A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 60 Problem

[The connection point collection interface has been recycled...]

[Connection points +17]

[The collection mechanism has been upgraded, and the connection point can be used to use the collection interface, which consumes 3 connection points/time. 】

Owen was lying on the bed, and as soon as his mind entered the space facing the wall, he saw a few more lines of writing.

"Oh, there are so many connection points this time? Is it because more people are affected?" He looked at an extra white fax machine in the corner of the space facing the wall, "But what exactly are connection points? Why did the fax machine answer Can we collect other people’s problems? There used to be so many different things that happened around me every year, why can I get connections?”

"What does the connection point... mean?" Owen waved his wand, and the quill automatically wrote down this question in his notebook that he could not explore yet.

"Can I use the Mantra Fax Machine once with 3 connection points? It seems useless. Its weaknesses are obvious, and I don't have any urgent questions that I want to answer." Even if there are questions, Owen prefers to find the answers himself.

Standing in front of the mantra fax machine, Owen curiously tinkered with this gadget that had brought him a lot of trouble. He was a little surprised when he turned out several pages of paper in the fax machine, with questions printed on them.

"what do you?"

"What's the Transfiguration test this week?"

"What would Linda say if I confessed my love to her?"


The questions were neatly arranged, but there were no answers written underneath. Owen tried casually typing one of the questions on the fax machine screen, and unexpectedly received a response from Wall Space:

[Getting the answer to one of the questions requires 1 connection point. 】

"Tsk." Owen touched his chin and withdrew his hand with interest, "Interesting, a bit interesting."

In fact, he doesn't need to know the answers to these questions at all. Just seeing what questions others have asked is already very good information.

"I didn't expect such a good thing to happen. If I had known, I wouldn't have recycled it so early..." Owen thought a little greedily, then laughed and shook his head. The fax machine causes a lot of trouble, and leaving it alone is a disaster.

"Okay, let me see what questions you all asked?" He called a chair, crossed his legs and sat upright next to the fax machine, flipping through the questions on the paper page by page.

Most of the questions asked by the little wizards are very simple, such as classroom test questions and exam questions, questions about boys and girls they have a crush on, secret passages and secret rooms in school, and many wild questions.

However, Irving also found several issues that he was very concerned about.

For example, Harry asked him what special abilities he had, and Owen discovered that another person had asked the same question.

"Did Dumbledore or Voldemort ask the other question?" Owen took stock of the people he thought were most likely to be interested in this question and couldn't help laughing, "If it was really them who asked it... …It’s hard to imagine them investigating what the ‘protagonist halo’ is with a serious look on their faces…”

A picture emerged in his mind. Dumbledore or Voldemort were observing Harry Potter with a solemn expression, trying to find traces of the terrifying magic power of the protagonist's halo on him, and seriously thinking about ways to use it or how to use it. Thinking about the precautionary plan makes my brain boil...

Owen burst out laughing, then put a fist into his lips and coughed lightly, and continued to look down with a smile in his eyes.

Then, his smile suddenly disappeared.

He saw two questions on the same line on the white paper. According to his guess, these questions that did not start on a new line should be asked by the same person, but the previous question did not get an answer.

"Can the dead really be resurrected?" This was the first question this person asked, but he got no answer. No one really knows about the resurrection, and no one can answer it, so the truth fax machine can't answer it either.

So the man asked the second question: "How to kill Voldemort completely?"

Owen pondered with a solemn expression: "Isn't this a problem with Dumbledore or Snape? Well, it's most likely Professor Snape..."

Judging from the first question, a really smart person should never ask this, because such a question will only get a "yes" or "no" answer. If Owen wanted to resurrect someone, his question would surely be: What is the true way to resurrect the dead? In other words, where can the method of resurrection from the dead be obtained?

But the person who asked the question made the stupidest choice and simply threw away the question after not getting an answer. There are two possibilities. One is that this person is a pure fool, and the other is that his heart is very confused. He wants to resurrect someone but is conflicted, painful, and avoiding in his heart.

Judging from the second question, this person should hate Voldemort and want to kill him completely. If it were Dumbledore, he would most likely not ask this question. The only person Owen could think of who met the qualifications in Hogwarts was Snape.

"So, what answer did he get?" Owen tapped the casing of the fax machine with his fingers, lost in thought amidst the regular "dong dong" sound.

"Or, if I were asked this question, what would be the first thought that comes to mind?" According to Owen's previous analysis, Occlumency is likely to be the weakness of the truth fax machine. The answer to this question is big. Probabilities were not extracted from Voldemort's head. Judging from the time period when this question was asked, Owen had indeed not mastered Occlumency at that time.

Owen pondered his thoughts, but the more complicated he thought about it, the harder it became to analyze what his first thought would be.

"Forget it, it consumes a connection point. I want its answer." Owen pursed his lips and pressed the question on the fax machine.

A piece of white paper flew out lightly and was caught in his hand. There was a line of writing printed on it: Voldemort made several important items into Horcruxes and hid them in several places that had special significance to him. He wanted to To kill him completely, his seven Horcruxes must be destroyed first.

Looking at this answer, Owen didn't care about maintaining his demeanor, slapped himself on the forehead, and then rolled his eyes.

Come on, this is a spoiler from himself, 100 percent of it. This answer seems to be the most basic common sense to those who are familiar with the plot, but it is wrong at this time!

Voldemort now doesn't have seven Horcruxes at all! Even counting the half-horcrux Harry Potter that he accidentally created, he only has six now. The seventh horcrux, Nagini Orochi, has not been created yet.

Owen thoughtfully played with the wand in his hand, letting it move flexibly between his fingers and on the back of his hand. In the end, he just smiled in amusement: "The plot is going to get completely out of control."

If Dumbledore knew about this, the most likely and worst-case scenario is that Dumbledore would die prematurely.

"Wait a minute, Dumbledore is wearing gloves tonight! Could he have been hit?" Owen's eyes narrowed. Put yourself in his shoes, if he were Dumbledore, after learning this information, he would definitely check whether it was true or not.

The few places that have special significance to Voldemort are Hogwarts, the orphanage, and the Gaunt family where his mother was born... Hogwarts is too complicated and mysterious, and few people know about the situation at the orphanage. Therefore, the easiest place to investigate must be the old Gaunt house.

So, just like what he did in the original work, he would first choose to go to Gaunt's old house to find out what was going on, and then he would find the resurrection stone ring, and he couldn't resist the temptation to put it on... and finally the dog belt!

"I think Dumbledore is going to die." Owen thought about what he could do, and then he was speechless and happy to find that he could not prevent the future collapse.

Regardless of whether Dumbledore has been tricked now, if Owen rushes to tell him Voldemort's secrets recklessly, it may irritate the other party's sensitive nerves, and then be forced to reveal more secrets. It would also be a big deal if he chooses to be reminded anonymously. The probability will be easily found out... Moreover, the key to the problem is not whether Irving wants to tell him, but whether he can tell him.

Owen glanced at the back of his left hand, waved the wand in his hand gently, and a dark, mutated "V" character quietly emerged, exuding an inexplicable evil and terrifying aura. This is his oath.

I don't know if it was already destined, but this oath had a specific content: he promised not to tell or even remind others in any way what he knew about Quirrell and Voldemort.

The information Owen knew about Voldemort's Horcruxes was also inadvertently included.

"Ha, the future is getting interesting." Owen moved his fingers and thought calmly. In fact, for him, a future full of surprises and uncertainties makes him yearn for more than a fixed future with an already known ending. In his heart, he longs for chaos, disorder and unknown adventures.

"Tsk, tsk, I am really a guy who is afraid of chaos in the world." Owen said quietly, and then rubbed his lips playfully with his fingers, "Hey, if it is really the question asked by Snape that caused Dumbledore's early death, then Voldemort has to give him an award for the best contribution to a Death Eater."

He continued to look down with a half-smile, and then discovered another more interesting question: "Where is the secret room left by Ravenclaw?"

Most importantly, there is an answer to this question.

Owen decisively consumed a connection point again and got the answer from the fax machine: Room of Requirement, eighth floor, Hogwarts Castle.

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