I almost died in the painting."

"This is life, youth in full bloom, I love the real world!"

Bai Lixin coughed lightly: "Since everyone is so familiar, I have one more thing I want to trouble everyone."

The soldier suddenly turned serious and looked at Bai Lixin seriously: "Madam, please say, we will do it!"

Bai Lixin: "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just a little physical work. I don't know if you have the strength to do it."

"Madam is just joking," the soldier smiled, "Our body is so good, we can run two laps around Fengcheng."

"But what kind of physical work is it? Let's see if we can do it. Don't embarrass you."

"It's very simple physical work," Bai Lixin smiled lightly, "you can do it, just dig up the soil with a shovel."

The soldiers waved their hands casually, "Hey, I thought it was a big deal, digging was something I knew when I was a kid. Where to dig? How much? What are you going to do with the soil, ma'am? thing?"

Bai Lixin smiled even sweeter, he leaned his body on Di Jia lazily, and said shyly and timidly, "Neither."

"It's grave digging."

"Everyone is tired now, let's go together after dinner."

"Not far, just behind the mountain."

"Dig nine, the workload is quite large, so eat more tonight."


Dig, dig what? !

Are their ears okay?

digging, digging graves? !

A pair of eyes fell dully on Bai Lixin's face, Bai Lixin's face turned even redder, and even embarrassed to bury his head in Di Jia's arms.

Dijia Kuku said: "Listen to him, let me listen to him, you must listen!"

People: ""

There is a knife on the head of the color, Lord Admiral.

Moon and night.

This is a cemetery area, no matter it is day or night, few people set foot on it.

In the distance, the leaves rustled, and the sound of the leaves was accompanied by the lone wolf howling and the howling of the wind.

Several hands held several shovels, tremblingly opened a grave, revealing the coffin inside.

A coquettish and coquettish voice sounded in the darkness, "Open."

The coffin opens.

There was only one set of ghost clothes inside, but the corpse disappeared.

The soldier called out, "Hey, why is there no body?"

Bai Lixin continued: "Next, open."

Coffins were opened one by one, except for the eldest lady's, which was not pried open.

Without exception, there were no dead bodies, just pieces of faded clothing.

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