A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 801 Becoming a Demon

The Babaotuo Dragon Spear, which had disappeared for hundreds of years, appeared in Phoenix Mountain on Hong Kong Island. This was an unexpected surprise.

As for the temple Fernan mentioned, Lu Fei also inspected the original site and confirmed that there was no underground palace.

Lu Fei judged that Fernan was not necessarily talking about a temple, but more likely Wu Mu Temple.

The person who built Wumu Temple to worship Yue Wumu was probably Zhang Xingzu, the treasured spear general who fled here.

Now that the treasure gun is in hand, it still needs to be repaired.

Lu Fei has no shortage of eight gems.

The rivets connecting the gun barrel and the gun seedling were not a problem for Lu Fei.

The most time-consuming thing is cleaning the rust on the gun barrel.

The barrel of the Babaotuo Dragon Spear is densely covered with dragon scale patterns and coiled dragon patterns.

It is a delicate job to clean up the rust in the texture without damaging the patina.

On the other side, Liu Jianhua and Kong Fanlong broke up on bad terms.

After leaving Wang's house and returning to the car, Liu Jianhua's face was extremely gloomy.

"Mr. Gucheng, you guessed it right, the old man doesn't agree to let me go."

"Oh shit!"

"If an old guy who doesn't know how to appreciate others has to embarrass himself in front of others, I will help him." Liu Jianhua said sternly.

Gu Cheng Qingtian looked out the window and sighed.

"It is inevitable that Kong Fanlong will make a fool of himself in public."

"But I'm worried that if Kong Fanlong loses the treasure fight and loses face, we won't be able to shake his status in China."

"Unless Kong Fanlong is overthrown, it will be difficult for Junyi, Sisi and the others to get ahead!"


"Gucheng, what do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that if Kong Fanlong makes a fool of himself in public and loses his prestige, you can find a way to make him take the blame and resign?"

"What do you mean by saying that now?" Liu Jianhua asked displeasedly.

"Mr. Liu, don't be anxious yet."

"Kong Fanlong will definitely lose his prestige if he loses the treasure fight."

"I know

Use various means to put pressure on him and make him take the blame and resign. "

"This is not difficult."

"But as far as I know, Kong Fanlong is currently selecting a successor among his five apprentices."

"Kong Fanlong resigned, and his apprentice took over. Kong Fanlong is still the emperor of China's archaeological community. We also failed to achieve our goals."

"Based on the current situation, there is a high probability that Kong Fanlong will hand over the position of general advisor to his third apprentice Guan Haishan."

"That man Guan Haishan is just like Kong Fanlong. He is conscientious in his work, does not rub sand in his eyes, and is loyal to Kong Fanlong."

"If Guan Haishan takes over as general counsel, I estimate it will be more difficult than when Kong Fanlong is in office."

"That's what worries me the most."

Liu Jianhua was also dumbfounded by Gucheng Qingtian's analysis.

"What should we do?"

"So, I risked the disapproval of the world and went against the entire Chinese collecting community, but ended up trying to draw water from a bamboo basket to achieve nothing?"

"Gucheng, please think of a way. We have invested so much and got nothing. I am not willing to accept it!"

"Sisi Jinxuan is my child, and Furuichi Junichi is also your only son!"

"Can you just have the heart to let them go and let them never get ahead?" Liu Jianhua said excitedly.

Gu Cheng Qingtian gritted his teeth and said.

"We are still too kind."

"Before, our goal was to target Kong Fanlong alone. Now it seems that our starting point has deviated."

"It won't work against him alone."

"It's not enough to lose the treasure fight and damage Kong Fanlong's interests and reputation. Kong Fanlong probably doesn't care."

"We should bundle the interests of the people around Kong Fanlong together, so that everyone will be prosperous and everyone will suffer losses."

"In this way, if Kong Fanlong loses the treasure fight, the people around him will also lose huge benefits."

"When the time comes, they don't need us to step forward, and they will become dog-eating-dog chaos internally."

"By then, it will not only be Kong Fanlong who loses his face."

"Even his lineage of the Kong family will completely lose its prestige in China."

"In that case, if Kong Fanlong wants to hand over the position to his own people, those who will lose their interests will not agree."

"This is our opportunity!" Gu Cheng Qingtian said. .??.??

Liu Jianhua thought for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Gucheng, what you said makes sense."

"But there are still five days until the treasure fight. How can we do it in such a short time?"

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, I have already thought about this just now."

"We can do this"

There are still four days until the treasure fighting conference.

In the early morning of this morning, Kong Fanlong's family and friends, the big boss in China's archaeological collection world, explained their work and gathered in Tiandu to prepare for the trip to Hong Kong Island.

Just when people were getting ready to set off, at eight o'clock in the morning, the official website of the Dou Bao Conference issued another announcement.

Liu Jianhua proposed to change one of the rules of Dou Bao.

There used to be a rule that in each round of treasure fighting, the winner or loser would be determined based on the market value of the treasures of both parties.

The losing party will not only lose the treasure, but also pay the difference in cash to the other party.

If one party cannot afford the compensation, that party will be deemed to have lost the entire battle.

But now it is discovered that this rule has a huge loophole.

If one party cannot afford the compensation and the Baobao Conference ends midway, it will be a huge loss for the organizer, the TV rights owner, and all the viewers.

Therefore, Liu Jianhua proposed a fifteen-game treasure battle, regardless of winning or losing, it is recommended to go to the end.

As for compensation

If you cannot cope with the price difference personally, you can seek sponsorship support.

Liu Jianhua believed that Mr. Kong was well-connected and had enough prestige, so it would be no problem to get some sponsorship.

On Liu Jianhua's side, the three major electrical appliance dealers in the island country, five well-known enterprises in Hong Kong Island and the Liu family jointly raised 50 billion Shenzhou coins as insurance compensation, and handed it over to HSBC Bank in Hong Kong Island to execute it on his behalf.

At that time, the HSBC financial team will visit the Doubao Conference venue.

At the end of each game, if Liu Jianhua's side loses, the HSBC financial team will immediately liquidate the situation and pay the compensation in the form of cash check or transfer.

As for the final details of the announcement, Mr. Kong Fanlong is kindly requested to reply as soon as possible.

Seeing this announcement, the group of relatives and friends who were preparing to leave in Tianducheng immediately exploded.

"Your uncle's!"

"This old bastard Liu Jianhua is so inhumane."

"There are four days until the treasure fight, and this old kid is still acting like a monster."

"Damn it!"



"You're fucking forcing me to have a baby!"

"At this juncture, can Mr. Kong refuse to agree?"

"If you don't agree, it will be embarrassing. If you agree, where can you get sponsorship in such a short time?"

"This old kid is so disgusting."

"Why don't you fucking die!"

Guan Haishan gritted his teeth, tears rimmed his eyes, and he almost cried.

Guan Haishanxin said, my master is too difficult.

A hundred-year-old man is still led by the old beast Liu Jianhua.

Although the old man didn't say anything, everyone knew that the old man might be feeling aggrieved.

Liu Jianhua, you old brat, you will definitely get retribution.


You don't deserve to die!

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