Cyril nodded and thanked Donald again, then he jumped out of the carriage carrying the cloth bag nimbly.

The road paved with blue-grey floor tiles is not straight, but presents an arc like a crescent moon.

On both sides of the street are cottages built of natural stone in a consistent style.

The off-white walls are decorated with rattan flower baskets, and verdant rattan plants cling to the walls.

The whole street looks old and elegant.

"Hey boy! Remember to be back here at 4pm! I'm not waiting for you!"

The carriage continued to turn around, Donrat put his fat cheeks out of the carriage window and shouted to Cyril.

Cyril waved at him, indicating that he would definitely remember.

He then followed, with eyes full of curiosity, walking slowly while looking at the various shops on both sides of the street.

There are not many pedestrians on the street at this time.

But Cyril is still like a fluorescent grass mixed into a pile of golden letters.

He passed a well-dressed gentleman.

Pin the other end into the second buttonhole.

He held a black cane in the white glove of his right hand, and wore a pair of polished black leather shoes on his feet.


Cyril heard the gentleman mutter in dissatisfaction.

He looked down at his dress, and compared with the gentleman's elegant dress, he could barely say it was neat.

Cyril shrugged amusedly, and continued to observe the shops on both sides of the street indifferently.

Suddenly, he saw a shop called "Steve's Pharmacy", with a prominent gold sign on the door.

In the shop window is a soft dark purple cushion with a bottle of potion prominently displayed on it.

The potion is as transparent as clear water, and the colored glass bottle containing the potion is embossed with intricate patterns.

"Squeak--", the glass door of the medicine shop was gently pushed open.

Cyril walked into the shop.

The store's hall is not large, the two walls are made into small lattices, and the lattices are filled with various medicine bottles.

The potion bottles are very clean, crystal clear and translucent, which further sets off the mysterious and unpredictable potions of various colors inside.

Small lattices are piled from floor to ceiling, and in the middle of the ceiling is an extraordinarily ornate wall lamp connected by off-white pipes.

The orange-yellow fireworks in the wall lamp have an excellent lighting effect, which separates the store from the foggy and gloomy weather outside.

The person behind the store counter heard a customer coming, put down the reagent tube in his hand, and then took off the brass goggles on his eyes.

There is a shivering white mouse in an iron cage on the counter in front of him.

The grey-haired shopkeeper came out from behind the counter, Cyril keenly noticed that one of his feet was lame, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Welcome! What would you like to buy?"

It seems that she likes Cyril's natural attitude. The owner doesn't care about Cyril's dress and asks in a casual tone.

"Good morning, sir! Excuse me if you need these materials?"

Cyril handed the sack containing the collected plants to the shopkeeper.

"Let me see!"

The owner poured out the plants inside and took a careful inventory.

"These 'Golden Letters' are of good quality and fresh. It just so happens that the recent sales of tranquilizers are good."

He glanced at Cyril and continued to count: "'Silver bell flower' is something I have been out of stock, I just need to use it for a potion recently; ah! 'Redtail', but this isn't very valuable..."

The owner took some time to count these things, and then said: "Young man, you must have gone to the depths of the foggy moon forest to bring back these good-looking things."

"This, 3 silver coins per plant. This, I can give you 5 silver coins..."

The owner reached out and nodded, and he finally concluded: "I can give you a total of 128 silver coins for the price you brought."

Cyril nodded, relieved, at least not having to worry about food anymore.

After confirming that Cyril did not need gold coins, the shopkeeper put 128 silver coins in his bag.

"Maybe you want to buy something more?"

The owner winked at Cyril and said with a smile, "Like this, a beauty potion for young girls! This is the best-selling gift for Valentine's Day this year."

Cyril twitched his forehead and shook his head.

He doesn't have any girlfriends.

Of course, no boyfriend either.

Just as he was about to say goodbye and walk out of this shop, the little snake that had been quietly pretending to not exist in his breast pocket moved.

Cyril unexpectedly looked at the potion on the cushion of the window closest to him, as if inadvertently asked: "What is this?"

The shopkeeper laughed twice, perhaps because he was in a good mood after harvesting a lot of materials, and explained: "This is something prepared for the knights, to strengthen the body, the price is 50 gold coins. "

Cyril patted his chest pocket, indicating that the little snake is not something he can afford now.

It was lunchtime when he walked out of Steve's pharmacy.

Cyril shook the cloth bag containing the silver coins, listening to the wonderful sound of "ding ding ding dong", the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He found a restaurant with a very warm decoration, and there was a bouquet of fresh roses on each small round table.

The restaurant's receptionist warmly recommended many dishes to him.

Cyril spent 5 silver coins to order a bacon toast set, and 1 silver coin to order a single grilled sausage.

He sat on the soft chair and waited.

After a while, the white porcelain plate and the snow-white hand towel were brought up.

The steaming bacon oozes a layer of clear grease, which looks very tempting.

The soft white toast is baked to a golden brown and crispy, and the hot and burnt aroma is tangy.

There was a golden fried egg lying on top of the toast, and the heart was still flowing.

The little utensil next to it was filled with white flowered cream and dark red poured maple syrup.

Cyril folds the freshly baked toast in half, wraps the bacon and fried egg well in the toast slices, and bites off half.

The entrance of the toast is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The rich smoky flavor of the bacon and the tender taste of the fried egg are intertwined, and it is delicious.

He then picked up the delicate bone china tea cup, which was blooming with delicate rose patterns.

Cyril took a sip of the fragrant black tea with milk, feeling that the coldness all the way was dispelled by the warmth of the food.

Cyril glanced at the beautiful wall clock before leaving the restaurant. It was half past twelve.

He strolled along Crescent Street, looking at all kinds of shops, and went in and strolled carefully.

With so many stores in front of you, how could you not buy something!

By the time Cyril reached the end of the street, he had a fitted jacket and trousers in his arms, a pair of boots of the right size, a beautiful silver Green headband.

Cyril originally wanted to buy a brass hand wooden warehouse for self-defense, after all, he seriously doubted that it was just pure luck that he was safe and sound in the foggy moon forest before.

However, the price of the brass hand wooden warehouse is prohibitive.

Gather a little more valuable plants next time, Cyril thought.

In fact, there is an old sharp dagger in the shop, 20 silver coins, he hesitated for a while, but gave up.

Cyril came to the end of Crescent Street and turned into another street.

This appears to be a residential area, much quieter.

After crossing the block, he came to a rather imposing square.

The flowerbed in the center of the square is neatly built, and there are many round white doves parked on the ground.

Besides there are musicians in colorful clothes playing the lyre.

Cyril looked at the towering cathedral not far away amid the melodious music.

The white dome is magnificent. If there is sunshine, the sun will shine on the large stained glass glass.

Philadelphia is indeed a big city, at least much more spectacular than the town of Codswood, Cyril sighed in his heart.

Cyril was sitting on a bench at the edge of the flowerbed to rest when he saw a remodeled steam carriage with a huge carriage parked in a part of the Grand Place.

A moustache man in a baggy robe got down from the carriage.

Then, he dismantled the four side walls of the carriage and spread it out, turning it into a huge stall.

The bearded man hummed an unknown tune while throwing the contents of the original carriage on the flat panel formed by splicing the side walls of the four carriages.

A traveling merchant, Cyril suddenly realized.

He stepped forward curiously to see if there were any interesting and cost-effective objects.

In Cyril's impression, the hunter bought the high-quality crossbow from a travel merchant in Philadelphia.

"Welcome, my dear little guest."

The traveler greeted Cyril in a good mood.

"Just look! I'm from far away from Armenia! I promise, there's definitely something you won't find in Atlantis."


Cyril first heard the name of a continent other than Atlantis.

Church schools do not have geography courses, but simple grammar education, which is enough for students to read and write.

As for gaining knowledge, that is something that only children of noble families need to consider.

Listening to what the mustache traveler said, he originally just wanted to take a look at it, but at this time, he could not help but look at these objects more carefully.

There are fashionable and fancy clothes, which are said to be the trend of Armenia mainland according to the traveler.

"Best for young lads your age! Wear it and you'll be the prettiest boy in town!"

The traveling salesman said at a glance that Cyril was not a native of Philadelphia.

There are some large tomes with gold rims, but the prices are very expensive, in the words of the traveling merchants - "Young people, you must know that knowledge is always precious!" .

There are also some clockwork toys and dolls, which are extremely delicately made. Those tiny gears mesh with each other, and once the clockwork is twisted, it can spontaneously swing for a short time.

Cyril tried for a while with great interest, and smiled to see the doll flipping somersaults nimbly in the palm of his hand.

He regretted that he did not have silver coins for entertainment consumption.

[Look what I found! That's the spell note! 】

The excited voice of the system sounded in Cyril's mind.

He glanced at the many goods in front of him and found nothing similar to a notebook.

The pile of books Cyril also patiently turned over one by one, all of which were works of literature and art.

[Which one? ]

he asked.

[The tapestry on the bottom right corner! ! 】

Cyril carefully brushed away the cargo above the tapestry and pulled it out.

This semi-old tapestry has dark red undertones, and the overall color looks dull.

On the tapestry, there are rows of black patterns intertwined with each other, and there are some dense symbols that look like some kind of mysterious text.

[Are you sure this is a spell? ]

Cyril was skeptical, as he saw it as an old tapestry of abstract designs.

[Of course! Here are magic runes and ancient runes! This is a spell written in Grunion! Wait, I will translate it for you! 】

A translation of Gruni appeared on the virtual screen in front of Cyril, and he realized that there were four spells and corresponding magic runes recorded on this humble tapestry!

Cyril was excited.

The traveling merchant was a little confused when he saw Cyril smiling happily at a dirty tapestry he collected at the Wangdu Flea Market last time.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that fortunately he didn't throw this thing away, but someone really wanted it!

So he coughed and said boldly: "This is a tapestry designed by Mr. Borg, a famous artist in mainland Armenia. I spent the boss's energy to get it! The price is 25 silver coins! "

After the traveler finished speaking, he recalled how much he spent to buy it...

This seems to be a **** gift from the seller after he bought a bunch of things in the Wangdu flea market at that time!

"If you really want it, for the sake of your appreciation of art, I can make it cheaper and sell it to you for 20 silver coins! It can't be lower!"

The travel merchant made a reluctant appearance.

As soon as Cyril heard it, he knew that this traveler did not understand the true value of this tapestry, he nodded, counted 20 silver coins and handed it to him.

"You are such a generous and loving guest!"

The traveler praised, while feeling in his heart, this country boy is really deceiving!

"You are also a great businessman!"

Cyril also praised, I didn't expect to be able to flip through the spell notes when I strolled around!

After the transaction was completed, both of them were very happy, looked at each other and smiled, and both felt that they had earned it.

[But you don't have enough mental power now, and you can't absorb elements and convert them into magic power to use spells! 】

Cyril was not discouraged after listening to the system, and he must meditate when he returns! Work hard to improve your mental strength!

Cyril, who found the precious wizard's handbook, continued to walk excitedly, wanting to see if there were any other adventures.

Many streets lead to this great square, and Cyril chose a path at random to continue on foot.

He is not worried about getting lost, after all, there is a system, it can be called a smart enough navigation.

He stopped and went for about an hour.

The street in front of me has become more cramped, and the surrounding streetscape has become more and more filthy, with very low houses and very mottled walls.

It's hard to imagine such a place in the same city as the majestic cathedral just now.

[Slum. 】

The system grumbles.

A young girl in a grey autumn dress passed him with two pieces of black bread in her arms, the girl's bright eyes that did not match her dull clothes glanced at Cyril, her lips were soft He squirmed for a while, then quickened his pace and walked away.


Cyril recognized the girl's mouth shape.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, and he made up his mind to speed up and go back.

However, before he walked out of this alley, several tall boys lined the narrow street side by side, blocking his way.

Their cheeks were thin, their hair was dry, and their faces seemed to be covered in indelible ashes.

The leading child stared straight at the thing in Cyril's arms, his eyes malicious.

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