Absurd deduction game

Chapter 1027 Girl: Sister, I have a bold idea

The nearby neighborhood is already the most prosperous area in Fengtou Town, and the streets are visibly clean.

Although not all of the wealthy business families built their residences here, the most powerful Zhao family built residences here and acquired the entire street's properties, which naturally boosted nearby businesses.

The street where the shops are located is a separate block. The people nearby seem to call it Beishi, and the residential area in front of them is located on the back of Beishi.

When night comes, lanterns light up at the door of every house, which looks much livelier than in remote places.

The young man pointed to the Qian family, which was not far from the Zhao family. It was located at the end of the street, enjoying the prosperity without being too high-profile.

Yu Xing walked out of the alley and took a look. The courtyard wall of Qian San's house was flat. Although it was not as good as that of a wealthy family where you could see the eaves of the courtyard inside from the outside of the courtyard wall, the door was exquisite and he wanted to know the life of the owner. Condition is very good.

He actually passed by this place last night when he was doing trouble, and even noticed this courtyard, but because the person who lived in this house was not a wealthy businessman, he did not go in.

It turns out that the enemy is actually beside me.

During the observation period, two figures walking hand in hand came from the end of the street. One was a woman in green clothes with weak willow support, and the other was an old woman with white hair. The two walked quietly. When they passed by the red light of those lanterns, they looked pale. His face was like paper, and it was glowing with a green color that couldn't even be covered by the red light.

The old woman held a crutch in one hand and was supported by the woman in green clothes with the other hand, and she walked tremblingly past Yu Xing and the other three.

Yu Xing, Zhao Yijiu and the young man took a step back in unison to give the old woman enough space.

If you can see this strange combination at this time, it is obvious that the other party is not a human being. Along the way, similar ghosts can often be seen.

But the difference is...

These two ghosts exuded a hatred that was a hundred times stronger than those of the wandering souls. Just by walking by, fear penetrated into their minds due to the penetration of rules.

These two are not ordinary ghosts, but resentful souls on the same level as Xiao Magnolia!

Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu are not afraid of resentful spirits. The young man is an aborigine who has lived in Fengtou Town for many years. He is already used to seeing ghosts at night, including those with grievances. They have the same idea at this time——

Resentful souls are particularly easy to cause trouble. Don't come to us. It would be bad if they make a noise in front of Qian San's house and let Qian San notice it.

In silence, the old woman and the woman passed by quietly.

When passing the three of them, the old woman didn't even look at them, and the woman in green looked at her feet with a calm expression and said nothing.

Although the winding resentment was strong, it was not directed at them.

It seemed that the old man and the young man were just ordinary passing ghosts.

There is a chance that you will encounter a resentful spirit seeking your life while walking at night. It depends on your luck in Liangtou Town. Except for some new resentful spirits who are particularly energetic and want to kill everyone they see, those resentful spirits that have been wandering around the town for a long time will not hurt. I don't like seeing people alive, and I'm not interested in killing people every day.

Although the young man had no expression, he was relieved in his heart. However, before the breath could be completely exhaled, it was choked in his chest.

The angle slowly changes, and as the distance gets closer and further away, the backs of the old and the young are gradually exposed.

The clothes on the old woman's back were in tatters, revealing the bloody skin underneath, which seemed to have been caused by being whipped with a whip. However, the woman's clothes were much more terrifying and weird. There was actually a face behind her.

To be precise, there is a whole person.

Sewn on the woman's back is a girl who looks to be no more than eleven or twelve years old. Her appearance is about 70% similar to the woman's, but she is thin and small. She is back to back with the woman and can be completely covered by the woman when viewed from the front.

Only half of her body was split in half with her ears as the boundary. The part at the back of her head and back was embedded in the woman's body, while the front part protruded.

What's even worse is that this thin girl is still "alive".

The green face was covered with blood scabs, the frighteningly large eyes kept looking around, and the hair falling on both sides of the cheeks was damp and smelly, which was in sharp contrast to the neatly tidied woman in green.

If the old woman and the woman looked the same as living people from the front, except for their pale faces, the little girl behind the woman showed a strong look of resentment. The young man lowered his head urgently, hiding his face under the Under the disheveled hair, he didn't want to be seen by this little girl.

But Yu Xing was too high, and Zhao Yijiu did not hide. The two of them stood on the deserted street, with a strong sense of presence.

The little girl's eyes, which were constantly looking around, rolled and locked on the two of them in an instant, and a familiar locked malice enveloped them from top to bottom.

Yu Xing frowned.

He really didn't want to trigger other side missions now, nor did he want to engage in a simple killing battle. If the little girl screamed, they wouldn't be able to quietly sneak into Qian San's home and catch him off guard.

Qian San may not have enough evidence, but there must be contact information within their organization. If Qian San was given time to react and send the letter out, how could he quietly arrest the person?

His first reaction was to turn around and leave. No matter what the resentful ghost wanted to do, he would first move the battlefield and go somewhere else where he would be happy to accompany him.

Zhao Yijiu thought of these things at the same time. When he saw Yu Xing was about to leave, he secretly complained in his heart, "Why do I feel that Yu Xing has become unlucky?", and then he lifted his heels.

The young man who knew that he was not locked by the resentful spirit retreated again and had no intention of following him——

He didn't want to run. He could wait nearby until the fox demon and Inugami resolved this small episode before reuniting. There was no need to rush into the attack range of the resentful spirit.

As soon as they moved, the face of the little girl behind the woman suddenly changed. The malice on her face was horrifying, and she shouted like a madman:

"Sister, sister!"

Her shoulders to elbows were sewn shut, but her forearms could move freely. She slapped the woman's side with her hands while shouting.

A cold wind blew, and the old woman and the woman stopped at the same time.

The good news is that although the girl called her sister, her voice was very low for some reason.

The bad news is that the old woman and the woman who just ignored them slowly turned back at the same time, with a click, their necks twisted 180 degrees, and they stared straight at Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu.

Three times the evil came at the same time.

The young man who was almost affected by the incident no longer hesitated. He dragged his newly adapted legs and raised a piece of paper with one hand. With a gentle clattering sound, he "passed" back to the alley along the wall next to him. inside, hidden.

The three resentful ghosts paid no attention to the boy. The little girl grinned exaggeratedly, revealing a strange set of fangs. Her voice was still small: "Sister, the two eldest brothers are suave and tall. Please marry them." !”

Yu Xing: "?"

Zhao Yijiu: "..."

If their hearing wasn't more sensitive than ordinary people, they probably wouldn't be able to hear this sentence clearly.

But even after I heard it clearly, I felt even more that I didn't hear it clearly.

The woman in green clothes remained silent, but when she came over, she raised her gaze from the ground, her dark eyes calm and calm.

If the girl behind her shows everything, then she is the complete opposite. Whether it is appearance, expression, or the negative emotions that a ghost should have, they are all hidden under these eyes, making it unclear what she is thinking.

The girl was slapping her wildly again: "Sister, aren't they good? Marry them, don't marry Qian San!"

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