Hearing Su Man's promise, the strength that held her tightly gradually loosened.

Su Man raised his head, and through the faint moonlight, he could see the man's face clearly.

Slightly drunk, his face was covered with a layer of redness, and his dark black eyes were wet, staring at the woman in front of him.

The rough fingertips slid lightly across her face, and he felt at ease only when he really touched it.

Su Man felt his tense nerves loosen, so he whispered.

"Let's go in first?"

Shen Zhuohuai didn't speak, reached out and grabbed Su Man's wrist, pushed the door open with the other hand, and pulled Su Man into the courtyard.

Once inside, Su Man took a look at his residence.

Very simple small yard, not big, just right for one person.

The yard was full of flowers and plants, and the tools were neatly placed, Su Man didn't expect that Shen Zhuohuai could keep the house in good order.

Shen Zhuohuai didn't give Su Man a chance to visit and admire, and pulled her into the house.

After pressing her into a chair, he personally poured Su Man a cup of tea.

As if he had woken up from wine, he disgusted the smell of wine on his body, and said to Su Man: "I'll take a shower, you wait for me here."

Without waiting for Su Man to speak, he went out and went to take a shower.

Su Man looked around the room.

It's as simple as the outside, a bed, tables, chairs and benches are gone.

It was hard for Su Man to imagine how Shen Zhuohuai had lived in such an environment for so many days.

This man is a dignified overseer of Chengzhou, how can he leave the entire Northeast and the people of Chengzhou behind, and be a farmer who chops firewood and cultivates land on a small island?!

Su Man didn't know what kind of mood he was in at this time, so he didn't understand him, and even wondered if Shen Zhuohuai was also pierced.

Is this person still Shen Zhuohuai?

Soon there was movement outside the door, Shen Zhuohuai took a shower as fast as he could, pushed open the door and looked at each other, the redness in his eyes faded, and his expression was much clearer.

There was still a trace of indescribable emotion on his face, as if he was surprised that Su Man would come to him so late.

"Why don't you drink tea?" Shen Zhuohuai's gaze fell on the teacup that had not been touched in the slightest.

Su Man shook his head: "I don't want to drink, sit down and let's talk."

Shen Zhuohuai sat beside Su Man, changed his previous attitude, and waited quietly for Su Man's words.

Su Man was silent and said, "Shen Zhuohuai, go back, you are not suitable for here."

Shen Zhuohuai looked at the woman in front of him with an indifferent face: "Why do you want me to go back?" "

Is it because he's bothering them here?

"Shen Zhuohuai, you are an overseer, you have to think about the people of the nine northeastern provinces, how can you hide here now that you have the slightest appearance of an overseer, who do you let the people rely on like this? Who can guarantee their happiness in the future?

Shen Zhuohuai shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now my own happiness is not guaranteed."

Su Man was stunned, he didn't expect Shen Zhuohuai to say this.

"That's not what I meant..."

Su Man wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Shen Zhuohuai: "If you don't want me to stay here, okay, give me another three days, I will leave in three days, and I won't stay here anymore to annoy you."

Su Man rolled her throat, she wanted to explain that she didn't mean that, but after Shen Zhuohuai said this, she changed the topic and asked Su Man with a faint smile.

"Is Full Moon happy to receive those things?"

Su Man suddenly thought of the purpose of coming here, and she nodded: "She likes it very much."

Su Man got up, walked to the door and brought in the sack: "I can't ask for these things."

Shen Zhuohuai's eyes fell, the sack was opened, and the contents were exposed, Shen Zhuohuai recognized them, these were the things he prepared for Su Man.

"If you don't like it, give it away, throw it away, it's up to you to dispose of."

Su Man shook his head: "I don't want it, and I won't give it away, these things haven't been used, so if it doesn't work, just return them."

Shen Zhuohuai nodded, and sighed helplessly: "Did I send it, and you don't want to accept it?"

Su Man didn't know how to explain again, and she didn't explain either, so after hurriedly saying goodbye, she turned around and left.

Shen Zhuohuai looked at the sack of things and fell into deep thought.

Full Moon looked at those strange gadgets, and was very happy, and the next day she called her friends to play with her, and even a few boys who pushed her into the sea before also came.

Little Full Moon proudly told them that her father had given her these things.

The little boys who pushed her into the sea apologized to Full Moon with a guilty face: "Full Moon, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that about you, your father is so good, he will jump down to save you as soon as possible, he will protect you, and he will buy you so much delicious and fun."

Little Full Moon patted his chest and raised his proud swan neck: "Of course, my dad is the best dad in the world."

When Su Man was about to push the door in, he happened to hear Xiao Manyue's words.

She paused, thinking that Shen Zhuohuai had said that he would leave in three days, and it was already the second day, which meant that Shen Zhuohuai would leave here tomorrow.

And the full moon, she has already admitted in her heart that Shen Zhuohuai is her father, if she knows that Shen Zhuohuai is gone, will she be sad?

When it was dark and the friends left, Su Man pushed the door in.

Full Moon was still happily playing with those strange toys, and when Su Man came in, Full Moon waved to Su Man excitedly.

"Mother, come on, these toys are so fun!"

She stepped forward and watched Full Moon fiddle with toys with great interest, Su Man had been brewing for a long time before finally saying to Full Moon.

"Full moon, your dad will leave here tomorrow."

Before the full moon could react, he asked, "Where is he going?" Go back?

She pouted, "That's great, I don't have to worry about the house being piled up."

Su Man knew that this kid was duplicitous.

She rolled her throat, but still said firmly, "When he goes back, he will never come back." The

'pop' toy fell to the ground, and the full moon stopped moving in his hand, tilting his head to the side, and said indifferently.

"If you don't come back, you won't come back, anyway, he hasn't raised me in the past three years."

When she said this, Su Man obviously saw that her eyes were red.

But the full moon still stubbornly does not let the tears remain.

Later, the full moon touched these toys again, and went to bed early.

The next day, Shen Zhuohuai packed his luggage and planned to go to the pier to take a cruise ship to leave the uninhabited island.

It was just dawn, and there were not many pedestrians on the road, so no one cared if he went or stayed.

When he arrived at the dock, checked the tickets, and was about to board the ship, Shen Zhuohuai paused, turned his head and looked behind him, there was no one in the desert.

With a look of loss in his eyes, he tugged at the corners of his lips and turned to board the cabin.

After a long time, at last a trumpet sounded, and the ship was about to leave the shore.

Shen Zhuohuai sat by the window, watching the ship gradually move away from the uninhabited island, and all that came to mind was the figures of Su Man and the full moon.

He didn't give up, he would come back, he didn't let Su Man and the full moon forgive him, he would never give up for the rest of his life.

The ship drifted away, until Shen Zhuohuai no longer had hope.

A small boat appeared on the rough sea, and a small figure on board beckoned to him.

Shen Zhuohuai's eyes froze, staring at the large and small figures on the ship, Huo Ran got up and strode to the deck.

As soon as he arrived on the deck, the sea breeze was surging from all directions, and when the little full moon saw Shen Zhuohuai, his eyes lit up and he called him loudly.

"Daddy! Don't you want me to kiss my mother?

Shen Zhuohuai was stunned, it was when he heard the full moon call his father, his mind was blank.

Soon he reacted and shouted loudly to the captain, and soon the ferry stopped, stretched down a long ladder, Shen Zhuohuai went down and hugged the full moon to the boat first, and then put one hand around Su Man's waist and hugged her up.

Shen Zhuohuai took them to the cabin room, looked at the mother and daughter, one big and one small, and asked softly.

"What about you?"

Before he finished speaking, Full Moon muttered dissatisfiedly: "You let my mother take care of me for three years, and now you want to run away after you want to recognize me?" How can there be such a good thing in the world? Don't try to deny the matter of raising me!

Shen Zhuohuai laughed: "Okay, don't deny it, my father will raise you for a lifetime!"

Shen Zhuohuai knew that the full moon had forgiven him for saying this, and he also recognized him as a father.

And Su Man, she was able to come to her with the full moon, isn't it a sign of forgiveness for herself?

This page is the best sleep Shen Zhuohuai has ever had, looking at his daughter who was sleeping softly and fragrantly beside him, he turned over and imprisoned the woman in his arms, and lowered his eyes to look at the flushed woman under him.

looked at Su Man gratefully, and sighed: "Man'er, thank you!" Thank you for forgiving me and giving birth to such a lovely full moon, and I will protect your mother and daughter in the future, and you will not be hurt and wronged in the slightest.

Su Man was very tired and sleepy, and he didn't have the energy to listen to his tirade, so he said extremely perfunctory: "Okay, I know, I'm tired, go to sleep."

Shen Zhuohuai felt that it was not enough, he still had to say: "When we return to Chengzhou, we will hold a wedding, and this time I will give you the grandest wedding and marry you as my Overseer's wife!"

Su Man was so sleepy that his eyelids were fighting, and he whispered perfunctory.

Shen Zhuohuai looked at her confused little appearance, couldn't help but kiss her cheek, attached to her ear and whispered: "Man'er, let's give full moon a sister or brother again, I couldn't see you pregnant with my own eyes, let alone be by your side when you needed me the most, this is the regret of my life, let me take care of you from beginning to end this time."

After hearing his words, Su Man suddenly opened his eyes and resisted: "Don't even think about it!"

Shen Zhuohuai smiled dotingly: "Okay, don't want to think about it first, I miss you."

After speaking, he didn't wait for Su Man to refuse, hung his head, put a soft lip flap on his thin lips, and deeply imprinted a kiss.

"Man'er, I love you."

Su Man's expression was slightly stunned, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

It is incredible to be able to make Shen Zhuohuai say that he loves someone.

But what is even more incredible is that when he returned to Chengzhou, Shen Zhuohuai prepared the wedding non-stop, and he said that he couldn't lock up a person with imprisonment.

Later, he changed his way and used marriage to lock Su Man's people and her heart.

Since then, they have grown old together, sinking together, and no one can do without anyone.

Captivity is a means of possessing a person, but love is not.

Love locks only the hearts of two people, the hearts of those who grow old together.

[End of full text].

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