Of course, compared with the Far East Empire, a country with strong traditional agricultural strength and emphasis on water conservancy facilities, East Africa is naturally far behind. However, compared with some underdeveloped countries and regions in Europe and the United States, the water conservancy facilities in the middle and eastern parts of East Africa are already quite complete, not to mention some more backward and sparsely populated countries and regions.

In fact, the two national water conservancy constructions in East Africa were completely helpless. The purpose of the East African government or Ernst was to use one generation to complete the development path of other countries for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

Water conservancy construction is the blood vessel of agriculture. It is a must-do hard work, and there is no shortcut to it, so it can only be completed by means of "iron and blood". Of course, the indigenous people are the main force of bloodshed.

As the East African government finalized the details, the second national water conservancy construction project was launched in a grand manner. This time, the East African government had the experience of the first national water conservancy construction project, so it was more handy to mobilize national forces.

"Go to the west, go to the south, go to where the motherland needs you!"

Although East Africa is an immigrant country, the slogan also plays the "patriotism" card. In fact, the local residents in East Africa have exceeded the number of immigrants.

And the main target of this mobilization is the new generation of young and strong labor in East Africa. With the opportunity of the second national water conservancy construction project, East Africa intends to carry out a national population migration to the west and south at the same time, completely changing the situation in which the middle and eastern parts of East Africa are dominant.

In fact, Angola, Mozambique and Orange have already had a certain foundation after years of construction in East Africa. This is the basis for East Africa to achieve large-scale immigration this time.

And this immigration is mainly aimed at the agricultural field. As for industrial immigration activities, they have long been carried out simultaneously with industrial transfer.

Western Great Lakes Province, Kagera City, Kegel Village.

"According to national requirements, every household with a large population should send at least one person to work in the underdeveloped areas in the west and south. Our Western Great Lakes Province is the key area for this immigration. Everyone must actively cooperate with the government's actions to complete this task target." Andre, the village chief of Kegel Village, said.

Andre's words naturally caused a small ripple among the villagers. After all, immigration has never been a simple matter. It involves all aspects, and every immigration means the "split" of some families.

However, immigration did not cause major troubles. After all, this is already normal for the people of East Africa. East Africa has been migrating people from densely populated areas to other places every year. Even in the small Kegel Village, many young people leave every year and go to all parts of the country. It's just that this time the East African government has made a bigger move.

"Andre, why is the momentum of this immigration so big!" A villager asked by name.

"This is actually very easy to understand. The last time our country expanded its territory, we seized a lot of land from Portugal and the Boers. In order to control and develop these new territories, we naturally need manpower. Although there were immigration activities in several places before, it can only be regarded as an appetizer."

"Now, after several years of governance, Angola, Mozambique and other places have very impressive social security and economic foundations. So on this basis, in order to balance regional development, we naturally need to further increase the number of immigrants."

To put it simply, in the past few years, the East African government has solved the unstable factors in these new regions. In addition to the needs of national development and the need for infrastructure construction such as water conservancy, the East African government intends to do it in one step and directly turn Mozambique, Angola and other places into the core territory of East Africa.

"Don't be lucky about this matter. After all, as a backward country in East Africa, we must take drastic measures if we want to develop, and it's just a new living area. Everyone's life will not change much when they go to a new place. After all, it's all East Africa, and it's different wherever you go!" Andre emphasized.

"And this immigration activity is much simpler than it was more than a decade ago. Railways and roads are much more developed now, and it doesn't take too long to travel to all parts of the country. If we go back ten years, immigration was a real chore. I don't think it's necessary to say that many old people in the village can also recall the hard times in East Africa."

Andre's words did evoke the memories of some old immigrants, but tracing back to the past, it would have been even harder in the Eurasian continent.

After more than a month of preparation, the first batch of people who moved out of Kegel Village finally reached more than 100 people. There may be a second and third phase later... until the needs of the East African government are met.

As a major agricultural province, the natural population growth rate of the Western Great Lakes Province is extremely terrifying in East Africa, so this immigration activity is not a serious blow to the local economic development.

It can even be said that it has reduced population pressure. After all, as a major agricultural province, the Western Great Lakes Province has so many agricultural resources, but the population growth rate is not slow. If there is no continuous population loss and no industrial support, the per capita resources will only become less and less, thus entering a poverty mode. If the population continues to grow disorderly and the industrial structure does not change much, then India and East Asian countries may be the future of the current Western Great Lakes Province.

Therefore, the Western Great Lakes Provincial Government supports the population loss, although the agricultural potential of the Western Great Lakes Province has not yet been fully developed.

With population migration and engineering construction, a large number of people are continuously transported to all parts of the country through East Africa's railways and roads. Many families bid farewell in tears. The same scene is constantly played out in various regions in the east.

The central region is slightly better. As the region with the largest population after the eastern region, the central region is far from being comparable to the eastern region, so it is not the main force of this immigration. However, due to the transfer of backward production capacity, the industrial population in the central region has moved to other areas more than east.

According to statistics from later generations of East Africans, from 1894 to 1900, at least more than eight million people immigrated from East Africa to Angola, Mozambique and other places, completely changing the population distribution in East Africa and causing the population in the western and southern regions to increase in a short period of time. to the tens of millions level.

Of course, the value created by these people’s local development and construction will only be reflected in the next century.

This massive national immigration event is known as the "Great Migration of East African Grasslands." As a country with a tropical grassland climate, the great migration of animals in the East African grasslands is quite spectacular, but this time it is the migration of East Africans. So use this to describe this East African population migration.

Of course, with the development of East African countries, the so-called great migration of grassland animals has actually become increasingly difficult to see in later generations, except in places such as the Serengeti. East African population migration and engineering construction have squeezed the living space of local wild animals. The pressure is very obvious.

This population migration has also been talked about by all countries in later generations. After all, as a country that has become a world power in a short period of time, many people are very interested in the rise of East Africa.

The rapid rise of large cities such as Luanda, Cabinda and Beira in East Africa in later generations is also considered to be related to this population migration, making them become a group of well-known large cities in the world in the 20th century.

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