A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 33 Great drink

The appointment of Lu Fei to replace Li Yunhe shocked everyone, and everyone was speculating about the background of this young man who could actually make the decision in Li Yunhe's place.

Xing Shuya raised her head and looked at Lu Fei in disbelief, her mouth slightly open and already a little dull.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Ms. Xing Shuya, please don't doubt it. This is your boss's decision."

Lu Fei said and winked at Li Yunhe. Li Yunhe rolled his eyes at Lu Fei and nodded to Xing Shuya, but in his heart he gritted his teeth with hatred for Lu Fei.

You brat, can you be any more shameless?

Why the hell are you pretending to be a manager when I appoint a manager? ??

Isn’t this a dog meddling in other people’s business?

Xing Shuya looked at Li Yunhe and then at Lu Fei, then suddenly took a step back and waved her hands repeatedly.

"No, no, I, I can't do it!"

Lu Fei took a step forward and said.

"Ms. Xing Shuya, please have some confidence in yourself."

"Zhang Hui is a human being and so are you. If he can do it, why can't you?"

Xing Shuya kept shaking her head. This pie came too suddenly. Although she studied business administration, she had just left school and had no social experience at all. Isn't this a joke?

Suddenly, Lu Fei made a move that shocked everyone's jaws. He directly pinched Xing Shuya's chin and forced her to raise her head.


"What are you going to do?"

Xing Shuya admitted that she had a slight fondness for Lu Fei's domineering attitude, but Xing Shuya could not accept such an intimate gesture no matter what.

Li Yunhe covered his eyes in pain. Lu Fei was so shameless and had no bottom line. He actually touched people in broad daylight. It was so embarrassing to be with him.

Lu Fei did not let go, looked directly into Xing Shuya's eyes and said sternly.

"Please believe in yourself, Ms. Xing Shuya, you will definitely be able to do it. I am optimistic about you."

"As long as you can correct your mentality and never forget your original intention, you will

Must be able to do the job. "

"You have done well before, I hope you can keep it up in the future."

Facing the aggressive Lu Fei, Xing Shuya suddenly felt clear in her mind. Lu Fei's trust greatly encouraged her and strengthened her confidence.

Lu Fei is right. We are all human beings. Why can't we do something that others can do?

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in business administration, and all I lacked was experience. As long as I was conscientious, down-to-earth and eager to learn, this lack would not be a problem at all.

Xing Shuya raised her head high and looked directly at Lu Fei without timidity. There was no trace of resentment in her beautiful eyes. Apart from the mist, she was more determined and grateful to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei released his hand holding Xing Shuya's chin. Lu Fei knew that Xing Shuya's confidence was back.

Xing Shuya nodded confidently and said.

"Thank you sir and boss for your affirmation. I will definitely be able to do a good job as a manager and will never let down your trust in me."

After taking care of Xing Shuya, Lu Fei originally planned to ask Bian Dawei and Cao Lina for an explanation, but unfortunately the couple left early when they noticed something was wrong.

However, Lu Fei had no intention of letting this pair of bastards go. Sooner or later, he would be repaid tenfold or a hundredfold for insulting him in public.

On the way back to the auction hall, Lu Fei handed Li Yunhe a cigarette but he didn't take it, and Li Yunhe ignored him when he talked.

"Hey, are you sick? Why are you having a fit?"

"Don't talk to me, I'm embarrassed." Li Yunhe rolled his eyes and said.

"Damn it, why the hell am I embarrassed?"

"You still have the nerve to say it. If you like a pretty girl, tell me. I have plenty of resources at my disposal."

"You kid actually molested a beautiful girl from a good family in broad daylight. Do you want some Bilian?"

"I bother!"

Lu Fei spat hard.

"I was obviously helping Xing Shuya, but in your eyes it turned out to be teasing. Your thoughts are too dirty. Stay away from me. I think you are embarrassed."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he strode away from Li Yunhe. Now it was Li Yunhe's turn to be confused. He chased Lu Fei for two steps and asked.

"You kid is obviously scornful of Xing Shuya, but you still talk about yourself as a superior person, how can you be more shameless?"

"Get out of here, you know nothing!"

Lu Fei wanted to get rid of Li Yunhe, but the latter stuck to him like a dog-skin plaster and wouldn't let go.

"How did you help her? You must speak clearly today. I, Li Yunhe, will not rub sand in my eyes."

Lu Fei was so beaten up by the plaster that he had no choice but to explain to him.

"Let me ask you, Xing Shuya refused to agree to be the manager at first. Why did she agree as soon as I forced her?"

Li Yunhe replied without hesitation.

"That's because they are forced by your power. If you don't agree, you might have them executed on the spot. It's a wise move to agree to the humiliation for self-protection."

Lu Fei shook his head helplessly. This guy was so obsessed with male thieves and female prostitutes that it was too difficult to explain to him.

"Put away your dirty thoughts. I forced her like that to help her break through barriers and strengthen her confidence."

"What, what do you mean?" Li Yunhe asked confused.

"You were not present at the time, and everyone including your manager Zhang Hui was deceived by Bian Dawei into thinking that I was a thief."

"Only Xing Shuya can stick to her heart and think that I am a good person."

"Being able to stick to your heart under those circumstances is not something that ordinary people can do."

"What do you think this means?"

Li Yunhe scratched his head and replied.

"What else can be explained? Say

Obviously this girl is just a stubborn bitch! "

"I bother!"

"I'll fucking spit toilet water all over your face."

"You, a young Dong from Lingbao Street, have all these things in your head!"

Lu Fei's face turned dark because of Li Yunhe's anger.

"This shows that Xing Shuya has a tiger in her heart but smells the roses carefully. She can stick to her own judgment no matter what the situation."

Li Yunhe rubbed his neck and said in dissatisfaction.

"You said she was so awesome, why didn't she agree to be the manager in the first place?"

Lu Fei waved his hand, and Li Yunhe quickly lit the cigarette for him in tacit agreement.

I don't know since when, Li Yunhe, the top young man in Bianliang City, has begun to voluntarily become Lu Fei's younger brother.

Lu Fei took a breath of cigarette and said.

"That's because Xing Shuya has a demonic obstacle in her heart, which is called inferiority complex."

"If my guess is correct, Xing Shuya's family background should be average or even terrible."

"Excessive low self-esteem made her lose confidence in her abilities, and what I did was to help her break this barrier and regain her confidence."

"In Buddhism, this is called banging, and in Taoism, it's called enlightenment. Do you understand now?"

Li Yunhe blinked his eyes, seeming to have some enlightenment.

"Then according to what you say, this girl is really a talent!"

"Nonsense, once Xing Shuya breaks through this demonic barrier, she will be like a fish in water and achieve great things in the future. You have found a fucking treasure, I tell you."

"Let me tell you, keep an eye on Xing Shuya for me. She is just a transitional person for you. I must take this person away in the future."


"Use my place to help you train your talents. Just go ahead and dream."

"I'm telling you, I will personally pay attention to this person. If you dare to poach me, don't blame my brother for breaking up with you."

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