"Gu Yang is also too violent, such a big beast can be done with one punch.

"I wonder if he has ever been on the battlefield, how can he be so familiar with alien beasts, I heard the teacher in the next class say that every time Gu Yang punches, he hits the weakness of alien beasts, and it is the weakest point of alien beasts' defense. "

No wonder, this is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, others have no way to start in the face of foreign beasts, he directly punches and kills!" Everyone

talked about it, and they were all stunned by Gu Yang's performance.

That's right, the person who killed the porcupine for the trio was Gu Yang, and while hurrying away, he slaughtered the porcupine in front of him with his hand, and there was no other meaning.

Fang just punched the porcupine in the nose, which was the weakest point of the porcupine, and it exploded with one punch.

It's not a coincidence, it's intentional.

When working in the slaughterhouse, Zhang Changling would boast from time to time about how sophisticated his slaughtering methods were, how many exotic beasts he had killed in his life, and what kind of beasts.

In order to prove that there is a fact, the characteristics and weaknesses of various alien beasts are also explained.

The speaker had no intention of listening to the heart, Gu Yang silently wrote it down in his heart, thinking about when he could try it, but he didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Gu Yang was able to come to the mountainside so quickly, and part of it was also due to Uncle Zhang.

At this moment, Gu Yang had no joy in his heart, some were just full of anger, only by climbing to the top of Longxiu Mountain as fast as possible could he vent it!

After walking a short distance, the mist gradually converged, enveloping his vision, and the road ahead became white and boundless, with nowhere to put his feet.

Gu Yang's face was expressionless and slowed down until he stopped.

He walked up to a huge tree next to him and reached out and touched the trunk.

In an instant, countless fragments of pictures played in Gu Yang's mind, which was all the things that this giant tree had experienced in a day, including the pictures of Wan Qiang and others passing by.

Choosing the direction where Wan Qiang and the others disappeared last, Gu Yang took a resolute step, his body was fast, and soon he came out of the fog.

The audience is no longer surprised by this, because Gu Yang comes over like this every time he encounters the fog.

Although they didn't know what Gu Yang was doing, they were shocked every time!


Using the mimic nerves to obtain the memories of the surrounding plants and trees to determine the route of travel, this method was thought of by Gu Yang when he returned to the sports center.

The effect is surprisingly good, and there are Wan Qiang and his party who are about to reach the top to make a compass.

They spent time searching for the right direction, and Gu Yang only needed to look in the direction where they hadn't appeared since they disappeared.

That must be the right direction!

Time passed little by little, and the warm atmosphere in the sports center eased slightly, because the trio of Wanqiang at the top of the mountain had almost boiled Ling Qinghu to death.

This is the most critical moment, whether the Wanqiang trio wins the Lingqinghu and successfully reaches the top, or Gu Yang completes the overtake, it depends on the next five minutes.

Everyone was nervous about this, and subconsciously held their breath!

"It's no longer good, work hard!"

Seeing that Lingqinghu was screaming, his body swayed, and even the speed of pride slowed down, Wan Qiang knew that the time for Lingqinghu to return to the light had passed.

Victory is ahead!

Glancing at the back and forth, Gu Yang hadn't come ...... yet

Needless to say, after passing the Lingqing Tiger level, you can see the clouds and see the sun and climb to the top of Longxiu Mountain!

Wan Qiang clenched the long knife in his hand, the dust under his feet was flying, and his body rushed out like an arrow from the string.


With a deafening roar, the silver knife slashed off the tiger's head, turning into dust with a thud and dissipating without a trace.

"It's a success!" The

tense scene was thunderous with Wang Li's shouting, but it soon stopped.

In the picture, the wind-like figure appeared ...... again

Longxiu Peak.

Just when Wan Qiang and the three of them thought that victory was in sight, a gust of wind suddenly blew behind them, and a figure rushed to the top of the mountain before them.

"Gu Yang!" Wan

Qiang saw the figure clearly, and the hairs on his body stood up.

Without waiting for the other two to react, he also moved and went straight to the top of the mountain.

He never expected that Gu Yang, who had been nervous all the way, still appeared at the last moment, and it was in the way of picking up leaks.


Wan Qiang scolded angrily in his heart, but it was too late, Gu Yang was the first to see the first ray of sunlight on the top of Longxiu Mountain, and at the same time pulled out the flag of the Fifth Lieutenant Colonel planted on the top of the mountain.

This was followed by Wan Qiang's arrival, as well as another quick reflex in the trio.

The top three have been released, and the illusion has dissipated ......


the picture disappeared on the big screen, everyone finally reacted that the assessment had ended, and the atmosphere instantly detonated, and the discussion continued!

For them, the process was no longer important, the important thing was that Gu Yang succeeded and reached the top with the attitude of first place.

Still twenty minutes behind.

"Niu Niu Niu!"

"It's too strong, even Su Ming can be a ruthless person!" "

Don't say much, the person who was admitted to Yanhuang this year must be Gu Yang."

"Wuhu!" Chen

Zhuoding let out a long roar, he was so excited that he couldn't do it, his big black face was red in the dark, and he almost didn't hold back those three words with his fists.

He came to Wang Li and the others, and said angrily: "What did you just say?"

Wang Li stared at him with big eyes, how dare he speak.

The picture of Gu Yang's fist rapidly enlarged in his eyes was vivid, and it coincided with the figure of the smashing alien beast on the big screen, and his shoulders shrank in fright, he was afraid that Gu Yang would really come to the door if he said one more word.

A punch that the alien beast couldn't bear landed on his small body, and it couldn't be turned into meat sauce!

Wang Li hid to the side in a gloomy manner, and made up his mind that as long as he had anything to do with Gu Yang, he would never express an opinion!

On the stage, the examiners slowly came back to their senses, and the first thing one of them said after getting up was, "I don't agree!" The

momentum was fierce and the sound was like thunder.

He's the hapless guy who reacts the least.

originally thought that victory was in sight, but Na Cheng wanted to kill Gu Yang halfway and snatched his seat.

So, the first thing that came out was to express a strong protest.

Everyone looked at him, and Zhao Debiao also walked over, "What do you disagree?"

he said: "Obviously, the three of us defeated Lingqing Tiger, but as a result, Gu Yang picked up the leak and stole the fruits of our victory."

As soon as the words fell, Su Xuan asked, "You said Gu Yang picked up the leak?"

"That's right.

"Do you know how long it took Gu Yang to get from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain...... Ten minutes!"

Hearing this, the unlucky man's body stiffened, "Ten minutes...... How could it be that he was clearly behind us!" "

That's because he wasn't in the Phantom Realm at all for the first twenty minutes, and when you started to climb the mountain, he was called to check it. "

The unlucky guy seems to have such a thing when he thinks about it, at the beginning, Gu Yang suddenly disappeared, and he thought it was some kind of trick ......

It turned out that it was not in the secret realm at all.

"W-So what...... He just stole the fruits of our victory, it's not fair!" Su

Xuan sneered with bad intentions: "Since you think he has robbed you of your place, then you might as well have a rematch with him, fight one-on-one, and whoever wins the quota will belong to whom."

"Okay!" the

unlucky guy was overjoyed, but he didn't expect things to really turn around.

He looked at the principal Zhao Debiao with an inquiring gaze, as long as the principal agreed, it was really a turnaround.

Zhao Debiao just took the video of the illusion from the staff, felt his gaze, and nodded.

"It's okay, it won't take long, but you can take a look at this before you do that.

He handed the tablet to the unlucky guy and added, "This is the assessment video, watch the next ten minutes." "

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