Su Chen nodded in response, and the two got into the car and drove towards Intime City.

After driving for 20 minutes, Su Chen drove the car to the underground parking lot of Intime City, and the two of them took the elevator to the first floor.

The two talked and laughed all the way to the food city on the fifth floor, and the whole air was filled with the fresh aroma of food cooking, and the shouts of various merchants were endless, full of the smell of fireworks.

Su Chen took Xiao Yitong's jade hand and asked, "Wife, what do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yitong looked at the dazzling array of shops around him, and he had difficulty in choosing again, and he didn't know how to choose.

"I don't know, it looks pretty good (#^.^#)...... Su

Chen smiled, and observed while walking with her, "Then let's take a look first." "


The two of them walked around for a while, and when they came to a grilled fish called Bantian Demon, Xiao Yitong was immediately attracted by the fresh fragrance coming from inside.

Different from the ordinary spicy and fresh fragrance, this fresh fragrance is mixed with a unique green pepper 'hemp', which is particularly unique.

Su Chen looked at Xiao Yitong and looked inside, and asked with a smile, "What, do you want to eat at this house?"


Xiao Yitong chuckled and said, "I feel that this grilled fish smells very good, husband, why don't we eat it here......" "Okay, I also feel that this grilled fish

is quite fragrant."

Su Chen smiled slightly, and as soon as he walked in with Xiao Yitong, he was shocked by the lively scene inside.

As far as the eye can see, there are no less than thirty tables in the huge hall, almost all of which are full of guests, and there are basically no free seats.

Xiao Yitong was surprised, "Wow, there are so many people here!" "

A lot of people can prove that this grilled fish is delicious, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people coming here to eat."

"Well, husband, what you said makes sense. "

It's not that what I said makes sense, it's my wife, your vision is goodO(∩_∩)Ohaha~......

" Just between the two of them touting each other, a waiter greeted him and said with a smile, "Welcome to Bantian Demon, may I ask how many of you need to dine in total, sir?" "Just

the two of us......"

"Okay, please come with me." Led

by the waiter, the two went around a corner and sat down.

"Sir, we can scan the code here to order, if you need anything, you can call me at any time......" the waiter enthusiastically introduced.


Su Chen nodded to indicate that he knew, and then took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code on the table to start ordering.

"Wife, can you eat anything in the flavor?" Xiao

Yitong came to Su Chen's side and took a look, the grilled fish is roughly divided into spicy and non-spicy, and spicy.

"I smelled that green pepper just now and it tastes very fragrant, or let's choose the spicy flavor......

" "Yes!"

Su Chen chose a sea catfish set with fewer fish bones, added a few soup dishes, and asked, "How to choose the spiciness of my wife, is it slightly spicy, medium and spicy, or extra spicy?"

(#^.^#) Xiao Yitong laughed.

After ordering the set meal, Su Chen got up and went to the bar to get a piece of popcorn and potato chips, and the two chatted while eating, which was very sweet.

After about ten minutes, the grilled fish ordered by Su Chen was served, and a spicy mixture of fresh fragrance came to his nose, Xiao Yitong instantly had a great appetite, and he couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and taste it.


, it's delicious!" Xiao Yitong picked up a piece of fish meat and handed it to Su Chen's mouth and said, "The fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with the spicy green peppercorns

, it's really delicious, husband, try it......" Su Chen smiled slightly, swallowed the fish into his mouth, tasted it carefully, and praised it, "It's really delicious!" Wife, you eat first, I'll serve you rice, ......

" "Mmmm, thank you

, husband!" "Thank you, this is what your husband should do ( ✿◡‿◡)"

Su Chen turned around and went to the bar to bring two bowls of rice, Xiao Yitong tasted a bite of rice and said, "This rice is also delicious, it is completely different from the rice made in those restaurants outside."

Su Chen smiled, he had noticed this when he was serving the rice just now.

The rice of the Bantian Demon not only looks round in color, but also has a unique fragrance, and the entrance is even more strong.

This alone is something that many restaurants can't match.

Moreover, the rice of the half-heavenly demon is available in unlimited quantities, and it is definitely a blessing for those who eat as much as they want.

Xiao Yitong picked up a piece of fish and meat, and then gave a bite of rice, his face was full of enjoyment.

"Hey, husband, why don't you eat it?" Su

Chen held his chin with one hand, looked directly at Xiao Yitong's cheek and said, "Wife, you are so beautiful (*^▽^*)......"

"I hate it, so many people are listening, are you ashamed." "

I'm telling the truth, what's there to be shy about, O(∩_∩)Ohaha~......" Su Chen said nonchalantly, "My wife is here to kiss one."


Xiao Yitong blushed slightly, picked up a piece of fish meat and stuffed it into Su Chen's mouth, and said coquettishly, "If you want to kiss it, you can kiss it......" Just when the two were playing, there was a sudden soft sound next to him, and Su Chen turned his head to see that it (#^.^#)

was actually a man holding a Polaroid camera to take pictures of himself and Xiao Yitong.

When the man saw the two of them looking at him, he quickly explained, "Hello sir, I am the person in charge of our store, and our store is holding an event, just to find people's happiness in eating." I just saw that the two of them met the requirements of this event, so I took a picture

of it......" At this point, the man took the photo from the Polaroid camera and handed it to the table, saying, "If you two agree, we will make a background wall of the collected photos in the future to show people the good times at the table."

"Of course, if you don't think it's appropriate, this photo will be given to you as a souvenir. And, wait a while, the store will also send a dessert, the right is to compensate the two of

you......" Xiao Yitong came to the photo and saw that it was exactly what he looked like when he fed Su Chen with fish and meat

, "I feel that the shooting is quite good-looking......" Su Chen smiled and said, "Wife, you are very good-looking, but my shooting is very ordinary, if I shoot from a different angle, I feel that it should be better." "

Don't stink fart

, you!" Xiao Yitong glanced at him and asked, "Husband, do you think you should leave the photo for them as a background wall?" "What do you think?"

Su Chen asked rhetorically.

"I don't think it matters, it's just a photo, and it won't cause any loss.......

" Su Chen gestured to her with an OK gesture, indicating that he understood, and then looked at the man and said, "Your store wants to use our photos as a background wall, and my wife and I have no opinion." The

man was very happy when he heard it, the background wall photos were easy to find, but it was really not so easy to meet the two people in front of him with such high appearances.

If you want to make a background wall, the photos of Su Chen and Xiao Yitong must be placed in the center, and they are also zoomed in high-definition.

Thinking of this, the man laughed loudly, "Thank you so much for your support to your store, haha!"

PS: Fat Di likes to eat this grilled fish and rice ^_^!

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