A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Assistant

The wizard gathering area in the distance has now become quiet after a period of commotion. Many wizards raised their wands to illuminate the area, looking for traces of the arsonist. From a distance, the fluorescent lights look like stars falling onto the dark earth.

At this time, Owen, the vicious arsonist, was sitting on a rock on the hillside in the distance, checking the contents of his suitcase with an indifferent expression. The specialties brought out from the Nightmare Forest were consumed in pieces, and some of his own sundries were also thrown into the fierce fire.

But what he cares about now is not this loss, but the change in his own character. The feedback brought about by another abuse of black magic and killing has achieved some kind of qualitative change this time. It seems that a spring of malice has opened up in his heart, and evil and desire are spreading and growing wantonly, making him While he became more and more indifferent to life and beauty, there seemed to be a seductive voice whispering to him all the time, tempting him to vent his desires as he pleased, letting him completely fall into the embrace of darkness, accept the truest self, and embrace Freedom and new life.

Owen shook his head in a daze and closed the lid of the suitcase with a snap. The sudden sound in the silence made him sober up. The solution to the side effects of black magic has not yet been completed, but the situation has become urgent. He feels that he is slowly sliding towards the abyss, becoming less and less like his original self.

Black magic is undoubtedly a magic that is easy to achieve quickly. Many powerful black magics are unexpectedly simple and do not even require the wizard's talent. The most important thing is nothing but malice from the heart. The stronger the malice, the more people it hurts, and the greater its power. No wonder so many wizards are crazy and addicted to it.

Black magic represents plunder, perhaps it draws strength from the pain of others, like a monster that spreads despair and pain wantonly, and absorbs nutrients to thrive.

This time, Owen clearly felt that the power of the Black Demon Guard had become stronger, the killing speed was faster, and the movements were quicker. Moreover, he didn't know why, but he felt that his mental strength had suddenly increased a little just now, which seemed to be the wonderful impact of qualitative change.

After Owen's continuous training with Ravenclaw's mental training methods in the past few months, coupled with a small wave of improvement just now, he feels that his magic power should now exceed that of most adult wizards, at least to a certain extent. Some elite wizards.

"We have to seize the time." Owen slowly lowered his eyes, resting one hand naturally on the suitcase and tapping his fingers lightly on it. He glanced at Natasha who was staring blankly at the night sky again. This woman, who looked to be no more than twenty years old, had a tired and vicissitudes of life look on her face, and her long crimson hair was hanging weakly behind her head.

After successfully taking revenge, Natasha had lost all goals. It seemed that she had no motivation to live anymore, and her whole person seemed to have no energy.

"What are you planning to do in the future?" Owen asked softly, the boy's clear voice now slightly hoarse. He took out the things he got from the last dark wizard he killed. After checking the other person's belongings and throwing them aside, he opened the black cloth bag and rummaged through it.

"I don't know." Natasha said blankly after a long while, "Go and kill that information dealer first, and then I'll go back to Knockturn Alley. At least there's... a place to live there."

Owen said nothing, a smile slowly appeared on his lips. The cloth bag in his hand looks small, but it is actually cast with a traceless stretching spell. Although most of the items stored in it are disdainful to him, there are a few things worth paying attention to.

For example, a silver-white leaf-shaped amulet. Owen found several similar fragments among the debris on the man's body. This amulet can block the black devil guard for a moment, perhaps involving the realm of the soul.

Another example is an ancient book that was preserved in a precious place. Owen took out the book and flipped through it. The cover was dark black with complex and mysterious red patterns painted on it. The title of the book was "The Book of Secrets" . The title page is completely red, as if it was smeared with blood, and a name is written in the lower right corner: Meral. The yellowed pages at the back are all empty, without any patterns or text.

At this time, Natasha suddenly asked in disbelief: "Why is this book here with you?"

"I found it here, what's the problem?" Owen glanced at her and shook the bag in his hand, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"This book... is the treasure my father stole!" Natasha's crimson eyes flashed violently, her expression angry and sad. "I heard those people say... the name is the Book of Secrets. This book How could it be in the hands of that person? The leader of the organization, Trev, didn’t even know?"

"Who told you that Trev is the leader of the Black Spirit Organization?" Owen asked with a calm face. Without waiting for Natasha to answer, he said leisurely: "How can a leader of the dark forces wear conspicuous clothes and show off? Go around talking about his identity? Trev is just a stand-in at best."

"I think the man I killed is the real leader of the Black Spirit Organization. He has been standing at the back of the crowd and looks inconspicuous, but whenever Trev says something, he will instinctively look at In the past, the surrounding dark wizards often set their sights there, but did not have much respect for Trev..."

"Such an obvious problem can be discovered if you observe more." Owen glanced at the other party helplessly, feeling that this woman was indeed a bit stupid, or in other words, careless and single-minded.

Natasha's fair cheeks turned red at this time, and she stammered: "I...I just didn't think about it..." After saying that, her expression became gloomy again, and she Only then did he realize that he had no enemy at all.

Owen also allowed her to doubt life, and took out several notebooks and parchments from the cloth bag, opening them one by one and looking at them. There are rows of names written on the parchment, and many names have been crossed out. It seems to be a list of members of the Black Spirit Organization. He tossed the parchment to Natasha and left her to figure it out.

Several notebooks contain research notes on black magic, memos on important matters, and a very scrawled diary. Owen turned to the last pages of the diary and found a description of the "Book of Secrets."

"...This ancient ruins have been developed for more than a year, and many people have gotten in during the process. It seems that the owner of the ruins is very good at cursing black magic. Although he kills people without mercy at all, the things left behind are indeed genuine. , very precious..."

""Book of Secrets", the most precious collection of the owner of the ruins is actually a book? Its greatest ability is to keep secrets. Just write the secrets that need to be kept on the title page, and let others write their names on the back of the paper. , they cannot reveal this secret in any way... This oath of confidentiality is very binding, but it is not very useful..."

"Wait, the name on the title page, Meral? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere..."

"The book was snatched away by old Valente. I knew he had bad intentions in joining the organization..."

"After half a year, I finally succeeded in intercepting old Valente. This old guy is really good at hiding. I got the "Book of Secrets", but no one knows its true function! This book can only belong to me. No one can know! I have to recite the Imperius Curse to old Valente, and then let him die on his own..."

"The name of Meral is recorded in the ancient manuscripts. She was a genius who was ahead of her time in curse magic! And her most famous feat was to create a book of curses and secretly used it to control most of the people at that time. The black witch organization and make them obey her orders!"

"The "Book of Secrets" should be called "The Book of Curses of Meral"! The oath of keeping secrets on it is not important. It is actually an extremely powerful curse medium. As long as someone writes their name on it, they will have The person who reads this book can curse that person anytime, anywhere, even if he goes to the ends of the world!"

"With it, I can also achieve Meral's feats. As long as I keep a low profile, I can become the king of darkness!"

Owen closed the diary in his hand with a "snap" and whispered in a joking tone: "There is no hope for the king of darkness. I have already obtained the hell pass."

It's not exciting at all to think about accidentally killing the "King" of a dark world.

Owen tossed the ancient book in his hand casually. This book was actually of little use to him. Threatening others with curses is the stupidest way after all. If Owen wants to develop any power, he can rely on his own methods and charm to develop a group of loyal subordinates. As a magician, he always has a way to make himself more popular. People are sought after. Therefore, this book is of some use to him in terms of his ability to keep secrets, and it is very suitable for letting a group of people keep secrets on a large scale.

"Natasha, do you want this book?" Owen looked at the woman who was looking blankly at the list in her hand.

Natasha glanced at the book in Owen's hand with complicated eyes, and shook her head without hesitation: "No, it will remind me of those bad memories. Since you got it, it's yours."

"Since you don't know what you're going to do in the future, do you want to do something for me?" Owen put the book into his suitcase with a smile, and said in a brisk and soft tone, "I'll pay you."

Natasha looked at him with her bright crimson eyes, and nodded with a very serious expression: "I owe you my life, and today you helped me avenge myself. You can make me do anything, even if you ask me My life is fine..." She paused and then added seriously: "So, I don't need a salary."

She stared intensely into Owen's dark eyes, her expression resolute to the point of piety. She was truly grateful to Owen, even if he didn't mean to help her. She has not known many people in her life, and has never accepted help from others. However, she must repay kindness. This is what she read in the book, and she believes it to be the truth.

The child in front of him has shown extraordinary attainments in black magic at a young age, and he will definitely be a great guy in the future. Natasha didn't know how long the child could persist under the influence of black magic, or whether she would become as crazy and cruel as her father. Helping him was obviously not a good way out, and was destined to be accompanied by darkness and danger, but Natasha never expected to live a normal life.

She is a dark wizard, impoverished, precarious, and destined not to be accepted by anyone under the sun. Even if she didn't follow Owen, she might die in a sudden accident or attack at some point, dying alone in an unknown corner. That was the common outcome for almost all dark wizards without power and backing.

"How can you make people work for free? That's exploitation. It's no use even if I want to kill you." Owen blinked and added humorously, "And I'm not short of money."

He put his hand on his chin and looked at the serious woman in front of him, and said with a dumb smile: "I don't know what you are thinking about. In fact, I don't have anything I want you to do now. I just habitually prepare early and have a backup plan." That's all... I can still afford to support a free man."

He just does it casually, does something as soon as he thinks of it, and says something as soon as he thinks of it. This can be regarded as his attitude towards life.

"Perhaps one day, as a magician..." Owen paused and continued with a pleasant voice, "I am also a fraudster and I will need an assistant. I hope you won't refuse me then."

"After all, there are many performances, and it is difficult for one person to complete them." He said quietly.

"Of course I won't refuse, so what do you want me to do now?" Natasha moved a little uneasily, "I can't just be an idler and accept your kindness with peace of mind."

"Well, what are you good at?" Owen looked at her thoughtfully.

"Tracking, assassination, torture, and theft." Natasha thought carefully for a long time and answered with a straight posture as if facing an interviewer.

"Well, besides that, do you have any normal advantages or hobbies?" Owen's eyebrows twitched.

"I know some black magic transformation experiments that I learned from my father, have mastered some black magic spells, and have experience in cooperating with experiments..." Natasha thought hard about what she knew, and watched the rejection on Owen's face become more and more obvious. The feeling became stronger and stronger, and he began to speak in a panic: "I am good at housework and like reading..."

"That's right. Why don't you try to open a bookstore?" Owen clapped his hands and suggested casually.

"Ah?" Natasha's expression became confused, and her eyes looked like a confused puppy.

"Since you are familiar with Knockturn Alley, you can open a bookstore there." Owen's somewhat depressed mood became lighter, and even the restless evil thoughts in his heart seemed to fade away, "I The pocket money saved every year is enough to invest in several shops in Knockturn Alley, which can be used as a secret base."

"Oh." Natasha didn't know what to say, so in the end she just gave her own generic answer.

Owen tilted his head with a smile, and suddenly stretched out his right hand toward the other person's grayish cheek, then put his fingers together and pinched lightly, and a white rose appeared out of thin air in his palm.

"There are still many interesting things in this world. Don't always hold yourself back. You are still young and there are so many new and interesting things to try." He put the roses in Natasha's messy hair. , with a gentle and friendly tone, "Look, it looks even more beautiful this way."

"It's time to move on from the unfortunate past. You are free, Natasha. You should think more about yourself and live for yourself. A beautiful girl like you will definitely be very popular." Owen smiled brightly. explain.

Natasha stared at him blankly, a little water seemed to flash in her crimson eyes. No one has ever said such words to her. No one except her brother who relies on her will truly consider her. The world has never been gentle to her.

She looked at the boy with an elegant and gentle smile in front of her, and suddenly felt that this was good. She didn't know what the future would bring, but at least she had hope.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet." Only then did she think of this question.

"Owen, Owen Shafiq." Owen shook his feet casually, "You can call me Owen."

"Shafiq?" Natasha's eyes widened and she asked cautiously, "The Shafiq family of the twenty-eight pure-blood families?"

Seeing Owen nodding casually in response, Natasha shook her head in disbelief. For the first time, she doubted the reality of this world.

In her eyes, a family with such power and wealth has always been superior. She couldn't understand why a member of a big family like Owen would sneak into the wizarding black market alone and put himself in such a dangerous situation. She couldn't understand why the adults in his family were so generous in teaching their children so many dangerous black magic.

"Then...you haven't gone to school yet?" she asked tentatively.

"I'm in my first year at Hogwarts, and it's during the holidays." Owen said innocently.

The two looked at each other, and after a long time, Natasha said: "Then the traces on your body..." If detected, they would have no choice but to flee.

"It's solved." Owen blinked.

Next, the two of them chatted in a harmonious atmosphere, mainly Owen was teasing, while Natasha, who was a bit slow in dealing with others, was completely oblivious and serious. It wasn't until dawn that they walked towards the wizard gathering area in the distance.

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