A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 47 He can’t die yet

Zhao Wu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but Lu Fei's surprises continued.

Lu Fei squatted in front of Zhu Gui, picked up the high-power magnifying glass hanging around Zhu Gui's neck, pointed it at the groove where the jade grasshopper fell, and said.

"Half-hearted, you just valued this grasshopper cage at one million, now open your eyes and read the two words in it to everyone, and then give me a new quote."

There was another chaos among the onlookers.

"What? There are still words in it?"

"Could it be the name of the owner of the grasshopper cage?"

"Old man, hurry up and read it, we can't wait any longer."

Not to mention the onlookers, even Zheng Zhiwei, Zhao Wu and Zhu Gui were stunned for a while.

When Zheng Zhiwei broke the jade grasshopper, he looked at the grooves inside and found no words inside.

Zhao Wu and Zhu Gui carefully inspected the damage and found no writing on it.

Now as soon as Lu Fei said something, Zhu Gui immediately became energetic again. He grabbed the magnifying glass and looked at it carefully for a long time and said with a bitter smile.

"Sir, I have already given up. Why do you still entertain me? There are no words in it!"

Lu Fei shook his head and said helplessly.

"To say that you're half-hearted is to praise you. It's a miracle that you have such discernment that you haven't noticed until now."

Lu Fei changed the angle of the grasshopper cage and let Zhu Gui watch it again under the backlight.

Zhu Gui doubtfully took a magnifying glass and took another look. Suddenly, Zhu Gui's expression froze, his mouth opened to the extreme, and his eyes almost popped out, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing.

As expected, there are two traditional Chinese characters on the 90-degree corner inside the groove. The ink used for these two characters is exactly the same as the color of the wood. There is just a very slight bulge. It would not be noticeable unless it is backlit.

However, Lu Fei had never used a magnifying glass before, but Lu Fei could actually see the two words in it. This requires incredible eyesight to do this.

At this moment, Zhu Gui felt relieved. He was not ashamed to lose to such a perverted and evil boy.

Zhu Gui stood up and respectfully

He bowed respectfully to Lu Fei and said.

"Sir, you are the god of the world. I am not as valuable as one ten thousandth, so I am convinced to lose."

Lu Fei said with a grin.

"Stop fucking giving me a high hat and quickly tell everyone what the two words in it read. Everyone is waiting."

Zhu Gui nodded frequently, looking much more respectful than when Liang Guanxing was about to become his disciple.


Zhu Gui cleared his throat and said loudly.

"This gentleman is right. There are indeed words in the groove. These two traditional Chinese characters are personal names. I think he must be the owner of this grasshopper cage."

"Old man, stop talking nonsense and tell me what those two words are?" the onlookers shouted impatiently.

"Okay, those two traditional Chinese characters are called Han Qing. There is no doubt that the owner of this ivory grasshopper cage should be Young Marshal Zhang Xueliang."


"Zhang Xueliang and Zhang Hanqing, it turns out they are the young marshal's grasshopper cage!"

"Yes, it's absolutely not wrong. The young commander is rich and loves to play. It's not surprising at all to use ivory to build a grasshopper cage."

"Let me go, how much is the young marshal's ivory grasshopper cage worth?"

The onlookers were chatting with each other, with four words written on everyone's face: "envy and jealousy."

If I had known that this grasshopper cage was such a big deal, I should have paid for it for the delivery boy!

I really regret it.

There were several rich women and small business owners present who couldn't help but started bidding.

"Handsome guy, sell me this grasshopper cage. I'll pay you one million."


"It was worth one million just now, and now it's confirmed that it belongs to the young marshal. If you still offer one million, why don't you also order Bilian?"

Handsome guy, don't listen to that bitch, I'll pay you 1.5 million. "

"I'll pay one hundred and eighty."

"I'll pay two hundred."

After several offers, the introduction of the Grasshopper Cage exceeded 2 million.

Lu Fei came to Zhao Wu with a smile and said.

"You fat pig, did you see that when something I bought for 50,000 yuan was resold, someone offered me 2 million? I made a net profit of at least 1.95 million. Are you envious?"

"Hehe, but there's no point in being envious, this is strength."

"How many years can you save 1.95 million by earning a dead salary? Is it ten years, twenty years, or a lifetime?"

"Fight with me, who the hell are you?"

Lu Fei's sarcasm made Zhao Wu so angry that black stars appeared in his eyes, and his throat became so sweet that he almost spurted out blood after a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly Zhao Wu jumped up from the ground and shouted.

"Trash collector, don't be rude. I'm telling you, I won't sell this grasshopper cage anymore. I'll refund you 50,000 yuan and get out of here."

Zhao Wu's shameless remarks drew boos.

Lu Fei said pretending to be angry.

"You fat pig, are you still shameless?"

"Don't forget, we signed a contract."

Zhao Wu laughed loudly.

"Why don't I lose face?"

"It doesn't matter if you sign the contract, the worst I can do is refund you double the liquidated damages. If I refund you 100,000 yuan, I will still make a lot of money."

At this time Lu Fei laughed again.

"Zhao Wu, it's not unfair to call you a fat pig. You just have a fucking pig brain."

"Please read the contract carefully. How many times the liquidated damages are?"

Zhao Wu was stunned when he heard this and waved to the manager to bring over the contract.

The manager looked so grim that he almost cried.

"Mr. Zhao, there's no need to read.

Lu Fei asked me to change the liquidated damages. If you unilaterally breach the contract, you will compensate Lu Fei one hundred thousand times, which is five billion. "


Zhao Wu could no longer control his blood and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Lu Fei, I love you."

Before Zhao Wu could finish his words, he rolled his eyes and fainted. This was really a mess.

The manager and waiter of Yulondang quickly pinched the person and slapped him on the back to rescue him. In the end, even though he had to use artificial respiration, Zhao Wu still didn't wake up.

Li Minghao and Han Zhiyu almost wet their pants, and the crowd was also in commotion.

"Damn, you're not going to be so angry."

"Damn it, this shameless guy who goes back on his word deserves to be angry to death."


Lu Fei went over and pushed away those who were rescuing Zhao Wu, and slapped him hard on the Baihui point.

After a slap, Zhao Wu miraculously woke up.

Yulondang's manager and waiter thanked Lu Fei repeatedly. Thanks to Lu Fei's rescue, if Zhao Wu really died here, none of them would have anything to do with it.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"You're welcome, Zhao Wu can't die, I have to save him."

The manager burst into tears of gratitude and bowed to Lu Fei again and again.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for helping us regardless of past suspicions. On behalf of all the employees of Yulondang, I sincerely thank you."

Lu Fei said with a cold smile.

"Manager, you are overthinking. I rescued Zhao Wu because he cannot die yet. I have a surprise next. If he dies, who will I perform for?"



This, this, this


Everyone gave Lu Fei a big look without hesitation.

At this time, Zhao Wu was thinking that he might as well die now.

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