Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 115: The sea is infinite

After the light curtain dissipated, the first shot was Xiao Chen, who first threw out the blue light ball in his hand. Three inch room

The light ball flew violently while flying, and when it was halfway away from the other party, it had changed from the size of a baby's fist to the size of a house. It had covered all the eyes of the other four people. Keep Xiao Chen four behind. It was originally just flowing water, but at this time it turned into a rolling wave.

Xiao Chen threw out a sea.

This is not a magic, but a projection of his meditation world.

This method obviously exceeded the expectation of the other party. The four of the Duke of Stuart hurriedly changed the direction of the charge and dispersed to dodge around. However, the expansion of Xiao Chen's sea exceeded the limit of their dodge.

After a few seconds, it turned into a huge water mass, covering all four people. The four people in the empire were not unprepared. Duke Stuart was burning with flames, and Duke Weber was all around. A spherical light barrier is protecting, and Marcus and Cynthia are surrounded by dragon scales, and a light halo emerges from the dragon scales, which is the magic power of the golden dragon blood.

However, all of this dwarfs the projection of the sea comparable to the force of nature. Xiao Chen's sea turns into a vortex, and the turbulent current brings huge impulse. The four men stayed in it for less than ten seconds, got off the ground, and were rolled up.

Xiao Chen ’s sea is controlled by his mind, and the speed of movement is much faster in any real seawater in nature. The four people who leave the ground are pushed by the great force of the seawater into the undercurrent, which is difficult for Ma Yi to see with naked eyes. There was movement in the huge sea of ​​water.

The fluid's impulse and crushing pressure far exceed ordinary people's imagination. Stuart felt that he was pulled by a giant and pulled his arms around. In this case, seeing the direction was all hope, let alone make any effective counter-attack, what he can do Only use the grudge to resist the damage of the water flow, and then follow the flow, use the grudge to change your position a little bit, looking for opportunities to escape.

The situation of Marcus and Cynthia's father and daughter is even worse for the Duke of Stuart, because they have no grudge, only the dragon scale bodyguard, so it is difficult to make some moves in the water with grudge. Can only be washed very passively by the current, like a lone boat that loses its paddle and rudder.

The best of the four is the Duke Weber. He was wrapped in a shining ball and was not directly hit by the current, but this also prevented him from moving on the water.

In less than half a minute, the water projected by Xiao Chen became a real sea, covering the size of half the arena. The four enemies were quickly washed away in the water. They spread their hands and feet and were tumbling upside down, like a few starfish strayed into the ocean current.

Xiao Chen's companions were equally surprised that Xiao Chen controlled the other four masters with one hand.

Gabriel said: "I just heard about the combat ability of the Tower of Dreams meditation space. Now I have to admit that its effect is somewhat beyond my imagination."

Metatron said: "If it is to change me to the opposite side, maybe half of it may be able to break through this raging sea with the arms of God of War, but it will certainly cost me a lot of time and physical energy."


Ye Zidao said: "Senior, this method is too powerful. It turns out that the meditation world will become so powerful when it reaches the stage of a big magician."

"You will have it too. The great magician is a hurdle. Crossing here can really make things in the meditation world concrete in reality. I have seen groups of dreams in the pearl of memory. How do tower mage fight. That is really the coolest magic blockbuster is amazing! The scenes of countless dreams, no matter how weird, can appear in reality, and the enemies in it, like being trapped in reality Nightmare.

That's why it is said that the Tower of Dreams is free between illusion and reality. When I project the world, I even have a feeling that if I reach a higher state. It may be possible to capture the real world things directly into the meditation world. By that time, it was a bit fake and true. "

Ye Zi listened with a look on her face, she said: "If that time comes, such a mighty power will be on your shoulders."

Xiao Chen said: "That should be a long time ago. Let's solve these guys in front of us first."

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, and the turbulent and rolling sea began to condense ice crystals. These ice crystals gathered together and became larger and larger, becoming ice cones.

The imperial people who were tumbling in the sea were miserable. The sharp ice cones poked at them like a knife and a spear.

Stuart, Marcus and Cynthia had no way to deal with these ice cones and had to use their bodies to resist their blows, and soon they became scarred. Each ice cone may only leave a shallow wound on their body, but at any moment, the ice cone is pushed by the water to hit their body. If they can still make a sound, they will scream, this continuous injury can be tortured by torture.

Duke Webber's light barrier did not support for too long, and was soon pierced like a balloon. His own defensive strength is not as good as the previous three, so the damage caused by Binghai to others is still a bit bigger.

"Senior, are you going to solve the four of them alone?" Ye Zi asked.

"No, projecting such a large ocean is already very difficult for me. I can't hold on for too long. I'm just striking their condition, causing damage to them, and laying the foundation for the battle behind everyone. Victory still requires you to fight with them one by one to get it. Time is running out, everyone is ready to fight. "

Sure enough, after Xiao Chen said this, the tumbling ocean had a tendency to be somewhat calm, the speed of the Empire's movements had obviously slowed down, and the volume of the ocean had also slowed down. The ice cones that have been hurting them have also disappeared without a trace.

When the ocean dissipated to half, several masters of the empire broke free from the current and jumped out of the ocean.

But although they escaped control, they looked very embarrassed. Everybody seemed to be cut with dozens of knives, and blood kept seeping out. They hadn't gotten a foothold yet. Ye Zi and the two war angels rushed towards them.

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