Adore Trick of Beauty

Chapter 698: Feng Lintian (End 3)

It is the end of spring at this time, and the flowers are red and green shades are everywhere. The emperor and the empress walked slowly under the shade of the tree behind Ganlu Hall. As always, she likes to wear floor-length skirts, and the haze-colored phoenix dress is like the spreading rays of light, gorgeous and beautiful. The concentric knots at the waist were tied high, which not only covered her slightly protruding abdomen, but also made her look more slender and graceful. Xiao Fengming was dressed in a light moon white uniform, covered with a silver-gray gauze smock, with a calm and indifferent demeanor, and the peace on his handsome face could see the clouds and clouds.

The two walked hand in hand, the forest wind rustled, and there was silence.

Nie Wushuang looked at the lush greenery in front of him, and the sunlight was dancing among the leaves, and he couldn't help feeling like a human being. She suddenly sighed softly: "I don't know if King Jing has emptied the treasures preserved by the ancestors of the Ying Kingdom?"

Xiao Fengming smiled slightly, sat on the protruding and flat rock in the forest with his robe lifted, hugged her in his arms, and said with a nonchalant smile: "Even if he can move, how much can he move? What's more, Kongshan is so steep and difficult to walk. Send someone to seal up the cave of ten thousand bats and exterminate the man-eating bats. There will not be much treasure that he can move away."

Nie Wushuang smiled, and gently leaned into his arms: "That's fine. Instead of giving this treasure to King Jing, it's better to use it to build rivers and lakes for the benefit of the people."

Xiao Fengming looked at her with deep eyes shining, with affection and admiration: "What you think is exactly what I think."

Nie Wushuang smiled sweetly at him, and sighed: "The concubine knows that the emperor is a good emperor."

Xiao Fengming kissed her cheek lightly, and looked at her forehead. At this time, the years are quiet and beautiful, and I can't see enough of holding her in my life. In the distance, a beautiful pink figure came bouncing forward, holding the mountain flowers just picked in her hand, walking happily. But when he saw the two figures embracing each other in the forest, he couldn't help but stop.

She hid behind the tree and watched the two of them cuddling each other. The woman had a beautiful face, and the love in her beautiful eyes was so strong that it couldn't be melted away. And the man beside her looked at her and smiled, the tranquility and joy in his deep eyes was rare in the world.

What kind of affectionate love made him disregard the emperor's safety and only go deep into the dangerous situation to save her from danger. What kind of true love made her persist in going through that dangerous trap, all the way to the end?

Her bright eyes suddenly moved, and she flew up the tree without a sound.

Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang were talking about trifles in low voices when suddenly a gust of wind blew along with the scent of flowers. There was a rain of flowers all over the sky. After a moment of stupor, the two couldn't help looking up, and saw someone throwing petals from the branches above their heads. The petals swirl and fall, jumping like elves in the sun.

Nie Wushuang couldn't help laughing with his head covered in flowers. Xiao Fengming also laughed, he looked at Nie Wushuang who was smiling brightly in the flower rain, and couldn't help looking at the girl in pink shirt on the tree with her.

Ding Ding finished spreading the petals, poked her head out, and stuck out her pink tongue at the two of them: "Emperor and Empress, do you like it?"

Nie Wushuang smiled and said to her, "Come down quickly! I fell carefully."

Xiao Fengming also smiled and said, "Do you want me to ask someone to get the ladder?"

Ding Ding giggled, her eyebrows were lively and pretty, she was hanging upside down, her feet were hanging between the branches, swaying, she proudly said: "Uncle Emperor, my Ding Ding's lightness kung fu is invincible in the world!"

Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang looked at her with a smile, as free as an elf.

Nie Wushuang's heart fluttered suddenly, and he said to Xiao Fengming in a low voice: "Your Majesty, it would be great if the concubine's second child was a princess. You can dress her up as much as you want, let her be as free as a girl Dingding, and be happy every day. "

Xiao Fengming's eyes flickered, he looked at her with endless affection, and said repeatedly: "Okay! Okay! Give birth to a beautiful princess like you!"

Nie Wushuang was happy in his heart, but he gave him a shy look: "So you only like daughters, not boys. No wonder you are driving Changning to the imperial study every day to study hard."

Xiao Fengming laughed, and argued: "He is a boy, so we should let him know the way of a sage and the truth of being a man."

Nie Wushuang wanted to tease him again, when footsteps came from behind him, and a familiar voice came happily: "Your Majesty..."

Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang turned their heads and looked at the young man who was kneeling and prostrating.

"So it's King Jin." Nie Wushuang said with a smile.

Xiao Fengming also said: "So it's the eighth brother."

King Jin took a closer look at them, and was relieved to see that they were all fine: "It's good that the emperor and queen are fine. I have been worried for a long time."

Xiao Fengming smiled and said, "Eighth Brother, don't worry." At this moment, a scream came from above his head.

Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang couldn't help looking, and saw a little squirrel jumping on Ding Ding's feet, and the fluffy touch made her panic and fell from the tall tree. Xiao Fengming felt bad, and was about to pick it up. The king of Jin on the side had already shouted loudly, and went forward to pick it up regardless of his body.

A blue shadow in mid-air barely caught the falling Ding Ding. Ding Ding panicked in mid-air and hugged King Jin tightly. The force of the two falling was too great, King Jin rolled out as soon as he hit the ground, and the two rolled several feet in the forest clearing before barely stopping.

Xiao Fengming hurried forward to check, and Nie Wushuang also hurried forward.

Ding Ding only felt that he was hugged tightly by a pair of powerful arms, and the expected pain did not fall on his body, but instead he felt a sense of security because of his protection. The questioning voices of Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang came from her side, awakening her dazed sanity after being frightened.

Ding Ding slowly opened her eyes, but as soon as she opened her eyes, she met a magnified handsome face. That face was resolute and handsome, and her skin had a healthy wheat color due to sun exposure. It is anxiety and worry. She stared blankly at him, and the young man looked at her too.

For a moment, the sound of the wind disappeared, and the sun shone on the face, and there was a vague sound that burst from the bottom of my heart, like the sound of flowers blooming.

"Miss Ding Ding! Miss Ding Ding!" Xiao Fengming asked from the side.

Only then did Ding Ding come to his senses, and found that he was being held in his arms by a strange young man. She couldn't help shouting: "Rogue! Let me go!"

She screamed so that King Jin was stunned, and hurriedly let her go with a blushing face, and stood up. He looked at Ding Ding, whose pretty face was flushed with anger, and couldn't help blushing, as if he had done something wrong instead of saving someone.

"Miss Ding Ding, are you alright?" Nie Wushuang helped Ding Ding up, his eyes filled with concern: "Did you hurt yourself?"

Ding Ding blushed and shook her head hastily: "No! No! I'm fine." She said and took a step to prove that she was fine, but she felt a piercing pain in her ankle just after taking a step. She couldn't help crying and fell to the ground.

"Miss Dingding, how is your foot?" King Jin hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Seeing him approaching, Ding Ding shrank back unnaturally, and asked, "Who the hell are you? You look familiar."

When King Jin saw that she had forgotten himself, his eyes darkened: "Miss Dingding, did you forget? I was once saved by Miss Dingding..."

Ding Ding couldn't help but look at him more, and then recognized him. It turned out to be King Jin! The young prince who was saved by her. She slapped her head in frustration, and said, "Your Highness Jin Wang, don't blame me, I have been terribly scared these few days! I have forgotten a lot of things."

Seeing her depressed, King Jin smiled in relief, showing his white teeth, and smiled brightly: "It's okay, girl Dingding, where are you hurt? Let me see..."

Ding Ding is innocent and has no worldly defenses. Hearing his question, he lifted up a part of his trousers to reveal his snow-white ankle. As expected, he twisted his ankle when he fell to the ground, and it was red and swollen.

She sighed and said: "Sure enough, I was injured! I am really useless. You even praised the emperor and queen that my lightness kung fu is invincible!"

King Jin looked at her frustrated face, and smiled silly: "Miss Ding Ding's lightness kung fu is indeed very good."

Ding Ding heard him praise herself, felt complacent and embarrassed, and gave him a coquettish look: "How do you know?"

Xiao Fengming and Nie Wushuang at the side saw the two of them chatting speculatively, looked at each other and smiled, and left quietly. After walking a long way, you can still see King Jin talking to Ding Ding. Under the tree, the two people compared each other, and laughed and talked.

Xiao Fengming breathed a sigh of relief: "I've never seen my eighth brother being so nervous about a woman. It seems that my eighth brother likes girl Ding Ding very much."

Nie Wushuang couldn't help laughing and said, "So this is fate."

The two were very happy, they were so harmonious when they first met, and it is conceivable that they will be a good couple in the future. Fate always turns a corner when people are not prepared, and arranges everything, which makes people have to be convinced.

Xiao Fengming put his arms around her slender waist, looked at the setting sun, and sighed softly: "Another day has passed. Although I am the emperor, I can't keep the time. If I can be like this every year, every year will be like today. How nice it would be to be so quiet."

Nie Wushuang was quietly in his arms. In the distance, a dark figure watched silently, his eyes lingering on the back that was more beautiful than the sun's rays, and did not leave for a long time.


Is it the sixth update today? Today's update is completed, and tomorrow I should be able to write the last point of Feng Lintian's epilogue. I read the comment area, and my worries should not happen. Do not worry! In fact, Ding Ding's liking for Xiao Fengqing is more of a girl's obsession with idols. Getting along harmoniously with King Jin is actually the germination of true feelings.

I remember when we were young, we would like handsome male stars when we saw them, probably that kind of like. Not really love.

When I was writing the extra episode, although the writing was so suspenseful and thrilling, and deviated from the sweet track everyone expected, I was still tortured by myself. Xiao Fengqing's tears, Xiao Fengming's words "I am really old, if I don't spend this life with you well, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Suddenly, tears will follow.

After finishing writing tomorrow, I will continue to write Zou's episode, as well as Zhan Ying and Nie Minghu who are owed to the little demon and son in the group. I also want to write Gu Qinghong's episode. It won't be too long.

Forever Xiao Fengming, Xiao Fengqing, Nie Wushuang... Every vivid character passed by, and I was really reluctant to leave them. I hope that when this article really ends, everyone will still remember them.

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