"Gu Chen, then we'll see you on the Holy Land Secret Realm then. "

Hmm. Two

days passed in a hurry, and under the bearing of the giant kun of the fish, Gu Chen and the others soon came to the destination of this trip-the holy land.

And in front of the mountain gate where people came and went in the Holy Land, Yu Yu smiled and waved goodbye to Gu Chen, and after getting the other party's response, he carried the big knife on his back and went to the place where he had made an appointment with the people of the Hehuan Sect beforehand.

"Alright, let's find a place to stay.

After seeing Yu Qianying, the senior sister of the Hehuan Sect and the crazy critic of the beauty, Gu Chen turned his head to look at the four daughters who were with him on this trip, Yuan Lianmeng, the Yuan sisters, and the senior sister Qin Xiaorin.

"Hmm. The

four girls spoke in unison and silently followed behind Gu Chen.

And the passers-by did not envy Gu Chen for being able to hold the beauty, and there were so many of them, and they opened the harem directly, they were really envious, jealous and hateful!

Ignoring everyone's sight, Gu Chen quickly found the most luxurious inn in the holy land, and bought a large room with a large bath and an alchemy room with a lot of money, and went in with the girls to decorate it.

"Check if there is anything suspicious to prevent prying eyes, and if it's okay, just have a room for each person and put your luggage. "

Yes, Lord Gu Chen. Leaning

over to ask An to respond, the next Yuan Lianmeng, who was dressed in charming red, took the Yuan sisters of the cardamom girl to check the surroundings one by one, and finally chose their own rooms after confirming that they were correct.

"Senior Brother Gu Chen......"

is different from Yuan Lianmeng and other women, a gentle senior sister with a vermilion Luo skirt and long black hair hanging down to her waist.

With his head lowered tightly, his little hands rubbing uneasily, he kept following Gu Chen and followed him to a room.

"What's the matter, are you worried about the alchemy competition in two days?"

Seeing that Senior Sister Qin Xiaorin followed him all the way, Gu Chen's thin eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he looked at Qin Xiaorin while letting the little black puppets check the room.


With the melancholy in his heart not only for the alchemy competition, Qin Xiaorin was also afraid of the bustling and lively environment at the moment.

I have been staying in the cold girl peak for a long time and have never been to a place where so many people have been, and now I see people coming and going, so I can't help but feel scared, and my heart is full of uneasiness.

Only by staying by his favorite Gu Chen's side can he relax.


Not knowing Qin Xiaorin's inner thoughts, Gu Chen tilted his head, and saw the alchemy room next to him through the puppet, so he gave Qin Xiaorin a suggestion.

"Since you're flustered, it's better to go and stay in the alchemy room, after all, you like alchemy so much, it's okay to immerse yourself in it and wait until the game starts. After

pointing out a path to Senior Sister Qin Xiaorin, Yuan Lianmeng brought the Yuan sisters over at this time.

"Lord Gu Chen, the slave family has cleaned up the room, one for me and one for the Yuan sisters, and the bed is very spacious, Lord Gu Chen is welcome at any time at night~

" "Ah......"

Hearing Yuan Lianmeng's words, Qin Xiaorin was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Gu Chen blankly.

What's going on

? Could it be that Senior Brother Gu Chen has always had an improper and indecent relationship with these three women?

Obviously, no one has even kissed, but Senior Brother has already ...... with other women

I'm going to kill my junior brother, and then I'm going to kill myself to accompany him!"

"Alas, you three give me a serious point, don't keep seducing me. Not

paying attention to Senior Sister Qin Xiaorin's emotions, Gu Chen rolled his eyes as usual and replied to Yuan Lianmeng.

"Division...... The junior brother is really ...... with them Plugged in?"

and couldn't help the boredom in his heart, Qin Xiaorin couldn't help but ask, but the moment he finished asking, he regretted it, and hurriedly turned his crimson little face to prevent Gu Chen from seeing it.

"How is it possible, I don't want to die under the hands of my master. I

didn't expect Senior Sister Qin Xiaorin to be so gossipy, Gu Chen got up speechlessly and passed by her.

"Let's go, Yuan Lianmeng, go out with me to investigate the market situation, it's time to start a painful work. Seeing

that it was still early, it was early in the morning, and Gu Chen also wanted to see if the mobile phone could be sold here, so he took Yuan Lianmeng and the other women to leave.

And when leaving, he also comforted Qin Xiaorin, and then walked away.

"If you're nervous, go to the alchemy room and stay, don't you like alchemy. "

Senior Brother Gu Chen......"

Looking at Gu Chen's back, Qin Xiaorin's little face was full of emotions, but then he breathed a sigh of relief and snickered faintly.

"That's right, the junior brother is the master's furnace to the outside world, how could he risk his life to hook up outside, and then risk being killed by the master to do dirty things. "

I'm really thinking too much, hehe~"

With a smile, Qin Xiaorin walked into the alchemy room and prepared for the alchemy competition with peace of mind.

At the same time, now that Gu Chen had taken Yuan Lianmeng and the others to the bustling and noisy commercial street, the three girls were dizzying.

"Lord Gu Chen, are we going to sell mobile phones here? Your master will not be angry if he knows?"

Following Gu Chen, Yuan Lianmeng asked curiously.

"What are you afraid of, she is staying in the Lengnu Peak now, can she still follow me all the way and monitor silently?"


Fearless, I don't know the terrible Gu Chen smiled faintly, and then asked the shop next to him about the rent.

After that, he took his happy three daughters to the management office of the commercial street and rented a shop located in a good traffic area, and started the business journey of the holy land.

"You guys take care of the store for me, I'll lie down for a while, and declare in advance, whoever is lazy I will punish whom!" In the store,

ten little black puppets who were already in the late stage of Xuandan came out to guard the door to confirm the safety of the three girls.

Gu Chen threw the storage bag containing the mobile phone to Yuan Lianmeng, and then moved out of the rocking chair and lay on it to rest with his eyes closed, very comfortable.

"Yes, Lord Gu Chen, the slave family will definitely buy it well

!" "Yuan Yan and my sister too, let's work together!" Listening

to the response of the women, Gu Chen smiled with satisfaction, and then squinted and fell asleep.

In the past two days, I have been pestered by Yu Yu and beaten around, and my body has been squeezed dry by this crazy beauty with infinite desires, and now I have to lie down for a while to rest and rest.

Listening to the shouts of Yuan Lianmeng and the others, Gu Chen's nerves also relaxed tightly, took a nap, and fell into ......a light sleep

Gradually, I don't know how long it has been.

Gu Chen, who had slept almost a lot, slowly opened his eyes, feeling that his spirit had recovered a lot, then yawned, sat up and looked at Yuan Lianmeng, who was sitting at the stall at the door.

"How's the situation?How many units have been sold?"

"Lord Gu Chen......"

Hearing Gu Chen's voice behind him, Yuan Lianmeng was a little uneasy at this moment, and he didn't dare to look at him.

Similarly, the Yuan sisters also lowered their heads, revealing expressions of doing something wrong, which suddenly made Gu Chen vigilant.

"What's going on?" walked

quickly to them, and when Gu Chen saw the untouched mobile phone on the stall, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that early in the morning, there was not

a single one?"Not a single one was sold?" A

little surprised, Gu Chen couldn't imagine that the goods that were selling well in the Thousand Illusion Sect couldn't be sold when he came to the holy land where all over the Little Cold Domain gathered.


Facing Gu Chen's questioning, Yuan Lianmeng raised her eyes to look at her embarrassedly, and then showed a pitiful but somewhat expectant expression.

"It's useless for the slave family, let the master punish the slave family well, I'm willing to be punished......

" "You masochistic pervert think beautifully."

After glancing at Yuan Lianmeng, Gu Chen picked up his mobile phone and swiped the fantasy version of Douyin, and the more he looked at it, the more he found the key to the problem.

"How do you take out a mobile phone with only serious content?"

"What about those shoulders, breasts, navels, legs, black and white silk meat, and the edge balls that are coquettish and coquettish with milky voices, why don't you take them out to attract attention?"

"Slave family...... Shy......"

Hearing Gu Chen's reproach, Yuan Lianmeng pouted with a look of grievance.

"So are we...... It feels like selling nasty stuff...... It's so shy

......" Yuan Yan also echoed shyly with a small face, she and her sister are still little girls, this is detrimental to your reputation, what should you do if Lord Gu Chen doesn't marry us in the future

?" "Uh......" "

How can I have money if you don't sell it?" How can I support you if I don't have money?"

Unexpectedly, for this reason, Gu Chen was a little embarrassed, so he directly took out three black cloths that could cover their eyes and gave them them.

"If you sell your goods with this strange magic weapon, others will not see your appearance, and you will not affect your vision. "

Really, if the slave family is harassed by others, Lord Gu Chen, you must come forward to save the slave family~"

Seeing Gu Chen comforting herself, Yuan Lianmeng also looked at each other expectantly, Gu Chen also touched her cheek, and comforted the Yuan sisters.

Let them put their selected mobile phones on the stall and sell them.

As for harassing this, Gu Chen was not worried at all, after all, the ten battle puppets in the late stage of the Xuandan Realm were standing quietly in the stall, and they were also staring at it from behind.

Therefore, let the third girl continue to sell mobile phones, Gu Chen moved out of the rocking chair and sat at the door, lying quietly and watching the flow of people pass by.

Sure enough, after changing to another batch of edge balls, some male cultivators and even individual female cultivators were immediately attracted, stayed outside the store, and gradually gathered the crowd.

Although the mobile phone of 10,000 spirit stones made the monk hesitate at the beginning, as the first one was sold, more womanizers gradually bought it, and the scene became popular.

Yuan Lianmeng and the Yuan sisters also began to get busy, but as the spirit stones in their hands became heavier, the smiles on their faces became even stronger, and their movements were swift, and there was no sign of fatigue.

"I, I want one!"

"I'm sorry, but today's phone has been sold out, so please come back tomorrow."

"Why, how can this be! How am I going to spend the long night......"

As the last cell phone was sold, the belated monk broke down and fell to his knees.

You must know that there is no Yichun Tower in the Holy Land!

"Lord Gu Chen, we have made a lot of money!"

In the shop, Yuan Lianmeng and the three daughters of the Yuan sisters were holding a large pile of spirit stones, and they celebrated to Gu Chen ecstatically.

"Hey, hey, I can't count ......them at all"

The little hand kept groping for the mountain of spirit stones piled up on the ground, Yuan Yan's little face was full of obsession, even the silent Yuan Mo, who had always been shy in his heart, had golden light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and he kept counting the spirit stones.

"Lord Gu Chen, I didn't expect the people here in the Holy Land to be so rich, ten thousand spirit stones are not a problem, just buy them when you say so, now we are rich again, hehehe.

Lingering on Gu Chen's body, Yuan Lianmeng's delicate body was close to Gu Chen, and her little face was buried in his arms, very intimate and happy.

In the face of the joy of the women, Gu Chen just put his hand on his cheek and smiled faintly.

These are just small fish and shrimp, and they should soon attract some big customers to take the bait, right?

These are the sources of customers that Gu Chen wants.

Gu Chen wants to be a wholesaler of mobile phones, not a self-employed person.

Only in this way can you make the most money, and you can lie on Lingshi Mountain in your future life!"

"Hey, is the merchant still there?

And at this time, a gentle male voice also came from outside the door, Gu Chen suddenly knew that the real big customer was coming, and asked Yuan Lianmeng to open the door, and the Yuan sisters put away the spirit stone mountain.

But when the door opened, Gu Chen looked at the person who came, but was stunned.

Because this person's luck is actually the same as Lin Fan's

son of luck, the same is red! At this time, there is another son of luck.

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