"I will remember it." Sierra put her face against his chest and yawned. Needless to say, she would definitely forget it completely.

Once the reserved werewolf breaks through the last layer of window paper, she will become as passionate and unrestrained as she is now, and then she will easily be exposed to vampires and mermaids.

At this stage, they found her riding on three boats, and the possibility of her neck being broken was very high.

She can't take risks until she finds a balance between the three of them and makes her life worry-free.

Thinking of this in her dizzy head, Sierra couldn't help but sigh. So why do these three male protagonists live so close to each other? She only has this vest from the beginning. If she takes it off, she will die in public. .

Eric adjusted the position of holding her again, passed his hand through her back knee, and jumped out of thin air with his legs dangling in the air, and the two of them fell rapidly.

During the high-altitude bungee jumping without protective measures, Sierra could feel her heart hanging in the air and then quickly hitting her chest with her eyes closed.

He made a lot of noise when he landed, and his shoes made a sound when he stepped heavily into the green lawn. The soil squeezed the green grass and splashed, leaving two large and medium-sized footprints after the person left.

Eric carried her to the outer wall of the bedroom, and skillfully jumped to the window sill through the water pipe.

In order to prevent the princess' bedroom from being soiled by the soil under his feet, he did not choose to go in again. He only placed her safely on the window sill and waved away the curtains that were blown by the wind with one hand.

"Go in and get the bag of supper and the empty wine bottle. It can't be left in your bedroom." He gently coaxed the girl with a sleepy look on her face.

"Oh." Sierra slowly moved down from the window sill. Seeing her staggering around in small steps, Eric didn't dare to look away casually, fearing that she would bump into the corner of the table or fall into the fireplace later. went.

After she wrapped the things and handed them out through the window, the boy kneeling on the windowsill breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay Sera, it's time for you to go to bed."

Sierra held the edge of the window sill with both hands, stood on tiptoes and kissed his tough and boyish cheek, "Good night then, Eric."

"I thought you would leave me to sleep here." Eric touched the top of her hair and ears.

She can talk about anything after drinking, but she can't talk when she's sleeping. Just like the last time she had a fever and Rose Hill was in the hospital, if Losid broke into her dream again, she would be finished saying some nonsense. .

Sierra shook her head and replied seriously: "It's not winter yet. I just have a fireplace, and you are still young, how can you really sleep with me."

Eric was amused by her again, his voice full of joy, "I will be 18 years old before winter comes."

Sierra nodded, "I will celebrate your birthday, and then you come to my bed again."

Eric's face turned red again, and he sighed: "I really hope you can remember everything when you wake up tomorrow."

"I will, I will." Sierra assured him, shaking her head, but her credibility was really low.

Eric jumped off the window sill with his hind legs, landed firmly on his feet, and waited for her to close the window before running away.

Sierra jumped onto the bed with two feet. She was really tired. The thought of having to deal with another one later when she went to bed made her even more tired.

Anna Xi, who had been standing in the library for a long time, finally saw the figure running past the big window.

Her gaze was too focused, and Eric, who was already very wary, turned around and noticed the girl standing behind the window.

He was surprised but did not make any pause, and the figure quickly disappeared from An Xi's eyes.

He didn't even want to have any more communication.

Eric's attitude toward her was constantly changing as his family affection reached its lowest point. They had almost become two parallel lines that no longer intersect.

Anaxi slowly sat back on the sofa, digging her nails into her palms.

She knew that no matter what, she would have to keep the secret of him climbing into Sierra's window in the middle of the night tonight. This was her last resort to retain her goodwill.

Sera, who was under the influence of alcohol, fell into a deep sleep before she could think of how to deal with the fact that Rocide would check her memories again.

Saqui Island.

Dozens of mermaids gather on the foreshore, their colorful or gray tails swaying in the water, and their naked bodies are graceful.

"Locide, you are our leader, are you going to be tortured and killed like your companions who came ashore before?!"

"If it wasn't for the idiot who went outside just to save Zachary, how could Roxid risk going outside and still be captured?"

"Now that he has finally come back, his heart has been taken away by the ugly creatures on land again. I don't allow it. He should stay in our homeland."

The extremely beautiful mermaids gathered under a single standing reef. Their thin membranes like the vertical pupils of a crocodile all stared at the black-tailed mermaid above, the most distinctive leader of the group.

From time to time, they showed fierce expressions to express their dissatisfaction, surrounded by pieces of fish and blood that they tore apart with their bare hands in anger.

Blood and water surrounded the surroundings, and Roxid, who held the glowing seaweed at the top, remained indifferent.

Saquet Island is more than half an ocean away from Serra's home. The sunset here has not yet sunk into the water, and the light makes the water droplets on his body shine brightly.

The mermaid king, as dazzling as a diamond, lowered his head, grinned his lips, and revealed his fangs, "Quiet."

The two simple words struck the crowd of mermaids like thunder, and the special charm skills penetrated their ears with full intimidation.

The noisy conversation disappeared instantly, leaving only the sound of waves crashing on the shoal and a large treasure box falling out of the stranded and abandoned ship.

Under Luo Xied's gaze, a monkey jumped out holding a gold coin and slipped into the woods.

Staring at the waterfall of gold coins leaking out of the holes in the board, Luo Xied narrowed his eyes slightly and was silent for a long time before speaking out, "Sela is not ugly, she belongs to me."

"Humans are cunning, and they are good at deceiving." The mermaid retorted to him: "You knew it when you went to rescue Zachary."

He did know, but so what.

He wants Serra now.

"We are also good at deceiving." Luo Xied's gloomy and particularly coquettish face raised, looking down at the fish below, "We also eat a lot of passing sailors."

On land, their abilities are still weak, but in the ocean, they are the only overlords. They charm humans with their songs and half-body beauty, and feed on human flesh.

Beneath these old shipwrecks laden with jewels are countless piles of bones.

No mermaid can disobey the leader. Their beautiful long hair is floating in the water, and they all hang their heads and become speechless.

"She will come back with me voluntarily." Luo Xide softened his voice, stuffed the glowing seaweed in his palm into his mouth, and swallowed the glowing grass blades with his fangs.

After eating the seaweed, he plunged into the water and swam ashore.

The effect of the medicine came quickly. Almost the moment the tail came out of the sea water, a strong itching came from the tail fin.

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