A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 74 The Ghosts’ Carnival Night

As the night progresses, there are fewer and fewer students in the common room. The lake outside the window is reflected in dark green by the lights, as if it is connected to a dark and mysterious realm.

Owen squinted and curled up on the chair closest to the fireplace to warm himself by the fire. Melete lay on his lap holding her paws and snoring, her golden eyes narrowed into thin slits, reflecting the light of the flames. Both the man and the cat were motionless, their expressions and temperaments were exactly the same.

Although he looked sleepy and lazy, Owen was actually immersed in the space facing the wall, leaning over the desk and writing furiously. Just like Melete seemed to be concentrating with her eyes closed, but what she was actually thinking was: Owen hasn't fed me for ten minutes, and I will starve to death in one more second...

Owen was just minding his own business writing, drawing, and making corrections in his notebook. The white pages were filled with beautiful fonts of all sizes, but they were all messed up. There were also many sketches and drawings beside them. Remark.

After the experience of learning the Unforgivable Curse, he deeply understood that he could no longer continue to learn black magic, at least not until he found a way to solve the side effects. In this case, he must send away the annoying and malicious Voldemort as soon as possible.

Owen wrote the last few strokes on the page, then stretched, straightened his back and carefully reviewed the action plan he had made, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Although the oath requires me to help you, the method of help must be decided by me." He whispered with a playful expression, "Halloween is the best opportunity. I only need to indirectly influence the actions of some people to achieve my goal. ."

Designing a series of unexpected chains to lead to the already chosen ending has always been something Irving is good at.

I'll kill you before Halloween and raise your ashes, I said so!

"Ha... everything will be fine!" Owen yawned.

On Saturday night, after a quick dinner, Owen went back to his dormitory and changed into a jet black dress robe. The overall shape of the robe is similar to a tuxedo, with silver texture embellishments on the edges, making it look low-key and restrained yet elegant.

While adjusting his clothes, Owen looked at himself in the mirror. The slim-fitting dress made him look more solemn and deep. His complexion was pale but not sickly, his cheeks were young but handsome and delicate, and his dark eyes were calm and deep. His short, pitch-black hair lay softly next to his ears, making him look a little more well-behaved and harmless.

Owen put on a black cloak with silver edges and smiled at himself in the mirror. The expression of the person in the mirror suddenly became vivid, looking confident and free and easy.

When he walked out of the dormitory, a group of young wizards looked at him in surprise: "What is this?"

"Ah, I'm going to a party. Do you want to come with me?" Owen's smile was mysterious and seductive.

"Owen, we've just finished confinement..." Harry groaned.

"I have informed Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall," Owen said leisurely, "Of course, not including you... But, there is an unprecedented event at Hogwarts tonight."

How could a child of this age withstand such temptation? In the blink of an eye, the violation of school rules was forgotten. Blaise, who likes novel things, immediately raised his hand to participate. Then Draco called Harry, Daphne called Pansy, and a few other little wizards who joined in the fun, and the group started a noisy discussion. .

"You don't actually need to wear a dress. Oh, by the way, remember to wear something thicker." Owen reminded. After waiting for a moment, he led a series of little wizards through the late night corridor.

Along the way, you can see the silver-white figures of ghosts flying lightly everywhere. Most of them are strange ghosts from all over the country. They are obviously in a good mood and have no intention of talking to the little wizards. They hurried to the gathering place. The ghosts of Hogwarts looked happy and greeted Owen warmly when they saw him.

The party was held in a huge underground conference room. The closer to the party venue, the colder the surrounding temperature became, and even the exhaled air condensed into white mist. The small candles on both sides of the corridor were dark and exuded a slightly stinky smell. The candlelight was a cold blue, which reflected the surrounding environment and people's faces in an eerie and eerie way.

"This, this, this..." Draco, who didn't listen to Owen's advice, had his teeth chattering. He shivered and tightened his thin robe tightly, staring at him.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Owen walked backwards facing the crowd, opened his arms somewhat exaggeratedly, and said with a bright smile: "Welcome to the gathering of ghosts!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of harsh and unpleasant music came from afar, like countless nails scratching the blackboard, which made people sound sour.

"Owen, I believed you!" Draco rolled his eyes wildly and stretched out his hand to tug on Goyle's thick cloak.

"Isn't this very interesting?" Blaise's eyes lit up, and most of the others nodded in agreement. They had never seen a gathering of ghosts.

"You'll regret it..." Draco said sadly.

"Oh! Hi, Owen, you're here!" Nearly Headless Nick waved enthusiastically at the door of the conference room. Next to him stood the fat monk of Hufflepuff. Two kind ghosts were jointly responsible for welcoming guests at the door. . As for Ms. Gray and Bloody Barrow... they don't look like they will entertain people well at first glance.

"Good evening, Sir Nicholas, Friar." Owen waved.

"You don't know, at least seven hundred people have come, and many more are coming continuously." Nick made an invitation gesture, "No ghost can refuse such a grand event!"

"I think there are nine hundred." The fat monk also smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyebrows, and said to the little wizards brought by Owen, "Oh, there are many children here too? Welcome, I hope you will be here tonight Have a good time."

Owen led everyone into the conference room, which had been decorated into a gloomy and gorgeous venue, and hundreds of ghosts were not crowded in this room at all. On a stage covered with a black velvet curtain, a ghost band is playing a musical saw, making that creepy sound. Ghosts wandered around the huge dance floor, chatting happily.

The conference room was decorated everywhere. There was a soft black carpet under the feet. Countless candles with blue flames were inserted into the surrounding chandeliers and candlesticks. The long dining table at the other end was filled with rotten and moldy food, exuding an odor of rotten and moldy food. A bad smell.

The group of people stepped into this place belonging to ghosts and death, as if they were sinking into an icy lake. Everyone tightened their tight clothes in unison.

"Brilliant yet silent, lively yet decaying, this is such an unforgettable scene! Everything is good, right?" Owen sighed with a smile, "Except for the music and food."

"Great!" Blaise raised his eyebrows at him, and then enthusiastically got into the pile of ghosts like a wild horse running wild, and quickly became involved with the ghosts.

"Sir Barrow, good evening." Owen said hello to the gloomy bloody Barrow, then waved goodbye to his friends for the time being, and went to catch up with his ghost friends.

The remaining little wizards were curious but at a loss, trembling like a group of little sheep that had strayed into a pack of wolves. Yeah, it's frozen.

Owen was already chatting with Ms. Green who was wandering alone in the corner. This proud ghost was wearing a luxurious court dress and floating in the corner with an indifferent expression. Her silver-white beautiful face was calm and indifferent, and she was indifferent. The lively party was out of place.

"Ms. Gray, you don't like this kind of party?" Owen said.

Ms. Gray glanced at him and said in a less than enthusiastic tone: "I like it." It didn't sound ordinary perfunctory.

"Okay..." Owen patted his forehead. Moaning Myrtle floated over with a shy look on her face and invited him to the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

"I will visit if I have time." Owen said sincerely, seeing two opaque milky white masses appearing on the other person's silvery cheeks.

Then he looked at the time and said with a smile: "The time is coming, I'll go there first."

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