After Cheating, I Became The Strongest Beast Master

Chapter 68 The Inheritance Tower Shakes

Chapter 68 The inheritance tower shakes

"I found that Xiaoxing seems to like making pet food now."

"Maybe everyone has their own hobbies."

"Is it too much?"

"It's normal for children to have some interests, and it's better to like cooking than anything else."

"What you said seems to make sense."

Chen Guohai and his wife were talking while looking at the dried fish that covered the entire balcony.

There are also two large pots steaming in the kitchen, and the rich smell of squid and seafood fills the room.

The couple had to admit that their son had awakened to a new hobby.

At the same time, Chen Xing was still training Taotie in an orderly manner.

After breaking through 20 energy levels, the daily energy level increase brought by the Middle Level pet rice to Taotie has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 per day.

However, the daily body size growth is still rapid, maintaining an average daily body growth rate of 22cm and gradually increasing.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed and the Shuzhou Cup began.

It doesn't have much impact on ordinary students.

Because although state-level events like the Shuzhou Cup have a certain influence, they are still far less popular than the College Cup, which is well-known to everyone.

It only has a certain influence in Shuzhou, and its influence is gradually limited to the education community and students.

During the audition stage, the Shuzhou Cup will not directly broadcast the event.

There will only be supervision by the referee team, which will videotape and supervise the records of the school team competitions among the 809 colleges and universities in Shuzhou.

The auditions adopt a knockout system, and the top four school teams last year could directly skip the knockout round.

Non-top four teams will proceed to the knockout round, and the losing team will be permanently disqualified this year.

In the past, there have been cases where two top eight teams collided early in the knockout round, and one of them was eliminated.

Fortunately, Azure Dragon No. 8 Middle School was lucky this year. It did not encounter a strong team in the first two rounds of knockout rounds. On the contrary, for many schools, Azure Dragon No. 8 Middle School was the "strong team" they encountered in advance.

The knockout competition lasts for ten days in total, and within ten days the total number of teams needs to be narrowed down from 809 to 32.

Each team will then compete for up to five rounds to determine the final championship.

The Shuzhou Cup, including official competitions, also adopts a knockout system.

Nightmare Swamp No. 03 Secret Realm.

Secret Realm consists of more than 40% mountains and 60% swamp terrain.

The first month of land development period has ended, and Secret Realm is now officially taken over by Great Xia.

The Jinzhou Military Region settled in and developed and researched the entire Secret Realm in an orderly manner.

Currently, the most valuable area of ​​the developed Secret Realm is the Heritage Tower in the center of the Secret Realm at Nightmare Swamp No. 03.

Within one kilometer near the Heritage Tower, a large number of engineers and beast masters were building fortifications in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, the inheritance tower deep in the Secret Realm trembled suddenly.

Violent ripples appeared on the surface, and layers of strange purple light continued to flow from top to bottom of the inheritance tower.

The abnormal phenomenon attracted the attention of the military region, and professionals were quickly dispatched to detect it.

A few hours later, a piece of news quickly spread throughout Bright City’s schools.

The opening time of the Heritage Tower is advanced!

The originally scheduled opening time of the Heritage Tower has been moved forward from the expected end of November to mid-November.

The Secret Realm tower opened in advance. According to expert speculation, it may be related to the fact that the Secret Realm fragments have experienced time travel and reappeared, causing the inheritance tower's own time to be disrupted.

Similar low-probability events have occurred in the past.

Following the urgent news, major high schools contacted members of their school teams overnight.

Chen Xing was woken up by a phone call while sleeping at night. After a brief wash, he came to school.

At three o'clock in the morning, the varsity office was brightly lit.

Kuang Shiyi's eyes were red and he took out the freshly printed information from the printer.

"Some of it is internal information and cannot be shared externally. You can burn it after you read it and remember it."

Chen Xing took the warm paper with the title - "Nightmare Swamp 03 Secret Realm Guide Progress Detailed - Monster Illustrated Book"

Nightmare Ghost Swamp 03 Secret Realm The current guide has discovered 39 types of monsters.

Monster energy level range is N13-N62

Monster Manual:

1.N13 Long-tailed Red Scorpion: Attribute is poisonous. The adult body length is 30-40cm. Habitat: All Secret Realm. It can survive in water for a short period of time. Its attack characteristics include using its tail needle to attack prey larger than itself, to pin down prey smaller than itself, or to grab and fix it. Body.

Risk: Moderate.

Assessment: Small in size, with a ruthless personality, it will actively attack targets, has poison, and masters poison attribute skills. It likes to hide at the bottom of dead branches or leaves to sneak up on prey.

2.N16 Mud Swamp Toad: Attribute is poisonous. The adult diameter is 30-50cm. Habitat: Mainly distributed in swamps. They will come ashore briefly during the breeding season. Attack characteristics, activate skills, or wrap the body with liquid secreted by pustules full of toxins, and emit a pungent smell.

Risk: Low.

Assessment: Small in size and timid in character, it will not actively attack prey and feeds on small insects and fish. Will passively defend against attacks when threatened.

18.N40 Mountain Elephant Pig: Attribute is earth. The adult body length is 400-500cm and the weight is 4-5 tons. It has a gentle personality and is omnivorous. It feeds on soil, plants, carrion and fresh meat, and has certain feeding value. The meat is firmer than wood, suitable for frying and air-drying bacon, and has a low fishy smell. Castration and breeding are ongoing, and the meat quality is expected to improve.

Danger: medium to high.

Assessment: Although it has a gentle personality, the Mountain Elephant Pig will fight back without hesitation after being attacked. Its huge size naturally brings lethality. Captive breeding is possible, but small-scale breeding training is required.

37.N61 Double-headed Water Network Rock Python: Attributes are water and earth. It evolves to control the beast at once, and the water network rock python evolves into a form. Adults are 5-6 meters long, have two heads, and weigh 150-200 kilograms. It has a lazy personality and loses the desire to attack after it is full of prey. Good at spell damage, but poor at melee combat.

Danger: higher

Assessment: Although it lacks the desire to attack after being full, the two-headed water reticulated rock python has a strong desire to eat when hungry and has a high energy level. In addition, the patterns are confusing and it is good at hiding. It is not recommended that non-professionals enter its activity area.

38.N62 Dark Demon Lizard: Attribute poison. Evolve the beast at once and evolve the form of the ghost lizard. The whole body is gray, with a crown sarcoma on the forehead. It is huge in adulthood, with a body length of generally 7-8 meters. The mouth is filled with strong viruses and bacteria. It has a strong sense of territory, a strong desire to attack, and is good at magic and hand-to-hand combat.

Danger: Very high

Assessment: It has a strong sense of territoriality and loves scavenging. It does not mind the decay caused by too many prey, and will hunt down any life it senses that offends its territory. It is recommended that non-professionals avoid its activity area.

Note: The above assessments are all based on the general personality of the race. Some extreme individual personalities may be different from the assessment.

"Based on past experience in inheritance towers, there are several inheritance methods inside the inheritance tower. The most common one is to challenge and pass levels." Kuang Shiyi said, "And if it is a challenge and clearance method, there is a 50% chance that the monsters you encounter will be within the Secret Realm. Various monsters, there is a 50% chance that they will be monsters that do not exist in Secret Realm."

"To be honest, if you pass the challenge, it will test your own hard power."

Having said this, Kuang Shiyi looked at the young man sitting in the corner with his head down and silently flipping through the information.

"Aren't you always fond of the exotic realm? This time you can experience firsthand how difficult it is for beast masters of the same age in the exotic realm to accept the challenge."

(End of chapter)

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