"This thing is very important. It can't fall into the hands of the Protoss anymore. But with my strength, it can't be completely destroyed..."

Sui Yin said in a deep voice: "However, as long as the two pieces of jade are separated, the Protoss will not be able to search for the location of this piece of jade, and will not find it. Mo Lan, I hope I can give this piece of jade to you. Keep it safe."


Mo Lan was puzzled, "Why me?"

"I believe you can do it, can you?"


Mo Lan was lost in thought.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced at Winnie who was aside, and said with a heavy head: "Okay, then leave it to me!"


"It's time to go back."

Little Green said suddenly.

Cheng Feng froze for a moment, Xiao Lu immediately explained that with Cheng Feng's current soul strength, it is the limit to be able to maintain the projection for such a long time.

"It's a pity that I can't see the last moments of Su Yin's life."

Cheng Feng sighed regretfully.

He glanced at Su Yin one last time, and followed Xiao Lu back to the bottom of the pit.

There is nothing here, only Cheng Feng's ontology that has turned into a tree.

Cheng Feng circled the tree and said helplessly: "But, how can I get out of here? I won't have to spend the rest of my life here, right?"

"Do you want to leave? It's actually good to be a tree." Xiaolu said.

"Where is it good?"

"There is no dispute in the world, and it will last forever."

Xiaolu opened her slender arms, as if embracing the world, "As long as you live long enough and watch enough, you will know that everything is nothingness, and only self-eternity is the truth."

"What's the point of eternity where no one is standing by your side?"

Cheng Feng shook his head.

"So you haven't lived long enough, and you haven't watched enough." Xiaolu smiled and said, "You came from the lower reaches of the long river of time. You must do something to do something. Am I right?"


Cheng Feng was surprised.

However, it is reasonable to think about it carefully. After all, he travels through the turbulence of time and space, relying on the key.

And Little Green can deprive and grant the key use authority at will, and even has almost omniscient and omnipotent power to this world.

It is also natural to know the origin of Cheng Feng.

"Do I really want to be a tree for the rest of my life?" Cheng Feng said unwillingly.

"Of course not."

Little Green said: "As long as you, like me, have mastered the truth of this world, you can move freely from the body and use the projection situation. In your terms...probably it is a constant star."

Cheng Feng frowned slightly.

Reach the constant star level, you can move freely in the form of projection.

It's simple to say, but it's not simple at all.

After all, that is a constant star.

"Think for the better." Xiaolu smiled: "You and I are one, even if you can only move freely in the form of projection in the future, it is much stronger than the ordinary constant star. As long as you reach that state, you will understand I said."

"How long does it take?"

"Come slowly, the time it takes for everyone to be promoted to a permanent star is different, not only the increase in dark energy, but also the perception of the laws of heaven and earth. One hundred, two hundred, one thousand, two thousand years possible."

After being integrated with the original sacred tree, Cheng Feng had eternal life.

For him, the millennium years are just a flash.

In the long years of time, Cheng Feng only needs to calm down to realize his feelings, and slowly promote himself to a constant star to be free again.

Cheng Feng tried it. With his current state, he couldn't even use special skills.

Immediately he could only sigh, and said helplessly: "Since this is the only way... then let's start."

He closed his eyes and the projection dissipated.

In an instant.

Cheng Feng's consciousness returned to the original sacred tree.

"Come on, let me show you the truth of this world..."

Little Green said.

After the voice fell, Cheng Feng plunged into darkness for a short time.

And soon, the surrounding darkness will light up the starting point and light, shining like stars, just like countless fireflies flying in the woods at night.

One of the stars slowly drifted in front of Cheng Feng, illuminating the darkness around him.

"here is?"

Cheng Feng's face was surprised.

"This is the high-dimensional world." Xiaolu said: "Every star is a brand new world, and the star in front of you is the world where the original continent is located."

At the same time as the voice fell, the star quickly magnified in front of Cheng Feng. To be precise, Cheng Feng's consciousness should have entered this star.

A magnificent and magnificent picture of the Zhuangshi unfolded in front of Cheng Feng.

On the rich land, countless races live in harmony.

In the center of the world, the primordial tree stands on the ground, and the unfolding branches and leaves form the sky.


In other words, she is the world itself, the embodiment of the will of the world.

time flies.

In the vast sea of ​​high-dimensional stars, a meteor like a spaceship flew towards the primitive continent.

"That is the Protoss?" Cheng Feng asked.


"Why did they come to the primitive continent?"

This is also something Cheng Feng always wondered.

The Protoss has a level of technology and technology that far exceeds that of the primitive continent, but they have come to this world like fleeing famine, and have stopped and hibernated all the time.

Xiaolu said: "Because the world they were in is destroyed."

"Destroy?" Cheng Feng puzzled: "Will the world also be destroyed?"

Little Green nodded: "There are countless high-dimensional monsters in the high-dimensional star sea, and among the countless high-dimensional monsters, there is a special existence that threatens all high-dimensional worlds all the time."

"Its name: Devourer of All Things."

The Devourer of Everything is a special monster that lives in the high-dimensional star sea. It does not need to be attached to the high-dimensional world, but instead feeds on the world.

They are unorganized and undisciplined, running wildly among the high-dimensional stars, destroying how many high-dimensional worlds.

The original world of the Protoss was also destroyed by this high-dimensional monster called "The Devourer of All Things".

After losing the world of dependence, the Protoss wandered in the high-dimensional star sea.

Finally arrived at this world called Primordial Continent.

Cheng Feng was even more puzzled: "You took in those protoss, but why did those protoss avenge you and split you?"

Xiaolu said: "You made a mistake, I am still me, and will not cease to be me because the dimensionality is reduced. Moreover, after the dimensionality is reduced, the Devourer of Everything will not be able to come into this world."

"At the cost of reducing the dimensionality, it avoids the attacks of the devourers."

"This is the consensus reached between me and the wanderers."

Cheng Feng understood.

Although Xiaolu's power is very powerful, she still can't fight the Devourer. Therefore, we can only reach a consensus with the wanderers from outside, and at the same time accept them, reduce one's own dimension, in order to avoid hunting by the devourers of all things.

Following Xiao Lv's words, the picture in front of Cheng Feng's eyes changed.

Protoss came to the original sacred tree, and the two sides reached a consensus.

The primitive sacred tree took in the Protoss.

The Protoss uses the technology they have mastered to split the world into two parts, the Star Territory Universe and the Primitive Continent, to reduce the dimensions and avoid the devourers of all things.

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