A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

Chapter 50 Su Jianan’s Secret (1)

Su Jianan was too tired to talk, so she asked the chef to order a bowl of noodles for her. After taking a shower, she took a few bites, returned to the room and fell asleep.

She fell asleep before she could even close the door tightly. Lu Boyan walked in and closed the curtains for her, carefully pulled out the quilt from under her body and covered her.

She was particularly obedient today. She curled up and shrank into the quilt just like she did in her mother's womb. She wished she could shrink herself as small as possible and hide herself under the quilt. Then she would never move again, let alone kick the quilt. She was so well-behaved. A small animal.

Lu Boyan moved his hands several times, but in the end he still didn't reach out to touch her, turned around, and left quietly.

Just like she didn't know he was behind her this morning, Su Jianan didn't know he had been here.

During this sleep, Su Jianan didn't wake up until after 5 p.m., as if she had slept for a century. All her muscles and bones felt extremely relaxed. She stretched out and got up. Only then did she notice that the curtains were closed. , the room was extremely dark.

Did she close the curtains before going to bed?

At that time, her body seemed to have reached its limit. She didn't even know how she fell onto the bed, or whether the curtains were closed... let alone remember.

Maybe it's because there are too many details that need to be paid attention to at work, but in life, Su Jian'an doesn't get too entangled in these inconspicuous details. She changed her clothes and ran downstairs and walked straight into the kitchen.

Uncle Xu thought she was going to prepare dinner for Lu Boyan, so he said with a smile: "Young madam, you can take your time, the young master is still sleeping."

Su Jianan just smiled: "Uncle Xu, can you help me find a thermos bucket?"

Uncle Xu realized something, and the smile on his face froze for a second, but he still went to get a thermos bucket for Su Jianan.

Su Jianan quickly processed the ingredients on hand, first boiling two pots of soup, and then stir-frying.

After more than an hour of tossing, all the dishes were finally put on plates and two pots of soup were ready.

Su Jianan put the bone soup into a thermos bucket and brought other soup dishes to the restaurant with the servant.

Lu Boyan just woke up, and she smiled at him: "You can eat now."

Lu Boyan's mood was gloomy all day long. Su Jianan's smile was like a ray of sunshine shining into his heart, but he remained calm on his face. He just said "hmm" and walked over to sit down.

At this moment, Lu Boyan and Han Ruoxi had been lingering in the hotel for four hours, and Lu Boyan had promised to surprise her when he came back. Su Jianan had convinced herself to forget all about it, so she naturally served Lu Boyan a bowl of soup, and then immersed herself in eating. , swallowing hard.

Lu Boyan frowned: "Are you hungry?"

Su Jian'an suddenly raised her head: "You're only two!" After saying this, she realized that Lu Boyan was not scolding her. He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and lowered his head to eat, "No, I just have something to do later."

She suddenly felt full, put down the dishes, went to the kitchen, picked up the thermos bucket, and walked out. When she was getting the car keys, someone suddenly grabbed her hand from behind.

She turned around and it was Lu Boyan.

"Where are you going and you don't want to tell me?"

Lu Boyan's expression was very gloomy, so gloomy that he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry. His deep eyes seemed calm, but it made people feel like there was a fire burning behind his calmness.

Su Jianan felt a little unsure: "I want to go to the hospital."

"Going to see Jiang Shaokai?" Lu Boyan asked.

"Yes." Su Jianan nodded, "He should be awake."

Lu Boyan curled his lips. Before Su Jianan could tell whether he was mocking himself or smiling, the curve of his lips disappeared, and he let go of her hand.

"I am leaving."

Su Jianan took the car keys, went to the garage to pick up the SLK350 that she had driven before, and went straight to the hospital.

Jiang Shaokai woke up in the afternoon, and Luo Xiaoxi came over at some unknown time. The two of them were holding an iPad and playing fruit-cutting for two, and their fingers were slicing around on the screen as if they were possessed.

From the corner of her eye, Luo Xiaoxi noticed the thermos bucket in Su Jianan's hand and asked, "What good thing?"

"Bone soup."

Luo Xiaoxi's eyes shone, and as soon as her reaction was slow, she cut open a bomb. The whole screen burst into brilliant light. Jiang Shaokai won.

Jiang Shaokai moved his fingers: "Luo Xiaoxi, you will never be able to beat me in your life, right? Just like you will never be able to catch up with Su Yicheng."

Luo Xiaoxi glared at Jiang Shaokai, trying to poke his wound fiercely: "If you talk nonsense again, I will make your wound open!"

She opened Su Jianan's thermos bucket, and the fragrant aroma of soup rushed towards her. She moved her index fingers and ran to wash the dishes diligently.

Su Jianan sat on the nursing chair beside the bed and asked Jiang Shaokai, "How is it?"

"The anesthetic has worn off, it hurts." Jiang Shaokai looked pitiful.

Su Jianan said: "You can beat Luo Xiaoxi by cutting fruit, who believes it?"

Jiang Shaokai: "..."

Luo Xiaoxi washed two bowls and came out. After serving the soup, she gave it to Jiang Shaokai: "Don't say I'm not treating you badly."

"You're so kind to me, but you still want to grab some soup from me?"

"...I'm here to help you!" Luo Xiaoxi said confidently, "You can't finish such a big bucket."

Su Jianan didn't want to watch these two people playing tricks, so she went to look through Luo Xiaoxi's bag. Luo Xiaoxi did bring her mobile phone, but the phone was out of power and turned off automatically. She borrowed a charger from Jiang Shaokai to charge it, and then turned it on.

A dozen missed calls popped up, all from the same person.

Lu Boyan.

She looked at the time, and it happened to be yesterday morning after the news broke that he and Han Ruoxi had been entangled in the hotel for four hours.

It turned out that he called her. What did he want to say? Explain what happened between him and Han Ruoxi?

Luo Xiaoxi saw Su Jianan sitting there in a daze, and filled another bowl of soup: "Why are you so fascinated? Someone put millions on your card?"

Mr. Su Jianan put his cell phone to charge and diverted his attention: "Didn't you have an interview with the brokerage company at noon yesterday? What was the result?"

"Not so good?" Luo Xiaoxi sighed, "It's a small company, but the girls in the company are very beautiful. They pooled their money to buy two chanels of different colors. Whoever wants to accompany the boss will carry the bag."


"What I want is a stage where I can shine, not a rich boss." Luo Xiaoxi refused to eat meat for dinner, so she gave a meaty bone to Jiang Shaokai, "I want to make money by accompanying people to dinner." If so, I can just go and have dinner with my dad."

Luo Xiaoxi really made money by having dinner with her father. At that time, she was acting wild outside every day. The family sent several bodyguards to follow her, but she dumped them. In the end, her father froze all her cards and ordered Eat a meal with him every week and give her cash to spend, and let her know what a business occasion is.

Luo Xiaoxi is very obedient. She always dresses up voluptuously and sexy. She holds her father's arm affectionately at the dinner table, whether in front of customers or company employees. She speaks like a boss. Her father almost has a myocardial infarction because of her anger. , unfreeze all her cards and let her roll.

"Then what are you going to do?" Su Jianan asked.

"Wait, there must be a big company willing to sign me!"

Luo Xiaoxi smiled. Sometimes she didn't know where her confidence and confidence came from. She always stubbornly believed in something. For example, she believed that Su Yicheng would fall in love with her one day, just like she now believed that she could sign in. A big company is like stepping onto a big stage.

Jiang Shaokai said quietly: "Isn't the largest brokerage company in the country Lu's Media, a subsidiary of Lu's?"

Lu Media? Su Jianan sounded familiar.

Luo Xiaoxi couldn't stand Su Jianan's confused look and reminded her: "Your husband's company!"

Su Jianan finally reacted: "Shall I go back and ask him for you?"

"No!" Luo Xiaoxi refused with dignity, "It is said that the agents of Lu's Media are all very discerning, and they will come to me on their own!"

After speaking, Luo Xiaoxi took the bag and left.

She always comes and goes like the wind, and both Su Jianan and Jiang Shaokai are used to it. Jiang Shaokai motioned to Su Jianan: "Go and close the door. I have something to ask you."

Su Jianan did as he was told, and when he came back, he looked at Jiang Shaokai curiously: "Mysterious, what exactly do you want to ask?"

"The night before yesterday, why did you go to the crime scene so late?"

"I want to go back and look to see if there are any clues that we have missed. Didn't the professor tell us? Trust your intuition. When you hit a dead end, go back to where you were and start from the beginning. So I..."

"I know you work very hard." Jiang Shaokai suddenly interrupted Su Jian'an, "But I didn't know that you would still work so hard."

Su Jianan was stunned: "What do you want to say?"

"The day before yesterday, you forced yourself to work all day long. You were doing analysis even during lunch. You refused to get off work at night and ran to the crime scene in the middle of the night..." Jiang Shaokai stared into Su Jianan's eyes, "I have known you for seven years. Years have passed and I know you better. Do you dare to say that you are not using work to numb your brain and prevent yourself from thinking about other things? "

Su Jian'an made an empty place in her heart to bury these thoughts. Jiang Shaokai's words were like a shovel, digging out her secrets from her heart and drying them in front of them.

Jiang Shaokai dropped the last bombshell: "Do you think you concealed it well? In fact, everyone in the office saw it, so we didn't dare to mention the matter of Lu Boyan and Han Ruoxi."

Su Jianan lowered her eyelids: "Then I should thank you."

If they came to her gossiping and asked her if Lu Boyan and Han Ruoxi were really in bed, she would probably collapse.

"Jian An, let's start from the beginning." Jiang Shaokai sat up and said, "When I graduated from college, Luo Xiaoxi and I asked you, as a joke, if you had someone you liked even though so many people were chasing you but you refused to fall in love. You were silent, and we took it as acquiescence, but you didn't want to tell us who that person was.

"A few months ago, you suddenly said that you wanted to marry Lu Boyan. You also said that you two had no feelings. You only married him for safety and not to worry your brother. You also said that he and Han Ruoxi were the real ones. Yes, you will be divorced in two years.

"I almost believed that you really had no feelings for Lu Boyan, but after you married him, your mood was completely controlled by him. That night you didn't go back after working overtime, and he came to see you in the morning. You pursed your lips and smiled all day long. Yesterday, he and Han Ruoxi suddenly had another scandal, so you forced yourself to work, trying like a crazy person to make yourself look normal.

"Jian An, you're not in love with someone else. The person you've liked for so many years...is simply Lu Boyan, right?"

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