"Okay! Now I have to try my luck at the casino."

Cyril sighed and replied helplessly.

He doesn't want to eat rough brown bread every day!

The black-hearted restaurant owner made his already poor savings even worse.

The two ate the black bread with difficulty, and walked out of the door of the restaurant under the invisible "watching" of the puppet waiter.

Cyril also glanced at the almost untouched delicacies and silently clenched his fists.

The cook never admit defeat.

They followed the new students who filed out towards the bottom of the cabin.

Two puppets in black uniforms stood at the entrance of the casino.

One left and one right, standing in front of the door like a door god.

Cyril was surprised to see two puppets appearing at the same time for the first time.

He thought of the brass bulletin board he had seen before on the deck that read "Fights are prohibited except in casinos", and his heart was inexplicably tight.

Similarly, there is a brass bulletin board at the entrance of the casino, which reads:

【Welcome here! Here, all games are available, it's a real carnival! Follow your inner desires, have fun in time, and good luck! 】I believe in your evil!

A casino makes you follow your desires?

Cyril's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows, feeling that the casino's bulletin board was extremely malicious, and it was an old sickle when he opened his mouth.

The decoration of the casino lobby is extremely luxurious and can rival the magnificent decoration of the Rose Garden.

The ceiling is rich in oil paintings and exquisite reliefs, and the floor is covered with a thick crimson velvet carpet.

There seems to be a unique aroma in the air.

It's not that refreshing scent, but a sticky scent that's ambiguous and sweet.

There is quite a sense of luxury.

In the very center of the casino, there is a circular stage that is partially above the ground.

A group of puppets in Chinese costumes danced to the sound of music coming from nowhere.

Tables are already empty.

Puppets in dealer uniforms are waiting next to each table.

The puppet dealers were wearing clean white shirts, black vests, and neat ties. They looked very professional.

Maybe I saw many people coming, and the music repertoire changed without a trace.

Cyril was acutely aware of the demagogic undertones of the song now playing.

The soft sound of music makes people relax their vigilance quickly, and even feel a little buoyant.

He glanced around and saw that the freshmen had spread out to choose different items, and then gathered around the dealer to exchange chips.

Even Warren next to Cyril was about to move, as if he wanted to go to a gambling table and sit down.

"I'm going to take a look first."

Cyril patted Warren and spoke clearly.

His voice was mixed with the noisy human voice and the soft music, like a clear stream gurgling through.

Warren was stunned for a moment, dumbfounded by his impulsiveness just now.

At that moment, he felt that he was the most beautiful boy in the entire casino, and it was no problem to win hundreds of Wu Jing in minutes.

It wasn't until Cyril patted him that Warren got rid of that haunted sense of confidence.

"Thank you...thanks to you!"

Warren shook his head, breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly thanked Cyril.

Cyril nodded slightly, and walked with him towards a certain item in the crowd.

The items there are the easiest to look at and seem to be pure luck.

The large round turntable is divided into twelve equal parts, and two sets of numbers "0, 5, 0, 10, 0, 15" are written respectively.

In the middle of the large turntable lies a long pointer.

"How should I redeem my chips?"

A freshman looked up and asked the puppet standing on the side of the big turntable.

"All valuable things on your body can be exchanged, including but not limited to gold coins, witch crystals, clothing accessories, magic objects, etc., I will judge the value and do not accept counter-offers. After one game , the number on the position where the long pointer stops represents the number of Wu Jing you can get."

The puppet's calm voice rang out.

There is a 50/50 chance to get a different number of Witch Crystals…

Cyril pursed his lips, and his eyes flashed slightly.

However, in distrust of the entire "Black" cruise ship, he was just standing by the crowd, intending to observe first.

The freshman stopped talking after asking, and seemed to be wondering whether he should try.

Then, Cyril saw an "acquaintance" - the one who once guarded the stairs of Rose Manor and robbed others.

He took a small bag from his pocket, gritted his teeth, and handed it to the puppet.

The puppet took over the small bag, weighed it in his hand, did not open it, and then said: "Give you 2 chips, 2 chances to spin."

After it finished speaking, it put this small bag into its black vest pocket, and the bag disappeared at once.

The puppet's pockets were still flat, as if they were empty.

Cyril felt that he faintly heard the sound of a very slight fall hitting the bottom.

He looked at Warren beside him quietly, but he didn't seem to notice at all.

Cyril looked at the puppet's seemingly normal belly with a feeling.

He was a little suspicious that the small bag of gold coins fell into the puppet's body.

Unfortunately, everyone could not see the specific content and quantity of the small bag of Ales, so the exchange rate of chips could not be determined.

Cyril guessed that the chips should not be so easy to exchange, and the small bag should be gold coins.

Arles received 2 chips from the puppet.

This chip looks unremarkable, just like a round brass coin, like an ordinary copper coin commonly used in Atlantis.

But this brass chip has a capital "B" in the center of the front and back.

According to what the puppet said, Arles put one of the chips into the coin slot in the center of the big turntable.

He took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard the sound of gears turning.

The big wheel began to rotate, and the long hand began to rotate at the same time.

Comparatively speaking, the large dial rotates faster, while the long pointer rotates slower.

Cyril was barely able to tell which square the pointer was pointing at at a given moment.

Ales looked at the afterimage of the big turntable spinning rapidly in front of him, clenched his fists, and beads of sweat came out on his head.

His lips moved slightly involuntarily: "15! 15! 15...".

The surrounding freshmen also watched this scene nervously.

The sound of "click-" seemed to be a signal for the brass gear to stop rotating, and the speed of the dial and the long hands suddenly slowed down.

“15! 15! 15…”

The blue veins on Arles' forehead were protruding.

The sound of prayers muttering in his mouth also gradually became louder, with a hint of impatience.

The long pointer has stopped turning, and the large dial is still turning slightly.

Ales watched helplessly, with the rotation of the big dial, the long pointer moved from the original "15" to "0".

He was stunned and his face sank.

"Turn! Turn! Keep turning!"

Ales couldn't help but urge, and he was so anxious.

However, the big turntable is still only moving slowly, not in a hurry, very leisurely.

At this point, the long pointer points to "10".

"10 is not bad! Stop it! Stop it!"

Arles was so anxious that the beads of sweat on his forehead slipped down to the tip of his nose.

As if it was just a joke, with the rotation of the big turntable, the long pointer points to the "0" position again.

"Bless the goddess of light! Bless Merlin!"

Arles closed his eyes in despair, not daring to look at the turntable again.

It was still turning slowly until the sound of the puppet man

"You got 5 Witch Crystals, do you want to continue?"

The sound of the puppet man's smooth tablet machine was no less than the sound of nature in Arles' ears at this time.

He opened his eyes and saw that the big turntable in front of him finally stopped at the "5" grid!

5 Witch Crystals!

According to the exchange rate in the restaurant, 5 Wu Jing is 500 gold coins!

He exchanged 20 coins for 500 coins!

Aleston is so elated and ecstatic!

The chosen one is me!

He proudly took 5 witch crystals from the puppet man, and then glanced at the surrounding crowd arrogantly.

"Do you want to continue?"

The puppet repeated.


Ales retracted his gaze and said firmly.

He quickly picked up another chip and dropped it into the coin slot in the center of the big wheel.

The gear "click" started to turn again.

The large dial and the hands also turned at the same time.

"Just another 5!"

Arles thinks he should not be too demanding.

Be safe, no problem.

“5! 5! 5…”

He shouted in his heart, and his fists waved to the rhythm of his prayer.

However, this time, he did not get his wish.

The long pointer ended up at "0".

Arles' face was full of annoyance, and his expression was lost.

"Do you want to continue?"

The puppet asked again.


Arles was still immersed in disappointment and did not react.

Continue what? He has no money! The chips are all used up!

"You can continue to exchange chips with the Wu Jing in your hand."

The puppet dutifully stated.

Its voice, accompanied by the soft and seductive music in the background, got into Aleth's ears.

"Yes! I still have 5 witch crystals! I can continue to exchange chips! By changing the chips, you can earn twice as much witch crystals!"

Ales' eyes lit up, and he hurriedly handed over the five Wujings he had just received that were not warmed to the puppet man, patted his chest full of air and said, "All changed. !"

Forget his own thoughts of being safe.

"Gives you 5 chips, 5 chances to spin."

The puppet took Wu Jing, put it in his clothes pocket (Wu Jing also disappeared instantly), and then handed Ales five chips.

The other freshmen onlookers seemed to be encouraged by his winning 5 Wu Jing, and they also walked to the other big turntables around to find the puppet dealer to exchange chips.

Warren made a quick estimate in his heart and felt that he could afford the loss.

He took a deep breath and made up his mind.

So Warren greeted Cyril and walked to one of the large turntables.

Cyril nodded to him, wished him good luck, and continued to walk to other projects to observe.

He opened a pair of black and quiet beautiful eyes, like a sober outsider, quietly watching the carnival in front of him.

Somebody flushed with money and eagerly exchanged many chips to move on to the next round.

Some people soon lost only their pants, but still eagerly asked for credit.

Greed and luck are magnified infinitely here, and everyone thinks that they can be one of the lucky ones.

Cyril lowered his eyelashes.

He also needs to find a suitable item as soon as possible to exchange for some Wu Jing.

But he hasn't seen the consequences of losing everything, which is not right.

"It can be credited for half an hour. After the half hour has passed, all those who still owe chips need to play against each other on the stage, either one-on-one or many-to-many. "

At this time, a puppet's voice clearly entered Cyril's ears.

He looked up at the source of the sound.

Cyril saw a puppet tossing its round head up and down, explaining to a freshman who came to exchange chips.

"When playing a confrontation, including but not limited to using verbal confrontation, physical confrontation, magic attack, magic item attack, etc. The winner can cancel all chips owed, and the loser needs to continue to play The next round of confrontation will be held until the end of the game time or one side is judged to be in extreme danger of life. No negative competition!"

Cyril looked at the circular stage in the center of the casino.

At this time, a puppet dealer led the two people who needed to play a confrontation after owed chips to the side of the stage.

The puppets in Chinese costumes who were performing songs and dances stopped their movements and walked out of the stage gracefully.

The two freshmen were brought to the center of the stage and looked at each other, feeling a little nervous about each other.

But they all understand that they can only win, not lose.

As long as you win this game, you can write it off...

"If the game is good, the winner will also receive chips as a reward."

A puppet wearing a referee uniform stood by the stage and added lightly.

It holds a delicate hourglass in its hand, the lower half of which is filled with fine white sand.


Gradually, some freshmen ended their last round of betting and came to the side of the stage to watch.

"Three! Two! One! The game officially begins!"

As soon as the puppet referee finished speaking, he quickly turned the hourglass upside down.

At the same time, Cyril felt a strong sense of being watched.

Who? !

He suddenly raised his head and glanced at the surrounding environment, trying to find the source of that gaze.

But that line of sight did not come from a fixed place, it seemed to come from all directions.

Overwhelming, like shadows, pervasive.

A chill ran down Cyril's back.

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