Ten years ago, a flood inundated the villages of the human race.

The Soul Eater Egg took advantage of that opportunity to escape, and did not dare to stay in the human village, all the way east across the cliff forest, and came to the territory of the demon race.

After coming here, the eggs of Soul Eater allowed itself to evolve rapidly to its infancy through continuous parasitism.

Although it is a juvenile body, it still has the strength of a planetarium.

If converted into a cultivator system, it would probably be around the emperor level.

From the surface level to the planetary level in ten years, such a speed of progress has been called a myth.

Of course, it's incomparable with Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng urged the soul imprint, directly making the soul-eater's egg painful, and begging Cheng Feng to stop.

Of course the latter wouldn't let him go as simple as that.


Cheng Feng pulled up the Soul Eater, his figure flying out thousands of miles like lightning.

When no one was around, he threw the Soul Eater to the ground.

The Soul Eater at this time had completely lost its previous domineering appearance, and collapsed to the ground and twitched. The body has the limit to endure pain, but the soul does not.

This method of soul imprinting is a high-dimensional contract derived from the blood of the Soul Eater Dragon. Once it is set, even the Soul Eater itself cannot erase it.

"Please, please... forgive me..."

The Soul Eater said hoarsely.

"Longer memory," Cheng Feng said lightly.

When the voice fell, the sharp pain from the depths of the soul finally disappeared.

The Soul Eater fell to the ground limply, panting heavily, only thinking about the rest of his life.

Cheng Feng stepped forward and said, "I didn't expect that I would come here to do my best. Are you not afraid that the Protoss will trouble you?"


The Soul Eater gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Cheng Feng frowned, his voice getting colder: "It looks like you seem to be unconvinced?"

"Hmph," the Soul Eater gritted his teeth: "I am a high-dimensional creature, and I am born above you low-dimensional insects. If you give me time to grow, one day even this world can be swallowed! If not ten years ago How can you end up in such a field if you are secretly calculated?"

Cheng Feng knelt down and said lightly: "I am very reasonable. Since you are not convinced, why not let us fight?"


Soul Eater was speechless again.

Ten years ago, he was just a small bug, not Cheng Feng's opponent at all.

Ten years later, he got an evolution, but he is still not Cheng Feng's opponent...

In its view, as long as he has enough time to evolve, he can surpass Cheng Feng one day, as long as he doesn't have the damn soul mark...

However, this thought was pure nonsense in Cheng Feng's view.

I give you time to catch up until you can't see your back.

Time cannot bring us closer, it will only get farther and farther.


Cheng Feng raised his hand with a punch and directly knocked the Soul Eater away hundreds of miles away.


The Soul Eater vomited blood, horrified.


Cheng Feng's figure flashed, appeared in front of the Soul Eater again, and punched again.

Continuous punches!

Boom boom boom -

Countless fists rained down on the soul eater, smashing the latter's originally feminine body into a ball of mud. Cheng Feng didn't seem to have any plans to keep his hands, every punch smashed the vitals around the soul eater.

In front of Cheng Feng, the Soul Eater had no power to fight back at all.


The Soul Eater rolled his eyes and passed out.


ten minutes later.

The Soul Eater opened his eyes and stood up abruptly, gasping for breath.

Rebirth from a drop of blood.

Even if there is only a drop of blood, it can be reborn.

In other words, no matter how severe the injury is, it doesn't make sense to it.

However, the terror suppressing power that Cheng Feng showed just now left a deep impression on it.

so horrible……

Was that man this strong ten years ago?

In just ten years, can mankind have such a terrifying degree of progress? Is this too ridiculous, right?

"Do you feel better now?"

Cheng Feng's voice came abruptly.


The Soul Eater exclaimed, staggering back again and again, his face full of horror.

"Regardless of absolute power, strategy or evolution, you are under me. From the very beginning, there is no possibility of surpassing me. What about giving you time to catch up? One day, you will not even be able to see my back."

Cheng Feng condescendingly said: "Even if there is no soul contract, I will still be above you, understand?"


Soul Eater said incomparably contradictory.

The pride derived from blood tells it that being a high-dimensional creature does not need to care about such low-dimensional bugs.

But everything that just happened actually denied this.

How could there be such an outrageous existence in the world?

"What have you done in the past ten years? Tell me."

Cheng Feng said lightly.

Although Soul Eater was unwilling, he could only explain it honestly.

In the past ten years, it hasn't done anything remarkable, just hiding in the territory of the demon clan and evolving itself to improve its strength.

In the process of ingesting the genes, he was accidentally discovered by the Yaozu.

Originally thought that they would fight, but for some reason they were regarded as demon lords by those demon races. Taking into account the convenience, the Soul Eater also became their demon lords.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in listening to this."

Cheng Feng waved his hand impatiently: "I didn't plan to do anything to you this time. You can continue to live on this land, as long as you do something for me and then keep the bottom line."


The Soul Eater was stunned for a moment: "You won't kill me?"


Cheng Feng was also stunned: "Why should I kill you? Are you a threat to me?"

Soul Eater: "..."

If you think about it, it doesn't seem to be true.

The memory passed down in the bloodline, since ancient times, their Soul Eater clan has been the mortal enemy of all living beings and all realms. Everyone kills them quickly.

But Cheng Feng first signed an irresistible soul contract with it, and then demonstrated all-round crushing strength.

He is really not threatening to him.

But... how do you put it?

It just feels very uncomfortable.

"Do you have a say in Yaozu?"

Cheng Feng asked.

"That's right." The Soul Eater thought for a while, and said: "The demon Lord has no actual power, but the leaders of the four major tribes in charge of the demon race are all my disciples, so my words look at the entire demon race, almost no one Dare to object."

"Four tribes?"


Unlike the human race and the demons, the population of the demons is very large.

The population of each of their tribes is more than the human race and the demons combined, and there are a total of four such tribes.

They are rain tribe, wind tribe, stone tribe, and feather tribe.

The leaders of the four tribes are all disciples of Soul Eater, respecting him as a teacher, so they have the title of Demon Venerable. The Soul Eater itself does not hold power, but its position is supreme in the entire Yaozu.

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