As soon as Lu Chenxu got out of the elevator in the lobby on the first floor, he saw his parents, who were walking fast at their age, were about to rush to the stairwell not far away.

He hurried over and stopped them: "Dad, Mom."

Father Lu and Mother Lu looked back and saw his eager voice: "Chen Xu, hurry up, those two children ran in."

Lu Chenxu looked puzzled: "What child?"

"That's right, that's right, we just saw—" Before Mother Lu's words were finished, the front desk staff had brought the police to them.

"Mr. Lu, this is a comrade from the Economic Investigation Department of the Yucheng Public Security Bureau."

"Comrade Police, this is our company's President Lu," the staff at the front desk politely introduced.

The police handling the case of the Public Security Bureau showed their relevant certificates: "We received a report from your company's financial department this morning, saying that Ma Zihui, the general manager of Xingyue Clothing, was suspected of embezzlement and embezzled the company's property. We came here to find out the situation."

"Yes, Ma Zihui is in my office, please come with me." Lu Chenxu politely led the police into the elevator.

Father Lu grabbed him anxiously: "Chen Xu, listen to me, just-"

Lu Chenxu thought he was going to intercede for Ma Zihui, so he interrupted him directly: "Dad, this matter can only be done on business. I'm very busy, you go back first!"

After that, the elevator just came, and he was going to enter the elevator with the police.

Assistant Xiaolou hurriedly rushed out of the elevator: "Mr. Lu, Ma Zihui is gone."

Lu Chenxu's face changed slightly: "Notify the security department, block all the exits of the Lu's building, and check for me layer by layer."

"Yes." The assistant immediately called to notify all security personnel in the Lu's building.

"Comrade police, Ma Zihui may be hiding in a corner now, please follow me to the office and wait for a while!"

He politely prepared to bring the police to his office.

Father Lu walked directly in front of him and pointed at his assistant: "Xiaolou, take the police comrade up first. I have something to tell your president."

"Yes." Assistant Xiaolou politely led the police to the elevator.

Lu Chenxu looked at his father helplessly: "Dad, do you know how much Ma Zihui has used his power in the company to embezzle over the past few years? Even if Uncle Ma is still alive, I'm afraid he won't be able to save him."

Father Lu waved his hand, a little impatient: "Who wants to tell you about Ma Zihui, I want to tell you about the child."

"Child? What happened to Momo and Dudu?" Lu Chenxu was shocked.

Mother Lu hurriedly pulled Father Lu aside: "It's not Dudu and Momo, it's that we just met a girl who looks exactly like Momo in the hall, and a little girl who is somewhat similar to you. boy."

Lu Chenxu frowned: "It looks exactly like Momo?"

Just when he was about to ask, the security captain suddenly rushed out of the door of the stairwell with a little boy in his arms.

Lu's father and Lu's mother took a look and hurried over: "Yes, it's this kid, what's wrong with him?"

"We found him on the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors. He must have fallen down the stairs and injured his head." The security captain explained.

Lu Chenxu came over and glanced at Mo Zizhong, feeling a little surprised. The child had his eyes closed and his eyelashes were very long. At first glance, he looked a bit similar to Xiaodie.

"Where's the child's family?" Lu Chenxu asked, glancing at the hall.

The front desk staff also ran over at this time: "I didn't see his family. He came with his sister and said he was looking for his father."

"You go and take the child to the hospital first. We will wait until the family is contacted."

Lu Chenxu pointed to the hospital opposite Lu's, and his voice was a little eager. If there was something wrong with this child in Lu's, the media might not be able to report it!

"I'll go with them." Mother Lu was a little worried and was about to follow, but suddenly found the handwriting on Mo Zizhong's clothes.

"Hey, his clothes seem to have the name of the kindergarten on it."

Mo Zizhong was wearing a kindergarten uniform today, with the name of the kindergarten printed on the back of the clothes.

Lu Chenxu instructed the front desk staff: "Send the child to the hospital first, and then contact the kindergarten immediately."

Mother Lu pulled her son aside: "Chen Xu, this child's nose is very similar to yours, maybe it's your son too!"

"Mom, stop joking. You and Dad want grandchildren, and Chenyu's twin sons will be born in a few months. Don't envy other people's children." Lu Chenxu thought Mother Lu was joking.

Mother Lu pushed him angrily: "Why is it impossible, Xiaodie said this morning that someone gave birth to several babies in one birth, maybe Momo's mother also gave birth to several babies in one birth."

"Multiple babies? Mom, you think too much."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chenxu pointed to the back of the security captain: "They are going to cross the road to the hospital. If you really like that kid, just take a look at him."

Mother Lu had no choice but to pull Father Lu to the hospital with the security captain.

"I think we should do a paternity test with that child." On the road, Mother Lu suggested.

"I see." Father Lu agreed.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, although the weather was cloudy, the air was still unusually dull.

Mo Xiaodie stood on the road, looking anxiously at the passing traffic.

She just had a phone call with Li Mingcheng, and neither Zhicheng Security nor the Public Security Bureau had any clues. It's been two hours now. In such a hot weather, I don't know where those two little guys are now? Hot or not, hungry or not, thirsty or not?

Suddenly, her cell phone rang, it was a call from the kindergarten, and she hurriedly answered the phone.

"Mother Zizhong, we just received a call. Zizhong was injured and is now in the emergency room of the Third People's Hospital of Yucheng!" On the other end of the phone came the voice of the principal.

"Injured, where is the injury?" Mo Xiaodie's hand trembled while holding the phone.

"I don't know, we are also rushing to the hospital, come here too!"

Hanging up the phone, Mo Xiaodie quickly stopped a taxi and ran to the Third People's Hospital.

When she arrived, the principal of the kindergarten had already arrived and was talking to Lu's father and Lu's mother.

"Thank you, Zi Zhong's mother will be here soon." After speaking, the principal looked up and saw Mo Xiaodie who hurried into the emergency department.

"Mother Zi, here." The principal waved to Mo Xiaodie.

Mo Xiaodie rushed over and grabbed the hand of the principal, with a nervous expression and a hurried tone: "Chief, where is Zi Zhong! Where are the others?"

The principal comforted her: "Mother Zizhong, don't worry, Zizhong injured his head. He just had a CT scan of his head. The doctor said it was just a skin injury, and it's not a big problem. But for the sake of safety, he is now undergoing a full-body examination. Woolen cloth!"

Mo Xiaodie breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of her dangling heart.

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