The next day, Archie began teaching without giving Harry and Hermione much time to react, and taught for several weeks.

Although he was accepted as an apprentice by Ai Qi, Ai Qi is still very busy.

Therefore, Ai Qi didn't plan to teach everything by himself.

The Winterhold branch school has already opened in Meereen, and there are courses specially arranged for beginners. The two children can just go to learn directly.

Ai Qi has long popularized weekends in the territory. After all, weekends can promote business development.

The two study at the college from Monday to Friday, go to Aiqi for a day of tutoring on Saturday, and go home on Sunday.

Hermione's parents have settled down in Meereen, but Harry has no relatives here, so he can't go back to his uncle's house.

So Harry was going back to college on Sunday.

But Hermione's parents are very caring, and the two of them have been in the society for so many years, and they know how to find a future friend for their daughter.

So the couple warmly invited Harry to live in Granger's house every Sunday.

In the West, dentistry is a very lucrative job, and with the big house approved by Ai Qi, it is no problem to find a vacant room for Harry.

The Grangers only paid for a little food and some sincere care, and they gained Harry's gratitude.

After a few weeks, Harry has already regarded the Granger family as his relatives, and the Grangers look at Harry more and more affectionately, especially Mrs. Granger, who is a bit like a mother-in-law looking at a son-in-law. Emotions are inside.

Although it was a bit early, since Hermione began to learn magic, the couple began to worry about Hermione's future.

Judging from the current situation, Hermione's career will definitely flourish in the future, and this has been confirmed since the beginning of Ai Qi's apprenticeship.

But where can I find my uncle in the future?

The people here come into contact with people from other worlds. Although Europeans are open and there are always marriages with foreigners, the Grangers have never heard of marriages across worlds.

Hermione's character is not easy to get along with, as parents know this best.

What if you can't find the object? What should I do if I was bullied by my boyfriend? What should I do if I can't get along with my parents-in-law?

It's hard for Mr. and Mrs. Granger, a western couple who care about the heart of an old Chinese couple.

Fortunately, a gift from heaven, Harry Potter appeared.

Although I don't have a car or a house, my parents are both dead, so I don't have to worry about getting along with relatives in the future.

What's more, the future of the two is very guaranteed. In the eyes of the couple, they are a perfect match.

Can't help but think of matching.

Anyway, the two children who are only ten years old, take your time, the old couple has a lot of patience.

Leaving aside their family, within a month or so, Ai Qi's astrolabe reminded him that he had discovered a new plane.

This time, after Ai Qi shuttled, he arrived at a place called Shire.

After seeing the short, barefoot hobbit, Ai Qi confirmed that this was the world of Middle Earth.

In order to determine the time period, Ai Qi inquired about the current situation of the Baggins family.

Learn that Bilbo Baggins himself has never left the Shire and is enjoying life at his estate.

Apparently, the Hobbit story hasn't begun yet.

After many inquiries, Ai Qi confirmed that the plot should not be far away.

Ai Qi was not in a hurry, he just bought a large amount of land in Shire, built a manor, secretly built a gate to the dimension, and opened up trade.

After communicating the two worlds, they only traded non-technical and non-magic items to sell good things such as silk and porcelain, and secretly installed monitors around Bilbo's house.

Although he arrived early, Ai Qi did not act rashly, but went back to continue teaching Harry and Hermione, and ordered that if the traces of the dwarves were photographed,

Immediately to notify.

Aiqi has no intention of occupying Middle-earth at all, because the water in Middle-earth is too deep. First of all, for Aiqi now, Valinor is completely inaccessible.

Middle-earth also has a great suppression of high-dimensional creatures. Fortunately, the impact on Ai Qi is not very great.

Although Ai Qi has unpredictable spells, his level of life is not high, not even a demigod, and there is no such thing as an immortal fire in his body.

From the perspective of life, Ai Qi is just an ordinary person.

If the vampire or werewolf template is turned on, the level of life has not improved, it is just a different species. The powerful ability is not an extraordinary species, so it is basically not suppressed by Middle Earth.

Therefore, Ai Qi looked down on the wizards here very much.

With super high mana, even if suppressed, the blue bar is extremely high.

For thousands of years, they didn't study spellcasting skills at all, and they still cast spells in the way of Valinor. As a result, they were so weak that they embarrassed the mage.

The big boss Ai Qi in it is also very despised.

For such a powerful guy to act like a berserker, the most ridiculous thing is that he poured most of his power into a ring.

Mage does not reject the use of foreign objects, but pays more attention to strengthening oneself, and has never heard of weakening oneself to strengthen foreign objects.

It's okay to strengthen external objects, as long as you feel that you have improved your strength, it's fine.

But since the ring is so important, at least add a location search function.

People cut off their fingers when they went into battle, and then they were abolished.

The ring has been lost for thousands of years, and there is no way to get it back.

Are you really worthy of the title of Lord of the Rings?

Although he looked down on this group of people, Ai Qi was still very self-aware.

There are still a lot of Vera and the like in the west, which are difficult to deal with, let alone Iluvita, the creator god.

However, Iluvita, the creation god, is also weak enough. Although he is really powerful in the creation of the world, Akatosh, the dragon god of time, is one of the creation gods when Ai Qi cooperated. Iluvita's creation is really Very awesome.

But the management and ability are just fine.

In the history of Middle-earth, the great creator gods were afraid of the Numenor Empire created by humans, and even destroyed the Numenor Empire at their own expense. Ai Qi will not comment.

In short, Ai Qi doesn't intend to mess with these existences, at least not for the time being.

But this does not delay Ai Qi's layout.

Ai Qi made arrangements while teaching disciples, managing the country, and researching magic.

After two months, the two disciples had a solid foundation, and Ai Qi also confirmed that Harry would not be abducted by others, so Ai Qi began to gradually get in touch with some of Harry's network.

Through Harry's network, if you want to subdue it, start with Snape

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