"I should have killed you last time."

Brian rubbed the wand in his hand and said slowly.

"You escaped by accident before, but this time you have no such luck."

His eyes were rolling with rich black, like a deep mist under the night.


The man in black robe breathed heavily and laughed in a hoarse voice:

"You kill me...you will never be able to repair your soul...after all...you are the one I created...the most satisfying..."

Before he finished speaking, he began to laugh strangely, especially crazy, laughing like he was about to vomit all his internal organs.

"My most satisfied..."

Cyril's heart sank.

He stared at each other's back for a moment, and lowered his eyelashes.

Cyril felt that his mind was in a mess now, and the information contained in the short conversation between the two made him fluster.

It's like peeling off an onion that makes people want to cry, approaching the core of a secret layer by layer.

The next moment, Cyril saw Brian summon a skeleton man.

As its flesh and blood grew rapidly, a tall and thin young man appeared in front of him.

This is Steinbeck Erlanger who hasn't seen him for a long time, and he still looks tired after staying up late.

"It's too sudden, ahem."

Erlanger rubbed his tousled hair, and when he raised his head, he met Cyril's eyes and gave him a friendly smile.

"I mean, why did you call me here all of a sudden? In such a hurry..."

However, Erlanger's words stopped when his eyes touched the black-robed man.

A trace of panic flashed across his cheeks, and he could not help but take a deep breath.

Then Erlanger squatted down and carefully looked at the face of the man in black robe.

"You...found Vaolet? What a coincidence?"

Erlanger asked dryly.

He suddenly became at a loss, as if someone had caught some key evidence.

"I asked you before, now tell me, be honest."

Brian said slowly.

Cyril took a step back subconsciously, but fell into Brian's arms in the next instant, and a magic force pulled him over.

Returning to the familiar embrace again, Cyril was not as stiff as he imagined, but more of an indescribable grievance and sulking in his heart.

He puffed out his cheeks and struggled a few times.

However, the man's arm wrapped tightly around him, with an irrefutable meaning.

Erlanger didn't care about the posture of the two of them, just sighed, as if caught in a distant memory.

After a while, he said with difficulty: "Since you must know, then I will tell you completely."

"One day, your uncle, uh, Violet suddenly found me and said that there was an interesting alchemy experiment I wanted to participate in. I was not familiar with him before, but he had I have purchased some alchemy items I made, and I think some of my ideas and experiments in alchemy are very interesting."

Erlanger spoke slowly.

"At that time I was just a poor wizard apprentice, and I had not been successfully promoted to a wizard. I needed witch crystals, and I needed them very much. After all, alchemy is a very expensive research. Vaole promised me, if If the experiment is successful, you can give me a large amount of Wu Jing."

"So I said yes and followed him to a laboratory - that was the first time I saw you."

Erlanger paused for a while, he glanced at Brian lightly, saw that the other side looked as usual, and there was still no expression on his handsome face, he continued: "At that time you Not long after you were born. According to Vaolet, you are seriously injured and your soul is extremely unstable, so you need to use some alchemical means to stabilize your body and soul, and he needs me as an assistant. I didn't think much of it at the time, Just being an assistant to help him through some of the next steps."

"I didn't know what happened until I fell asleep under the desk in the lab one time and overheard your mother, Olivia and Violet arguing thing…"

Erlanger's voice suddenly became much lower, and a very complicated look appeared on his face.

"...I found out that you are not Olivia's biological child. She wants a child, but she doesn't want to lose half of her spiritual power and magic power because of the birth of a child."

Erlanger has said the most difficult sentence, and the next words are much smoother.

"So, Olivia turned to her brother Vaolet, who was good at alchemy, and Vaolet thought it was interesting and tried to create a child with alchemy."

Hearing this, Cyril's eyes widened suddenly.

He suddenly remembered that when he first entered school, Addison Morgan explained the reason why the number of wizards' children is extremely rare: "Wizards want to give birth to offspring, they must sacrifice half of their partners. The magic and spiritual power of a man can only get a descendant with mediocre spiritual power and magic power. Therefore, many wizards are not willing to give birth to children even if they become partners."

But just because she was unwilling to sacrifice her spiritual power and magic power, she used alchemy to obtain a child...

Cyril frowned and couldn't help holding Brian's hand around his waist.

"Violet is a lunatic."

Erlanger swallowed, his hands in his messy hair, and his eyes were slightly red.

"I learned from their quarrel that it turned out that Valorette had done experiments with many ordinary children before, but it was not successful. Those children died in the laboratory...even You... almost got killed too. In fact, until the end, he didn't succeed at all, instead of creating a whole new child from your mother's blood, he forcibly performed alchemy on a stolen newborn child. Flesh and blood replacement."

"Then, it was discovered by Olivia that this child, who is you, doesn't actually have psychic and magical powers."

Erlanger sighed and continued:

"Originally, your body is very fragile due to the continuous superposition of alchemy, and Vaolet believes that in order for you to obtain high spiritual power and magic power, you must break your soul, Then you can channel a small part of your mother's spiritual power and magic power."

"The reason they quarreled was because your mother no longer wanted to participate in the experiment, and Vaolet was paranoid to complete the experiment. After that... he controlled your mother with magic, forcing you to follow His vision led to subsequent experiments."

Erlanger's voice was shaking, and he covered his face with his hands.

"Sorry, Vaolette was crazy at the time, I was really scared, I was forced by him to continue to be his assistant, and when he relaxed after the experiment, I didn't care I ran away. It wasn't until I was wanted by the Wizarding League and met you again that I realized that his experiment was really successful..."

After finishing the last sentence, Erlanger fell into silence and did not speak for a long time.

Cyril didn't know what he should say now. He opened his lips and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but his throat was dry and he couldn't make a sound.

The grievances and anger have been left behind by him without realizing it, and replaced by sour and astringent soft-heartedness and pity.

Cyril could hardly imagine what Brian was going through.

For the newly born young Brian, this is undoubtedly a painful disaster.

He did nothing wrong, but because of the greed and selfishness of others, he became an experiment at the mercy of others.

Cyril turned around gently and hugged Brian back tightly, tightly.

His almond eyes were wet with tears, and his eyes were red like bunny rabbits.

Brian's handsome face was confused.

He lowered his eyes to look at the ring on his finger, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This tail ring is his so-called compensation from his mother, a magical tool that can help him heal his pain.

Let this experiment not collapse due to the detachment of the soul.

It's ridiculous that he is just a novelty toy to his mother Olivia, and her little remaining maternal love disappears as she finds her own magic power gradually lost, even beyond recognition .

Brian's eyes stayed on his "good uncle" Violet, his eyes darkened.

The gloomy memories he will never forget come back

Violet's experiment results went wrong.

He is a self-proclaimed alchemist, but he has to admit that he just transferred Olivia's spiritual power and magic power to Brian.

It's like connecting a pipe between the two.

Olivia didn't realize for a long time that Brian had unknowingly become a reservoir of her mental and magical powers, while her own body had lost the hugeness that made her so proud Spirituality and magic.

This result made Olivia furious, and she kept urging Violet to continue to do various experiments to solve this problem.

Therefore, little Claude Bryan could only experience painful torment in the alchemy magic circle over and over again.

He didn't understand at the time why the woman he called "mother" looked at him with that disgusting look at the enemy.

However, after tossing and turning again and again, Olivia's spiritual power and magic power did not return, while Brian's magic power was growing rapidly, far exceeding the magic power of ordinary wizard apprentices increase.

This phenomenon excites Violet, who thinks he has discovered the secret to the growth of the wizard's magic.

He began to intensify various anatomical experiments on Brian, tearing his soul that he finally merged with.

During the last experiment in Brian's memory, all of his magic power suddenly disappeared, and then he fell into a death-like slumber under Vaolette's angry screams.

When Brian woke up again, he found that the Wizarding Land had experienced a huge plane war.

Olivia and Violet are gone.

After that, the Wizarding League began to look for all the magical children in the wizarding continent and put them into the newly established wizarding academy.

Brian grew up at Snowberg Wizarding Academy and soon became the most powerful wizard in the academy.

He found out that Vaolet was proved by other wizards to join the team of dark wizards colluding with the abyss, and was wanted by the Wizarding Union.

He immediately applied to hunt down each other...

It wasn't until he heard Cyril's low nose twitch that Brian escaped from his memory.

He rubbed Cyril's soft hair, looked at the tears on Little Rose's cheek, lowered his head slowly, and kissed gently and slowly.

Cyril felt the tears on his cheeks being gently licked by his boyfriend.

He rolled his eyes and didn't want to bring up the other party's sadness, so he whispered to change the subject: "So Brian is your real identity?"

Perhaps it is precisely because Brian's identity always reminds him of his past that he created another identity of Scott, Cyril guessed in his heart.

Brian froze for a moment when he heard the words.

He was thinking about how to explain this to Cyril when he heard Xiao Rose's understanding words.

"Forget it, I don't care if you are Claude Scott or Claude Bryan, are you serious about me?"

Cyril said slowly.

He raised his head slightly, his eyes blinked a few times, like a clear lake, clear and transparent.

Watching attentively with such straightforward and clean eyes, Brian suddenly felt that the depression and depression all over his body had calmed down.

He gave a low laugh and dropped a kiss on Cyril's forehead.

"I swear to Merlin, my little rose."

Brian spoke slowly, as if considering the meaning of each word.

"Whether it's Claude Scott or Claude Bryan. I love you more than anything."

His voice was low and deep, like a low-pitched cello.

When Cyril heard this, his head thumped, and his heart was beating rapidly.

The chest cavity was filled with thousands of fluttering butterflies.

The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and a pair of beautiful almond eyes curved a crescent shallowly.

The mist like a mountain stream suddenly melted, and the eyes were surprisingly clear.

Cyril felt the pounding heartbeat that seemed to jump out of his warm body, and felt an inexplicable little pride in his heart.

His eyes met Brian's fiery and sympathetic gaze, the tip of his ear twitched, and then he kissed his boyfriend's chin sweetly.

Brian lowered his head and kissed him back, bit Cyril's lips, and kissed him one after another.

Erlanger, who was ignored by the side, looked at the scene in front of him with a complicated mood.

On the one hand, he was glad that he had escaped the disaster, and was not affected by Brian's anger after learning the truth, and he was not even attacked.

On the other hand, he just wanted to give his knee to Cyril, saying that the other party could soothe the great undead wizard with ease, which was really admirable.

This dog food, he did it first!

Cyril and Brian were tired for a while, and felt that their mood was really ups and downs today.

Almost "boyfriend" became "ex-boyfriend" and almost ended his week-long first love.

Sighing with emotion, Cyril suddenly remembered the purpose of their coming here, hurriedly slipped out of Brian's arms, and cleared his throat.

"Brewster! We gotta find Brewster!"

Cyril reminded seriously.

Brian clasped Cyril's hand and nodded.

He said quietly, "I found something in his memory."

Cyril followed Brian's gaze, only to realize that the other party was referring to the black-robed man Vaolet.

"He had a deal with abyss creatures before. After the plane war, he was hiding like a mouse in a sewer. I'm afraid no one wants the abyss to return more than him."

Brian's gaze slid calmly across the distorted dark textured face on Vaolette's body.

"It's not an accident that he found this place, it's because there are clues about the abyss that point to Brewster."

Bryan raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking of the scene he saw in Vaolet's memory.

He snapped his fingers.

The layered lavender flowers suddenly set off a huge wave, and the deep and shallow purple seemed to finally reveal the true face under the gentle mask, overwhelmingly sweeping towards the three present Come, with a powerful magical pressure.

Cyril could faintly feel that the surrounding space seemed to be reversed for a moment, and then he saw a tall and ancient wizard tower, very solemn.

This wizard tower looks desolate and deserted, with no other buildings around.

Brian led Cyril to the wizard's tower, and gave Erlanger a fluttering look without a trace.

Erlanger was secretly bitter, he was suddenly arranged like this?

I always felt that it was not a good thing to be involved with Brian, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

After they entered the wizard tower, they found that it was empty.

All the decorations are covered with a thick layer of ash, and fine spider webs are distributed in every corner.

Cyril looked around and felt that there was an indescribable strangeness in his heart.

Sorcerer's ruins shouldn't be like that.

Even if the owner dies, the building can still maintain its normal cleanliness and operation under the witch formation or other magic it arranges.

It is like Tours Auger's cabin, which still maintains the appearance before the owner's death.

However, in this wizard tower, Cyril could not see any obvious traces of magic.

Suddenly, he had a flash of light, and he held his wand and waved it gently.

All the dust and cobwebs were wiped off by some invisible rag, and the room was clean again.

Cyril lit the dead wood in the fireplace again, and the bright flame burned instantly, warming the whole room a lot.

At the same time, he felt more obvious magic fluctuations.

Cyril did the same, spreading his magic all over the wizard's tower and doing a cleaning job everywhere.

As the wizard's tower tidy little by little, he felt that something came to life.

The piano in the living room began to play on its own, the thick-covered books on the desk were slowly turning the pages, and the hot water in the kitchen was burning.

Then, Cyril heard a very soft, very slow voice.

He turned around abruptly and found a black cat jumping on the sofa.

This black cat is like a black satin from head to toe, without any variegation.

However, its eyes are beautiful lake green, which looks noble and elegant.

Cyril and the black cat looked at each other, and he subconsciously thought that the black cat was the will of the owner of the wizard tower.


Cyril asked tentatively.

However, the black cat just glanced at him quietly, the two lake green eyes were calm.

Brian hooked the back of Cyril's hand and explained: "This is an ordinary magical black cat, and there is no wizard's will on it. However, it may know something."

After saying that, Brian lightly touched Cyril's forehead, and the figures of the two instantly disappeared into the air.

Seeing this, Erlanger hurriedly cast an invisibility spell on himself.

At this time, the whole living room was quiet and there was no one.

The black cat showed a puzzled look for a moment, it paced lightly on the sofa, then jumped down and walked towards the door.


Brian's voice resounded in Erlanger's mind.

Although Cyril couldn't see Brian's figure, he could feel the heat of the two hands touching each other.

They followed the black cat to a study.

The black cat glanced back at them as if inadvertently, and then jumped to the side of the bookcase, with its dark tail hanging down quietly.

Cyril immediately noticed an oil painting next to the bookcase.

This oil painting happened to be the scene of this study, restoring everything and furnishings, except for the three intruders and the black cat.

"This is a hidden witch formation."

Cyril tapped the oil painting with his wand, with a little admiration in his voice.

"Ingenious design."

Brian's eyes fell on the black cat beside him, he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the black cat's neck, ignoring the "meow meow meow" sound, he moved the black cat to the side. Throw it on the oil painting.

The moment the black cat's slender body touched the oil painting, the whole cat was sucked into the painting.

At this moment, Cyril noticed what seemed to be a stack of parchment on the desk.

He walked over, picked it up and took a look, his eyes suddenly widened.

This is Brewster's diary.

It turned out that Brewster did not leave Tours Auger because of the so-called quarrel, but because he encountered abyss creatures when he was out looking for rare herbs.

Brewster destroyed the abyssal creature, but later found himself tainted by the abyss.

Unsure of the contagiousness of this contamination, he could only find an excuse to leave Tours Auger first.

Then Brewster wanted to capture another abyss creature for experiments while trying to find a way to cure the pollution of the abyss.

Perhaps the abyss creatures were relatively weak at that time, and Brewster did catch a few abyss creatures on the way.

He used these abyss creatures to do a lot of experiments in this wizard tower, and once controlled the pollution of the abyss on his body.

"...I'm not happy about it, but more and more vigilant... These creatures can't seem to find their lair on the Wizarding Land, they may come from other unknown planes..."

This is the end of the parchment, but Cyril always feels that Brewster's diary is not over yet.

He looked on the bookcase, but could not find any other parchment on which the diary was written.

Brian's head rested on Cyril's shoulders, embraced him from behind Cyril, and read these Brewster's diaries.

His eyes fell on the black cat in the oil painting again.

Sometimes, it changed position on the painting.

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