Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 394: [Crimson Heaven]

Orshaga and Khorne have been fighting for a long time in the depths of the warp.

With their battle location, they kept moving deeper.

Countless energy tides are surging in the warp.

Cover them both.

By this point, most existences can no longer observe the behavior of the two.

Only the most powerful group of beings can continue to watch everything.

Slowly, their battles have spread to the rest of the timeline with vast tides of energy.


ancient times.

In the sky, bursts of iridescent light flashed.

The savages who were sitting next to the bonfire and roasting mammoth meat suddenly felt that there was something in their minds, and inexplicably learned some information.

Nothing in the world, including time, is eternal.

It may be due to some external factors, or it may be due to its own spontaneous changes.

All kinds of reasons, and so on.

Among these changes due to various factors, there are both good and bad.

And these changes can also be called [transformation]!

It means to shed the old level and grow and change towards the new field.

It mainly has two directions.

To the extreme [distortion] and to the perfect and comprehensive [evolution].

However, no matter what kind of [transformation], it is dominated by a great existence.

That existence is called the [Lord of Transformation], and it is the god who causes things to undergo [transformation].

He loves all kinds of [transformation], and even for this reason, he will continue to bring down all kinds of suffering, give all living beings to temper, and provide the driving force for their growth, thus forcing them to undergo [transformation].


[The Lord of Transformation] can also be honored as the [God of Suffering], [the source of the growth of all things]...

After understanding a lot of information.

The savages in the ancient times began to shout the great name of the [Lord of Transformation], and prayed frantically, hoping that they could [transform] to become stronger!

At this time.

The believers of [God of War], [King of Battle]... heard this prayer.

Immediately reprimand the opponent as a heretic.

As a result, the two sides began to argue and fight fiercely.

Then came round after round of fighting.

Past, present, Future……

In countless places, there are disputes about the [Lord of Transformation - Orshaga] and the [God of Slaughter - Khorne].

In this way, the battle between the two continued for a while.

As if tired of the boring fight between the two of them.

Or simply because they interrupted the fun.

Or maybe it's because I'm too busy and just want to join in the fun.

A fat and bloated green-skinned fat boy and a blue twisted harpy, ignoring the chaotic energy tide around them, appeared not far away.

The green guy is the owner of the twin gods [God of Corruption and Plague] and [God of Life and Vitality] [Nurgle].

The blue one is Tzeentch, the owner of the twin godheads [God of Stupidity and Greed] and [God of Wisdom and Knowledge].

Obscure syllables, uttered from their mouths.

Ordinary people only need to listen to one or two syllables, and they will be completely corrupted and turned into madmen.

But for Olshaga and Khorne? Not at all.

After the two of them heard the voice? The mutual attacks began to stop, and they turned to look at the two.

Four powerful beings? A communication unknown to outsiders begins.

Countless messages? Passing between them...

Warp creatures watching from a distance, facing this situation? They are all curious.

They tried to find out what they were doing, but to no avail.

Just know? A day later? As the conversation between the four ended, they dispersed.

[Warp Space] This chaotic place has also ushered in in the true sense, its fourth [Chaos God].

[Lord of Transformation - Olsaka].


With the will of Olshaga, a vast [Warp] area began to transform.

He intends to make his own territory.

Not that he was special.

Every [Chaos God]? Even ordinary [Warp Creatures] can shape their own territory in the [Warp].

[Khorne] has the [Ladder Fortress] full of slaughter, [Nurgle] ​​has the [Nurgle Garden] full of pus and plague, and [Tzeentch] has the [Crystal Labyrinth] that connects countless places.

These territories are similar to [Divine Kingdom], but they are different.

The same point is that everything in it cannot be concealed from its owner? And its owner has the highest authority in it.

The difference is that these territories are not at all the weakness of their masters.

Even if it is destroyed? It doesn't affect anything, it doesn't get in the way at all.

The [God of Chaos] in [Warp] is more like a kind of [conceptual god], not a god in the conventional sense.

The so-called believers and beliefs? In fact, for them, it is just a icing on the cake? Yes or no, it doesn't really get in the way.

Take Olshaga himself.

As long as there are living beings in this plane that are suffering and being tempered, and things are growing and transforming, then he has a source of power and will never die, at most it will be weakened and sealed.


Other existences, whether they hate themselves or respect themselves, are actually completely out of the way.

Therefore, the [Gods of Chaos] are also extraordinarily freeing themselves, all relying on their preferences to do things.

One by one, I do what I want to do!

Mortal thoughts?

Climb for Grandpa!

In addition, when ascending the [Divine Throne], through the blessing of the godhead.

Olshaga's understanding of this plane has also been further improved.

For example: This is a relatively [idealistic] plane.

Although the rules of physics are still the same thing, they can only be subservient to things like [metaphysics] that are unclear.

This means that science will not work well at some point, and you have to do some metaphysics.

Now, with Olshaga's thoughts, a huge [Warp] area has been circled.

With Orshaga's thoughts, solid barriers and land began to be generated automatically, isolating this place from the outside world.

The vast land, the most central place.

A huge mountain peak, in the violent vibration, quickly rose from the ground.

Its height and size are beyond the common sense of physics.

Take the altitude as an example, if you convert it into distance, you can probably reach Andromeda directly from the earth.

With the appearance of mountain peaks and land, countless bloody waters also emerged in the surrounding area, forming a vast sea of ​​blood on the edge of Olshaga's territory.

In the sky, there are countless galaxy maps that reflect the physical universe, and the blood-colored brilliance is automatically released from it.

Then, there are various plants.

For their situation, Orshaga referred to the plants in his hometown [Bottomless Abyss], which are cold-resistant, heat-resistant, high-speed regeneration, strong toxins... Occasionally, they can even stand up to hunt their prey.

This made Olshaga feel very cordial and felt like coming home.

Looking at this world that was dyed red by the radiance of blood, he smiled and said, "From now on, this place will be called [Crimson Heaven]..."

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