After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 30 She doesn’t want to stay here for a moment!

In this state, how much energy did she have to go to school? Just dealing with Fu Xuanyi and pregnancy reactions was enough for her.

Moreover, after taking a break from school, she will no longer have academic pressure, nor will she see Ding Nana and the others again, and she will no longer have to be abused by them.

After taking a year off from school, she could completely cut off contact with Ding Nana and others, and wait until the next year to go to school again. She would be one year younger than Ding Nana.

Unless Ding Nana did it on purpose, they would never have the chance to meet again!

Thinking about it this way, there are still benefits to taking a break from school. Besides, she is a student at Kyoto University of Finance and Economics. This is a fact that will not change. Even if she takes a break from school, she will.

After washing up, she walked downstairs to have breakfast. The meals prepared for her in the kitchen were now even more exquisite, and no food with an odor was allowed to be served! No matter how well it is handled, it still won't work.

At the dining table, Fu Xuanyi had been sitting early. She consciously came to sit in front of her and enjoyed her breakfast. She was not even in the mood to say hello.

There was silence on the dining table, except for the occasional sound of tableware clinking against each other.

Wei Yuxian lowered her head and focused all her attention on breakfast, ignoring the cold and oppressive eyes of the man opposite her.

Fu Xuanyi was looking at her, looking straight at her without any cover-up.

He asked in his unique cold tone: "Have you considered it?"

Wei Yuxian ate her breakfast for a moment, then started eating again, swallowing the food in her mouth, lowering her head and whispering: "Give me... one more day."

She hasn't fully figured it out yet.

The few minutes she spent thinking about it in the bathroom were not enough for her to fully understand it. She needed more time.

A day can be said to be long or short. It is both difficult and not difficult at the same time. Fu Xuanyi can still afford to wait.

He gave her the day.

"I'm going to get answers tonight," he said.

Wei Yuxian said "hmm" in no mood and continued to eat breakfast.

The dining table fell into silence again. After a while, Wei Yuxian was full and waited quietly for the man opposite him to finish eating so that he could send her to school.

Not long after, Fu Xuanyi was also full. The two of them got up and went out, driving to school. They were silent all the way, with nothing to say.

Wei Yuxian went to the classroom where today's class was held and sat in the front row, separated by a gulf-like distance from Ding Nana and the three people sitting in the back row.

This is her usual approach.

After the two classes in the morning, Wei Yuxian was already exhausted. She went to get the meal sent by Aunt Fu, and then hurried back to the dormitory, thinking of going to bed as soon as she was full so that she could cope with the afternoon classes.

But how could her simple idea be realized so easily? Ding Nana and the others will never let her have an easy time.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, she was greeted by the cynicism of her roommates. Each of the three people said one sentence, which added up to three sentences. They said more than one sentence.

She ate the food in her hands in silence, chewing mechanically, not feeling the deliciousness of the food at all, as if she was eating just to live.

Her silence will not bring her roommates any rest, but only intensified insults.

The words became more and more unpleasant, and the food in her mouth became more and more unpalatable. She forced herself to swallow the food into her stomach, not to waste it.

Halfway through, she suddenly ran to the toilet and vomited violently. She vomited so hard that she vomited out everything she had just eaten!

With physiological tears in the corners of her eyes, Wei Yuxian suddenly wanted to cry. She leaned against the wall of the toilet and sobbed softly. Tears fell freely again.

Her tears were free and worthless. Even if she cried, no one would feel sorry for her.

Covering her mouth, she let the tears flow through her hands, flow down her arms and drip to the ground. She cried for a while in the toilet, sad emotions filling her mind.

After a while, the emotion passed. She wiped away her tears and ignored how red and swollen her eyes were. She walked in with her head lowered and packed away the half-eaten meal. She was not in the mood to eat anymore.

She didn't want Ding Nana and the others to see her in such a miserable state, even though she had always been embarrassed in front of them.

Ding Nana looked at her with a playful look and said: "Wei Yuxian, you have been running to the toilet every day to vomit recently. Sometimes you will cover your mouth and run out suddenly during class...

Vomiting every day and unable to eat, are you pregnant with the old man's seed? "

Chen Wei and Feng Yiyi burst out laughing. The former said: "I think it's 80% true. Otherwise, how could a normal person go to the toilet to vomit every day? Do you think that's true, Sister Na?"

There was another burst of harsh laughter in the dormitory. Wei Yuxian's heart felt cold and her whole body was cold.

They guessed correctly, she was indeed pregnant, and her vomiting every day was also caused by pregnancy.

But will she admit it? Does she dare to admit it?

She didn't dare to say a word because what they said was the truth.

She carried the packed thermos bucket and quickly walked into the toilet. Holding back the tears that were pouring out again, she hid in the toilet again.

She squatted on the ground holding her knees and cried bitterly. She was so sad that her whole body was numb and trembling, and her whole body was cold. No matter how thickly she wore, she still shivered.

Outside, the voices of Ding Nana and the three people still did not stop. They even spoke loudly on purpose so that these words could reach her ears.

"Wei Yuxian, how does it feel to be an old man? Do you need to take medicine to get hard? Are you still in ecstasy? Hahaha——"

"Did the old man tell you that he would give you money to give birth to a child, so you were willing to give him a child? How much did the old man give you?"

"I see that you eat so well every day, and there are people who specially bring food here. You are also dressed so well and used so well. How much does this old man give you a month?"

Every word they spoke was like a knife stabbing into her heart!

The heart became riddled with holes, blood kept pouring out, and it could not be cured.

She stayed in the toilet for more than ten minutes, and the people outside chatted for more than ten minutes. Filthy words were swirling in her mind.

She couldn't listen anymore. She didn't even care about the thermos bucket. She got up and walked out. Her eyes were red and there were obvious tears on her face. But she couldn't care about it now. She just wanted to leave this devil's cave as soon as possible!

She picked up her canvas bag and mobile phone, strode out of the dormitory, slammed the dormitory door, and the world finally became quiet.

Walking on the school road, she lowered her head to her chest for fear of being seen crying, and put on the big black hat of her coat, hiding her whole body in the big coat.

She walked aimlessly on the school road, not knowing where she was going. At this moment, she just wanted to leave the school and didn't want to stay for a moment, because as long as she stayed here, she would have a chance of meeting Ding Nana and the others.

There are still classes to attend in the afternoon, and they will inevitably meet then. Who knows what will happen?

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