[The figure flew backwards continuously for more than ten meters under the huge force, and then the somersault successfully landed. 】

[Natsu slowly lowered his head and spoke again.] 】

["I kind of understand, after all, there are no parents in the world who don't love their children. "】

[But even though he said this, Jelf next to him was still indifferent.] 】

[The two magical breaths erupted together with crimson flames and black-purple evil qi.] 】

[Seems to be ready for a final showdown at any moment.] 】

[The decisive battle between the two sides begins, and the next thing can no longer be dealt with in words.] 】

Nas finally heard Jelf speak his heart, and now he made up his mind. 】

"Then that's the end of the last bond between us, brother. "】

[A complete break between the brothers, for the sake of the faith they guard,]

[But even though he had made up his mind at this time, Gilf was still unmoved, as if this thing had long since ceased to exist in his heart, and its ruthlessness made the person a little unbelievable. 】

["It's surprising, it turns out that there is still the only thing left between us. "】

[After this sentence, it really completely angered Natsu, who had always thought that he and Jelf were still brothers, and "Three, Three, Seven" was completely beaten back to reality by Jelf's words. 】

[And until now, angry flames have surrounded Natsu's body.] 】

[Now both sides are ready to use all their strength to fight each other.] 】

[Now that the last bit of their fetters has completely disappeared. 】

[Then each will have to put more energy and fighting.] 】

["yes, that's not right, EnD"]

[This time, Gilf changed his name and called Natsu End, but now Natsu doesn't know where this end came from.] 】

[I don't know why Gilf calls himself that, everything is unclear, but it doesn't matter to him anymore.] 】

[And the people outside noticed something. That life turned out to be just a book. 】

[This matter is a very heavy blow to Lucy. 】

[And now faced with such a thing, they don't know what to do. 】

[But inside the attic, the two are rapidly attacking each other, especially Natsu's fierce flames are bombarding Gerf's side. 】

[Jelf failed to withstand this move, and was beaten backwards and flew back a few meters before half-kneeling on the ground, feeling that his physical strength seemed to be a little insufficient. 】

[But at the same time, he was even more excited, and now he has completely fallen into the crazy stage.] 】

["That's right, that's it, end]

[After that, a black-purple flame erupted from Jelf's body, and the aura emitted by this flame from the inside out can be described in two words, that is, ominous. 】

[And even when you experience the feeling that this kind of flame brings, you can only describe it in two words. That's grudge. 】

[I don't know why I can always feel more negative energy from Jelf's body that time, and the most is resentment, this man seems to be hiding some secrets, but he can't always see anything.] 】

[And for Jelf, he has really done all the consciousness now, and before all the truth is revealed, all he has to do is fight. 】

[Only in battle can you find your own meaning.] 】

[The black-purple flames became more and more intense, and Gilf fell further into madness. 】

["Destroy me!!"]

["Speak human words, big brother!"]

[What the hell is this guy talking about?] Now Natsu doesn't even understand a word. 】

[I know that this guy's tone sounds very crazy, and it seems to be close to a sick state, which makes Natsu feel a little uneasy.] 】


["My name is Natsu !!"]

[The two roared at each other and struck at each other, and now there was something more important for them, and that was to separate the winners and losers of this battle. And this battle team has only one result for them. 】

[That is, one of them will definitely die at the hands of the other, and now Natsu has no intention of taking his life, but Jelf himself has completely killed him. 】

["So if you open this book, Jerf will definitely kill Natsu? after all, this is a book that symbolizes Natsu's life. "】

[Gray, Lucy, and Harpy sat on the bench, and the truth of what had happened since then was unacceptable to them until now, if they had really opened the book.] Then it completely becomes end. 】

[But at this moment, Gray is already on the bench, and he is already covered with bandages all over his body from the previous battle. 】

[Being able to have such a little leisure and comfortable time is already a very luxurious happiness for him. 】

["So what should I do now?"]


[After hearing Gray's words, Lucy next to her was stunned, is this really Gray's idea? If you open this book, then Jelf's conspiracy...]

"Jelf's plot won't succeed, because with Natsu here, that guy will never be killed. "】

[Hearing this, they strengthened their inner thoughts. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Even the current Harpy frowned, his expression was very serious, and finally agreed with Gray's decision.] Open the book. 】

[In the attic on the other side, Natsu has already been a little exhausted by this stormy attack. He stood still, gasping for breath, still regaining his strength. 】

[There is no change in Jelf here, and that guy doesn't seem to feel any difficulty. The strength between the two has opened up, and the gap between them does not seem to be a little bit. 】

["Is this the end?end"]

["I'm so disappointed!"]

[Just in the previous sentence, his tone was very calm, and the next sentence of the gentle Gilf roared directly.] 】

[Then he opened his arm with one hand, and then the black-purple spray seemed to contain a huge amount of magic power, and the concentration of this magic power was enough to affect the surrounding space. 】

[The air seems to have been distorted and deformed, which shocked everyone present.] 】

[It's just the two of them, but it's powerful enough to destroy the entire attic.] 】

[And the thing has been completely materialized, and it has hit Natsu in the abdomen.] The one who was beaten by this trick was half on his knees and didn't get up after half a day. 】

"I thought you could destroy me. It doesn't matter, I can revert to the way it was. "】

["As long as you have the power of Mebis, you can return to your former self."] "】

[Now that Jelf's curse has been completely opened, the curse between him and Mebis is completely different. Also subjected to the black magic of Anxelam. 】

[The more you respect life, the more you release the energy of death, on the contrary, if you don't respect the life of all things, you won't release the energy of death0.]

[Therefore, Mebis is immortal and immortal.] 】

[And now Jelf seems to be pursuing this kind of power, but although Natsu is now about to reach the limit, you can see the doubt in his eyes from his eyes.] 】

[And the Jelf in front of him looks very incongruous, this guy doesn't seem to want to get this kind of power at all, and there seems to be another thing in his eyes.] 】

[Bitterness. 】

[And now that time his face was covered with blood, and he was almost out of breath after being beaten.] Curious what that thing is capable of?]

["With a newborn solar eclipse"]

[Only now did he really understand all of Gilf's schemes. 】

"It's not about going to the past or the future, it's about making me start over and resetting time."] I'm going back to the time when I wasn't immortal. "】

["Is that your real purpose?"]

[The one who was restrained by this black energy magic couldn't move at all, and the blood in his whole body was completely hot, although he had reached the limit state, but so far he couldn't continue to fight. 】

"No one will be hurt, and you can turn back into a human."] Kill Akuno Lokia, this would be a better ending. "】

[And this Akuno Lokia, known as the Dragon King, has long been a target for Jelf, but now he seems to be attacked by everyone, and he is fighting with others. 】

[This is known as the Dark Magister.] I've done everything I can to kill him. 】

["Didn't you think about us, didn't you think about what would happen to everyone?"]

"Who knows, because this is no longer my world. "】

["We're all trying our best to live in this world!"]

[Natsu sent out the hysterical behind-the-scenes, and his brother was no longer the same as before. It has completely changed. 】

[The person in front of him is so strange, and he does not hesitate to sacrifice everything for his own conspiracy. 】

["New Eclipse!] There are two conditions that need to be met, one is Mebis, and he will be here on his own soon. 】

["Then the other one is the gap in time"]

[These 3.9 are indispensable, and the next gap in time is the most important point for Jelf]

[And that time also made it clearer about Gilf's conspiracy so far, so he must be stopped no matter what]

[This guy has long since become a stranger, but the familiar person in front of him will no longer bring him a familiar feeling. My brother has really become like this.]

[This guy's ruthlessness is beyond his imagination, and the original brother is no longer what it used to be. 】

[Completely turned into a demonic !! who despises the lives of others]

["You guy!!" Natsu was completely enraged, thinking that the bond between their brothers had not been broken, but Jelf's words brought him into reality]

[And in order to gain the gap in time, and killing Natsu at this time is the ultimate goal of Jelf]

["You guy, I won't let you succeed in anything"]

["Come on, end try to stop me"]

[The dark magic aura of the black mage gradually permeated the entire area, and Natsu's side also drilled into his fist behind, and the flames in the shape of a fire dragon instantly surrounded his whole body, and the final battle between the two brothers was about to begin!]

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