In the No. 5 training room, Gu Yang has not yet answered.

Lao Deng on the side suddenly said: "Lao Meng, let's just have such an opportunity once a year, don't ruin the fun."

Meng Gang smiled: "That's not it, I don't have any soldiers under me."

"That's good.

Lao Deng nodded, his eyes rolled around, and said: "Since it's not fun, let's add some color to stimulate ......"

"Okay, I fancy a third-order earth attribute spirit bead that I can't take, so bet on this."

Meng Gang seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he rushed to answer without waiting for him to finish speaking, and even reported his chips.

Old Deng was stunned, he had a feeling of being deceived, and said tentatively: "The third-order earth attribute spirit bead is too expensive, can you take it?"

"It's all iron rice bowls, and you have a salary every month, if you can't get it, you can pay it back slowly, no, are you afraid?"

Meng Gang shook his head: "If you're afraid, forget it."

Old Deng Deng was angry, "Who is afraid, come!"

Meng Gang's heart blossomed, and his right hand secretly gave Gu Yang a five-finger open gesture, which meant five or five points.

When Gu Yang received the signal, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The conversation between the two teachers did not shy away from other people, how high-profile and high-profile they were, and they both wanted to suppress each other's arrogance in public.

Gu Yang understood the value of the third-order attribute spirit bead, and he also understood Meng Gang's meaning, but he didn't care.

He wants to fight, simply because Su Ming is the Su family.

After taking the script of Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years, it will be implemented, and defeating Su Ming is just to kick off this big drama!"



The moment Gu Yang responded to the battle, the audience was boiling, and the two teachers were also smiling, each calculating the abacus in their hearts.

Lao Deng got up and said: "This duel should be more formal, and we have to change the venue and clarify the rules at the same time."

Five minutes later, Gu Yang and Su Ming went to an empty battle platform, and the stands were overcrowded, not only with students from the training camp, but also with the staff of the martial arts center.

There is a clear distinction between the seats of the two sides, and even the people who support them are different.

The students yearn for the strong, and the powerful Su family behind Su Ming and his past fame have added a lot of points to him, so the students have become loyal fans of Su Ming.

"Su Ming, Su Ming, the king is coming!" The

workers had a wait-and-see attitude at first, but after hearing that Su Ming was a member of the Su family, they didn't say a word to raise the banner for Gu Yang!

Their slogan was just one word.


Lao Deng was also on the stage, pressing down with his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then introduced the rules.

"To emphasize here, this is a real battle, the person in front of you is your enemy, and you can use any means to take them down.

But the premise is that you can't kill yourself, and you must follow the teacher's instructions at any time, and you will stop when you are told to stop, understand?"

the two nodded silently.

"Okay, the battle begins!" As

Lao Deng gave an order, the scene suddenly boiled.

"Su Ming, Su Ming, the king is coming!" "

Dry, dry, dry!" The

audience was noisy and enthusiastic, and the same was true on the stage.

Both of them have awakened the true meaning of the explosion, although it is the first stage, they are already presentable.

Su Ming took the lead in attacking, and his starting hand was a powerful punch, enveloping the red mangs like a meteorite in the sky, heading straight for Gu Yang.

Gu Yang was not false at all, and his backhand was also a punch.

His current combat power is 2600, and Su Ming only has 2000, so it is relatively impossible to lose head-on.


two fists faced each other, Su Ming immediately snorted, and the huge force poured from the fist to the chest, squeezing it so much that he almost couldn't breathe.


snapped up, followed by another punch.

The moment Gu Yang caught it with his punch, he saw the pace change under his feet, his waist twisted, and his empty elbow whistling from the other side, tricky and ruthless, which showed that he had rich experience in fighting.

Gu Yang was not practicing in vain all morning, his eyes were fixed, and while arching back to dodge, he raised his right foot, hit his elbow, and directly kicked Su Ming away.

Su Ming kicked with the force under his feet, and another punch came out, entangled with Gu Yang.

The two of them made extremely fast moves, their fists were full of punches, and the adrenaline was rushing, and the audience in the stands were all fascinated by it!

Suddenly, Su Ming mobilized the true intention of his whole body, and the red light boiled like substance, wrapping his fist.

"Scorching Sun Fist!" The

fist broke through the air, and the heat wave hit his face like a fierce sun!

"The true intention martial art has appeared, and it is time to move the real character!"

"It is worthy of Su Ming, the shot is the true intention martial art, and this power is afraid that it will melt people directly!"

"Su Ming's classmate is extremely talented, and this kind of martial art is just a hand-to-hand skill for him. The

students were talking.

The worker next to him pursed his mouth, "How can there be any talent, it's just good to enjoy the shade under the big tree." On

the stage, Gu Yang also moved.

"Open the sky!"

With a low shout, he drew a semicircle forward under his feet, and the moment he stood still, his palms came out together, and spiritual power burst out from his palms, bringing a gust of wind.

'Open Heaven' is an offensive martial art given to Gu Yang by Chu Yilei, which is divided into three stages, opening the sky, splitting the earth, and returning to the truth.

Because it is an ordinary martial art, the power is not as good as the true intention martial art, but it is more than enough to deal with Su Ming.


The fists and palms intersected, and the red mangs and the wind confronted violently, and the battle platform was shaken, and the dust on the surface rose in the air.

The next moment, a figure retreated rapidly, and staggered back several steps to the edge of the opposite platform before it could stop.

It was Su Ming.


audience was boiling, and anyone with a discerning eye could see the gap in martial arts between the two, and the true meaning martial arts were obviously higher than ordinary martial arts, and it was Su Ming who was defeated.

Retreating directly from the center of the battle table to the edge, the defeat was not even half a point.

"What's the matter, why is Gu Yang so strong, ordinary martial arts can retreat the true intention martial arts?"

"When did such a powerful character come out of the fifth middle school, no wonder Wan Qiang has disappeared recently. "

The staff are enthusiastic about it.

"Kid is good, do it!" Not

far from the battle platform, Lao Deng frowned, turned his head, and glanced at Meng Gang, "Old Meng, where do you come from Gu Yang?"

Meng Gang crossed his arms, and his mind was already thinking about the refining scene after the spirit bead was in his hand.

Hearing this, he said lightly: "What can be the way to come, the fifth middle school student, I thought you had already understood."

Lao Deng nodded, "I have understood, but what I have learned is different from what I see now."

Meng Gang glanced at him, "You don't want to regret it, I told you that I can record it."

The corners of Lao Deng's mouth twitched, "Who said I was going to regret it, you wait." "



Su Ming stopped his body and exhaled heavily, the punch just now was so powerful that it made him feel tight in his chest and short of breath, and he almost didn't come to his senses.

has also awakened the true intent of the explosion, and the mutant spirit seed is really a higher level.

Su Ming looked up at the breezy figure in front of him, and was very angry in his heart.

I can't even pass this level, what kind of Yanhuang University is I going to take in!


a buzzing sound, a long sword of about one meter appeared in Su Ming's hand, the blade was purple and black, and the sawtooth at the blade flickered, choosing people to devour

......!" The long sword made by Samsung Zhengang!".

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