Although Mr. Mu's injuries were not serious, he was still shouting, "I am the patriarch of the Mu clan, you can't do anything to me..."

Mu Wanqing sneered, "Patriarch? As a minister, Mu Zhongde doesn't want to be loyal to the king, can't protect the people, embezzles and bends the law, the country's law is supreme, our whole clan is implicated by you and turned into criminals, As long as you are the patriarch, our Mu clan will never be able to stand out. Let me ask you one question, do you want your descendants to be criminals, and even a good citizen can step on it and endure it?"

The face of the Mu family has changed, no, no one wants to.

Yes, Mu Zhongde is not worthy of being a patriarch.

Mu Wanqing has never been an enthusiastic and eventful person, and only cares about the people around her, but this time it touched her bottom line.

"As the head of the clan, you should take care of the clan, lead the clan to the road of prosperity, so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. And you, for your own selfishness, you want to execute your own nephew, there is no point Kindness and compassion, he is so cruel to his nephews, let alone his clansmen?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces became even more ugly.

The ruthless and ruthless patriarch will only sacrifice the lives of his clansmen.

The head of the Fang family looked at him, sighed silently, and Mu Zhongde was finished.

The third lady of the Mu family is not something in the pool, and she nailed Mu Zhongde to death in two or three sentences.

"You are talking nonsense, I am thinking of the overall situation..." Mu Zhongde still wanted to struggle.

Mu Wanqing didn't give him a chance at all, and said loudly, "I suggest that Mu Zhongde be removed from the position of patriarch, and those who disagree will stand to the left, and those who agree will stand still."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Almost everyone stood still, only about twenty people hesitated and struggled for a while before standing silently to the left.

These are Mu Zhongde's diehard loyalists, and they have relied on Mu Zhongde to get a lot of benefits.

Mu Zhongde exclaimed, "You are not qualified..."

There was a hint of mockery in Mu Wanqing's eyes, she wanted the position of the patriarch that he cared about most.

"I declare that, by the decision of the majority of the Mu clan, the position of Mu Zhongde's patriarch will be removed, Mu Zhongde, you can no longer harm others, I think, far away in the capital The king is also happy to see this scene."

Mu Zhongde trembled in anger, how dare she treat him like this? How dare you?

The king was moved out, who would dare to object? Against the king?

The Mu family was silent, and a young man said weakly, "Then, who will be the new patriarch?"

An old man who stood on the left and disagreed just now spoke first, "I recommend Mu Zifeng as the patriarch. He was originally the eldest son of the Mu family, and it is only natural for him to succeed the patriarch."

Mu Zifeng's eyes are shining, this is okay.

When he becomes the patriarch, he will kill all those who once opposed his father.

Especially Mu Wanqing, he will never let her go, no matter how powerful she is, how can she fight against the whole family.

Another old man echoed, "It's a good idea, I agree."

Many people hesitated, and a few diehards lobbied desperately.

Mu Wanqing's cool voice sounded, "I don't agree, the sons of sinners should sit together, so you are not afraid of crazy revenge after Mu Zifeng ascends the throne? You both agreed to cut off Mu Zhongde's position as the patriarch. , or do you think he's a big-hearted man?"

Everyone frowned in unison. As the eldest grandson of the Mu family, Mu Zifeng was born with dignity and pride.

He has neither prestige nor talent, how can he lead the entire clan?

This is not good, that is not good, there must be no patriarch.

"Then, who to recommend? There is no suitable candidate."

It stands to reason that if the main house is not enough, then let the second house go up, but the second house is a concubine, and it is naturally lower than the direct one.

The third room is a direct descendant, but the third master is a mindless club.

As for the side branches, they were a little ready to move, and they all stood up to recommend their own people.

The problem is, there are no particularly competent and convincing characters.

There was a constant quarrel.

A voice suddenly sounded, "I recommend Miss Mu San as the patriarch."

It is Mu Zhongrui, the sixth uncle of the side branch. His voice is very high, and many people support him.

But, he actually stood up and recommended Mu Wanqing!

The old antiques are all fried, "Don't joke, how can a woman be the patriarch?"

"That's right, people will laugh if you talk about it. There's no man in the Mu family?"

An old man shouted aggressively, "Miss Mu San, why don't you stand up and refuse?"

Mu Wanqing raised her eyebrows, "I hate trouble, and I don't like being ordered by others. Since everyone is so opposed to it, then I... I will stand up and do my part, and I will be the patriarch. already."

There was an uproar at the scene, she dared to think! The first matriarch?

The old man was angry and asked loudly, "Do you think you are suitable? You are a girl and only thirteen years old."

"It's right, it's perfect, I'm young but I'm more capable than you all. You have to rely on me to eat." Mu Wanqing was not interested in the position of the patriarch before, but after this One thing, suddenly found that the position of the patriarch is quite important.

At the very least, be famous in everything you do.

The old man blushed, "Mu Zhongping, please persuade your daughter, listen to what she said absurdly? How did you teach it?"

Second Master Mu was also surprised, he had never heard of it from his daughter before.

"I respect Qinger's decision and believe she has the ability."

Several old men were furious, "Are you crazy? I firmly disagree, and I don't agree with killing you."

"Until I die."

Mu Wanqing picked up the gong and struck, and the scene was quiet.

Her slender fingers pointed to one side, "Agree, stand here, and give each person a bowl of braised pork at night, it's a bowl."

"Second, each person will be given a foot of cloth."

One foot of cloth can make two clothes.

"Third, a group of five can get the right to purchase a carriage, which can be purchased at any time."

As soon as she opened her three conditions, everyone was boiling, and Wu Lala ran to her designated position.

It doesn't matter what age, what girl, just feed them meat and cloth!

And let them buy a carriage.

Ah ah ah, you must follow Miss Mu San.

Look at the officials, don't you still bow to Miss Mu San?

The officials don't feel ashamed, what's the shame of exile?

Soon, more than 100 people were divided into two camps, the descendants of the third house of the Mu family did not move, a few old antiques did not move, a few diehards did not move, and the others ran over .

Mu Wanqing counted, one hundred and three people on one side and forty-five people on the other.

"All chosen? The minority obeys the majority. I announce that I, Mu Wanqing, have been successfully elected as the 35th head of the Mu clan."

Everyone looks at each other, how can this be?

"Okay, I'll start registering the number of people, and I will publish a copy of the staff. As for the carriage, it is a group of five people. You can form a team to sign up. Big brother and second brother, come and help."

"Wait a minute." Mu Rongxue pulled her sister with one hand and her mother with the other to squeeze out of the crowd. "The three of us, mother and daughter, also went over."

"Mu Rongxue, you traitor." Old Madam Mu was trembling with anger, she was not mean to this granddaughter.

Mu Rongxue ignored her and didn't inform her when they made trouble, so she naturally wouldn't sink with these people.


"Dad, don't blame me, the third sister gave too much, I can't refuse. You also know that the mother is weak and the younger sister is poor and can't stand the toss."

Everyone knows that once Mu Wanqing takes office, the first thing to do is to clean up.

Anyone who disagrees with her will naturally be dealt with.

Mu Sanye had mixed feelings in his heart, he opened his mouth, " bring Hong Yiniang and your brother over."

What can he do? The situation is stronger than people, they lose, they can only consider the way back.

I thought that without Mu Wanqing's second room, who would have expected her to appear suddenly.

Uncle Mu roared angrily, "The third child."

Mu Rongxue couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, "I only care about my brother, my aunt has to stay to serve you, how can she run away when you are hurt like this?"

Aunt Hong pleaded tearfully, "Miss, let me take care of the child."

"No." Mu Rongxue annoyed these concubines the most. She used eye drops from time to time. She suffered a lot from these people. "If you want to run away when you encounter something, this is what you call a deep love like the sea? Auntie's responsibility is to serve men, and the child will be taken care of by the mistress, so you don't have to worry about it."

Concubine Hong pitifully asked Third Master Mu for help. She was the concubine of the third house. Without Third Master Mu's permission, she could not run away.

Second Master Mu glanced at the pitiful concubine, then at the indifferent daughter, closed his eyes, and didn't care about anything.

Mu Wanqing picked up a stick on the ground and dragged the stick to the front of Uncle Mu.

"Mu Zhongde, what did you do to my second brother just now? Beaten to death with a stick, right?"

Mu Zhongde looked at the stick in her hand, and couldn't help but cowardly, "I... just scare me, it doesn't mean anything else."

No one believes this, and neither does Mu Wanqing.

"I am a benevolent and generous person, and I won't touch blood on my hands, so let's do it, Mu Zhongde, Mu Zhongwen, you are the mastermind, just pick the tendons and legs and be a waste, I I promise not to starve you to death."

Standing is not stable, and you need people to serve you when you eat and drink. What energy do you have to do things?

Mu Zhongde turned pale when he thought of the stinking guard Jiang who couldn't move, "You can't treat me like this, I'm your uncle."

A sneer flashed in Mu Wanqing's eyes, wasn't she very imposing just now? "My second brother is still your own nephew. Letting you live is my greatest kindness."

But they will soon understand what life is better than death, and simply dying is a good thing.

Master Zeng came over and asked Ying, "Miss, I'll come."

"I'm sorry to bother you." Mu Wanqing would not let her talk.

The dagger in Master Zeng's hand flipped, blood splashed, and Uncle Mu and Third Master Mu let out heart-piercing screams.

Uncle Mu's eyes were flushed, like a ghost, "Mu Wanqing, you slut, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

It's over, he has become a waste, he can't hold a pen in this life, he can't walk, and the rest of his life is ruined.

Even if he encounters a court amnesty one day, it is impossible for him to turn over.

"Do you want to die so much?" Mu Wanqing was not afraid at all, and stared at him with a smile, "I can fulfill you, you can't beat me in life, let alone in death."

Although she was smiling, her arrogance and murderous intent made Uncle Mu couldn't help shivering, and he swallowed everything he said.

As for the third master Mu, he has passed out, and he is not a weak chicken.

Mu Wanqing dragged a stick to the old lady Mu, this old lady is too good at being a demon.

Old Mrs. Mu stepped back in horror, wouldn't she also abolish her tendons?

" Mrs. Mu is old, and if she removes the tendons and hamstrings, she will not live long. I am a good and filial granddaughter. From now on, the old and frail Mrs. Mu will lie On the top of the carriage, eat one meal a day, so as not to have trouble eating and drinking.”

Mrs. Mu:…

"Mu Wanqing, you are trying to kill me."

Mu Wanqing said solemnly, "How could it be? Give you food and lie down, the cost is all mine, and it is my filial piety."

Master Zeng couldn't help laughing, "Ms.

Grass! want to scold.

Mu Wanqing dealt with several principal criminals, and the **** means completely shocked the Mu family.

They clearly realized that Mu Wanqing was different from others.

Don't look at her young age, and she is a delicate and weak girl, but she is hard-hearted.

The decision to kill is not to lose to the man.

Whoever treats her as an ignorant little girl is courting death.

Mu Zifeng's brothers were so frightened they were **** their pants, what would Mu Wanqing do with them?

Mu Wanqing was not in a hurry at all, looking at the little guys, "It's not as bad as the children, these children will be taken care of by Mu Jinyao and Mu Nannan in the big room, and the others will give them to me climb."

The child is innocent. Although she doesn't like Mu Jinyao interceding for her family, she puts herself in her own shoes. Mu Jinyao's family treats her very well. Thin.

This is... let them go? Great, there is a kind of happiness for the rest of my life.

Crawling for her? What's the meaning? Many people didn't understand.

Mu Wanqing's eyes flickered slightly, "We have to rush on the road next, so those who don't have a carriage... tie a rope to the back of the carriage and drag it away."

The people who support her have carriages, that is to say, those who do not support her will wait to be dragged to death by the horse.

It is said to go, but once the horse gallops, it is over.

These petite and frail sons are absolutely unable to withstand this wave of punishment.

Mu Zifeng was terrified, she couldn't stand it just thinking about it, "Mu Wanqing, you are trying to kill us!"

Mu Wanqing looked strange, "Why do you say that? I have a good heart to help you keep up with the army, otherwise, you will be punished as a fugitive."

She raised her eyebrows, and the corner of her mouth raised a mocking arc, "Well, you want to be a fugitive?"

Master Zeng and his party drew out their swords and pointed them at them.

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