"Pop-" A crisp sound of water entering came.

It was followed by the sound of splashing water.

Unlike Cyril's expectation, he fell **** the dirty dirt floor, he fell into a warm pool and turned into a wet little chicken.

What happened?

Am I not in the forest of Rose Manor?

Why did I fall into the pool?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Cyril took a sip of hot water, and fluttered a few times like a little penguin, his white and straight calves tried to touch the ground, and finally his feet stepped on the soft sand pool bottom.

When he stood firm, he gradually calmed down.

The water in this pool is not deep, and the warm water flow does not reach his chest.

Snake Green slowly climbed from Cyril's flooded pocket onto his shoulder.

The warm water surrounded his body, swept away the gloomy chill brought by the previous rainy night.

Although Cyril's clothes were still wet and sticking to his body, the environment here was obviously much more comfortable than walking in the cold, drizzle.

He brushed away the wet hair on his forehead, and looked around cautiously with a pair of almond eyes.

This is undoubtedly a magnificent bath.

The huge dome is covered with colored glass, and you can vaguely see the deep night outside.

The clear water in the pool is rippling with blue waves, and the tall columns around it are tall and noble.

Gurgling hot water flowed continuously from the mouth of a giant brass mermaid into the wide pool.

The whole space is quiet, only the crisp sound of water can be heard.

Perhaps the hot water at just the right temperature soothed Cyril's unease, and suddenly appeared in another place, and he didn't have much panic in his heart.

Is this also a secret realm in Rose Garden?

Did you accidentally touch the switch of this bath secret when you came in?

Cyril thought in his heart.

He observed carefully for a few minutes, and found that no one else came in, nor could he hear any sound from the two teams that were fighting before.

[According to the scanning analysis of this system, you are now in an independent magic space for unknown reasons. However, I can detect that the concentration of elements in this pool water is extremely high, which is very good for improving your mental power! 】The system sound is calm.

[Come all come! Why don't you just stay here and make more bubbles! 】

A good “come all come”…

Can't refute it.

Cyril took off his wet clothes and hung them on the sculpture by the pool.

When he was walking in the pool, he found a huge scallop not far from the bottom of the pool.

He was a little surprised that the scallop came in with him.

Cyril picked up the large scallop and placed it by the pool.

Then he leaned back against the smooth pool wall and closed his eyes.

Snake Green's slender dark green body wrapped around Cyril's neck, nesting his small head on his collarbone, lying lazily.

The temperature of the pool is extremely comfortable, and the body is soft and completely relaxed involuntarily.

And the sound of hot water flowing into the pool has a different rhythm and rhythm, making people a little drowsy.

[System, please remind me if there is danger. ]

Cyril muttered to the system in a daze.

【Okay! No problem! 】

The system saw that he had closed his eyes, and his voice lowered unconsciously.

Cyril heard the system's reply, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and he fell asleep peacefully.

After a short time, Brian felt that sense of soul tearing out of control.

It seems that the soul and the body are not compatible, and they each clamor for freedom.

He could clearly feel the pain of the soul being torn deep into the bone marrow.

An uncontrollable tyranny quickly filled his body.

Brian's huge mental power and magic power also seemed to have encountered a huge tsunami, rampaging in his body.

At this time, his whole person had a silent terrifying aura.

If someone meets Brian's gaze at this time, they will find it more creepy than being stared at by the most dangerous poisonous snake.

The bottom of the man's gloomy eyes was full of terrifying and breathless coldness.

Just one glance makes the scalp tingle and sweat profusely.

It was as if the throat was strangled, and the skull was slashed by a sharp blade.

The furnishings in the room were affected, trembling violently.

The luxurious crystal chandelier on the ceiling couldn't bear it first, it trembled and fell to the ground, bursting apart on the clean and smooth floor, and shattered into pieces.

The destruction of this beautiful thing seemed to be a signal, which aroused the deep and gloomy desire for destruction in Brian's heart.

For a time, everything in the room exploded.

It seems like a grand fireworks show to celebrate ahead of time, and the crisp explosions of "Hu La La" are one after another.

Even the skeleton servants who were close at hand couldn't bear the overflowing too powerful magic, the skeleton of Bai Huahua fell apart one by one from the head.

Of course, in this commotion, no fragment could come close to the handsome wizard at the center of the vortex.

He seemed to be isolated from the whole absurd drama, watching it soberly and indifferently.

When there was nothing else to destroy in the whole room, Brian's dark boots were crushed on the white bones at his feet, and the white bones piled up and down on the ground were completely turned into fine powder.

Brian's eyes were still full of gloom and gloom.

Want to kill...

Only death and delay can bring him comfort...

There was a scarlet in his blue eyes.

The deep scarlet swayed faintly like a thick bloodstain.

Dark thoughts keep growing in my heart.

He recalled that he had proactively approached the Wizarding League and asked to deal with the dark wizards who were on the most wanted list of the Wizarding League.

The wonderful taste of those criminals who were sentenced to death by the Wizarding League and were unable to struggle to die at his hands.

The fear and terror of the dark wizard when he was dying before he died made him happy...

He thoroughly enjoys the sight of the fragile prey bleeding out...

I want to skin and bone everything I like to make his skeleton stuffed…

At this time, the delicate tail ring on Brian's hand exuded a scorching heat, as if a red-hot invisible chain was tightly imprisoning him.

There was a familiar scalding pain.

This direct physical torture also gave him a sense of sobriety from the tearing of his soul.

Brian waved, and another skeleton servant appeared beside him out of thin air.

The Skeleton Servant holds a goblet of golden liquid in his skeletonized palm.

The goblet is beautiful and crystal clear, and it is worth a lot of money.

But what's more eye-catching is the clear golden liquid that holds it, with a silent power of serenity.

Just staring at this golden liquid for a while, I feel as if the whole person has been purified.

The golden liquid flows quietly in the transparent goblet, quiet and peaceful, in stark contrast to the chaos around.

Brian's handsome face was shrouded in shadows, making it even more gloomy.

He reached out and took the goblet and drank the liquid in it.

The **** Adam's apple rolls up and down gently.

The clear and cold golden liquid flowed into his body, temporarily suppressing that particularly restless soul.

It seems that she felt the intake of golden liquid, and the bright light of the tail ring gradually dimmed.

The red-hot iron chain was slowly pulled away, allowing people to breathe.

Brian closed his eyes slowly.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

When he opened his eyes again, the terrifying oppressive feeling around him gradually faded away.

Brian glanced at the tail ring that was restored to its original state, his eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of irony and self-deprecation.

At this point, his soul had stabilized, but an indescribable emptiness and silence filled his mind again.

How long the wizard lives, the long life itself is not interesting.

Brian glanced coldly at the mess around him, waved his hand lightly, and everything in the room began to repair automatically.

Tall brass cabinets rise from the ground and stand against the wall.

The parchments scattered all over the floor floated into the air, and they were neatly placed one by one on the walnut desk.

Everything is restored to its original appearance in the room.

Only the bone powder under his feet remained motionless, silently reminding what happened here.

Brian's shoe toe tapped the ground, and the fine powder disappeared immediately.

The bright floor reflects the handsome face of the man, and the calm madness that is suppressed in his eyes.

Brian's face was still a little pale at this time, he stretched out his slender fingers and pressed the still painful temple.

Let's take a dip in the hot springs, Brian thought casually.

The thermal bath was a good thing he got from an ancient wizard's ruin a long time ago.

The non-stop gurgling water contains rich elements, which can improve, nourish and repair people's spiritual power.

Although that hot spring is not very useful for a great wizard of his level, it is better than nothing.

Brian slowly changed into a black silk bathrobe.

The lace was loosely tied around his sturdy waist, and the bathrobe on the front of his chest was half-open lazily, revealing a large piece of thin and firm muscle.

As soon as Brian entered his hot spring bath, he found that the atmosphere here was vaguely wrong.

Someone broke in.

He raised his long and narrow eyebrows slightly, and his irritability rose again.

Accordingly, the witch formation he set up will only make any visitors who want to break in have no return.

He is not a kind master after all.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who are not afraid to break into his territory...

Brian snorted.

He walked into the bathtub, and his eyes were fixed on Cyril who was leaning against the pool.


It turned out to be an innocent little lamb who broke in.

Inexplicably, Brian's mood suddenly improved.

The teenager seemed to be asleep, and the whole person was hanging by the water, looking like a small soft and wet rose.

Brian came to Cyril silently.

The little snake Green at Cyril’s collarbone was hit by a magic precisely as soon as he raised his head. The whole snake fainted and fell into the water softly.

Brian picked up the little snake with **** in disgust and threw it to the shore.

Seeing Cyril's beautiful collarbone completely exposed, he was slightly satisfied.

Brian propped himself up on top of Cyril and looked at him slightly sideways.


His lips were light, medium and translucent, slightly warped at the corners, and the lips were round and full.

The whole person looks cute and soft, like a small rose in the night, just sleeping quietly in the bright moonlight with the petals.

It's incredibly soft to the touch.

In an instant, his irritable and raging mental power seemed to find a satisfactory outlet.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the little lamb in front of him, and a strange emotion flashed in his heart.

Brian clasped the wrist of Cyril's flesh and blood, put it on his lips and touched it lightly, put it down again, and embraced the boy's waist.

He felt that he couldn't wait, and now he had to open the gift in advance.

Little Rose's beautiful skin can be made into a doll, and the delicate bones can be made into his favorite skeleton skeleton.

It will be very beautiful to extract his pure soul and imprison it in the crystal clear opal cufflinks.

Brian's heart bred a long-lost feeling of satisfaction, and his dark blue peach eyes were full of smiles.

He lowered his head, his gesture was like a kiss between lovers, and his warm breath fell on Cyril's ear.

Cyril felt something soft and smooth fell on his cheeks, and a warm air rushed to his ears, causing him to shudder.

Where am I?

Cyril thought dazedly.

When he remembered it, he entered a strange bathing secret in Rose Manor.

Huh? Why can't I open my eyes?


[I'm going! Cyril wake up! When did he appear so big! I didn't even notice it! Terrible! 】The sound of the system's squeaking sounded, and there was pure shock in the sound.

Cyril panicked and instinctively felt the danger.

The next moment, he opened his eyes with all his strength, and directly met Mr. Scott's beautiful eyes that were close, gentle and dangerous.

The wizard in front of him is not wearing his iconic monocle, and his temperament is a little different from his previous temperament.

The more specific Cyril couldn't say for a while, but he vaguely felt that Mr. Scott's aura was stronger.

The man just lowered his eyes and looked straight into his own eyes, looking very affectionate.

Cyril took a breath, and his eyes widened suddenly.

The other party's unique breath smoked into his ear, cunning and charming.

He was at a loss for a moment, even panicked.

Cyril wanted to retreat, but there was no way back.

Only then did he realize that he was tightly imprisoned in a small space by Mr. Scott.

I was almost wrapped in his arms by him!

Mr. Wizard wrapped one arm around his waist and rested the other on the pool wall behind him.

The hand in front of him was slender, with well-defined joints and a lot of strength.

And the palm around his waist was hot, and the fingertips rubbed against his waist.

Cyril felt that the skin he touched was exuding an amazing temperature.

It was as if a fire was spreading, burning to the bottom of his heart.

They were so close that Cyril could feel the vague warmth coming from each other.

The corners of his eyes were reddened by the heat.

He could smell a very delicate rose fragrance from Mr. Scott, which was mixed with a hint of ice and snow.

Cyril's eyes inadvertently swept to Mr. Scott's chest, and he felt that his cheeks must be horribly red now.

The man was loosely draped in a half-open black bathrobe, the wet bathrobe clinging to him.

The body is thin and strong, the collarbone is straight and sharp, the abdominal muscles are thin and firm, and the contour lines are perfectly symmetrical.

Cyril's breathing became faster and faster, and his fair neck was dyed a beautiful pale pink.

Why is Mr. Scott here? ? ?

He suddenly thought of the dream on the steam train, and he straightened his back.

Cyril could feel a shudder run up his spine.

This is the body's instinctive reaction to danger after calming down.

"Mr. Scott...Good evening."

Cyril didn't know what to say after calling out the name of the man in front of him, so he pretended to say hello.

Saw the bathrobe on Mr. Scott's body, no matter what, he himself is more like the intruder.

Brian felt a little surprised that under his spell, Cyril was able to wake up in time, and his eyes became darker and darker.

This was originally an annoying thing, but after seeing the boy's reaction, he felt happy again.

little roses.

"Good evening, little Cyril. But I'm a little curious, why are you here? In my private bath?"

The corners of Brian's mouth twitched slightly, and he said lazily.

He deliberately took the word "private bath" very hard.

Cyril dryly recounted his experience tonight, trying to make an innocent expression.

He blinked with his beautiful almond eyes, and swore again and again that he didn't mean to break into Mr. Wizard's bath!

What a surprise!

He caught a glimpse of Mr. Scott's expression of interest, and immediately led the topic to the huge eye of the storm scallop, hoping to divert Mr. Wizard's attention.

After all, it is a "rare" magic item that is specially selected by the system, so it should not be too common.

Brian's eyes moved to the huge scallops lying on the shore of the bath, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Eye of the Storm scallops of this size are indeed rare.

Rose Manor prepares a lot of things for the freshmen every time, but they are generally some common magic items in the wizarding continent.

Those things may have some use for apprentice wizards, but not much for ordinary wizards.

But the eye of the storm scallop is a very rare thing, the market price is rising year by year, and the market is in short supply.

Eye of the Storm scallops this size are even more rare...

Brian gave Cyril a faint glance.

Little Rose's face was dazed, as if she didn't know what it was, and her expression was mixed with a bit of distress that she only found one decoration after spending a night.

Brian was getting more and more interesting.

Since it is the "Last Supper", it is also very good to let Little Rose eat the crystals of the eye of the storm scallop.

Brian gave a low laugh, his magnetic voice like a deep and mellow cello.

Cyril felt a little drum in his heart when he heard this chuckle, wondering if his disguise was successful.

Showing weakness can always make people relax their vigilance, so as to buy him time to find a way.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Mr. Scott snap his fingers gently.

The gigantic scallop seemed to have received some kind of command, and the two halves of the tightly closed shell slowly opened rhythmically.

The scallop that he couldn't open no matter how hard he attacked was so easily opened by Mr. Scott.

Cyril was amazed and envied.

It is a scallop that can only be opened by those with powerful magic.

Then Cyril saw Mr. Scott beckoning lightly, and a skeleton emerged from the ground.

The most incredible thing is that the skeleton is holding a frying pan in the left hand and a spatula in the right.

Cyril looked at the skeleton and flexibly took out the only fist-sized pure white egg in the huge scallop with his fingers?

The skeleton took a bright blue flame from its empty eye socket and placed it under the frying pan.

Then crack the egg on the edge of the pan, beat it in the pan, and skillfully fry the egg.

After a while, Cyril smelled a fragrant omelette scent.

The scent was more overbearing than any other fried egg he had ever eaten (including the sumptuous dinner at Rose Garden).

He subconsciously swallowed.

Skull skeleton fry this eye of the storm omelette until golden on both sides, fish it out and place it on a clean bone china plate, which is then placed on the side of the pool.

Afterwards, it put a delicate knife and fork on the plate.

After doing all this, the skeleton skeleton made a curtain call in their direction and disappeared in place.

Cyril watched all this numbly.

I don't know who is the one with the wrong style.

Being interrupted like this, his nervousness relaxed.

Cyril's thoughts even drifted to wondering if the "Strange Creatures Cookbook" had introduced this way of eating eye of the storm scallops.


Brian nodded slightly, signaling Cyril to eat the fried egg.

His voice was gentle and elegant, with a hint of leisure, and it sounded very good.

Cyril inexplicably heard the meaning of "Eat, eat the last meal and go on the road." It made his scalp tingle.

He clenched his hand that was hanging by his side in the water for a moment.

"Zorro was a palace chef during his lifetime, and his craftsmanship has always been good."

Brian even introduced in a good mood.

Cyril listened to Mr. Scott's smooth and silky tone, his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

So how did this Mr. Zorro go from a good palace chef to a skeleton servant of the wizard...

It's even more disturbing for you to say that!

Cyril tried his best to pretend to be calm, picked up the knife and fork as if nothing had happened, and cut the eggs on the plate into small pieces.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Mr. Scott, showing an innocent deer-like look, and said, "Mr. Scott will eat together?"

His voice was soft and his eyes were clear.

Brian was stunned for a moment, and a strange emotion emerged in his heart.

The eyes of the little rose in front of her are as crystal clear as the most beautiful black gems. He looks at you obediently and softly, with anticipation in his eyes.

Being stared at him so intently, his soul felt an unprecedented peace.

The gifts are finished now, and there is nothing new to bring fun in the short term, Brian thought casually.

Maybe you can keep the small bones and continue to dance for a while...

He turned the ring on his little finger, seemingly unintentionally.

"But only a pair of knives and forks."

Brian raised the corners of his mouth and said slowly.

The unhurried and warm tone seemed to be seriously troubled by this.

"What about this?"

Mr. Wizard's pale lips hooked lightly, his voice was still low and elegant, but with a hint of bewitching.

Cyril's eyes lit up thoughtfully, keenly aware that Mr. Scott seemed subtly pleased.

So Cyril immediately forked a small piece of egg and sent it thoughtfully to Mr. Scott's mouth.

He found the man's eyes darker.

The handsome wizard narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his lips and bit the piece of food handed to his mouth.

I have to say, Mr. Scott makes such a lazy action very sexy!

Seeing Mr. Scott chewing the fried egg slowly, Cyril's heart gradually dropped.

He himself forked a piece of egg with a tempting aroma and put it in his mouth.

Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, it tastes really good!

Mr. Zorro is a professional culinary master.

The two of you just finished eating a plate of eggs together.

Cyril burped a little after eating the last piece.

Brian beckoned for a clean white napkin, and he gently wiped the corner of Cyril's mouth.

He turned his head sideways, and the warm breath hit Cyril's nose, making Cyril's legs weak for some reason.

His eyes were also terribly hot at this time, and he traced Cyril's eyebrows delicately inch by inch.

The atmosphere that had just eased up suddenly became tense again.

Cyril's eyelids twitched, and he suppressed the tremor that felt dangerous, and asked in a calm and casual tone: "Mr. Trial?"

"Yes. Graded trials. Little Cyril beware."

It was Cyril's expected perfunctory answer.

Brian leaned lazily against the pool wall.

His eyes fell on Cyril's twitching eyelashes, and then down to the side of his porcelain white neck.

The cyan blood vessels on the neck make his skin more fair and delicate, and further down is the particularly beautiful clavicle.

Brian tutted lightly, then looked at Cyril's fair skin exposed on the water.

The boy's skin was slightly reddened by the warm water, like rose juice smudged in the ice and snow.

The next moment, a thin silver chain appeared out of thin air in Brian's hand.

The pendant above is a ring of rosettes hollowed out in broken silver, set with a scarlet gemstone that exudes a serene luster.

He naturally hung the necklace around Cyril's neck, then looked at the little rose pendant quietly against the boy's skin, and nodded with satisfaction.

The icy necklace was hanging around his neck, and Cyril felt his whole body tremble, as if he had been branded with a demon.

He looked up at Mr. Scott, puzzled.

However, the man did not explain anything, just a smile filled his eyes, looking in a very good mood.

Forget it, forget about it!

If you don't run at this time, when will it be!

"Mr. Scott, then I... go back first?"

Cyril asked cautiously.


He heard Mr. Wizard lazily let out a syllable from his throat.

Cyril looked at his clothes hanging on the bank with some embarrassment.

Do you want to climb ashore so naked under Mr. Scott's watch?

Brian didn't seem to notice Cyril's embarrassment.

He leaned against the pool wall lazily, looking very comfortable and leisurely, with a pleasant and evil smile on his lips.

Everyone is a man, what's so shy!

Cyril was brainwashing himself.

He clambered on the pool wall with both hands, and was about to climb up, when suddenly a large piece of soft white bath towel wrapped around him just right.

Cyril knew that Mr. Scott finally shot, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He hurriedly took the opportunity to go ashore and walked to his clothes.

The next moment, the white bath towel disappeared, and his original clothes were neatly worn on him.

Clothing is neat and dry, with all folds well ironed.

The little snake Green was put in the pocket it was most used to.

Cyril politely thanked Mr. Scott.

At this time, Mr. Wizard has an extra glass of red wine in his hand, and is elegantly tasting the clear and mellow wine.

"Go there."

Brian raised his eyebrows and motioned Cyril to look behind him.

Cyril looked behind him and saw that there was a small door made of a faint halo.

He bowed earnestly to Mr. Scott again and stepped into the halo.

The feeling of weightlessness passed, Cyril's eyes darkened.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed in the room.

The surroundings were quiet, and everything was the same as before he went out.

As if he just slept in bed.

Cyril got out of bed and opened the window of the room.

The rain outside has stopped, and the evening wind brings fresh air after the rain.

The cold wind blew his face, making him wake up.

[System? ]

Cyril called out, he was surprised that the system went silent after warning him.

【Come here! You are finally back! Hey, I thought something indescribable that was not suitable for children would happen, and I was debating whether to block it or not! 】 Cyril's forehead twitched, and he obviously heard a hint of gossip in his voice.

[You think too much, this is impossible! ]

Cyril said angrily.

【Get it! But I found that your physical data has improved! Sure enough, that pool is really good, and I will have a chance to take a dip next time! Maybe there's a reason for that eye of the storm scallop! 】 Cyril heard the words and looked at the screen showing his body data in front of him.

[Name: Cyril Lawrence

Age: 15

Stamina: 11

Strength: 10

Mental Power: 30

Magic: 15

Achievement: Duck Bath

That's it? That's it? Atong expressed very disappointed! 】 Cyril gave the system a roll of his eyes, what a **** duck bath!

Then he thought about his body data.

With the addition of Storm Eye Scallops and Mr. Scott's Bath, all indices have increased.

He closed his eyes, and he did feel the change in his spiritual power.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the original mental power was like a small glass of water, but now it has become a small bucket full of water.


Cyril quickly sketched the magic rune of Fireball.

With the support of more powerful magic, the process of this step has become more natural and familiar.

The next moment, two fireballs the size of human heads appeared in the center of the room, emitting a bright light.

Cyril controlled the magic power to support the fireball technique, and let the system time the time.

When he felt the exhaustion pouring into his mind, he guided the magic rune to dissipate, and the fireball disappeared.

[Fifteen minutes! It's nice to be able to parboil a rabbit in the wild! 】The system praised.

It's only fifteen minutes, and it's still too weak.

Cyril lowered his eyelashes, and now he also wants to consider what the system said, when can I go to Mr. Scott's bath and take a dip.

Although there is a certain risk of life, but wealth is in danger!

And he has an intuition, Mr. Scott gave him the rose necklace, and there is a high probability that he will not shoot him before the grading trial.

Thinking of the necklace, Cyril hurriedly unbuttoned a button and looked down at his neck.

The cold necklace has been stained with his warm body temperature, no longer coldly showing the sense of existence.

He frowned slightly and wanted to reach out and take off the necklace.

However he could touch the necklace with his hand, but could not remove it from his neck.

Damn! There must be some magic spell or witch formation attached to the necklace!

Cyril felt a deep sense of frustration from being hit by dimensionality reduction.

He pursed his lips and puffed out his cheeks.

[System, is there any way to remove it? ]

Cyril asked without much hope.

【Not yet, dear! You can't even open the eye of the storm scallop, the magic on this necklace is much stronger than that. ] The system comforted:

Cyril reluctantly stared at the scarlet gemstone in the center of the pendant with a quiet luster.

Wearing this necklace gave him the feeling of being under constant surveillance by Mr. Scott.

Although he didn't think that the other party would be so idle to observe his little wizard apprentice reserve, but Cyril had a strange feeling in his heart - he was a little uncomfortable for Mr. Scott Same.

The thought surprised him (perhaps with many opportunities) and made him feel dangerous.

It's like a sharp sword is hanging from the head, and I don't know when it will fall.

It's like walking on a tightrope.

The little snake Green slowly crawled out at this time, and it felt that the necklace around Cyril's neck had a strange attraction to it.

It wraps around Cyril's neck and uses his little head to arch the beautiful pendant.

The next moment, Cyril was stunned to see that Green's entire snake was sucked into the ruby.

There was nothing in the original pure ruby, but now there is a small dark green "S" trace.

This dark green "S" has thin silver lines on it, just like the body of the little snake Green.

The author has something to say: Green: You are playing with fire, and it is me who is hurt.

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