
The 401st chapter complex minefield, the way forward! (Please order, please support!

"Soldiers, the motherland is big and the frontier is very long.

In China, we have our family and our friends.

A country has a home.

Do you regret coming here to serve as a soldier? "The battalion commander shouted loudly in front of the three platoons of soldiers.

"No regrets!" On the playground, the three platoons, plus the nine soldiers standing behind the battalion commander, responded in a loud voice.

"Fine, I'm proud of you.

Now, let's get ready before departure! "

There is not much nonsense, because this situation, every ten days, this playground will appear once.

Although, the team that goes out sometimes has accidents.

However, everyone is a soldier, just like the battalion commander asked "Do you regret it?"

There are no quiet times in the world, but now it is just the turn of everyone to carry the burden.

Whether it is for the country, for the family, or for the sake of making achievements, when you come to the border to serve as a soldier, you have to bear the burden behind this identity.

The three company commanders and the three instructors all came out at this time.

The company sent a piece of thin wooden board, and the instructor sent an envelope and a pen.

Write a suicide note!

This was the norm, even if Lin Fan came here, but after chatting with the class after dinner last night, he knew that this was the tradition of the Mountain Wolf Reconnaissance Camp.

Everyone, write it on the playground before leaving together.

It's okay to come back, the company commander and the 740-member guide will give everyone's envelopes to themselves, and let everyone put them in their own private cabinets, if there is an accident.


"Legend of Lu Te, come on! Come back safely!" When it was sent to Lin Fan, the company commander patted Lin Fan's shoulder with a smile, and the instructor did the same, and said to Lin Fan with a smile, "Come back safely!"


Lin Fan nodded, then took the board, envelope and pen.

Take off the backpack, sit cross-legged, put the board on the backpack, open the envelope, and pull out a piece of paper.

Three years ago, when Lin Fan was young and frivolous, he also wrote about this stuff.

Even during the third year of the military academy, there were two fake plays arranged by the school, which also made everyone write about it.

However, in the past, when Lin Fan wrote this, he almost never left a word, it was all abstract portraits.

But this time, Lin Fan saw that everyone else was silently writing, and after thinking about it, he started to write.

"When I saw this letter one day, it meant that I, the incomparably good soldier king, had also died.

Although I believe that this day is impossible, but there is, it will either be my own suicide, or I will be covered by artillery fire.

For the former, I feel that my brain should not be so pumped, so I won't say much.

If it's the latter, please see my comrades-in-arms. If you go to the battlefield one day, and you happen to come across someone from the bastard's camp who bombarded me with artillery fire, give me a **** at them and give them an international greeting, TMD! "

Lin Fan hurriedly swiped his pen and quickly wrote his will.

This was the first time Lin Fan had written on this thing. It was frivolous and a bit spoofed, but it also represented Lin Fan's true thoughts.

Of course, there are other reasons as well.

Lin Fan was not very familiar with the company commander and battalion commander here, so he didn't want to draw their spoof avatars.

Soon, the paper was stuffed into the envelope, the seal was sealed, and his name was written on the outside of the envelope.

"Are you alright?" The instructor had just finished sending the envelopes to the soldiers of the ninth class behind, when he turned his head and saw Lin Fan's movements, he immediately spoke in surprise.

"Hehe, just a few words, I studied in military school for three years, and my writing speed is fast!"

Lin Fan said with a smile that the instructor, even the company commander who also turned around, and the battalion commander and instructor in front of everyone had black lines on their foreheads.

"Seriously, do you want to rewrite it, I still have an envelope here!"

The instructor walked over and watched Lin Fan speak earnestly.

At this moment, the other comrades in arms couldn't help but look at Lin Fan.

"No, I don't have many wishes, I've written a few words!"

Lin Fan refused.

Faced with this situation, the instructor couldn't say anything, but the battalion commander smiled and said, "Okay, there's no need to force this kind of thing!

But don't be complacent, Legend of Luther.

We are not acting, and if there is an emergency, it will be fatal.

Don't let Lu Te lose a talented student because of your pride and arrogance! "

The battalion commander looked at Lin Fan seriously and warned him.

"Yeah! Don't worry, battalion commander, I cherish my life very much!" Lin Fan got up and spoke to the battalion commander with a serious look.

"Well, I'm relieved when you say that. I don't want Lu Te's talented student to be damaged in this situation!"

The battalion commander opened his mouth with a smile, and then stopped talking to Lin Fan, watching everyone continue to write their suicide notes.

At this time, Lin Fan curiously looked at the nine people behind the battalion commander.

Those nine were also soldiers, with the highest rank of sergeant and the lowest rank of sergeant.

In the hot summer, their equipment is almost the same as the astronauts who landed on the moon.

The whole body was very bloated, those shoes, looking at the soles, Lin Fan thought they had put bricks on them.

Army sappers, minesweepers.

Lin Fan looked at them all hot.

In fact, they were indeed hot, and Lin Fan could see that they were sweating profusely.

It's summer, and wearing it like this, even if the clothes are special, Lin Fan feels that his clothes are too hot to die, not to mention them.

However, they have to.

In this trip, they also acted alone with a group, and they were at the forefront.

Where everyone is going now, there was a war in those days.

Near the border, many landmines were buried in those days.

Without sappers, in the wild mountains and fields, unless it is a safe area that has been swept by mines before, or walking around there, the chance of winning the lottery is very high.

Last night, Guo Yong and the others said that when he was on a mission, he could hear the sudden explosion when he stayed in the mountains.

That's wild action triggering these mines.

Here, known as the world's most complex minefield.

Because, there are at least dozens of mines buried on the border, such as anti-tank mines, anti-infantry mines, loose mines, trip mines, jump mines, and trick mines.

Some mines are still hanging from trees, buried in rock crevices, hidden by creeks...

Makes it impossible to guard against.

In short, in this kind of ghost place, in fact, the number of people stepping on landmines every year is much more than the situation where there are combat reductions.

To be honest, by this time, Lin Fan was also regretting it.

He now has one piece of sparrowhawk blood in the system's personal space, one piece of military dog ​​blood, three pieces of camel blood, two pieces of mule blood, one piece of frog blood, and two pieces of buffalo blood.

In addition, the blood of the tabby cat and the blood of the Tibetan mastiff have one share, and only one is half.

That is more than two months ago, during a field survival training, Lin Fan caught a large spider, and then Lin Fan had an idea to draw its blood. For the next two days, Lin Fan kept looking for its kind, but he was stunned. turn up.

Therefore, this half blood is still half to this day.


Chapter 402 Landing, new mission! (Please order, please support!

Spiders are said to have the ability to predict danger in advance. Although Lin Fan has a little of this ability now, he only has a keen sixth sense, which is far from the effect of early warning.

Therefore, Lin Fan has been thinking about this thing for the past two months.

However, because of the approaching internship and being in school, I have never had the opportunity to go out.

He can only hope that this time out, he can find a chance to find this kind of giant spider called the ditch crustacean, or other kinds of spiders in the deep mountains and wild forests.

Anyway, Little Spider-Lin Fan would not consider it.

The size of the big spider is not very big, and the blood itself in the body is very small. If you are going to get it, you can find a small spider to draw blood.

Well, that would be another big project like pumping earthworm blood back then. Lin Fan's scalp felt numb just thinking about it.


The sound of the wind driven by the propeller of the Z-8 transporter hit, and in a slight sense of weightlessness, Lin Fan saw the disappearing building outside the opposite window...

took off.

Three rows and one platoon, plus three engineers, a total of thirty-two people are all on this plane.

"Wait a minute, I will act together with the eighth class, the seventh class will go down first!"

"Yes!" On the plane, after the platoon leader spoke, the seventh squad leader nodded.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, looked at the platoon leader a little helplessly.

Are you so worried about yourself?

Three classes, insist on following yourself!

Of course, Lin Fan knew his worries.

He didn't know that he had been on the battlefield, but he just thought that he was a student, and his military literacy and skills might have been properly trained.

But this ghost place, the situation is complicated, and there will be unexpected situations. The newcomer comes in for the first time and directly directs a class. If one is not careful, the class will lose manpower.

In this case, even if the platoon leader is relieved, the company commander and battalion commander will not be relieved, and they will definitely let an old bird fly with them.

The plane didn't fly for long.

At twelve or three minutes, the pilot from the army aviation group in front made the plane hover and lowered the altitude.

"Okay, the first target point has been reached!"

"My servant, come back safely!" After the platoon leader spoke, he took the initiative to help open the door of the cargo hold.

On the straight-eight transport aircraft, the place where everyone stays now is the cargo hold.

Soon, the soldiers of the seventh squad, together with a sapper, descended collectively.

The door closed and the plane continued.

This time, it took less than five minutes for the plane to stop.

"Under the eighth shift, you should also pay attention to safety. I don't want to see a situation with few people in ten days!"

When the engineer with the eighth squad grabbed the rope and started to slide down, the platoon leader also got up and spoke to the ninth squad soldier who was still sitting there.

"Hey, platoon leader, don't worry, how many times, this mountain forest is the same as when I go home!"

"Don't worry, platoon leader, I've already gotten used to it. With our equipment, even if God comes to invade, we can knock him down!"

The ninth class soldier said with a smile, which made the platoon leader frown: "Don't be careless, don't think that you can really take it lightly after you come here a few times.

Those who drown are often water..."

The platoon leader was reprimanding them, while Lin Fan was watching from the cabin door.

He asked the rest of the class to go down first, reminding them to pay attention to the ropes, and to check whether their movements were normal. He went down last.

Of course, not now.

With the platoon leader, he must be the second to last.

Looking at the green mountains and green waters below, I breathed in the clear air from the nose.

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