A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 50 Black Magic and White Magic

According to the classification of magic by wizards, the Patronus Charm is undoubtedly a white magic, or the kind of white magic with very strict requirements. This is an ancient and profound magic that is notoriously difficult to perform.

It requires the wizard to concentrate on recalling the happiest things in his heart. The shape of the patron saint summoned is a symbol of the wizard's heart, representing hope, happiness and the desire to live. It is a positive force that can be used to resist and expel dementors. and the crocodile bat.

However, as an absolutely bright white magic, the Patronus Charm cannot be mastered by those dark wizards whose hearts and souls have been corrupted by black magic. Forcible use may even cause terrible backlash.

There are not many wizards in this world who know how to use the Patronus Charm, but the man opposite Owen can never use it, and he doesn't even bother to use it.

So what does Voldemort mean? It can't be just to entertain him, right?

"Professor, I just mentioned it casually at the time. This spell does not fall within the scope of the oath." Owen said calmly.

"I think starting with the Patronus Charm is a good choice," Voldemort said lazily.

"Since this is your opinion..." Owen pretended to be attentive to the lecture.

"You should know what the difference is between black magic, white magic and ordinary magic, right?" Voldemort looked at him indifferently.

"It lies in the use of emotions." Owen nodded and said in a calm tone.

"General magic, from the most basic lighting spells to advanced armor spells, phantom spells, etc., do not require wizards to mobilize their own emotions and feelings. As long as you master the basic principles and methods of casting spells, you can pass them. Practice to understand and master them.”

"But black and white magic is different. They require the wizard's emotions as the basic driving force. They are not necessarily profound, but their upper limit is higher than ordinary magic. The difference between the two is that to perform black magic requires malice from the heart and hope. The emotion of hurting others and hoping to cause pain. White magic needs positive emotions, the emotion of wanting to save and protect others."

Owen looked into Voldemort's eyes and spoke slowly and clearly.

"Continue." Voldemort said calmly.

Isn't this enough? Owen frowned inwardly and continued: "Black magic is better at attacking and cursing, and is mostly used to hurt, control, and kill. White magic is not good at fighting, and is usually used to protect, heal, and bless others. Therefore, those who specialize in white magic Wizards of magic are mostly healers or potions masters.”

He paused, considered his words and said: "At the same time, unlike ordinary spells, black and white magic that requires the participation of subjective emotions has a great impact on wizards. Wizards who are immersed in black magic will become more... …with malevolence, wizards who specialize in white magic will become more compassionate. But in comparison, white magic has a much smaller impact on wizards.”

This is easy to understand. When a person is immersed in malice or kindness towards others for a long time, the person's own personality and behavior will inevitably change subtly.

Take black magic as an example. If a person has jealousy, resentment or even murderous intention towards an enemy, this is human nature. But if he has these malice towards anyone, then he is abnormal or evil. The release of black magic requires the wizard to have evil thoughts towards the other person from the heart. If a normal person has such dark thoughts for a long time, it will be abnormal.

It is precisely because of this that Owen is unwilling to come into contact with black magic at this time.

"Similarly, black magic and white magic are mutually exclusive and are two extremes. It is impossible for a wizard to achieve profound achievements in these two fields at the same time, because they themselves will create fierce conflicts." Owen continued.

In the early stages of studying black magic, you may be able to avoid falling into darkness by learning white magic such as the Patronus Charm. However, when you study to a higher level, the two will only increase and decrease, conflict and offset each other, so that Neither can achieve much.

After finishing speaking, Owen glanced at Voldemort. Is it a bit wrong to talk to the Dark Lord about the side effects of dark magic? Never mind, Irving treated it as a serious subject.

"Follow the script." Voldemort commented concisely and concisely.

"It's just the self-righteous gossip of some ignorant people." He suddenly smiled coldly and his voice became colder. "For real people with lofty ideals, everyone knows their problems, but no one will reject them. . Because they represent the pinnacle of magic, and this is the only way to reach the ultimate achievement."

"Black magic represents plundering, and white magic represents giving. It's that simple. Smart people will choose to plunder, because it is powerful and comprehensive, unpredictable, indestructible, and plunders foreign objects to complete themselves. Only fools will choose to give, Let yourself gradually become pedantic and cowardly, and finally lose the courage to resist the cruelty..."

Owen touched his chin thoughtfully and looked at them directly, putting aside the subjective emotions of the narrator: "Do you choose to be different because you pursue differences?"

"Throughout the ages, none of the wizards who have truly stood at the pinnacle are proficient in black magic." Voldemort looked at the closed window with a sarcastic expression, "Even Dumbledore, who claims to be the defender of justice, is the same. We cannot be exempt from vulgarity...Essentially, we are no different..."

Owen pursed his lips. He had already guessed this, but he always felt that something was not right.

"Of course, there is a difference, that is, Dumbledore was so cowardly that he mastered the secret of black magic, but never dared to use it." He looked at Owen deeply, his expression became mysterious, " Few people know that black magic has a wonderful characteristic. When you use it on people or intelligent creatures, you will get a wonderful feedback in the pain, fear and death of the other party. It will make you and black magic The magic will be more consistent, which will also make your black magic power more powerful..."

"The more powerful it is, the more it is used, and the more it is used, the more powerful it becomes. This is the magical charm of black magic that makes people unable to stop, and it is also the reason why it affects the user." Voldemort said softly in a seductive tone, "What's wrong with pursuing great power? I know you are also pursuing it, Owen Shafiq, and I can feel your ambition. It's just that you are very clear-headed and can rationally distinguish what is good and what is bad..."

"But your narrow knowledge has hindered your development. The opinions in those books will only interfere with your judgment. In fact, magic is not good or bad, it only depends on the wizard's choice."

"I know that your doubts are nothing more than being misled by the shallow and ignorant concepts in the book, and you are afraid that contact with unknown areas will bring changes to you. But what you don't know is that whether to change yourself only depends on the wizard's own will, and Not magic per se.”

Voldemort's voice was soft and had a hissing ending, which was very inciting and charming: "The first step to becoming a powerful wizard is to welcome the unknown, rather than escaping like a coward. Owen, you already have this qualification, why not What about trying it?"

Facing the other party's eyes that seemed to be able to see through the soul, Owen swallowed, feeling that this was a temptation from the devil. He pinched the palm of his hand hard with his nails and quickly suppressed the inexplicable desire in his heart.

If he was really an eleven-year-old wizard, he would probably be convinced and looking forward to it by now. But Owen had more than 20 years of experience in his previous life. Although he couldn't find the loopholes in Voldemort's words, he always felt that the other person was like those criminals who lured people to take drugs in his previous life. He told you that it doesn't matter if you try, as long as you are strong-willed. It's fine……

Wow, this sense of déjà vu is so strong! Owen resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Voldemort stared at him deeply for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Now that you have understood the difference between black and white magic and ordinary magic, it is time to return to the issue of the Patronus Charm."

If you end the previous topic suddenly and indifferently, most people will definitely feel uneasy at this time, worrying about whether they have disappointed or annoyed the other person. But Owen, instead, followed the stick and dropped the previous topic lightly, saying seriously: "I'm looking forward to it, Professor."

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