Every sentence said in it is disparaging to Wei Yuxian, and the logic is smooth and there is no problem, just like the truth!

Cheng Jingyao's first reaction was impossible!

Yuxian is definitely not the kind of person mentioned in the post! He is not the kind of vain person mentioned in the comment section!

They don't know Yuxian at all, they just read this unfounded post and came to this conclusion! How could they deserve to say such things!

Do they understand Yuxian? Have they seen Yuxian? Do they know what kind of person Yuxian is?

No, they don't understand! They haven't seen it! they do not know!

They don't know anything, they just bang the keyboard in their hands and wantonly belittle and insult others!

The roommate on the side thought he was really interested and said: "You just said you wouldn't watch it, why are you rushing to watch it now? Sure enough, no one can refuse to eat melon and watch the fun, we are the most active no."

Cheng Jingyao couldn't hear what his roommate was saying. He returned the phone to him with a sullen face and said, "Send this post to me now!"

Looking at his angry look, his roommate finally noticed something was wrong and said, "What's wrong? Do you know Wei Yuxian?"

As he said that, he forwarded the post to him.

Cheng Jingyao looked at his roommate and said, "Wei Yuxian is not that kind of person, she is a good girl!"

But his roommate didn’t really believe what he said. He believed what he said in the post even more, because there was nothing wrong with what was said in the post, and there were pictures and truth, and the evidence was conclusive!

He said: "Cheng Jingyao, are you being deceived by this woman? She doesn't look like a good person to me, and the post said she is a scheming woman who is best at seducing men."

Cheng Jingyao suppressed his anger and asked, "Do you know her? Have you met her? Do you know what kind of person she is?"

The roommate shook his head and became a little angry, saying: "Why are you shouting at me? Maybe you like her and you are shouting so loudly."

Cheng Jingyao did not deny it and said directly: "Yes, I like her. I know what kind of person she is. She is definitely not who she said in the post!"

The roommate was even more shocked and said, "Cheng Jingyao, you couldn't have been deceived by her, right? The post said that this woman is very scheming, and you have never been in love, so you can't really be deceived, right?"

Cheng Jingyao: "Impossible! Yuxian is a good person! This post is all a lie!"

Roommate: "How can you prove that this post is a rumor? Why would the poster spread rumors? Didn't Wei Yuxian drop out of school?"

Cheng Jingyao no longer wanted to answer his questions. It was estimated that no one in the school except himself would believe that Yuxian was not such a person.

hateful! What is the purpose of posting this post? ! Who posted this? Why did he target Yuxian?

A figure emerged in Cheng Jingyao's mind, Ding Nana, she was probably the person who posted this post!

He had heard these words from Ding Nana's mouth a few days ago. Cheng Jingyao would not believe it if he said it had nothing to do with her!

But aren’t Ding Nana and Yuxian roommates? Why is she targeting Yuxian? How did Yuxian get in her way?

Cheng Jingyao never thought that he would be the trigger for Ding Nana to post this post.

Because Ding Nana likes him, but he likes Wei Yuxian, and Ding Nana thinks that Wei Yuxian seduced him, so this post was born.

Jealousy can blind one's eyes.

Cheng Jingyao couldn't wait to rush to Ding Nana right now and ask her fiercely if she had posted the post. If she had posted it, why would she have posted it? Why belittle Wei Yuxian!

But he didn't know where Ding Nana was at the moment, and he didn't have her contact information, so he didn't know where to find someone.

What's more, just relying on himself to speak to Yuxian is tantamount to trying to shake a tree and overestimating his own capabilities!

There are so many people scolding Yuxian, and the whole comment area is full of them. If he says that Yuxian is not such a person, he will definitely be bullied by netizens!

So, what to do?

By the way, does Yuxian know the existence of this post? She has dropped out of school, so she definitely doesn't pay attention to school affairs. Even if she is in school, she probably won't visit the school forum.

After all, Yuxian is a person who loves learning very much. She spends all her time studying, so how can she be in the mood to read these things.

Then...should he forward this post to Yuxian?

Yuxian is the person involved, she should have the right to know! She can't be kept in the dark!

Maybe Yuxian has some solution.

So Cheng Jingyao forwarded this post to Wei Yuxian.

Fu Mansion.

Wei Yuxian had just had lunch at this time, and originally wanted to read for a while to clear up the food, but she felt sleepy just after eating. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to go to her room to sleep.

It’s so distressing, I always feel sleepy out of control, the kind that can make me sleepy anytime and anywhere.

But there was nothing else to do except sleep.

Fortunately, she has nothing to be busy with now. She can do whatever she wants every day without anyone restricting her.

Therefore, when Cheng Jingyao sent her a message, she was sleeping, her phone was on airplane mode, and she couldn't receive any messages.

About an hour later, Wei Yuxian woke up, sat up from the bed in a daze, leaned on the bed, pulled the quilt up and covered her, unwilling to get out of bed.

She picked up her phone and checked the time. It was around two o'clock in the afternoon and she turned off the airplane mode. About two seconds later, Cheng Jingyao's message popped up.

She was curious about why Cheng Jingyao was looking for her again. When she clicked on it, she saw a post with such a simple and clear title. Suddenly, she felt a bad premonition in her heart!

The title is written as if she is the protagonist in it.

Wei Yuxian was immediately frightened and woke up. She clicked in with trembling fingers, her heart beating rapidly, praying that the protagonist inside was not her.

But her prayers had no effect after all. The protagonist in it was her, Wei Yuxian, and no one else.

The moment she saw her name, Wei Yuxian's heart almost stopped beating!

She took a breath and was afraid to look at the content below, because she knew that the content below must be even uglier than the one above!

The part she just read was about her being poor, so the next part should be a comparison.

Her fingers were trembling even more than before, and finally she couldn't help but slide down and read the content below.

The room was very quiet, with no movement at all. Wei Yuxian was almost out of breath.

The heating in the room was clearly turned on, but Wei Yuxian felt as if she was in a cold abyss at this moment! There is no place in the body that is not cold!

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