I don’t expect to get along well with all three male protagonists, but I have to catch the one who is the most deceptive to gain enough favorability points.

The waves indeed increased after nightfall, but it was not very dangerous for a cruise ship with tens of thousands of tons.

The unfinished cup of water placed on the table sloshed slightly. The temperature in early spring was extremely cold under the rain.

The fireplace in the bedroom is lit very high.

Sierra sat on a chair and looked through the window at the dark night scene. She thought about it for a full hour, and finally made up her mind to wrap herself in a blanket, open the door, and go to the first-class cabin upstairs.

It stands to reason that she would not be able to pass the exclusive staircase for the first class cabin, but the waves were too heavy tonight and there was no one on the ship's corridor, and the midnight watchman was dozing off.

Sera walked into the first class cabin grandly.

Aldin, who came out with an empty wine glass, happened to see her wandering around like a headless fly.

Thinking that she might become one of them in the future, his pale face lost the arrogance of the previous days, and his tone became much better.

"Miss Serra, this is first class."

Seeing that it was the servant beside Rose Hill, Sera quickly walked over, "I know, I'm here to find the Duke."

A faint smell of blood penetrated her nose, and she saw the wine glass stained with red viscous liquid out of the corner of her eye, her face calm.

"I have something urgent to tell him." She explained her purpose of coming.

"There are many women who like to knock on his door late at night." Aldin deliberately raised the tray to his chest to observe her reaction.

"I won't take off my clothes." Sierra promised, she would not serve herself to his table as a plate of rare steak.


There was the sound of unlocking and twisting in the heavy door behind him, and the wooden door covered with white paint opened.

Sera immediately turned around, her eyes blankly blank.

The devil, who is as white as a plaster statue, leans against the door. His black satin robe is hung loosely on his broad shoulders. The collar of the white shirt underneath is wide open. The face created by the Creator is facing the light, and the light and dark light intersect on his face, which is deep. There was a faint cyan color under the eye sockets, and the dark red eyes were slightly narrowed, showing a cool feeling.

The extremely offensive beauty reveals the danger of murder.

"What do you want to tell me?" He walked out from behind the door. Water was still hanging from the ends of his hair just after taking a shower, dripping down his porcelain white neck, dyeing his white collar translucent and close to his skin.

Sera swallowed her saliva as she was shocked by the highly visual beauty, and moved her eyes away in panic, "I just want to remind you that a storm is coming and the boat may capsize."

Her concern made Rose Hill's lips curl up slightly, and there was not much smile in her eyes under her eyelashes.

He came to the girl, and her clear and intense heartbeat sounded in his ears.

Fresh flesh, sweet taste.

"Three hours ago, you said you gave up your love for me." His voice was calm.

The extremely elegant smell of roses after the rain rushed into Sera's nose, and the faint fragrance mixed with a hint of rust stained her skin, making her fear almost overflow from her chest.

We can't back down now.

She clenched her fists and mustered up the courage to raise her face to look into those dangerous eyes, "It's not the same thing. Roxid told me that there will be a big storm, and the upcoming shipwreck will kill many people. I came here just in hope." You go remind the captain and find a way to evacuate to a safe sea as soon as possible."

"It's still two days and one night's journey to the nearest dock in Cambugna," said the servant Aldine.

Sera stared at those calm eyes and expressed her inner thoughts, "I want to tell the captain that it was a mermaid who told me that a small storm can turn into a big disaster. This is a joke, but they will believe you. You have to Go and warn the captain to get away from the storm as soon as possible, there are thousands of passengers on this ship and they cannot all die here."

Rose Hill's eyes were too penetrating, and all he could read of her thoughts was to ask for help.

Seeing that he was silent, Sera became a little anxious, so she took the initiative to step forward and grab his satin robe, "At least for the sake of your safety, don't put yourself in danger."

Her mind was filled with frantically typing her thoughts of concern for his safety and wanting him to be safe. These words also successfully reached Rose Hill's ears, and his eyes finally showed subtle changes.

A big palm full of rings was placed on the top of her hair, "You like duplicity, Sierra."

She bit her lip, blushed and took a step back to avoid his touch, "That's all I have to say, please Duke."

Aldin watched her run away and clicked his lips to reveal some of his white fangs, "I was wrong. She is not afraid of you, but loves you."

Rose Hill lowered his hand. He couldn't figure out her true appearance now. Such passionate voices and worries were blasted in his ears over and over again. He didn't believe much.

Sera was not sure whether this wave of favorability had been achieved. Anyway, the purpose of saving people was achieved, so she would just wait and see what happens.

Shortly after she came back and lay down, in the boiler room, a rivet on the ship's plank that had been hit by the mermaid suddenly broke due to the increased water flow and pressure, and the ship's plank disintegrated.


There was a muffled sound at the bottom of the ship, and the sea water instantly squeezed into the high-temperature burning boiler room.

Aldin was ordered by the Duke to warn the captain.

The old captain with many years of experience had already felt that something was wrong. This time, the disaster caused by the small wind and waves came quickly and quickly.

As soon as he gave the order to detour, the entire ship's power engine stopped running.

The person on duty in the boiler room hurriedly ran up to report: "The dented ship plank cracked! Boiler room No. 3 was flooded! The coal bunker in boiler room No. 6 caught fire! I think all coal bunkers are now in It’s water!”

"Oh damn it!" the captain looked desperate.

He shouted: "Go and wake everyone up! Go and wake everyone up quickly!"

It was still dark, so the servants and waiters on the ship were ordered to put on life jackets urgently. They ran in the corridors on each floor to wake up the passengers who were still sleeping.

"Miss Serra, put on your life jacket and go to the second-class cabin to assemble."

Her dedicated waiter hurriedly woke her up and handed her a white life jacket stuffed with cork.

Extreme weather with surging waves and sub-zero temperatures will definitely freeze to death for many people.

Sierra rummaged through the box and put on all the clothes she could keep warm.

The aisles were filled with exclamations from delicate passengers. Ladies flocked to the window where valuables were stored to collect jewelry, blocking the stairs.

Sera had all the few remaining jewelry on her body, and she hurried to the rainy outer deck. The swaying in the cabin made her almost bump into someone while walking.

"Go and stand in front of the lifeboat! Ladies first! Children first! Men are not allowed to ride!"

The male stewards on the deck shouted loudly, and the men who had gentlemanly character engraved in their bones very consciously stepped out of the way. They were wearing life jackets. The only thing they could do on the deck was to help the ladies get on the boat.

The way the ship sank is similar to that of the Titanic. The reason why the cruise ship sank is said to be because the rivets used to make the ship were of impure rigidity and poor quality, which resulted in the rivets not being hard enough to break upon impact with the iceberg.

Another reason is said to be related to the fire in the coal bunker, which needs to be verified and we don’t know yet.

All the aristocratic lifestyles on the cruise ship in the article refer to the life patterns of the 19th century at that time. The reference data may be biased and cannot be verified carefully~

Just watch the plot~

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