"You really don't know how to do synesthesia?"

Some do not believe, Di Jia confirmed again.

"Really not," Bai Lixin sighed, "It's really too difficult. Synesthesia requires two people to work together. I can't grasp the essence of it when I practice alone."

He carefully observed the expression on Bai Lixin's face, full of curiosity.

Di Jia breathed a sigh of relief, "Indeed, synaesthesia requires two people to practice."

Synesthesia is also called telepathy. Through the connection of magic, both parties can share everything they see in front of them. If the magic power of both parties is compatible enough, they can also feel the emotional state of the other party.

Synesthesia is light magic, and another kind of magic that is very close to synesthesia is dark magic intrusion.

Synaesthesia requires mutual acceptance of the magician to activate, but Invasion is to directly control the other party and attach itself to the other party's body.

Because the Invasion Technique is too evil, it has long been listed as one of the forbidden techniques.

Before the magic started, Dija reminded the other party again.

"Because synesthesia will enter the other party's senses, it is very likely to trigger an unstable magic state during the activation process, so you must focus on the magic process, don't think about it, you know?"

Bai Lixin nodded respectfully, "Master, I only have full respect for you, and I will never think wildly."

s419m: That's weird.

The magic unfolded, and Di Jia's two huge palms of Sen Bai stretched upwards, signaling Bai Lixin to put them up.

Bai Lixin imitated Di Jia's movements, his palms stretched down and pressed against Di Jia's icy palms.

Dijia: "Let's start."

As the two of them recited the same words at the same time, a white light began to revolve around the two of them.

In the process of chanting, Bai Lixin seemed to be in a huge ocean. In this boundless sea, he was surrounded by a strong force, and after passing through countless surging waves, he entered the vast and vast universe of stars.

Countless stars and galaxies move according to their own laws, and there is not a single sound around.

No clutter, no hustle and bustle, comfort everywhere.

Here is Bailishin's inner world, Dijia wrapped Bailishin without stopping, they continued to move forward, and the thousands of stars in front of them gradually changed, turning into a dark darkness.

In the mysterious and lonely darkness, there seems to be a faint bright spot shining.

I don't know when, they have come from Bai Lixin's inner world to Di Jia's inner world.

Bai Lixin wanted to get close to the bright spot to see what it was, but was taken away by Di Jia.

As the mantra was chanted, the inner worlds of the two were gradually merging.

When the incantation was completely finished, Bailishin opened his eyes.

In his own eyes, two pictures appeared.

One is his own perspective, and the other is Dijia's perspective.

It turns out that in Dijia's perspective, is he so small?

Bai Lixin lowered his head and landed on the hands that the two were holding together. He placed his not-so-small palm on the other's huge palm. The huge animal head was not scary, but rather cute. The huge palm was placed under his own. The whole person made him feel like a large dog.

He couldn't help but wonder, what would it be like if the other party had a tail behind him now?

What's wrong with wanting to fuck up?

Just when Bai Lixin was in a thousand thoughts, a blue light suddenly appeared on Di Jia on the opposite side. In the next second, Bailishin's consciousness popped out of Dijia's body.

A dazzling light flashed, and when the white light disappeared, Bai Lixin's expression froze, and he stared at the opposite.

Shaggy, gray hair, pointy ears, chubby short-legged body, and a plump tail

Di Jia disappeared, and there was a wolf cub the size of two palms in his two hands.

Bai Lixin: ""

Uh, what's up?

The wolf cub opened his mouth, and it was a very familiar low roar: "I just told you not to think about it? What are you thinking?"

Bai Lixin's calm expression cracked: ""

Holding the wolf cub with trembling hands, c'mon, is this Dijia?

Bai Lixin froze all over, trying to clear himself up, "No, I didn't think anything, I just thought Master was handsome just now, like a lone wolf on the grassland."

It's best not to let him know that he just wanted to fuck him.

Dijia's nose made two sullen snorts.

Bai Lixin suddenly felt a thousand pounds in his hand. He carefully held the wolf cub and asked tentatively, "How could this be?"

Dijia: "Synesthesia will affect the magical fluctuations in the consciousness of both parties. You can see my sight because part of your soul has entered my body."

Di Jia angrily sat in Di Bai Li Xin's palm and kicked his short legs, "In a sense, my body may mistakenly think that your thoughts are my own thoughts. You just thought of the lone wolf, Make my body think I want to be a lone wolf."

His voice stopped, and his cute golden eyes looked at Bai Lixin, "Are you really thinking of a lone wolf? Why did it become such a small thing?"

Bai Lixin respectfully held Di Jia with a steady expression like an old dog: "Of course it's a lone wolf!"

God, the old man who turned into a little wolf cub is so cute, like rua.

How can these legs be so short?


Can you turn into a wolf without a spell? "Seeing that Di Jia was still suspicious, Bai Lixin simply changed the subject.

Dija: "I've passed the period of using spells to activate magic. As long as I think about it, I can activate it immediately."

In order to appease Di Jia, Bai Lixin quickly arranged Rainbow Fart, "Wow, Master is amazing. Then you must be able to change back, right?"

The short legs stiffened, "Put me on the sofa."

The fluffy feel is very good, although Bai Lixin was a little reluctant, she still put it on the sofa.

I saw a flash of white light.

Bai Lixin watched quietly. After the white light faded, the little wolf cub was still on the sofa.

Diga: ""

Bai Lixin: ""

Di Jia did not give up and tried again.

After the white light flashed and faded, it was still the little wolf cub.

After trying this several times, Di Jia Yuzu said: "During the transformation process, the magic logic changed. I need to find its source magic before I can change back."

Bai Lixin: "Then what is its source magic? I'll find it for you now."

"Well," Dijia kicked his hind legs embarrassedly: "Transformation is a magic created by the orcs. I watched it for fun and learned it and learned it directly into the body. I really forgot the spell of the source magic. Yes. If you want to find the source magic, you can only go to the orcs."

"Go," Bailishin tapped his chin twice, "must go."

The wolf cub leaned on the sofa and looked up at the incomparably huge Bai Lixin at the moment, feeling a little complicated.

"You go with me."

The Immortal King will not give up, and Bailishin will likely be threatened after he leaves.

"No problem," Bai Lixin replied fluently, "What the master says is, when do you leave?"

The little wolf cub stretched his body, "The sooner the better."

Bai Lixin: "Yes, how to get there? Use teleportation magic?"

The wolf cub shook his head, "Because of the transformation technique, my magic power has been suppressed, and I can't use teleportation magic. And the orcs don't welcome the undead."

He paused, "It can be said that orcs, night elves and humans do not welcome the undead. In order to protect their own race, each race has set up a shield. But I know that there is an ancient teleportation formation in the undead. , can be teleported to the Orcs."

"We can enter the Orcs through that teleportation array."

Bai Lixin immediately held the wolf cub in his arms, "Okay, let's go now? You tell where, I'll take you there, Master."

Di Jia was completely blinded by the sudden embrace, and the next second he felt himself lifted up and placed in the hood behind Bai Lixin's neck.

The hood of the priest's suit was large, and the wolf cub fell into it, completely covering it.

"Don't worry," Di Jia's two front legs tried to grab Bailishin's collar and stood up. Because of this action, Bai Lixin's collar was pulled apart, and a piece of pure white skin was immediately exposed.

Di Jia silently touched his paws a few more times: "Don't worry, we will go again at night. The teleportation array is in the hall of the immortal king. We will go again at night when the immortal king goes to the sleeping hall to rest."

Bai Lixin: "Okay."


At night, in front of the hall of the Immortal King.

Two skeleton guards on the left and right stood on either side of the door.

The hallway was dim, with only a few lights on.

Suddenly, the two guards felt a tap on their shoulders.

The two turned their heads almost at the same time, with nothing behind them.

The moment they turned around, the closed door revealed a gap and quickly closed again.

When the two skeleton guards turned around, one of the guards said, "It seemed that someone shot me just now."

Guard B shook his shoulders, "Me too, but no one, there won't be ghosts, right?"

Guard A: "Fuck, don't scare me, I'm too timid."



? ? ?

Aren't they just another form of ghost? Are ghosts afraid of ghosts?

I don't know there is a saying called "ugly without knowing it?".

Come and watch Xin Shen do things.

But what happened to the dog in Xin Shen's arms?

Brother, that looks like a wolf.

So fat, it turned out to be a wolf, and the wolf was about to hit the wall.


There was no one in the dark hall.

Only the moonlight poured in from the windows, making the opulent palace look less gloomy.

Suddenly, a figure gradually appeared under the moonlight.

The figure was translucent at first, then gradually deepened, and finally turned into a solid body.

He tore off the black hood above his head, revealing a warm and handsome face.

A small, short-legged wolf cub poked its head out of the crook of his arms, its chubby front paws pointed to a corner.

"There, there is a mechanism on the bookshelf that leads to the basement."

Once born and twice cooked.

When he was held in his arms by Bailishin, he experienced the shyness from the beginning to the calmness, and Dijia completely let go.

thyme no

Waste more time, and follow the direction of Di Jia to the bookshelf.

Dijia: "The red book in the upper right corner, pick it up."

There were densely packed books on the bookshelf, and Bai Lixin read these books through the weak light, and finally his eyes fell to the upper right corner.

He stood on tiptoe and put his fingertips under the spine of the red book to pick it up. At the same time, the bookshelf suddenly turned at a 30-degree angle, revealing a gap.

Bai Lixin carried the wolf cub into the gap, and in front of him was a tunnel made of gray bricks.

The tunnel extends deep from left to right. Di Jia stood there and hesitated for a while, then pointed to the right, "This way."

Bai Lixin took out a flashlight from his backpack, and the dark tunnel immediately brightened.

Dijia's voice sounded in the long and narrow tunnel, "Invisibility, lighting, these are not things that exist in this world."

Bai Lixin: "Master's eyes are really good."

Diga: ""

One mouthful of "Master", how can the small mouth be so sweet.

In the long and narrow tunnel, there are only the sound of Bailishin's orderly footsteps and shallow breathing.

Dijia was held in his arms by Bailishin, and through the soft cloth, he could clearly feel Bailishin's strong heartbeat on his back.

Puff, puff.

Little by little, it was transmitted to his body.

This tunnel is very long, and Bai Lixin walked forward not long when he heard a roar similar to that of a beast coming from the distance of the tunnel in front of him.

There is some overlap in the sound, there should be a group of things.

Bai Lixin stopped, his ear against the wall.

With one hand against the wall, he could feel the slight trembling from a distance.

As the roar of the voice intensified, the trembling on the wall grew further and further away.

Bai Lixin hugged the wolf cub, and the hand holding the flashlight moved forward slightly. At the end of the flashlight, he vaguely saw some creeping shadows.

Those shadows move very fast and seem to be numerous.

But for a moment, Bai Lixin saw what they looked like.

Those are zombies that have not completely rotted. Their bodies are very stiff, their skins are festering and rotten, and they are wearing tattered cloth clothes.

But they moved very fast, taking small, messy, stiff steps one by one, moving in the narrow tunnel.

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, and when he was about to turn around, he heard such a roar behind him.

The flashlight shone into the tunnel behind him, and sure enough, there were also a bunch of zombies approaching him.

This is a single passage with no other roads, and it is blocked in front and back. Bai Lixin is ready to draw the weapon in his backpack.

Just as he was about to draw out his weapon, his sight caught a figure among the zombies.

His pupils contracted slightly, and his body quickly rushed in that direction.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer and closer, Bai Lixin stepped on the wall around him and jumped up easily, grabbing a zombie directly from the zombie group.

He just held the wolf cub in one hand and the zombie in the other, jumping back and forth through the narrow walls on both sides, and quickly passed through the zombie group.

Until the zombie group behind him was thrown away, Bai Lixin let go of the zombies in his hand.

The skin on his whole body has rotted so thoroughly that his original appearance could not be seen for a long time.

But the tattered clothes on the zombies are still recognized by themselves, and they can be vaguely recognized by the bones of the other party.

The zombie in front of him is the long-lost Zhou Guang.

He stared blankly at Bailishin, his mouth opened, his body moved forward, and he was still thinking about how to attack Bailishin.

Bai Lixin called him tentatively: "Zhou Guang?"

The body that attacks mechanically has a slight stiffness.

But soon he continued to roar again.

Dijia's voice came from his arms to Bai Lixin's ears: "They are all cursed."

"You know him?"

Bai Lixin nodded and said in a low voice, "Yes, it's my friend. I'm here to find him."

Dija was silent for two seconds, and his voice slowed down a lot. "These curses are not the same as the original curses. I feel black magic from their bodies. They probably won't return to their senses, they can only be the walking dead now. state."

Bai Lixin: "Then are they completely dead now or are they still alive?"

After another brief silence, Di Jia said, "In theory, it should be dead."

Blissin tried using the Black Pearl Mermaid Heart around her neck.

I saw a faint white light lit up, and the opposite Zhou Guang's body was also wrapped in a mass of white light.

Ding! Sorry, the healing target is dead, cannot heal, and cannot increase proficiency.

After the system beep sounded, the white light also slowly went out.

Zhou Guang still looked like a sluggish walking corpse, and the rotting parts of his body showed no signs of healing.

Behind him, the zombies chased after him again.

Bai Lixin turned the flashlight over this time and took a serious look at the clothes they were wearing.

Although it is tattered, it can be seen that many of them are modern attire.

These zombies are almost all players.

The Palace of the Immortal King, the Food of the Immortal King, the Chamber of the Immortal King.

What my friends and these players are experiencing now seems to be the same

Immortal King.

Bai Lixin asked Di Jia, "Is there any way to save them?"

Dijia: "Not at present, the curse of the undead is the strongest curse in the world. If death can be freed, I will give you a suggestion to give him a good time and let him rest in peace. But death can't free them, Don't look at them now as if they are thoughtless walking dead, but in fact, their souls are trapped in their bodies."

"Let's use an analogy. Now each of them is locked in a pitch-dark cage. They can't see or get out. What awaits them is a long period of despair."

"Sorry, even I can't find any way to save them or free them."

Dijia's small head lifted up, and his eyes fell on the pearl necklace on Bailishin's neck.

Bai Lixin seemed to be saving them with this pearl necklace just now.

The system private chat sounded, and Bai Lixin opened the chat dialog, it was Xia Chi and the others.

Xia Chi set up a temporary discussion group and pulled the four of them in.

Xia Chi: Bai Lixin, brother, why haven't you come back so late, where are you now?

Bai Lixin: I am in the secret passage of the palace of the Immortal King.

After hesitating for two seconds, Bai Lixin told them the truth. I met Zhou Guang here.

Li Cancan: ! ! !

Liang Xi: ! ! !

Xia Chi: Zhou Guang! Is he okay?

Bai Lixin glanced at Zhou Guang who kept screaming in pain, not very good, how about you?

Xia Chi: We're fine, but they ate a lot again tonight. Maybe Wen Ziqing didn't take us seriously, didn't do anything to us.

Bai Lixin frowned: Jiangshan's nature is difficult to change, and he can easily get rid of his former teammates in order to gain points, not to mention you.

Don't do it now, it should be just to maintain his image in the minds of those new teammates.

Besides, there are still unfinished tasks. I'll be away for a few days. I'm not in Wen Ziqing these few days. I should win you over. After all, Liang Xi knew many things about this copy.

If he draws you in, feel sorry for yourself for a while, give them some information, and take him to the underground palace.

Liang Xi: Why? !

Bai Lixin: Even without the clues you provide, players can still find the palace. You give him a little sweetness and let him get one of the secret treasures, so that he will value your value and will not hurt you.

I'm going away for a few days, and you guys are adapting until I get back.

Li Cancan: Xin Shen, where are you going?

Bai Lixin: Go to the Orcs. If I have the conditions, I should bring a piece of the secret treasure.

Xia Chi: Brother, come on. You can rest assured that we will protect ourselves and find more clues in the undead tribe.

Bai Lixin: Okay, please.

Liang Xi: Xin Shen, you said just now that Zhou Guang's situation is not good, why is it bad?

The zombies in the distance are getting closer and closer to him, Bai Lixin: As he had guessed before, he was cursed to become an undead. Other players are here too. Don't come here, they have lost their minds and don't know you.

Xia Chi: Is there any help?

Blissin: Look again.

Liang Xi: Xin Shen must have a way!

Bai Lixin did not reply to them this time.

There must be a way?

He didn't know it himself, but thinking about it carefully, which dungeon trip was planned?

When he came here in the dark and saw Zhou Guang, he always felt that things would definitely turn around.

The zombies had approached a dozen steps away from him, and Bai Lixin patted Zhou Guang's shoulder lightly, "I'll go first, don't be afraid, I'll be back, you are not alone."

After all, Bai Lixin no longer hesitated, turned around and hugged Di Jia and threw the zombies behind him far away.

According to Dijia's command, Bailishin flexibly shuttled through the tunnel, and soon came to a completely closed dead end.

Dijia: "I hid that teleportation array a few years ago, and even the Immortal King doesn't know its existence. Put your hand on the wall in front of you and read it to me."

Bai Lixin Yiyan put his hand on the wall, and following Dijia's chanting, a green magic circle appeared on the wall that was originally a dead end.

Dijia: "This is the teleportation array, let's go."

Bai Lixin hugged the wolf cub Dijia and stepped into the teleportation array with one foot.

The moment I stepped in, I immediately felt dizzy.

Fortunately, he had long been accustomed to teleportation, and quickly got used to it. I don't know how long ago, Bai Lixin landed on a soft grass.

After the rain, the fragrant green grass smell came to the nostrils in an instant, and Bai Lixin looked around, and the goal was a jungle with green grass.

Di Jia looked around suspiciously, with confusion in his eyes.

Bai Lixin picked up Di Jia: "What's wrong?"

Dijia: "I remember that this place used to be a small town, how has it become like this now."

Bai Lixin's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition suddenly flashed in his heart.

He lowered his head and glanced at Dijia inexorably, and asked, "You said that a long time ago, how long ago?"

Di Jia said without hesitation, "I slept for a hundred years."

Bai Lixin: ""

The vicissitudes of life.jpg.

Bai Lixin: "Which direction are you going now?"

Di Jia is also at a loss, just standing there

When I was at a loss in the forest, a sharp feather arrow suddenly shot out from the bushes.

Dijia: "Be careful."

Bai Lixin has a strong body, and one sideways dodged the attack of the bow and arrow.

In the woods, there was a sound of "Huh".

The next second, more bows and arrows came.

While flexibly dodging the bow and arrow attack, Bailishin summoned the dark whip with the dark element. The dark whip seemed to be alive in Bailishin's hand. He skillfully rolled up the bow and arrow, and then threw the bow and arrow hard. go back.

The bow and arrow cut through the fallen leaves, as if stabbing several people.

Several figures fell straight down from the trees, and with a loud bang, all the fallen leaves on the grass flew up.

The dark whip slammed a few times in the air, and the sound of breaking the air immediately sounded.

He didn't put away the dark whip, but let the whip wrap around him like a dangling snake to protect himself, and then slowly moved towards the place where it fell.

"Wait, we lost, don't hurt them."

A voice interrupted Bailishin's movement from above, and then several figures fell from the tree.

Bai Lixin looked intently.

Pure black long straight hair, elegant and supple like satin.

The eyes are jungle-like dark green, the whole body is wearing tight-fitting clothes, the ears are pointed, the body is thin and slender, and the face is also very good-looking.

Bai Lixin: ""

Even if he hasn't seen other races, according to common sense, these people in front of them don't look like orcs, but night elves, right?

Doubtful eyes fell on the wolf cub in his arms.

The wolf cub silently lowered his head and counted the fallen leaves at his feet.


These night elves are male and female, and their commonalities are obvious.

They were all beautiful, all black hair, green eyes, and long and thin.

The night elf who stopped him was obviously their leader. After they fell, they first looked at Bailishin vigilantly, and then blushed after seeing Bailishin's face clearly.

The leader elf said, "Are you a human? How did you come here?"

Bai Lixin thought for a while and spit out three words: "I don't know."

The night elves: ""

Diga: ""

Is this too lazy to make up?

The leader elf: "You used dark element magic just now, are you a magician?"

Bai Lixin found that the hostility of the other party towards him was not obvious, and from the other party's tone, he even felt some affinity.

After all, he strayed into the night elves' territory, and Bai Lixin still had to cooperate: "I really don't mean to offend, I originally wanted to go to the orcs."

The night elf frowned: "Why go to the orcs?"

Bai Lixin raised the little wolf cub in his arms: "I picked this up on the road, it told me that it is a child of the orcs, I am not too kind, seeing that it has not been weaned yet, so kindly send it home , and ended up accidentally getting lost."

The elves looked at Dijia in Bailishin's arms, and their eyes were very anxious.

Di Jia bit the bullet and squeezed out four words from his mouth: "Hungry, hungry."

It's numb, dig a hole for him and bury him, the majesty of this life is gone.

Hearing the wolf cub speak, the night elves let down the last bit of vigilance.

They winked at each other and put away their bows and arrows.

"It turned out to be a kind human magician, sorry, we were reckless just now." The elf looked up and down Bai Li Xin again, and finally his eyes fell on Bai Li Xin's face, with an almost obsessive state in his eyes, "You He looks really good, even better than our king."

Escape system: According to the copy information, the night elves are a race that loves beautiful things, they like all beautiful things, especially beautiful women. Of course, they think that great inner beauty is also a form of beauty.

Bai Lixin smiled politely at him, "I strayed into your land first, I should apologize."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the elves helping the injured elves up.

I had deliberately avoided the key point just now, and the bow and arrow just pierced into their shoulders, arms and other positions.

The injured night elf's already fair skin was even paler now.

Seeing this, Bai Lixin said, "I know how to heal. In order to apologize, let me help them heal."

The night elf widened his eyes, and blurted out his praise, "Blessed by the god of the forest, you can still heal? You are so perfect, you are a beautiful person, how can there be such a good person in the world?"

Bai Lixin: ""

What a rich rainbow fart.

Fortunately, these bows and arrows do not have barbs, which makes cleaning up a lot easier.

Bai Lixin first gently helped them pull out the bow and arrow, and immediately used the heart of a mermaid the moment he pulled out the bow and arrow.

However, in order to cover up the merman's heart, he pretended to stretch out his hand and muttered words in his mouth.

Ding! Congratulations to the player, the proficiency of Mermaid Heart has been improved.

Seeing the wound heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, the eyes of these night elves looking at Bailishing became more and more fascinated.

It wasn't until the last injured elf was healed that Bai Lixin pretended to wipe the sweat created by water magic on his forehead, and panted, "This is all good."

Brush up on the favorability first, and it will be convenient to find secret treasures later.

"Excuse me, how do I get to the Orcs from here?"

The night elves looked at each other, and in the eyes of Bailishin's doubts, the leader said, "Great and kind human magician, kind as you are, can you help us save our beautiful princess."

Ding! Congrats to the player, trigger the quest - The Sick Night Elf Princess. Players need to help heal the sick night elf princess. After the task is completed, you can get 5000 points as a reward and get the thanks of the elf king.


Bai Lixin looked down at Dijia, and saw Dijia lightly nodding at him.

After accepting the task, the night elf spoke again, "You are really the kindest human being in the world that I have ever seen, please repeat our presumptuousness and unreasonableness, and thank you for disregarding the previous grudges. I haven't asked the kind magician yet. Name, I wonder if we have the honor to have your name."

Bai Lixin: ""

Goosebumps were all caused by this opera-like dialogue. He didn't get goosebumps when he saw the zombies just now.

The corners of his mouth twitched, "It's not expensive, just call me Bailishin."

The night elf spoke again in an operatic manner: "Blissin, what a beautiful and beautiful name, it is as touching as yours. Dear Blissin, please come with us."



This is the best scene I've seen so far.

Xin Shen is truly a peerless child. Compared with the elves known for their beauty, he is not only indistinguishable, but also directly overpowers the crowd. You don't have to believe in the rigor of the copy, but you can definitely believe in Xinshen's top appearance.

Brothers, I'm a little stunned. The one holding Xin Shen's arms is the high priest?

It seems that the sound is the same.

Then he was hungry just now, what to eat?

Pfft, hahahaha, fuck, Lao Tzu's three views exploded, I laughed so hard. The arrogant and cool high priest was forced to turn into a cute pet for business. Is Xin Shen planning to laugh at me?

How did the high priest become like this?

uh, fun?

What you said makes a lot of sense, so can we fight together?

From the current point of view, is it a bit tricky to see who gets on and who gets off?

You are right, it makes sense.

By the way, in the tunnel just now, I heard Xin Shen seem to call the zombie "Zhou Guang". Is that Zhou Guang? Is it really still there? And it was really found by Xin Shen?

But looking at that situation, it should have been saved, right? Didn't all the zombies in the zombie movie mutate completely in the end?

This is a magical world, not a zombie world, in case it can be resurrected.

Believe in Xin Shen, believe in miracles.


999 floors.

The man's hand holding the red wine bottle trembled slightly.

He stared at the wolf cub on the screen, the words "hungry, eat." in his mind.


He was so angry that he forgot to eat Zhou Guang's vinegar.


"Aren't you night elves? I always thought you were out at night."

Bai Lixin asked while following the night elves.

The elf said: "We are just a patrol duty team, and now for us, it is equivalent to your night."

Bai Lixin: "So that's the case, I've learned a lot. What's wrong with your princess?"

Speaking of "Princess", the face of the elf who was still smiling just now was covered with a look of sadness.

"The princess is the gentlest elf in our tribe, but she once went out to play and accidentally ate a poisonous red cherry fruit, and she fell into a deep sleep since then."

"She has been sleeping for two years, and her coronation is coming soon. If the princess continues to sleep like this, she will leave us one day. The toxins in her body have been increasing, we have tried many methods, but we can't Clean the toxins out of her body."

"The princess is our king's most beloved child. Ever since the princess died, the elf king has aged many years, and he is unhappy all day. We are very distressed when we see it, but there is nothing we can do."

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