After living for twenty-nine years, he never bowed his head to anyone, not even his parents.

But today, he bowed his head to a woman just because she would stop crying.

He gently wiped away her tears, full of heartache, and said: "I will help you, I will help you with everything."

Wei Yuxian's tears still didn't stop and she didn't dare to open her eyes.

She didn't know how to face the current situation. In front of Fu Xuanyi, she always felt so inferior and couldn't hold her head up, as if they were not from the same world.

Yes, they are indeed not from the same world. What is Master Xuan's status in Kyoto, and how can he be in the same world as mortals like them?

Wei Yuxian couldn't control her sadness. Even if Fu Xuanyi agreed to help her, he couldn't control it, as if he wanted to cry until he fainted!

Fu Xuanyi had no experience in coaxing people and didn't know how to coax her. He could only pat her back time and time again and said, "Don't cry, I promise you..."

Comfort is very unfamiliar.

As Wei Yuxian listened to his words, telling her to be good, her tears gradually stopped flowing, and she opened her slightly swollen eyes to look at the man in front of her.

He has become so different, no longer cold at all.

The question just now came to her mind again, and she asked: "Are you really...Fu Xuanyi?"

There was a sob as he spoke, and he broke off once, which at least suppressed the tears.

Fu Xuanyi wiped away her tears again and said, "It's true."

"Then why are you? You don't look like Fu Xuanyi at all?" She asked again, until all the doubts in her heart were revealed!

Fu Xuanyi also asked: "What's the difference?"

Wei Yuxian thought for a while, frowned, and said after a while: "Except for the face, there is nothing like him."

The real Fu Xuanyi is aloof, doesn't know how to speak, doesn't care about others, and doesn't speak so gently.

Unlike Fu Xuanyi now, who said several words, hugged her, wiped her tears, and coaxed her.

This is so strange! This is not something Fu Xuanyi would do!

Fu Xuanyi thought about his behavior today. It was indeed different from before. That was because he didn't have her around before, but now that he has her, things will naturally change.

He said: "It's because of you that I will change."

"Me?" Wei Yuxian sniffed and looked at him doubtfully, "What's wrong with me? Why is it because of me?"

Fu Xuanyi felt helpless for her slow brain. Was she so slow about feelings?

It's no wonder Wei Yuxian couldn't wrap her head around it, she never thought that Fu Xuanyi would like her!

there has never been!

Fu Xuanyi said: "Why do you want you to be Mrs. Fu?"

Did he say it plainly enough?

Wei Yuxian's mind was still a little confused. She was so dumbfounded when she cried just now. She asked: "Is it because of the child in my belly? Fu Xuanyi, you don't have to do this. You should leave that position to the person you like. I don't will occupy that position."

Mrs. Fu, this is such a distant position, she does not deserve it.

Fu Xuanyi said again: "Mrs. Fu's position will only belong to you, and in my heart, you are the only one. Do you understand?"

He put his words more bluntly.

Wei Yuxian tasted his words carefully and finally understood!

The meaning behind Fu Xuanyi's words is that he likes her!

How can this be!

She looked at him with disbelief!

Trying to find any evidence that he was joking, but there was no evidence. There was no dodge in his eyes, only sincerity!

So, what he said is true!

Does he like himself?

"But...but..." She murmured these two words, but she couldn't say them out for a long time.

Fu Xuanyi: "But what?"

Wei Yuxian said blankly: "But... I'm not worthy of you."

Fu Xuanyi chuckled softly and said, "Whether you deserve it or not, I have the final say."

If he says he deserves it, then he deserves it. If anyone says no...

Wei Yuxian was stunned again. She didn't know what was going on in her mind. Her mind, which was not very bright at first, became even more sluggish at this moment.

Her reaction seemed cute to Fu Xuanyi. She was dumbfounded and her little face was so cute.

He didn't disturb her, giving her time to digest and understand.

I don’t know how long time passed, maybe a few minutes, maybe ten minutes, Wei Yuxian’s mind finally turned around!

Fu Xuanyi said he liked her!

That Mr. Xuan, who was not close to women, was abstinent and aloof... said he liked her!

Like a dream, not real at all.

But this is indeed true!

Wei Yuxian recalled Fu Xuanyi's weird behaviors in the past, such as holding her hand, wiping her hands, and applying pregnancy oil to her. These were all things only close people would do!

So, did Fu Xuanyi like her from that time on? Otherwise, why would you do such an inappropriate thing?

A voice in her heart told her the answer: Yes, that's it. Fu Xuanyi has liked her since then.

Wei Yuxian didn't dare to breathe. She didn't know how to face and respond to his love, because she never thought that someone would like her!

This person is still the Crown Prince of Kyoto, Mr. Xuan!

too crazy!

How virtuous and capable she is to be liked by Master Xuan!

So, she tried to change the subject and said: "That...that...thank you for being willing to help me...I will repay you in the future..."

The words were spoken intermittently, as if they were improvised, but they were indeed improvised.

She really didn't know what to say, her mind was very blank.

Fu Xuanyi knew that she couldn't accept the news for a while, and he didn't force her to accept his love. Everything had to happen slowly.

Tofu has to be eaten bite by bite and taste slowly to be the most delicious.

He followed her words: "If anything happens in the future, you have to tell me. As long as I am here, no one can bully you."

His words were very plain, but they gave Wei Yuxian the most powerful protection!

Fu Xuanyi said that no one can bully him, so no one can bully him, and he will not make it easy for those who have bullied her!

Obedient mother and roommate, right? He remembered that these people should never want to live a peaceful life in the future!

Wei Yuxian let out a muffled "hmm" in his arms, feeling completely relaxed.

With Fu Xuanyi, the matters on her mother's side and Ding Nana's side can be solved smoothly. She will not doubt the methods of Mr. Xuan in Kyoto.

With Fu Xuanyi taking action, she wouldn't have any worries, and she didn't want to care about their outcome.

Anyway, she can live peacefully in the future.

It's Fu Xuanyi's should she treat it?

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